Contact details: Ludo.Hennebel@ Phone number +33695883769

1. Family name: HENNEBEL

2. First name: LUDOVIC

3. Date of birth: 08/09/1973

4. Nationality: BELGIUM

5. Place of residence: FRANCE / BELGIUM

6. Education (most recent first):

|Institution (date from - to) |Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: |

|Law School, Brussels University, Belgium, |PhD in international law |

|2005 | |

|International Institute of Human Rights, |Diploma in international human rights law (top of the class) |

|Strasbourg, France, 2001 | |

|Belgian Development Agency, Ministry of |Development cooperation certificate, Training on International Cooperation North-South |

|Foreign Affairs, 1999 |Relations |

|University of Leicester, United Kingdom, |LL.M in human rights |

|1999 | |

|Law School, Brussels University, Belgium, |MA & BA in Law |

|1998 | |

7. Language Skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 excellent - 5 basic)

|Language |Reading |Speaking |Writing |

|French |Native |Native |Native |

|English |1 |1 |1 |

|Spanish |1 |3 |3 |

|Portuguese |3 |5 |5 |

|Dutch |3 |5 |5 |

8. Membership of professional bodies:

• Member of the Alumni College of the Belgian Royal Academy, Brussels

• Member of the European Society of International Law, Florence

• Member of the American Society of International Law, Washington D.C.

• Member of the International Institute of Human Rights René Cassin, Strasbourg

• Member of the Perelman Center for Legal Philosophy, Brussels

• Member of the International and European Studies and Research Center, Aix-en-Provence

9. Other skills (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.):

10. Present position:

Professor of Law: Holder of the Chair of excellence in human rights and global law at the Law School of the Aix-Marseille University since January 2015 and Full-time Research Professor of Law at Université Libre de Bruxelles at the Law School & Fund for Scientific Research FNRS (Belgian research agency) since 2009.

11. Years within the firm: 15 years

12. Key qualifications/skills (relevant to the assignment):

- Democracy, human rights and rule of law specialist: Hennebel has developed his expertise – including on democracy transparency and accountability, civil society, democratisation process, political rights, access to information, electoral process - as a Law Professor and Researcher, as an expert, and as well as a former Parliamentary attaché (Federal Parliament) working on electoral issues, local democracy, civil society empowerment.

- Democracy, Human Rights & Rule of Law training: Hennebel has an extenstive and solid experience in democracy, human rights and rule of law training – as a coordinator and academic director and as a trainer – including in difficult or complex context. He has been in charge of challenging training program in Algeria, Morocco, Haiti, Senegal, Russia, Brazil, and India, in addition of similar programs organized in Europe. Fluent in English, his training experience includes the design, the implementation and the evaluation of trainings in the field of human rights. He has held positions as scientific director of several academic program funded by the EU in the field of human rights and is an expert in human rights strategic litigation.

- Legal and Judicial expertise: Expert for international organizations (UN, EU), national governments and NGOs, he is a judicial capacity and institution building expert with substantial experience in training judges, prosecutors, lawyers and civil society actors. As a former Parliamentary Attaché, he has gained experience in providing technical assistance for legal reform projects, constitutionalism and national or local democracy. Expert in human rights violation investigation and litigation, Hennebel is legal advisor in human rights cases and plays a major role in providing legal assistance and counselling to international or domestic civil society actors.

- Scholarship: International legal scholar in the field of international law, international human rights law, global justice, constitutionalism and governance. Hennebel has an exceptional record attesting his research expertise in the field of human rights and global justice after 15 years dedicated to academic work in highly regarded research centers (including Harvard Law School, New York University Law School, Sciences Po Paris Law School). Hennebel has outstanding communication skills and experience both orally and in writing. He has published 13 books, as sole author or co-editor, and more than 50 book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed journals.

- Leadership skills and team spirit: Hennebel has developed managerial competences and skills through his involvement as a team leader in international research, training and teaching programs. Hennebel has developed effective organizational and multitasking skills required to be fully available even under pressure facing complex issues in challenging context. Project leader and director of several research international programs since 2000. Managerial tasks involved leading research functions, financial management and human resources management. organization of international scientific events including conferences, colloquium and seminars on international human rights law and international law. He has extenstive experience in the organization of consultations, roundtables, workshops and trainings. Hennebel has a substantial experience of traveling in several countries and continents, and is therefore be armed to travel either for work sessions, or for meetings or assignments.

13. Specific experience in the region (most recent first)

|Country |Date from - Date to |


|France – Aix-en-Provence + Paris |2013 - 2014 (1 year) – 2010 - 2011 |

|USA – Cambridge MA |2011 – 2012-2013 (1 year) |

|France – Paris |2011 – 2012 (6 m.) |

|USA – New York |2007-2008 (1 year) |

|Costa Rica – San José |2003 – 2004 (1 year) |

|Selection of SHORT TERM Assignments (outside EU) |

|Tunisia |2014 |

|Senegal |2013 |

|Haiti |2012 |

|Colombia |2012 |

|Turkey |2012 |

|Brazil |2009 |

|China + Hong Kong |2009, 2010 |

|India |2009 |

|Algeria |2008 |

|Morocco |2007 |

|Tunisia |2007 |

|Russia |2005 |

|Argentina |2006, 2009 |

|Costa Rica, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras |2003, 2004, 2012 |

|Thailand |2009 |

14. Professional experience record (most recent experience)

|Date from - Date to |Location |Company and contact |Position |Description |

| | |(name and contact | | |

| | |details) | | |

|Since January 2015 |Aix-en-Provence (France)|Aix-Marseille |Research Prof. |Chair of excellence on international human rights law and global law |

| | |University | | |

|Oct. 2008- in progress |International |Brussels University |Research Prof. |Full-time position as Research Prof. of Law at the Fund for Scientific Research at the Brussels University. |

|Sept. 2013 – in |International |International Institute|Clinical Co-Director |Co-director and Co-founder of the International Clinic on Human Rights litigating human rights cases / rule of law issues / |

|progress | |of Human Rights | |democratization |

| | |(Strasbourg) | | |

| | | | | |

|Since 2010 |International |Research Agencies |Expert |Evaluation of scientific proposals, grants requests, and reports for the French Agency of Research (ANR), the Belgian Agency of |

| | | | |Research (FNRS) ; the Austrian Agency of Research (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung) ; the Canadian Research |

| | | | |Chairs |

|Sept. 2012 – June 2013 |Cambridge, MA (USA) |Harvard University Law |Visiting Fellow |Research in global justice, democratization, international law, and human rights. |

| | |School | | |

|2014 |Tunisia (Tunis) |Democracy Reporting |Expert |Seminar and training on the process of decentralization in Tunisia and the Rule of Law |

| | |Initiative | | |

|2013 |Dakar (Senegal) |International Human |Expert |Training program on International Human Rights Law, the rule of law and democracy, organized for 80 African practitioners (judges, |

| | |Rights Law Institute | |attorneys, human rights defenders), Acting as Trainer on the European and the Inter-American Human Rights systems, Organization: |

| | | | |International Institute of Human Rights René Cassin, 2012, Dakar |

|2012 |Port-au-Prince (Haiti) |French Embassy - |Expert |Training program on International Human Rights Law, the rule of law and democracy: Special Focus on Social Rights, organized for 80 |

| | |Consortium | |haitian practitioners (judges, attorneys, human rights defenders), Acting as Trainer on the UN Human Rights system, Organization: |

| | | | |French Embassy in partnership with the International Institute of Human Rights René Cassin, 2012, Port-au-Prince |

|2008-2012 |Brussels |Eur. Comm. - Consortium|Independent Consultant –|Project Leader of the European Research Program, 7th Framework-Program, ATLAS – on International Humanitarian Law / Building democracy|

| | | |Expert – Team Leader |and the rule of law – consortium of universities, Project Leader for Brussels University and Magna Carta Institute, Global Budget |

| | | | |funded by the European Commission: 1,000,0000 €, 2008-2012 |

|2011 |Brussels |Eur. Parliament - Bar |Expert |Conference on Cuba and Human Rights co-organized by the European Parliament, 2011, Brussels |

|2010 |Brussels |Eur. Comm. DG Relex |Expert |Expert for the European Institute of Public Administration at the European Commission DG RELEX, Training on the United States’ human |

| | | | |rights policy, 2010, Brussels |

|2010 |Brussels |European Commission |Expert |Team Leader  for the Report and recommendations addressed to the EU on international humanitarian and human rights law in situations |

| | | | |of Armed Conflict for the European Commission, 2010, Brussels & Reports on human rights and humanitarian situations in Haiti, Sierra |

| | | | |Leone and Bosnia for the European Commission, 2007, Brussels & transitional justice and the rebuilding of democracy. |

|2008 |Beijing |European Commission / |Expert |Expert for the European Commission on Business and Human Rights at the diplomatic conference China / EU on human rights, 2008, Beijing|

| | |Belgian Government | | |

|2008-2009 |Brussels |European Commission, DC|Independent Consultant –|Project Leader of the European Research Program, European Commission (DC Office) – Transatlantic Collaboration, The Global Challenges |

| | |Office - Consortium |Expert – Team Leader |of International Terrorism and the Rule of Law: Reflections and Discussions on the EU-US relationship in the fight against terrorism, |

| | | | |with Paris 1 University, New York University, Vienna University, UNODC, Project Leader, Global Budget: 200,000 €, 2008-2009 |

|2009 |Vienna (Austria) |UNODC |Expert |Training on terrorism and human rights for diplomats and judges organized by UNODC in Vienna, 2009 |

|2009 |Lima (Peru) |French Embassy |Expert |International Conference on Human Rights, Justice and the Right to the Truth: Gross and Systematic Human Rights Violations and the |

| | | | |Memory, French Embassy, 2009, Lima |

|2009 |New Delhi |French Embassy |Expert |International Conference on the Transformations of International Law, in partnership with the Indian Society of International Law and |

| | | | |the French Embassy in India, 2009, New Delhi |

|2009 |Sao Paulo (Brazil) |Institute for Human |Expert |Training program "The UN Human Rights System", Audience: NGOs' representatives and public prosecutors, Acting as: Legal expert and |

| | |Rights (NGO) | |trainer, Organization: Institute for Human Rights and Development, 2009, Sao Paulo |

|2008 |International |UN – Magna Carta |Expert – Team Leader |Team Leader of a Pro-bono report on the reform of Bolivia’s Constitution submitted to the UN, New York, 2008 |

| | |Institute | | |

|2007-2009 |Algiers (Algeria) - |ILAC – Swedish |Expert – Team Leader |Project Leader of the Global Training Program for Judges, Swedish Government and ILAC, Ministry of Justice of Algeria, with UNODC, |

| |Brussels |Government – Magna | |Training "Terrorism and the rule of Law" for Algerian Judges, Global Budget: 300,000 €, 2007-2009 |

| | |Carta Institute | | |

|2006-2007 |Rabat (Morocco) - |ILAC – Swedish |Expert – Team Leader |Project Leader of the Global Training Program for Judges, Swedish Government and ILAC, Ministry of Justice of Morocco, with UNODC, |

| |Brussels |Government – Magna | |Training "Terrorism and the rule of Law" for Moroccan Judges, Global Budget: 200,000 €, 2006-2007 |

| | |Carta Institute | | |

|Sept. 2007 – Sept. 2008|New York (USA) |New York University Law|Visiting Fellow |Research in global justice, international law, and human rights. Specific research on the emergence of transnational human rights law |

| | |School | |and global justice and on business and human rights and corporate social responsibility |

|2008 |Brussels |European Parliament |Expert |Pro Bono Report on the European Union and the United Nations system for the protection of human rights for the European Parliament, |

| | | | |Acting at: Legal research expert – Co-author (Collective work), 2008, Brussels |

|2007 |Brussels |European Commission DG |Expert |Report on Self-Regulation and Co-Regulation of Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe, for the European Commission, |

| | |Enterprise and Industry| |Directorate-General Enterprise and Industry, 2007, Brussels |

|2006 |Moscow |Moscow State Institute |Expert |Training on international human rights law and the rule of law at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), in |

| | |of International | |partenship with the College of Europe of Bruges, Moscow, Russia, 2006 |

| | |Relations | | |

|2005 |Budapest |FIDH (NGO) – |Expert |Field and research investigation "Transnational Corporations, Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility in Hungary" – Report, |

| | |International Fed. Of | |Acting as: Legal expert – Co-author, Organization: International Federation of Human Rights, 2005, Budapest |

| | |Human Rights | | |

|Sept. 2005 – Sept. 2007|Brussels, Belgium |Brussels University Law|Research Fellow / Expert|Research and expertise on Corporate social responsibility, business and human rights, Project Leader of the European Research Program,|

| | |School | |European Commission (Better regulation) & Brussels Research Funding, Social Responsibility – Business & Human Rights, Brussels |

| | | | |University, Global Budget: 10, 000 €, 150,000 €, 2005-2007 |

|Jan. 2003 – Jan. 2004 |San José, Costa Rica |Inter-American Court of|Expert / Consultant |Research in global justice, international law, and human rights. Research on the individual petitions submitted to the Court. |

| | |Human Rights | | |

15. Other relevant information (e.g. Publications, Patents, Other education, Seminars, lectures attended, Scholarships received):

Conferences / Seminars:

Regular conferences and invitations as a keynote speaker in international conferences on human rights, international law and global justice issues, which include speeches and participation to conferences or seminars under invitation in the following institutions: Harvard University; New York University; Columbia University; Laval University (Canada); Vienna University; Freiburg University; Max Planck Institute; St Andrews University; Hong Kong University; Renmin University (China); and other French institutions.

Lectures / Professorship: Full-time Professor of international law, human rights law, global justice and legal philosophy at the Université Libre de de Bruxelles and Visiting Professor at Sciences-Po Paris, Aix-Marseille University, Toulouse University, Lille University, Caen University, Stockholm University, and Geneva University. Visiting Scholar at Harvard University and New York University.

Publications: has published 13 books, as sole author or co-editor, and more than 50 book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed journals, in French, in English and in Spanish, including for Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Dalloz, Pedone, Bruylant. Additionally, he is the Director of the book Series Jus Gentium at Bruylant Publishers.


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