Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts - RNIB

Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts1. Ease of Access keyboard shortcutsThe following table contains keyboard shortcuts that can help make your computer easier to use.Press this keyTo do thisRight Shift for eight secondsTurn Filter Keys on and offLeft Alt+Left Shift+PrtScn (or PrtScn)Turn High Contrast on or offLeft Alt+Left Shift+Num LockTurn Mouse Keys on or offShift five timesTurn Sticky Keys on or offNum Lock for five secondsTurn Toggle Keys on or offWindows logo key +UOpen the Ease of Access Center2. General keyboard shortcutsThe following table contains general keyboard shortcuts.Press this keyTo do thisF1Display HelpCtrl+CCopy the selected itemCtrl+XCut the selected itemCtrl+VPaste the selected itemCtrl+ZUndo an actionCtrl+YRedo an actionDelete (or Ctrl+D)Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle BinShift+DeleteDelete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin firstF2Rename the selected itemCtrl+Right ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the next wordCtrl+Left ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous wordCtrl+Down ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraphCtrl+Up ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraphCtrl+Shift with an arrow keySelect a block of textShift with any arrow keySelect more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a documentCtrl with any arrow key+SpacebarSelect multiple individual items in a window or on the desktopCtrl+ASelect all items in a document or windowF3Search for a file or folderAlt+EnterDisplay properties for the selected itemAlt+F4Close the active item, or exit the active programAlt+SpacebarOpen the shortcut menu for the active windowCtrl+F4Close the active document (in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)Alt+TabSwitch between open itemsCtrl+Alt+TabUse the arrow keys to switch between open itemsCtrl+Mouse scroll wheelChange the size of icons on the desktopWindows logo key +TabCycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-DCtrl+Windows logo key +TabUse the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-DAlt+EscCycle through items in the order in which they were openedF6Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktopF4Display the address bar list in Windows ExplorerShift+F10Display the shortcut menu for the selected itemCtrl+EscOpen the Start menuAlt+underlined letterDisplay the corresponding menuAlt+underlined letterPerform the menu command (or other underlined command)F10Activate the menu bar in the active programRight ArrowOpen the next menu to the right, or open a submenuLeft ArrowOpen the next menu to the left, or close a submenuF5Refresh the active windowAlt+Up ArrowView the folder one level up in Windows ExplorerEscCancel the current taskCtrl+Shift+EscOpen Task ManagerShift when you insert a CDPrevent the CD from automatically playingLeft Alt+ShiftSwitch the input language when multiple input languages are enabledCtrl+ShiftSwitch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are enabledRight or Left Ctrl+ShiftChange the reading direction of text in right-to-left reading languages3. Dialog box keyboard shortcutsThe following table contains keyboard shortcuts for use in dialog boxes.Press this keyTo do thisCtrl+TabMove forward through tabsCtrl+Shift+TabMove back through tabsTabMove forward through optionsShift+TabMove back through optionsAlt+underlined letterPerform the command (or select the option) that goes with that letterEnterReplaces clicking the mouse for many selected commandsSpacebarSelect or clear the check box if the active option is a check boxArrow keysSelect a button if the active option is a group of option buttonsF1Display HelpF4Display the items in the active listBackspaceOpen a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box4. Windows logo key keyboard shortcutsThe following table contains keyboard shortcuts that use the Windows logo key .Press this keyTo do thisWindows logo key Open or close the Start menu.Windows logo key +PauseDisplay the System Properties dialog box.Windows logo key +DDisplay the desktop.Windows logo key +MMinimize all windows.Windows logo key +Shift+MRestore minimized windows to the desktop.Windows logo key +EOpen Computer.Windows logo key +FSearch for a file or folder.Ctrl+Windows logo key +FSearch for computers (if you're on a network).Windows logo key +LLock your computer or switch users.Windows logo key +ROpen the Run dialog box.Windows logo key +TCycle through programs on the taskbar.Windows logo key +numberStart the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the program is already running, switch to that program.Shift+Windows logo key +numberStart a new instance of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.Ctrl+Windows logo key +numberSwitch to the last active window of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.Alt+Windows logo key +numberOpen the Jump List for the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.Windows logo key +TabCycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D.Ctrl+Windows logo key +TabUse the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D.Ctrl+Windows logo key +BSwitch to the program that displayed a message in the notification area.Windows logo key +SpacebarPreview the desktop.Windows logo key +Up ArrowMaximize the window.Windows logo key +Left ArrowMaximize the window to the left side of the screen.Windows logo key +Right ArrowMaximize the window to the right side of the screen.Windows logo key +Down ArrowMinimize the window.Windows logo key +HomeMinimize all but the active window.Windows logo key +Shift+Up ArrowStretch the window to the top and bottom of the screen.Windows logo key +Shift+Left Arrow or Right ArrowMove a window from one monitor to another.Windows logo key +PChoose a presentation display mode.Windows logo key +GCycle through gadgets.Windows logo key +UOpen Ease of Access Center.Windows logo key +XOpen Windows Mobility Center.5. Windows Explorer keyboard shortcutsThe following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Windows Explorer windows or folders.Press this keyTo do thisCtrl+NOpen a new windowCtrl+WClose the current windowCtrl+Shift+NCreate a new folderEndDisplay the bottom of the active windowHomeDisplay the top of the active windowF11Maximize or minimize the active windowCtrl+Period (.)Rotate a picture clockwiseCtrl+Comma (,)Rotate a picture counterclockwiseNum Lock+Asterisk (*) on numeric keypadDisplay all subfolders under the selected folderNum Lock+Plus Sign (+) on numeric keypadDisplay the contents of the selected folderNum Lock+Minus Sign (-) on numeric keypadCollapse the selected folderLeft ArrowCollapse the current selection (if it's expanded), or select the parent folderAlt+EnterOpen the Properties dialog box for the selected itemAlt+PDisplay the preview paneAlt+Left ArrowView the previous folderRight ArrowDisplay the current selection (if it's collapsed), or select the first subfolderAlt+Right ArrowView the next folderAlt+Up ArrowView the parent folderCtrl+Mouse scroll wheelChange the size and appearance of file and folder iconsAlt+DSelect the address barCtrl+ESelect the search boxCtrl+FSelect the search box6. Taskbar keyboard shortcutsThe following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with items on the taskbar.Press this keyTo do thisShift+Click on a taskbar buttonOpen a program or quickly open another instance of a programCtrl+Shift+Click on a taskbar buttonOpen a program as an administratorShift+Right-click on a taskbar buttonShow the window menu for the programShift+Right-click on a grouped taskbar buttonShow the window menu for the groupCtrl+Click on a grouped taskbar buttonCycle through the windows of the group7. Magnifier keyboard shortcutsThe following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Magnifier.Press this keyTo do thisWindows logo key + Plus Sign or Minus SignZoom in or outCtrl+Alt+SpacebarPreview the desktop in full-screen modeCtrl+Alt+FSwitch to full-screen modeCtrl+Alt+LSwitch to lens modeCtrl+Alt+DSwitch to docked modeCtrl+Alt+IInvert colorsCtrl+Alt+arrow keysPan in the direction of the arrow keysCtrl+Alt+RResize the lensWindows logo key + EscExit Magnifier8. Remote Desktop Connection keyboard shortcutsThe following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Remote Desktop Connection.Press this keyTo do thisAlt+Page UpMove between programs from left to right.Alt+Page DownMove between programs from right to left.Alt+InsertCycle through programs in the order that they were started in.Alt+HomeDisplay the Start menu.Ctrl+Alt+BreakSwitch between a window and full screen.Ctrl+Alt+EndDisplay the Windows Security dialog box.Alt+DeleteDisplay the system menu.Ctrl+Alt+Minus Sign (-) on the numeric keypadPlace a copy of the active window, within the client, on the Terminal server clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing Alt+PrtScn on a local computer).Ctrl+Alt+Plus Sign (+) on the numeric keypadPlace a copy of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing PrtScn on a local computer).Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow“Tab” out of the Remote Desktop controls to a control in the host program (for example, a button or a text box). Useful when the Remote Desktop controls are embedded in another (host) program.Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow“Tab” out of the Remote Desktop controls to a control in the host program (for example, a button or a text box). Useful when the Remote Desktop controls are embedded in another (host) program.Note Ctrl+Alt+Break and Ctrl+Alt+End are available in all Remote Desktop sessions, even when you've set up the remote computer to recognize Windows keyboard shortcuts.9. Paint keyboard shortcutsThe following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Paint.Press this keyTo do thisCtrl+NCreate a new pictureCtrl+OOpen an existing pictureCtrl+SSave changes to a pictureF12Save the picture as a new fileCtrl+PPrint a pictureAlt+F4Close a picture and its Paint windowCtrl+ZUndo a changeCtrl+YRedo a changeCtrl+ASelect the entire pictureCtrl+XCut a selectionCtrl+CCopy a selection to the ClipboardCtrl+VPaste a selection from the ClipboardRight ArrowMove the selection or active shape right by one pixelLeft ArrowMove the selection or active shape left by one pixelDown ArrowMove the selection or active shape down by one pixelUp ArrowMove the selection or active shape up by one pixelEscCancel a selectionDeleteDelete a selectionCtrl+BBold selected textCtrl++Increase the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixelCtrl+-Decrease the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixelCtrl+IItalicize selected textCtrl+UUnderline selected textCtrl+EOpen the Properties dialog boxCtrl+WOpen the Resize and Skew dialog boxCtrl+Page UpZoom inCtrl+Page DownZoom outF11View a picture in full-screen modeCtrl+RShow or hide the rulerCtrl+GShow or hide gridlinesF10 or AltDisplay keytipsShift+F10Show the current shortcut menuF1Open Paint Help10. WordPad keyboard shortcutsThe following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with WordPad.Press this keyTo do thisCtrl+NCreate a new documentCtrl+OOpen an existing documentCtrl+SSave changes to a documentF12Save the document as a new fileCtrl+PPrint a documentAlt+F4Close WordPadCtrl+ZUndo a changeCtrl+YRedo a changeCtrl+ASelect the entire documentCtrl+XCut a selectionCtrl+CCopy a selection to the ClipboardCtrl+VPaste a selection from the ClipboardCtrl+BMake selected text boldCtrl+IItalicize selected textCtrl+UUnderline selected textCtrl+=Make selected text subscriptCtrl+Shift+=Make selected text superscriptCtrl+LAlign text leftCtrl+EAlign text centerCtrl+RAlign text rightCtrl+JJustify textCtrl+1Set single line spacingCtrl+2Set double line spacingCtrl+5Set line spacing to 1.5Ctrl+Shift+>Increase the font sizeCtrl+Shift+<Decrease the font sizeCtrl+Shift+AChange characters to all capitalsCtrl+Shift+LChange the bullet styleCtrl+DInsert a Microsoft Paint drawingCtrl+FFind text in a documentF3Find the next instance of the text in the Find dialog boxCtrl+HReplace text in a documentCtrl+Left ArrowMove the cursor one word to the leftCtrl+Right ArrowMove the cursor one word to the rightCtrl+Up ArrowMove the cursor to the line aboveCtrl+Down ArrowMove the cursor to the line belowCtrl+HomeMove to the beginning of the documentCtrl+EndMove to the end of the documentCtrl+Page UpMove up one pageCtrl+Page DownMove down one pageCtrl+DeleteDelete the next wordF10Display keytipsShift+F10Show the current shortcut menuF1Open WordPad Help11. Calculator keyboard shortcutsThe following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Calculator.Press this keyTo do thisAtl+1Switch to Standard modeAlt+2Switch to Scientific modeAlt+3Switch to Programmer modeAlt+4Switch to Statistics modeCtrl+EOpen date calculationsCtrl+HTurn calculation history on or offCtrl+UOpen unit conversionAlt+CCalculate or solve date calculations and worksheetsF1Open Calculator HelpCtrl+QPress the M- buttonCtrl+PPress the M+ buttonCtrl+MPress the MS buttonCtrl+RPress the MR buttonCtrl+LPress the MC button%Press the % buttonF9Press the +/– button/Press the / button*Press the * button+Press the + button-Press the – buttonRPress the 1/× button@Press the square root button0-9Press the number buttons (0-9)=Press the = button .Press the . (decimal point) buttonBackspacePress the backspace buttonEscPress the C buttonDelPress the CE buttonCtrl+Shift+DClear the calculation historyF2Edit the calculation historyUp Arrow keyNavigate up in the calculation historyDown Arrow keyNavigate down in the calculation historyEscCancel editing the calculation historyEnterRecalculate the calculation history after editingF3Select Degrees in Scientific modeF4Select Radians in Scientific modeF5Select Grads in Scientific modeIPress the Inv button in Scientific modeDPress the Mod button in Scientific modeCtrl+SPress the sinh button in Scientific modeCtrl+OPress the cosh button in Scientific modeCtrl+TPress the tanh button in Scientific mode(Press the ( button in Scientific mode)Press the ) button in Scientific modeNPress the ln button in Scientific mode;Press the Int button in Scientific modeSPress the sin button in Scientific modeOPress the cos button in Scientific modeTPress the tan button in Scientific modeMPress the dms button in Scientific modePPress the pi button in Scientific modeVPress the F-E button in Scientific modeXPress the Exp button in Scientific modeQPress the x^2 button in Scientific modeYPress the x^y button in Scientific mode#Press the x^3 button in Scientific modeLPress the log button in Scientific mode!Press the n! button in Scientific modeCtrl+YPress the y√x button in Scientific modeCtrl+BPress the 3√x button in Scientific modeCtrl+GPress the 10x button in Scientific modeF5Select Hex in Programmer modeF6Select Dec in Programmer modeF7Select Oct in Programmer modeF8Select Bin in Programmer modeF12Select Qword in Programmer modeF2Select Dword in Programmer modeF3Select Word in Programmer modeF4Select Byte in Programmer modeKPress the RoR button in Programmer modeJPress the RoL button in Programmer mode<Press the Lsh button in Programmer mode>Press the Rsh button in Programmer mode%Press the Mod button in Programmer mode(Press the ( button in Programmer mode)Press the ) button in Programmer mode|Press the Or button in Programmer mode^Press the Xor button in Programmer mode~Press the Not button in Programmer mode&Press the And button in Programmer modeA-FPress the A-F buttons in Programmer modeSpacebarToggles the bit value in Programmer modeAPress the Average button in Statistics modeCtrl+APress the Average Sq button in Statistics modeSPress the Sum button in Statistics modeCtrl+SPress the Sum Sq button in Statistics modeTPress the S.D. button in Statistics modeCtrl+TPress the Inv S.D. button in Statistics modeDPress the CAD button in Statistics mode12. Windows Journal keyboard shortcutsThe following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Windows Journal.Press this keyTo do thisCtrl+NStart a new noteCtrl+OOpen a recently used noteCtrl+SSave changes to a noteCtrl+Shift+VMove a note to a specific folderCtrl+PPrint a noteAlt+F4Close a note and its Journal windowCtrl+ZUndo a changeCtrl+YRedo a changeCtrl+ASelect all items on a pageCtrl+XCut a selectionCtrl+CCopy a selection to the ClipboardCtrl+VPaste a selection from the ClipboardEscCancel a selectionDeleteDelete a selectionCtrl+FStart a basic findCtrl+GGo to pageF5Refresh find resultsF5Refresh the note listF6Toggle between a note list and a noteCtrl+Shift+CDisplay a shortcut menu for column headings in a note listF11View a note in full-screen modeF1Open Journal Help13. Windows Help viewer keyboard shortcutsThe following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with the Help viewer.Press this keyTo do thisAlt+CDisplay the Table of ContentsAlt+NDisplay the Connection Settings menuF10Display the Options menuAlt+Left ArrowMove back to the previously viewed topicAlt+Right ArrowMove forward to the next (previously viewed) topicAlt+ADisplay the customer support pageAlt+HomeDisplay the Help and Support home pageHomeMove to the beginning of a topicEndMove to the end of a topicCtrl+FSearch the current topicCtrl+PPrint a topicF3Move the cursor to the search box ................

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