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Assistive TechnologyBrandon CassadyUW-W CSD Assistive Technology CenterUW-Whitewater800 West Main StreetWhitewater, WI 53190-1790CSDTech@uww.edu(262)-472-5243What isassistive technology?-Wikipedia defines assistivetechnology as:“…an umbrella term that includes assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities and also includes the process used in selecting, locating, and using them.”Whatisassistive technology?(cont’d)-Reallyalltechnology isassistivetechnology;the intersection between the user’sabilitiesandthe taskthat they want to complete iswhatdetermines which technology willbe used.-Computers!TypesofAssistiveTechnologyMobilityAids-Wheelchair Basketball-Yellowstone’d-Not justwheelchairs!-Crutches-Walkers-Segways-Scooters-What isC-Print?C-Print-Real-timetranscription software usedby sign language interpreters toconvey lectures to deaf/hard-of-hearing studentsAssistive ListeningDevices- What areassistivelistening devices?- FMradiodevices- Digitalinfrared devices- Lecturer wearssmalltransmitter while speaking, andsound istransmitted directly tothe listener’s hearing aidTextEnlargements/ZoomText-Enable students with visual impairments toaccess typedorprinted materials-AllPCs, Macs,&other devices alsohave built-in magnification software-Imagine thedifference thismakes forsomeone withavisualimpairment whoneeds toaccesstheirschool work!JAWS-Job AccessWith Speech for people whoareblind or partially sightedBraille-Braillenote-Brailler Printers-Duxbury-TactileViewDragonNaturally Speaking-Dragon Naturally Speakingisanadvanced speech recognition software package developed byNuance Communications.-AtCSD, Dragon isavailable inthe three privatetesting rooms.-Smartphones andmany computers alsohavebuilt-in speech recognition software.Technologies &DevicesOffered Through theAssistiveTechnologyCenterKurzweil-Kurzweil isatext-to-speech program thatcan beused toviewtextbooks andother materials inanelectronic format.-Different versions (PC/Mac/Firefly)-Audio-visual: shown toincreasecomprehension andretention by75%N ew Open SavePri ntI\,._ -·Sca n\eb BackRea dForwa ll'd( :>))Aud i bl e'2Tra nsl atePi ctu ll'eDef i n iti on SynonymH el p+++++[ Heather] [ Continuo u.s] [ Sentence 1150 r12B% I [ 56 0]0[ 103 ]/),)_Green§DaBl u e P i nkFootnote Del ete Bookm a rkCo l umn NotesIPHONE/IPADEVER USE SIRI?SPEAK SELECTION CAN “READ AND HIGHLIGHT”ANYTHING YOU WOULDAudioNotetaker-Ittakesmore cognitive effort totake notes from alecture than ittakesto playchess (Piolat,Olive,andKellogg, (2004)).-What does itdo?(..- 1.0 +) I Y....Title: The Amen Break Topic: Intellectual Property lav. Speaker: Nate Hamson Recorded: 21 Dec 201210:14hits of 1969.CEiJ0Audio0-M SJc 5wa. 11 EJC .. .ImagesReferenceTextAudio? Color him hrther? Drum LoopTHE SAMPLERsampling.arrangement. Sampler-Research(1)Copyright Enay-History of the sampler and Quick playback and!;I I:::J1::::1 .....,6::1 Musci Sampleiiiand turntable - largelyHistory:responsible for birth ofAUCiro Colour (4}-AUCiro Colour (5)A , wot;I."" (""'-&.o..._..? Prine..,... tool In Ute ,.., and de-.e opmenl of l'np hophtt:l/en.wiki edia org/wiki/Sa Hip Hop mpler {musical instrument)History of sampling through tracks:D Essay (9)-[lPresentat ton(ll)[lFind Evidence (7)THE UK RAVE SCENE AND THE AMEN Landmark moments in sampling: httJiluit IOn/tech/18-landmark- samplingmoments-in-music- histo!Y-199759Documentaries and examplesNow most commercially of Amen break:produced music in part realized with a sampler.htt:/lfw/Amen Break one of first2011/lhe-amen-breakl drum samples to be experimented with.One bar loop.Breakbeat (genre):OriginatedSamplers became more ._, Dt:=:J- US - 1970s. Some saycomplex.::::::1-Dliil......D SedioncolourD SectroncolOu'IL SedioncolotrEditcololl"keyContinuouscoloi.Wg,_, Default aueliocololl" Default sedioncolotrliJil Spl it churtcliilil Mergechurksll\$ert sectroninvented by Frankie BonesRave scene exploded.with his track Bones BreakJungle almost exclusivelydeconstruction of Amen.I;;:::::::::;J·ExampleAudioV3.MP3:0:03:56The Amen break is so closelyassociated with Jungle thatDubplates allowedJ.ungle breaks are known asr.apid turn.around of musicc=::::JDeleteCursor. 0:03:49 / 0:17:12 Visible: 0:02:29 to 0:06:19Livescribe-What isaSmartPen?-Howdoes itwork?e Echo DesktopFileEditPagesWelcome t o Echo DesktopSearch AllActive Notebooks;..C" 1-Subject Notebook 1 [1]<..'.I.I Tutorial [2]J:l:.:::iCustom Notebooks;..-Imported Pencasts;..f@ AS starter Notebook [1] Archived Notebooks;..Chemistry [2]starter Notebook [1]000000/000000Whatwillassistivetechnologylooklike25-50years fromnow?Questions? ................

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