Public Service Grants Funded by the

Public Service Grants Funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program

July 1, 2016 ? June 30, 2017

Total Funding is $539,948

Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center, Inc.


"Legal Services for Asian Immigrants"

Provide free legal services to low-income immigrants on a wide range of legal issues including

family law, immigration, consumer, employment law, etc. Estimated to benefit 180 clients.

Baby's Bounty MC, Inc.


"Health, Safety & Wellness Newborn Bundles"

Provide safety, health, and wellness "Baby Bundles" for at-risk infants born into poverty,

homelessness, and other disadvantaged situations. Bundles include: a portable crib, car seat front

carrier, diaper bag filled with diapers, other hygiene items, bottles, bibs, clothing, blankets, and

towels. Estimated to benefit 480 clients.

Diaspora Resources of Ethiopians in the


America's Metropolises, Dream North American Corp.

"Elderly Service Plus Center Project"

Provide low-income immigrant seniors with in-center, and field trip activities through culturally

sensitive programs. Estimated to benefit 400 clients.

Ethiopian Community Center in Maryland, Inc.


"Breast Cancer Awareness"

Provide breast cancer awareness training, screening, counseling and treatment referral services for

at-risk immigrant women. Estimated to benefit 480 clients.

Greater Washington Boys & Girls Clubs, Inc.


"Power Hour"

Provide homework assistance, tutoring, and reading assistance to raise the academic proficiency for

at-risk students. Estimated to benefit 50 students.

Housing Opportunities Community Partners, Inc.


"Kids' STEM Program"

Provide an after-school Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) program at two

subsidized housing sites for low-income families. Estimated to benefit 30 students.

Interfaith Works, Inc.


"Job Developer for Low-Income Residents"

Provide a Job Developer to build relationships with corporate partners to assist unemployed at-risk

Montgomery County residents seeking employment to become more self-sufficient. Estimated to

benefit 400 clients.


Mental Health Association of Montgomery County (MHA)


"Mental Health Association of Montgomery County Medical Therapist"

Provide low-income individuals receiving Medicaid with access to mental health services for clients

that have experienced trauma and have symptom anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder

(PTSD), including suicidal ideation. Estimated to benefit 75 clients.

Rockville Economic Development, Inc. "Maryland Women's Business Center" Provide one-on-one counseling and business plan development training for start-up low- to moderate-income women entrepreneurs. Estimated to benefit 150 clients.


The Arc Montgomery County, Inc.


"Transitioning Youth Employment Project (TYEP)"

Provide classroom, experiential and paid internship learning for youth with intellectual and

developmental disabilities to assist with skills and attitudes that lead to lifelong employability.

Estimated to benefit 36 clients.

The Armand Center for Conflict Resolution, Inc. "Supervised Visitation" Provide visitation monitoring for at-risk children to have regular contact with their parents. Estimated to benefit 832 families.


The Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless, Inc.


"Home Builders Care Assessment Center (HBCAC) Housing Locator"

Provide funding for the Housing Locator position at Montgomery County's year-round men's

emergency homeless shelter, to ensure the accuracy of all assessments and referrals to the County's

housing programs, develop relationships with private landlords to house clients who cannot access

subsidized housing and further implement of the national best practice model of rapid re-housing.

Estimated to benefit 150 clients.

The National Center for Children and Families, Inc.


"Future Bound Transitional Housing Program"

Provide transitional housing support, case management, and workforce development for eight

young adults, annually, who have aged out of the care of public systems and are homeless or living

in unstable situations. Estimated to benefit 8 clients.


Public Service Grants Funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program

July 1, 2015 ? June 30, 2016

Total Funding is $540,000

Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center


"Legal Services for Asian Immigrants"

Provide linguistically accessible and culturally appropriate legal services to low-income Asian

immigrants to assist them in accessing the legal system and to protect and enforce their rights. An

estimated 180 people will benefit.

Child Center and Adult Services, Inc. dba Aspire Counseling


"Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies"

Provide free home-based mental health therapy to low income uninsured pregnant women and new

mothers suffering from post-partum depression. An estimated 110 people will benefit.

Bethesda Cares, Inc. "Outreach to Chronically Homeless" Funding for "Critical Time Intervention" assistance to support persons transitioning out of homelessness into independent living. An estimated 40 people will benefit.


Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington, Inc.


"ECCM Heath Care Project"

Continue Power Hour program of homework and reading assistance and tutoring after school and

summer program to increase academic proficiency of low-income Germantown youth. An estimated

50 people will benefit.

Eastern Montgomery Emergency Assistance Network "Eviction Prevention and Utility Disconnection Prevention" Provide emergency eviction and utility assistance. An estimated 220 people will benefit.


Interfaith Works, Inc.


"Volunteer Coordinator - Meals for the Homeless"

Continue to fund a volunteer coordinator position for the third year to assist in providing 73,000

free meals each year. An estimated 14,273 people will benefit.

Jewish Foundation for Group Homes, Inc.


"Living Independently with Autism"

Continue to provide an Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) specialist for support to low-income

residents with ASD. An estimated 200 people will benefit.


Jobs Unlimited, Inc.


"Peer Recovery Support"

Provide training for a peer support specialist and then provide that resource referral services to staff

and customers. An estimated 50 people will benefit.

Mental Health Association of Montgomery County (MHA)


"Mental Health Association of Montgomery County Medical Therapist"

Provide a therapist for low-income County residents receiving Medicaid to accommodate increase

in demand resulting from the Affordable Care Act. The program will benefit an estimated 100


Mobile Medical Care, Inc.


"Anticoagulation Clinic for the Low-Income, Uninsured"

Continue to provide free testing, assessment, dosing adjustments and patient education to low-

income uninsured residents at risk for heart related conditions or disease. (Third year CDBG

funding). An estimated 50 people will benefit.

Montgomery County Collaboration Council for Children Youth & Families


"Strengthening Families Program"

Provide parenting skills training workshops to targeted low income families. The program will

benefit an estimated 72 people.

Montgomery Housing Partnership, Inc.


"21st Century GATOR Program"

Provide after School programs for students grades K-5 at Arcola Elementary School. The program

will benefit an estimated 360 people.

Stepping Stones Shelter


"Community Engagement Manager"

Fund a portion of the Community Engagement Manager's salary to recruit, train and supervise

volunteers to manage meal and in-kind donations. The program will benefit an estimated 82 people.

The National Center for Children and Families, Inc.


"Future Bound Transitional Housing Program"

Provide housing, counseling, life skills, etc. support for young adults who have aged out of the care

of public systems and are homeless or living in unstable conditions. The program will benefit an

estimated eight people.

The Arc Montgomery County, Inc.


"Transitioning Youth Employment Project (TYEP)"

Provide life skills for disabled youths ages 18-24. The program will benefit an estimated 36 people.

The Shepherd's Table, Inc.


"Shepherd's Table Food Service Program"

Provide salary support to assist in providing 55,000 free meals per year to at risk Montgomery

County residents. The program will benefit an estimated 2,400 people.


Public Service Grants Funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program

July 1, 2014 ? June 30, 2015

Total Funding is $540,330

Asian American LEAD Leadership, Empowerment and

Development for Youth and Family


"Asian American LEAD MD High School Program"

Provide culturally appropriate enrichment activities, college preparatory assistance, service learning

projects and opportunities for leadership development for low-income high school students in

Wheaton and Silver Spring. An estimated 50 students will benefit.

The Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington, Inc.


"Power Hour"

Provide homework assistance, tutoring and reading time for elementary students at the Germantown

Boys and Girls club. An estimated 50 students will benefit.

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, Inc.


"Immigration Legal Services"

Continue to provide free immigration legal services to low income residents. (Second year CDBG

funding). An estimated 100 people will benefit.

Ethiopian Community Center in Maryland, Inc.


"ECCM Heath Care Project"

Provide counseling services on health related issues, including hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and

HIV/AIDS. An estimated 700 people will benefit.

Home Care Partners, Inc.


"Montgomery Light Care"

Provide Weekly home care aid services for 2 hours a week to frail elderly or disabled clients living

in subsidized housing. An estimated 25 people will benefit.

Interfaith Works, Inc.


"Volunteer Coordinator - Meals for the Homeless"

Continue to provide partial salary for Volunteer Coordinator and Assistant Volunteer Coordinator to

organize and manage volunteers for food preparation and distribution and other services to serve

shelter residents and other low-income residents (Second year CDBG funding). An estimated 400

people will benefit.



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