2015 SkillsUSA Florida Regional Contest


Contest Description

Teams of two contestants are required to prepare a PSA’s. A 90 second commercial will be the final product turned into the judges. One of the goals is to be able to use the same PSA at 30 seconds, 60 seconds and 90 seconds. The SkillsUSA music theme will be provided and sample scripts will be provided. This projects is a real life commercial that will air on a local station.

during the competition, At no point will students be permitted to communicate with their advisors in any way for any reason. Doing so will be an automatic disqualification! Cell phones will be off and out of sight.

The Project

Contestants will be required to do the following:

1. Audio and information will be provided at orientation.

2. Students are to write, voice and edit a 90 second audio production/commercial based upon their own thoughts and words. Penalties will be assessed for projects under/over 90 seconds.

3. Students are to use any script they choose.

4. The completed production must convey an adequate representation of the theme.

5. The time period will be provided from the judges to write the script and record audio.

6. Final product must be turned in by the time indicated by the judge.

7. All teams will submit their projects on the USB provided by the facilitator. Prior to leaving, judges will confirm the USB information is recognizable for judging.

8. Emphasis will be placed on:

a. Professional production of the audio by industry standards.

b. Quality of the audio

c. Conveyance of the theme and information to the listener.

Objective Knowledge Test

A test will be given to each contestant at the contest site. The team may work together and concur on the test.

The source of material for the test can be found at Cyber College video course by Dr. Ron Whittaker. Modules 39 – 45 and Module 66. Another source can be found at .

A knowledge exam of as many as 50 questions covering history, basic digital audio recording and editing, equipment, cables and connectors, and terminology will be given.

TV Modules for Audio

Module 39 – Microphones II

Module 40 – Wireless Micreopones

Module 41 – Off Camera Microphones

Module 42-1 – Stereo to 5.1

Module 42-2 - Digital Audio

Module 43 Audio Control Devices

Module 44A Audio Recording and Editing I

Module 44B Audio Recording and Editing II

Module 45 – Wrapping up Audio

Radio Broadcast

History of Radio Broadcast

Types of Radio Broadcast

Clothing Recommendations

For men: Official white polo shirt with black dress slacks, black socks and black shoes or professional dress white dress shirt, black tie, black dress slacks, black socks and black shoes.

For women: Official white polo shirt with black dress slacks or skirt, black sheer or skin tone hose and black shoes or white shirt with black dress slacks or skirt, black sheer or skin tone hose and black shoes. Points will be deducted from the contestant's total score for clothing infractions at the state level contest.


A résumé for each contestant in the team will be turned in at the orientation/filming session.


Open to all active SkillsUSA members enrolled in secondary and post-secondary career

and technical programs with radio/audio production as the occupational objective.

Equipment and Materials

1. Supplied by the technical committee:

a. Theme and objective for production

b. Transportation to and from “on scene” location, if necessary

c. Facilities and power to edit final product

d. Music for production will be provided

2. Supplied by Contestant:

a. Portable digital audio recorder with recording media

b. Microphone with audio cable.

c. Method of importing digital audio from field recorder to editing system.

d. Audio editing software/system

e. Computer

h. Headphones

i. One-page, typewritten résumé

Scope of Contest

1. Each team will be comprised of two student members from the same school and same division.

2. The assignment will consist of the following:

a. Record audio.

b. Write a script on paper or printed preferred.

c. Contestants are to edit the entire audio production in final form, to comprise a 90 second audio commercial.

d. The point of the audio message is to convey an adequate representation of SkillsUSA.

e. The information will be revealed on the day of the contest.

3. Post-production work will be done in the designated area.

4. Designed time periods will be provided for recording and editing.

5. Emphases will be placed on:

a. Professional production of the audio by industry standards.

b. Quality of the audio. (Voice and music levels)

c. Conveyance of the information to the specific target audience.

d. A well written script is a major part of the scoring rubric.

e. Team chemistry and how the team works together.

f. Professional editing skills by industry standards.

6. The final project will be delivered on a USB drive.

Host Site


1. Provide judges

2. Provide locations for preproduction, recording venue, post-production

3. Provide lunch for the contestants, and sponsors

4. All needed materials to run contest

5. Provide contest theme and location for recording

6. Objective knowledge test of 100 points.

7. Judges rubrics

8. Judges orientation

9. Provide a master file of all contest submissions. Score sheets can be found on the website after they have been uploaded to the system.

10. Conduct the final tally of the points.

Judges Description:

The host of the contest will provide 2-3 judges for the contest. Judges will be from the professional community.


Judges will:

1. Determine the contest winners using the criteria set forth by SkillsUSA.

2. Be objective and consistent.

State Education Team:

MaryAnn Kauffman, Bayshore High School

Alan Lynch, Orlando Tech

Kurt Doster, Cypress Bay High School

Carl Borden, SkillsUSA Alumni

Advisors wishing to join the State Education Team for Audio/Radio Production may sign up here: LQ8DUHY


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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