ESL conversation lesson on quizzes


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

|1) |What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘quiz’? |

|2) |What is your favourite quiz subject? |

|3) |Do you like watching quiz shows on TV? |

|4) |Do you ever take online quizzes? |

|5) |Have you ever been on a quiz team? |

|6) |Why are quizzes so popular? |

|7) |What do you think of personality quizzes and find the perfect partner’ quizzes? |

|8) |What can you do to study for a general knowledge quiz? |

|9) |Do you think lots of quiz questions would be a good format for a school exam? |

|10) |Do you think you’d be quick on the buzzer in a quiz contest? |

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

|1) |What do you think of quizzes? |

|2) |What quiz subject do you think you’d do very well in? |

|3) |Are young people or old people better at pop quizzes? |

|4) |What impossible quiz question would you like to add to a quiz? |

|5) |Are you interested in the trivia that is often found in quizzes? |

|6) |Do you like doing quizzes in English? |

|7) |Do you think you’d do well in a quiz about the English language? |

|8) |Do you think taking quizzes can help your English? |

|9) |What’s the difference between a test, an exam and a quiz? |

|10) |Have you ever quizzed anyone whose story you didn’t believe? |


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