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The Adventures of SuperheroesCollection of short storiesWritten by Year 8 students- June 2014Collège Denis Diderot (Massy) – Collège Marie Curie (Sceaux) – Collège Thomas Masaryk (Ch?tenay-Malabry)WritersCollège Marie Curie / Collège Denis DiderotMrs Guyllemin and Mrs NavailhTina – Camille – Gabrielle – Solène – Selma – Bachir – Wilfried – Sarah – Maud – Adèle – Na?l – Julien – Séréna – Amine, Thomas, Raqueland – Maélenn – Exaucé – Beno?t – Bastien – Mathéo – Sarah – Pavitra – Anwar – Livio – Colin – Rodrigue – Solal – William-Jér?me - Thomas – Khadidiatou – Neuza – Seynabou – Aurélie – Emily – Flavie – Hillary-Rose – Bilal – Amine – Alan – Grégoire – Jules – Nassim – Abdelkader – Shaunagrace – Emma – Maxime – Amine –Lila – Aline – Tiphaine – Aude – Alexandre – Abdelkarim – Morgane – Amira.Collège Thomas Mazaryk / Collège Denis DiderotMrs Guyllemin and Mrs KerebelHamza - Isaline - Youssef - Laurena - Lucas - Clara - Tony - Ilias - Marine - Judith - Remy - Myriam - Sirine - Willy - Aya - Walker - Vincent - Ben-Ali - Robert - Solene - Agathe - Tanguy - Samy - Kevin - Karl-Evan - Vanel - Yassine - La?la - Michelle - Karim - Ma?lle - Sékou - Georges - Alexis - Charlotte - Yanis - Lucie - Marah - Soukha?na - Youba - Marwan - Ryan - Flavio - Salma - David - Clélie - Oumou - Jessica - Khalil - Filip - Bryan - Jeremy - Fatoumata - Lucie - Julia – Miguel – Mélissa -Lilian - Mirjiam - Melina - Mathieu - Duc-Minh - Youseline - Lola - Lounis - Cyrine - Emma - Arthur - Emile - Issamdine - Ghizlaine Jennifer Withney - Malik - Elyas - yann - Na?lle - Axelle - Julie - Mamadou - Mohamed - Milena - Liyel - Aaliyah - Fabien - Paul - Nahée - Farah - Antoine - Pascal - A?chetou - Océane - Muslim - Léa - Anthony - Rizlaine - Pascal Malik Antoine - thomas - Emeline - IyedTable of ContentsThe Infamous…………………………………………………Adèle - Na?l - Julien - Séréna - Amine - Thomas - Raqueland and Maélenn.The Frozen Man………………………………………………….Grégoire - Jules - Nassim - Abdelkader - Shaunagrace - Emma - Maxime and Amine.Friend or not FRIEND??………………………………………….Lila - Aline - Tiphaine - Aude - Alexandre - Abdelkarim - Morgane and Amira.The Life of Hulk………………………………………………….Exaucé - Beno?t - Bastien - Mathéo - Sarah - Pavitra - Anwar and Livio.The Adventures of Batman………………………………………Colin - Rodrigue - Solal - William-Jér?me - Thomas - Khadidiatou and Neuza.The Life of a WeirdSuperhero………………………………….Tina - Camille - Gabrielle - Solène - Selma - Bachir - Wilfried - Sarah and Maud.Wonderman Against the Terrorists………………………. Seynabou - Aurélie - Emily - Flavie - Hillary-Rose - Bilal - Amine and Alan.The InfamousOnce upon a time in New York - there was a man who was called Infamous. He was born on January 5th 1989. He had not work until the world changed. There was a billboard which fell on Infamous and he died. But his friends wanted him to coma back to life but when he awoke - he discovered he could not manipulate electricity. So - he wanted to kill the people who wanted the world to end. People were living in a tower they called the Wild. The Infamous had green eyes - straight black hair and a red little mouth. He looked very angry. He was not very strong - not very tall and extremely fat. He was very mad. His suit was yellow and black - and he had black boots and yellow gloves. His cape was black and he had claws. All his weapons were invisible. The Infamous could manipulate electricity. He could change the colors according to his mood. He used an amplifier to increase his superpowers. Four years ago - in New York - the Infamous was walking in the street when he saw two burglars chased by two security guys. The burglars ran into him and they all fell on the ground. It was the Infamouswhousedhispowers. He threwwavesso the burglarsfell down. Theyweretotallyelectrified. The securityguysarrested the burglars and broughtthem to prison. Unfortunately - hedied one yearlater.The Frozen ManA long time ago - in a far far away country called ‘Blackops City’ - there was a man called Tim Jackson. He was 20 and was a banker. He was born on August 26th - 1986. When he was a child - he was kidnapped by a crazy doctor to do a nuclear experiment. He was raised in an orphanage.Tim J was very handsome. He had asqaure face - brown short hair and blue eyes. Tim was very strong and very tall. He had a blue and red suit but his boots were white. His insigna was white with a big ''T'' and his cape was red. He had a lazer gun. His lazer gun was very useful but he only used it in case of emergency. He could use ice to fight against villains - for example he used an ice sword. He could summon giants and make them alive.One day - Tim J had a walk and he saw a hanged man. He tried to find a solution because he was very scared. But he saw a man running in the garden of President Barack Obama so he ran after him and he made appear ice. At the same time - when looked into the man’s eyes - he had a flashback. He saw his dad being murdered by a villain. When the flashback stopped - he was full of rage. So - without understanding what he was doing - he froze the United States. In fact - he became a criminal and killed a lot of people.Friend or not FRIEND??Once upon a time - there was a very nice woman who was called Selina Kyle and was 27 years old. She was living in New York City and was a vet.At night - she was catwoman - she robbed and jumped like a cat. Her friends were Aline - Lila - Tiphaine and Aude. She was an orphan and liked dancing tango.Catwoman had got a round face - short straight black hair and brown eyes. She was not very strong but with her weapons she was powerful. She was slim and not very tall. Catwoman had very sharp claws on her gloves. She didn't have a helmet but she had a black mask. She had a black suit with a golden belt. She didn't have a cape but in her bag she had a parachute. Catwoman could speak to cats because she was their leader. She could kill her enemies with her claws coming from her gloves. She was very flexible. She jumped like a cat - for example she could jump from buildings to buildings. She could see during the night.One afternoon - Selina Kyle invited her best friend Lana to chat. She knew about Selina's superpowers and she was jealous. When Selina left the thouse to buy coffee - Lana disappeared with Selina's magic talisman. Delina looked for her. Lana was wearing the Talisman so she had Catwoman's powers. When Selina realized her talisman had disappeared - she called her best friends. Aline - Lila - Aude and Tiphaine arrived and they were wearing their costume. They were helped by Batman. As he was in his Batmobile - he saw Lana and she tried to flee but Catwoman and her friends caught her. Catwoman took her the talisman and Lana went alone to Brazil.The Life of HulkOnce upon a time - there was a doctor whose nickname was Banner. One day - when he was 35 - he was operated on by a scientist and it went wrong. In an American laboratory - he was transformed into Hulk. He became very strong.He wore blue shorts. He had a purple skin. He was strong and tall and with his muscles he looked very impressive and scary. Banner had blue eyes but now they had become red. His hair had become black. He had a big hammer - bought with his savings.Hulk had four superpowers. He could become white to scare his enemies he could fight using different elements. He could throw water - air and fire. He could also throw snowballs.After one week - the whole world knew Hulk - the new superhero. He saved lives - fought crime - but he couldn't stand blood. One day - he tried to save a little girl but he missed her and she fell on the ground. After this - Hulk took her to the hospital. He was very sad because he thought it was his fault. Hulk had changed since this day. One week later - the little girl woke up so Hulk was very happy and relieved. He took her in his arms. The Adventures of BatmanIn a far away country - a man called Bruce Wayne was living in Gotham City. He was the boss of Wayne Industries. Thanks to his company - he earned a lot of money. His parents died when he was a child. Alfred Pennyworth adopted him. Nobody knew his age. At night - he became Batman - a superhero using gadgets like Batmobile to protect his city. He liked martial art.Bruce Wayne had short straight black hair and black eyes. He had a square face. He wasn't very tall but he was very strong. He had a black cape and a grey suit - with a yellow and black insigna. He had a black mask and a golden belt. His boots were black and he had black gloves. He had many weapons. He looked impressive and confident. He always worked alone. Batman didn’t have superpowers but he had a lot of gadgets like the batplane or the batcopter. He had an excellent physical condition. He was a smart detective. He could fade into the darkness of the night.Yesterday - a famous criminal - Vector - kidnapped the mayor of Gotham City and asked a ransom to free the mayor. Vector was Batman's most dangerous enemy. He had weapons to fight such as claws and a sword. If he didn't get the money - he would blow the town hall. Batman found Vector on the roof of the city hall. The villain threw bombs of smoke and Batman was blinded by them but he wore glasses which enabled him to see. Batman used his weapons and he killed Vector so he saved the city.The Life of a Weird SuperheroOnce upon a time in Sidney - there was a young man called Ashton Irwin who worked in a sports club. He was born on July 7th - 1994 so he was 20. He had got a sister called Lauren and a brother called Harry and he was an orphan. He was very strong - tall and he could heal himself. Ashton Irwin had short brown hair and a round face. He had brown eyes?. He was very tall and powerful - and he was handsome too. Ashton Irwin had a white and yellow suit with a black insigna. He had a yellow cape and black boots. He also had a black mask and white gloves. He looked very serious and he was very impressive. He blinded his enemies with his face. He was very strong and clever because when he touched his mole - time could stop. In his dream - he could foresse the future and he could go through walls. He could also fly when it rained.During the summer 2012 - the criminal “Luke” kidnapped the president to get a ransom. Ashton wanted to help the president because it was his duty. So he started to fly. But it was sunny so he fell. Somebody took him to the hospital. At the hospital - he was operated on. The surgeon told Ashton that they found something weird in his organism and that they would have to operate on him but it could be dangerous. It happened two days after. When Ashton - woke up - he realized he had no more superpowers. He decided he wanted to take revenge so he left the hospital.Wonderman Against the TerroristsIn a far away country - Wonderman - a young American superhero of twenty one years old . He was born on March 10th - 1993. He was a famous student in Texas. He was called Clark Wayne and became an orphan when his parents died and was adopted by a rich family.Wonderman had a black and white suit and a black mask. He had white gloves - white boots and an insigna with a skull. He also had a golden shield and a sword. Wonderman was tall and slim - he was very strong. His hair was short and black. When people saw him - they felt scared in a good way.Wonderman could break a rock with his sword or pierce the heart of villains. When he ran very fast - he became invisible. Wonderwoman could not fly but he could lift buildings?! He could change himself into a wolf to devour his enemies. Wonderman could change teh colors depending on his mood. He became a superhero when he saved his girlfriend Claire at university.Last week - on Septmber - 11th - Wonderman was caught in his house by terrorists. They killed his father because he had weapons. Wonderman made the promise to get revenge. But he was caught. They put him in a secret place and attached him to a chair with tape. Wonderman became invisible and the terrorists thought he had escaped the secret place where he was locked. He took off his ropes with which he was attached and became free. He told the press and the terrorists were arrested. Now - Wonderman lives with his girlfriend Claire and they have two children.Cobra, Rebel and TransformerOnce upon a time, there were three superheroes. They were two boys and a girl. The boys’ names were Transformers and Rebel. The girl’s name was Cobra. Transformer was able to turn into a phoenix. Transformer, Rebel and Cobra were brothers and sisters. They were also some great friends. They lived in Canada. Transformer and Rebel were strong and tall but Cobra was thin and medium height. They had dark hair and… red eyes! Their face were square. Cobra had a red suit with red boots and a black belt. She also had wings. Transformer had a black suit, black boots, a black belt and a black mask. He had claws. Rebel's suit was blue, with a black belt. He had blue boots and a shield. Their insignia was a snake in a circle.They had four enemies. The name of the enemies was “The Indestructibles”. There were a man and a woman. The woman was the leader. She was elastic. There were two little boys. One of the little boys was very intelligent. The other boy was named “T”. He was very mysterious and almost did not speak. The Indestructibles wore some black suits. They were able to teleport. One day Cobra was watching TV and she saw that the Indestructibles had kidnapped the president of the USA. Cobra told Transformer and Rebel so they went to help the president. Cobra, Rebel and Transformer came in the Indestructibles' house. Transformer and Rebel helped Cobra when he tried to save the president, the Indestructibles caught Cobra. Cobra called for help but nothing happened. She called her brothers but they did not hear her because they were helping the president. She finally managed to escape. Transformer and Rebel saved the president. The Indestructibles were arrested. Their children were sent to an orphanage. Cobra, Rebel and Transformer went back home.Jim, the Singing HeroThis is Jim’s story. Jim was a famous singer. He sang very well. He liked singing so much! He was ugly but he was intelligent. He was short and slim but very strong. He had short black hair and brown eyes. He had a black mask to hide his ugly face. He wore a red suit and a black belt. He also had black boots and black gloves, with silver claws on it. He looked nice and brave.Nobody knew that he was also a superhero. He had some superpowers. For example, he was able to fly. He used his superpowers in order to save people. Jim had a little sister. He loved his little sister. Her name was Destiny. He was even able to sacrifice himself for Destiny. His enemy was John. He hated him because he killed his father. But he also had a best friend. His name was Harry. Harry liked singing too. One day, John, his enemy, kidnapped Jim's little sister. He activated his outfit and his silver claws and went discreetly to the city to save Destiny. Jim saved Destiny’s life. She was very happy and proud of him. Her brother was a hero. Finally, they went dancing and singing together.Supernawb vs. VisiliboA long time ago, there was a superhero. His name was Super-Nawb! He was born on 31st October 1983 in Chicago, USA. Everyday, as soon as he could see the sun, his skin became red. And when the night came back, he turned back to his normal appearance. To hide his skin during the day, he wore a cap. At night, he wore a cape and a black and blue space suit, to look like an astronaut. He was strong and muscled. He had short black hair. He was able to fly. He was able to transform into an extraterrestrial. One day, a flying-saucer went into Super-Nawb’s garden. There were three extraterrestrials in the flying-saucer. They abducted him and brought him to their planet. This is how he became an extraterrestrial. He received an honor medal because he saved a baby who had been kidnapped by his Visilibo, his enemy. To get revenge, Visilibo wanted to scare the population of Chicago by locking them up in their houses. Little by little, the population turned against Super-Nawb and Visilibo took them to form an army. The extraterrestrial invented a fruit. When someone ate this fruit, the fruit reappeared. There was some poison in this fruit. The extraterrestrial gave some fruit to everyone in the city. They all ate some fruit and they got poisoned. Nowadays, they are all under the extraterrestrial’s will.Shadow-DemonHis name was Shadow-Demon. He was an average man who was able to turn into a black ghost. He lived in the dark and was nicknamed “The Dark Knight” by the journalists. He was very beautiful and intelligent. He was 18 years old and he lived in London in a house named “Black Night”. All his clothes were black. He had a black and yellow cap, with a big “N” and a scratch. He wore black and yellow boots with scratches behind. He was a black man, very tall, thin, with small yellow eyes. He had an emerald sword and a yellow gun. He was generous but he didn't smile. He could see people in the dark. One day, Shadow-Demon met Black-Shield. Black-Shield was a very mean man who was able to take control of fire. He made fire become black. On the 3rd of October 2023, the girlfriend of Shadow Demon was kidnapped. It was the night of his birthday and he was so excited by the party that he didn't see the demon running with his girlfriend. Shadow-Demon wanted to catch Back-Shield. They fought in a building. Eventually, Black-Shield died. His girlfriend escaped.Spinning-Top-ManThis is the story of Spinning-Top-Man. This story happened in London. Spinning-Top-Man had some supernatural powers. He was born with them. He was very young and strong, tall and slim. His eyes were green and his hair was brown. He could turn so fast that his body seemed to be spun by his super-powers. He was an incredible man. He had a red and silver suit, with boots, gloves and a mask of the same color. His insignia was a tornado. One day, Spinning-Top-Man saved a woman. She was beautiful and very nice. He saved her because she was in danger. The worst enemy of Spinning-Top-Man was attacking her. His name was Brad and his nickname was “the Black Cloud”. Brad became mad because his wife died in an accident. He tried several times to bring her back in other women's body. He had a laboratory in the cellar of his house. Brad didn't know that Spinning-Top Man knew his address. The morning after, Brad sent him a message in the news. The Black Cloud kept his girlfriend as a hostage and the superhero had to come the day after to the Library at 7am. But Spinning-Top Man decided to attack immediately. He went to Brad's house, entered and called Lindsey, his girlfriend. Spinning-Top-Man went to The Black Cloud. He sent the Black Home into the air. It killed the Black Cloud. Lindsey and Spinning-Top-Man moved away to live in space. They got many children and lived quietly. And all is well that ends well.MagraberIn North-Africa, there was a superhero. She was born on 5th Spetember 1994 in Qatar. She wore some red and green clothes. In the middle of her costume, a name was written: Magraber… It was her name! She had a cape and a sword. She was a tall and strong woman. She had a round face, a small nose and curly long black hair. Her eyes were blue. When she was not wearing her superhero costume, she wore an abaya. She could have flashes and she could also throw meat balls. She coud appear and disappear. She had a hidden identity, in real life she was a doctor. Her real name was Layame. She ran very fast and she was discreet. Unfortunately, she was an orphan. She hated terrorists.Magraber had an enemy?: It was Fran?ois Le pain who was very racist. He did not like foreigners. He insulted and hit foreign people. Magraber travelled all around the world. She went first to South Africa, and she found Mama-Deu, a Superhero. In America, she found Super-fly, so she hit him with a meat ball. The she went to France and she found Fran?ois le Pain. She did some belly-dancing in front of Fran?ois Le Pain. It made his head explode and she threw some meat balls on him. He died. And all’s well that ends well.Batwoman vs. ElastogirlBatwoman! She was a very famous superhero! Batwoman was 27 years old and she lived in New-York. Her real name was Linda and she was a student. She was extremely beautiful. She had long black hair and black eyes and her nose and her mouth were small. She was slim and medium height, but she was strong and flexible. She wore a black, cape, a black mask and a black suit. She had an insignia with wings and a white belt, white gloves with claws and white boots. She also had a sword. She was a very intelligent and hardworking woman. She drove a batmobile. The batmobile belonged to her little brother. Her little brother had invented this car. She drove very fast. She was an agent of the S.H.I.E.L.D. But she had an enemy: it was a girl. Batwoman’s enemy’s name was Elastogirl. Elastogirl was able to be elastic. She was also able to turn into a woman. The S.H.I.E.LD was a superhero training company. A super villain kidnapped Batwoman's sister and asked a ransom. Batwoman refused to pay and she went to the super villain's house to save her sister. She entered by the window after he left in a car. But she fell in the stairs and then in a trap. When he came back, the super villain saw her in the trap and said “Here you are again!”. Batwoman asked where her sister was. Batwoman said that she needed to hear her sister’s voice. So, the super villain let her hear her sister’s voice. Batwoman paid the ransom and let her little sister go. All’s well that ends well.Pastaman, a Cook and a SuperheroThis is the story of a superhero: his name was Pastaman. He lived in Italia and his true name was Luigi. In real life, he was a cook. He had one wife and two children, Pizza and Ketchup. He also had a dog named Spaghetti. He was immortal and dangerous. He was strong and brave too. He was disguised in pasta. Sometimes, he wore a tortellini costume… sometimes a spaghetti costume… and sometimes a lasagna costume! He was tall and very thin. He had big eyes and a big smile. He carried a gun. His gun did not shoot bullets: instead, it shot some pasta!!! He also had some iron claws.One day, a bad man abducted Pizza and Ketchup. Pastaman was very angry… He wanted to find his children back. The bad man hid Pizza and Ketchup in a wood. He wanted $20?000?000?000 in exchange for the children. The bad man was the worst ennemy of Pastaman. He hated Pastaman because he was a better cook. Pastaman found the bad man in a public place… BOOM! Pastaman caught the bad man with spaghetti. He threw some spaghetti to his face. The bad man became blind. Pastaman ran and delivered Pizza and Ketchup. He was defeated and the children were free. Pastaman was happy. Zlatan and Octo-ManOnce upon a time, there was a tall and strong man. His name was Zlatan. One day, he discovered that he had some superpowers. His superpowers were amazing! He was able to practice every sport at a high level. He was able to fly too. He lived in Sweden. He was very beautiful and elegant. Zlatan had brown short straight hair. He had blue eyes and he had a square face. His suit was yellow and his symbol was a pair of wings so he had wings on his belt. He had yellow gloves, too. Zlatan shot some X-Rays and nets from his wrists. He had an enemy. His name was Octo-Man. Octo-Man wanted to rob Zlatan’s powers. Octo-man kidnapped the president of the USA to attract Zlatan in a trap. When Zlatan went to help the President, Octo-man robbed Zlatan's super powers with a syringe. When Zlatan understood that he no longer had superpowers, he made a contract with Octo-man: Octo would keep the superpowers and the president would be liberated in exchange. The president thanked Zlatan and Zlatan went back home and lived happily without his powers.Turbo and his WingsThis is the true story of a very famous superhero: his name was Turbo. He was a smurf. He lived in a mushroom and he was from Smurfland. He wore a blue cape and a white cap. In the middle of his cape, a red “T” was printed. He also wore a dark blue T-shirt and some black shoes. He had two pets, Bubblefish and Terminator Rabbit. He was able to run very fast. He could also dance. But he had a terrible secret, he was not a real smurf, he was a Pokesmurf. He had chicken wings and he sucked his finger, he was very very dumb. Bubblefish could spit bubbles and Terminator Rabbit could drop explosive carrots. But one day, he saw a person who was in danger. It was a girl. Her name was Angel. She was wearing a pink dress and white dolly shoes. Her hair was long and blond. She had been abducted by some dangerous bandits. Thanks to his danger-detector, Turbo learnt about the abduction. So, he decided to take his car. Then, Turbo hit the dangerous bandit. He threw some lasers onto him. Finally he saved the girl. This adventure made him stop sucking his thumb. He became intelligent and his wings turned into a pair of angel wings.Turbo and his Wings Gameoverboy was a superhero. He was 24 years old and he lived in the Eiffel Tower. He had short curly red hair, blue eyes and a square face. He was tall and muscled but quite slim. He was always wearing some pink panties at the top of his head and a panther suit… He had a pink cape and an insignia. He was crazy and he had some superpowers. He was able to be in many different places in the same time. He was able to fly. He could see through objects and through… about everything! He did not have any girlfriend. He liked fish but he did not like carrots. He loved chocolate. Our superhero was walking down the street. All of a sudden, a body fell down in front of him. Our superhero was panic-stricken. He took the body in his arms and ran to the hospital. But everyone was dead in the hospital. He made a promise to himself: he would find the murderer. This murderer always killed people with a toothpick, so Gameoverboy went to the toothpick factory and asked everyone to stay in the storeroom. He went to the police station but everyone was dead there too! But he heard a sound... And he saw a woman, she had a toothpick in her hand. It was the murderer and she was in front of him! Our superhero killed the woman. After this, he went back to his family and stopped killing because he was really happy with his family.The Adventures of NaratoineOur superhero’s name was Naratoine. He was 27 years old. He lived in America. He was tall and very strong. He was a mixed-race boy. he looked like a snake. He had purple short straight hair and his eyes were purple too. He had a small nose and a square face. He had a black and purple suit with a purple belt, purple boots and black claws on his gloves. His insignia was a green and purple lips print. He was invincible and he was able to fly. He was intelligent because he could write and read.One day, he fell on his head and the color of his skin changed. He was no longer a mixed-race boy. His skin became green. All of a sudden, a child saw him and brought him to a veterinary hospital. He got an injection and became multicolor. The night after, a man tried to kill him because he thought he was the monster who killed his mother when he was a child. This monster was able to spit fire. Naratoine woke up right on time. He saw the criminal, who said “Your mother is in my house. If you want to see her again, you must rob Chicago Bank”. Naratoine flew to the Chicago Bank and saw ten policemen... It was a trap!So, the police caught him and they killed him because they thought that he was a baddy. His brother Anthony found Naratoine’s costume and became a superhero to replace him. Finally, Anthony saved the world. Strongman vs. Evil-CheeseThis is the story of an anonymous superhero. He was not famous. His name was Strongman. He was very tall and very intelligent. Of course, Strongman was very strong! He was invincible. He had multicolor eyes and short curly red hair. His suit was neon green and his boots were red. He had claws on his hands. Strongman wore a black belt in every martial art and he knew every karate move. He was friend with Superman, the Hulk, Spiderman and every famous superhero on Earth. He lived in New-York.One day, Evil Cheese, his worst enemy, stole all the melted cheese in the world. His aim was to spread melted cheese on earth. Strongman tried to stop him but Evil Cheese kidnapped his family. Strongman had to make a choice... Strongman called his friend?: Waterwoman. She spread some energy all over the world. Thanks to this water, the melted cheese started to disappear. Strongman delivered his family. Evil Cheese and Strongman fought but Strongman won the fight. Strongman lived happily ever after with his family. All’s well that ends well. ................

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