Compare / Contrast Essay Outlines

English 11

Mrs. Woodliffe

For this assignment, you will be creating two detailed outlines for the SAME topic.

First choose two people to compare or contrast, keeping in mind you need to have a purpose for writing the essay. You could choose two parents and decide which one would be easier to live with (because of their rules, location, and something else). You might pick two teachers and pick which one is easier to learn with (because of their personality, rules, and amount of homework). Or you could pick two coaches, two friends, two presidents, or two famous athletes – maybe two quarterbacks or two goalies. Whomever you choose, think of WHY you want to compare and contrast them.

Then choose the three criteria you will use to make your evaluation. Design an outline in both formats: one point by point, which looks like a typical 5 paragraph essay when done; and one block, which will only be a 4 paragraph essay.

These are my two examples, using the idea of comparing two superheroes to decide which one deserves the title of “best superhero” overall. Please note, you can decide that the two people are too similar to determine one over the other.

Two People: Batman and Superman

Purpose: To determine which one is the top/best superhero

Points: Mission, abilities, and enemies



HOOK: DC Comics has numerous superheroes, such as Spiderman etc … but the two oldest and best recognized are Batman and Superman. There has been a long debate over which is better …

THESIS: Batman and Superman tie for the title of “best superhero.”

PLAN: While Batman and Superman share the same mission to defeat evil, they differ in terms of their superhero abilities and their villainous foes.

FIRST POINT BODY PARAGRAPH: *1st half just states point, while 2nd half compares & contrasts

Topic Sentence 1: Batman and Superman both are on a mission to defeat evil.

BATMAN: For Batman, he lives in Gotham City ... where he is lives a double life with a hidden identity … Mission is to protect his city… fight bad guys … Became Batman when …

Transition to SUPERMAN: Similarly, Superman is also on a mission to destroy evil and he desires to rid his city, Metropolis, ….. Like Batman, he leads a secret life …. lives as mild-mannered Clark Kent. Also like Batman, he … In contrast to Batman, Superman did not adopt his secret identity …

Concluding Sentence: Clearly, both Batman and Superman go to great lengths to vanquish evil from their midst and for this reason both are greatly appreciated by the residents of their towns. In this way, neither beats the other out in terms of their mission being more important than the other’s.

*Concluding sentence reiterates the thesis and gives purpose

SECOND POINT BODY PARAGRAPH: *1st half just states point, while 2nd half compares & contrasts

Topic Sentence 2: Although Batman and Superman live similar lifestyles, and both spend their lives dedicated to fighting against the forces of evil, they differ in terms of their superhero powers and capabilities.

BATMAN For example, Batman relies more on gadgets than powers … hidden cave under his home … also costume … in addition … car … sidekick Robin … gadgets

Transition to SUPERMAN On the other hand, Superman … unlike Batman … fly … strength different from Batman …. Similar to Batman ….. in contrast, no sidekick …

Concluding sentence: As they each possess different superhero abilities, the way these heroes go about completing their missions is significantly different, but again, neither is truly better than the other.

*Concluding sentence reiterates the thesis and gives purpose

THIRD POINT BODY PARAGRAPH: *1st half just states point, while 2nd half compares & contrasts

Topic Sentence 3: Finally, Batman and Superman differ in terms of the villains they face.

BATMAN Batman’s arch nemesis is … a villain who …. Other villains listed

Transition to SUPERMAN: While Batman’s primary enemy is … Superman’s is …. Other C/C villains

Concluding sentence: Thankfully, both Batman and Superman prevail in defeating these villains which enables them to restore order to their respective cities. Once again, this criteria does not establish one as a superior superhero over the other.

*Concluding sentence reiterates the thesis and gives purpose.


While Batman and Superman share the same mission to defeat evil, they differ in terms of their superhero abilities and their villainous foes. However, at the end of a long the day fighting crime, both heroes can resume their alter-identities and retire their capes, knowing that both did the job of saving the world. Neither Batman nor Superman can be clearly defined as better than the other.

Example #2 - BLOCK STYLE


HOOK: DC Comics has numerous superheroes, such as … but the two oldest and best recognized are Batman and Superman. Long debate over which is better …

THESIS: Batman and Superman tie for the title of “best superhero.”

PLAN: While Batman and Superman share the same mission to defeat evil, they differ in terms of their superhero abilities and their villainous foes.

FIRST BLOCK BODY PARAGRAPH: BATMAN *just goes through points with NO C/C

Topic Sentence: Batman is one of DC Comics best known superheroes.

Point 1: He is on a mission to defeat evil. For Batman, he lives in Gotham City ... where he is lives a double life with a hidden identity … Protect his city… Became Batman when …

Point 2: Batman is also known for his unique superhero powers and capabilities. He relies more on gadgets than powers … hidden cave under his home … also costume … in addition … car … sidekick Robin … gadgets

Point 3: Finally, Batman faces a number of the villains. His arch nemesis is … a villain who ....

Concluding Sentence: Batman is clearly a well-respected and well-loved superhero who is deserving of the “top” prize.

*Concluding sentence reiterates the thesis and gives purpose

SECOND BLOCK BODY PARAGRAPH: SUPERMAN * same order of points but lots of C/C words

Topic Sentence 2: The other popular DC Comics hero is Superman.

Point 1: Like Batman, Superman lives a similar lifestyle. Superman is also on a mission to destroy evil and he desires to rid his city, Metropolis, ….. Like Batman, he leads a secret life as Superman …. lives as mild-mannered Clark Kent. Also like Batman, he … However, in contrast to Batman, Superman did not adopt his secret identity …

Point 2: Superman also differs from Batman in terms of his superhero powers and capabilities. Superman … unlike Batman … fly … strength different from Batman …. Similar to Batman ….. in contrast, no sidekick …

Point 3: Finally, Superman also is different from Batman in terms of the villains they face. Batman’s arch nemesis is … a villain who …. while Superman’s primary enemy is …

Concluding Sentence: Clearly, Superman is also a well-respected and beloved superhero. Like Batman, he fights for his city, possesses some superhero abilities, and has had great success against certain villains; he too appears worthy of the “best superhero” title.

*Concluding sentence reiterates the thesis and gives purpose


While Batman and Superman share the same mission to defeat evil, they differ in terms of their superhero abilities and their villainous foes. However, at the end of a long the day fighting crime, both heroes can resume their alter-identities and retire their capes, knowing that both did the job of saving the world. Neither Batman nor Superman can be clearly defined as better than the other.


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