Cell Membrane Worksheet

Unifying Characteristics of Life

Directions: Pictured below is a cross section of a typical cell membrane. Use the terms to label each part.

Phospholipid head (Hydrophilic) tail (Hydrophobic) Cholesterol Proteins Carbohydrate chains Cytoplasm

1.) _________________________ 3.) a and b ____________________________

1a._________________ 4.) ___________________________________

1b.__________________ 5)____________________________________

2.) ________________________

Use the above diagram and your notes to answer the following questions:

6. The plasma membrane is made up of three organic compounds, they are: ______________________, ______________________, and ______________________.

7. How many layers make up the cell membrane? ____________

8. What type of macromolecule can form channels that allow large or charged molecules to move through the membrane? _______________________

9. What does hydrophilic mean? _______________________

10. What type of macromolecule acts as an identification marker? _______________________

11. Label the Phospholipid. Include the terms: Phosphate Head, Fatty Acid Tail, Hydrophilic, Hydrophobic

12. What are two important functions of the cell membrane?

13. What is a lipid bilayer?

14. The cell membrane is a lipid bilayer. It is composed of 2 layers of phospholipid molecules. One end of the molecule is the phosphoric acid head, and the other end is the fatty acid tails. In the membrane, how are the heads and tails oriented or organized? How is this beneficial to the cell?

15. Will the heads or tails of a phospholipid interact with water?

16. What does it mean to be selectively or semipermeable?

17. Why is it important for a cell membrane to be selectively permeable? What would happen if it wasn’t permeable at all?

18. Why do cells need DNA? How do cells pass DNA on when cells divide?

19. What is the function of ribosomes?

20. What are organelles?

21 What is cytoplasm? What is its function?

_____ 22. Cell specialization is a process in which

a. cells throughout an organism develop in different ways to perform different tasks.

b. materials move through a cell membrane during exocytosis.

c. biologists identify different levels of organization.

d. water moves through a selectively permeable membrane.

_____ 23.. Looking at a cell under a microscope, you note that it is a prokaryote. How do you know?

a. The cell lacks cytoplasm. c. The cell lacks a nucleus.

b. The cell lacks a cell membrane. d. The cell lacks genetic material.

_____ 24. The cell membrane contains channels and pumps that help move materials from one side to the other. What are these channels and pumps made of?

a. carbohydrates c. bilipids

b. lipids d. proteins

_____ 25. The cells of unicellular organisms are

a. specialized to perform different tasks.

b. larger than those of multicellular organisms

c. able to carry out all of the functions necessary for life.

d. unable to respond to changes in their environment.

_____ 26. Which of the following enclose their DNA in a nucleus?

a. prokaryotes c. eukaryotes

b. bacteria d. viruses

_____ 27. Which of the following organisms are prokaryotes?

a. plants c. bacteria

b. animals d. fungi

_____ 28. Which of the following is a function of the nucleus?

a. stores DNA c. builds protein

b. stores sugars d. packages proteins

_____ 29. Which of the following is a function of the cytoskeleton?

a. helps a cell keep its shape c. surrounds the cell

b. contains DNA d. helps make proteins

_____ 30. Which structure makes proteins using coded instructions that come from the nucleus?

a. Golgi apparatus c. vacuole

b. mitochondrion d. ribosome

_____ 31. Which of the following structures serves as the cell’s boundary from its environment?

a. mitochondrion c. chloroplast

b. cell membrane d. channel protein

_____ 32. Which term describes the relatively constant internal physical conditions of an organism?

a. cell specialization c. organ system

b. homeostasis d. unicellularity

33. Name 3 ways prokaryotes and eukaryotes differ.

34. Compare a cell from a unicellular organism with a cell from a multicellular organism in terms of cell specialization.

35. Prokaryotes are simple cells. They lack a nucleus. Your body is made up of eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotes have a nucleus that holds DNA. They also have organelles.

Look at the diagrams below. Follow the directions.

1. Label the prokaryotic cell.

2. Label the eukaryotic cell.

36. Compare and contrast the two types of cells by completing the table.

| |Prokaryotic Cell |Eukaryotic Cell |

|Cell membrane |yes | |

|Nucleus | | |

|Cell size | |larger |

|Complexity |simpler | |

37. To study cells and their organelles with a light microscope, different types of stains are usually available. Why would it be more useful to stain eukaryotic cells than prokaryotic cells?

38. Put an X in the Prokaryote column if the organism is a prokaryote and put an X in the Eukaryote column if the organism is a eukaryote.

|Type of Organism |Eukaryote |Prokaryote |

|Animal | | |

|“Protist” | | |

|Bacterium | | |

|Plant | | |

39. Which structure is present in a eukaryotic cell but not in a prokaryotic cell?

nucleus cell wall cell membrane

40. Which term best describes the complexity of prokaryotes compared to eukaryotes?

simpler more complex about the same

41. Why don’t prokaryotes need a cytoskeleton?

42 Explain the relationship of unicellularity to prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

43. Explain the relationship of multicellularity to prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

_____ 44. Which of the following is NOT found in the nucleus?

a. mitochondria. c. chromatin

b. nucleolus d. DNA

_____ 45. Which organelle converts the chemical energy stored in food into useable energy?

a. chloroplast c. endoplasmic reticulum

b. Golgi apparatus d. mitochondrion

_____ 46. Which organelle would you expect to find in plant cells but not animal cells?

a. mitochondrion c. chloroplast

b. ribosome d. smooth endoplasmic reticulum

47. Complete the Venn diagram to compare and contrast chloroplasts and mitochondria.

For Questions 48–51, write True if the statement is true. If the statement is false, change the underlined word or words to make the statement true.

48. Chloroplasts are never found in animal cells.

49. Unlike chloroplasts, mitochondria are surrounded by a double membrane.

50. Nearly all of the mitochondria in your cells were inherited from your mother.

51. Both chloroplasts and mitochondria lack genetic information in the form of DNA.

52. What are some features of the composition of the nucleus? Why are nuclear pores necessary?

53. What is the function of the nucleolus?

54. DNA in the nucleus is important to building what macromolecule?

55. Plants have chloroplasts. How would you describe their function? Do plant cells need

mitochondria if they already have chloroplasts? Why or why not?

56. Mitochondria are the power house of the cell. They convert “raw materials” into an energy source the cell can use. What is the name of this process? What type of cells need plenty of mitochondria?

57. What are ribosomes? What do they do?

58. In which organelle are the lipid components of the cell membrane assembled?

59. What is the difference between rough ER and smooth ER?

60. Using the cell as a factory analogy, describe the role of the Golgi apparatus in cells.

61. Suppose a cell’s Golgi apparatus does not function properly. How might this problem affect other cells?

Use the clues and words to help you write the vocabulary terms from the chapter in the blanks. You may use a word once or not at all.

62. structure that contains DNA in a eukaryotic cell

63. manufactures ribosomes_____________________

64. cell structure that makes proteins

65. internal membrane system that helps make proteins

_____ 66. Which sequence correctly traces the path of a protein in the cell?

a. ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus

b. ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplast

c. endoplasmic reticulum, lysosome, Golgi apparatus

d. ribosome, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum

67. Ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, and the Golgi apparatus work together to

A. convert solar energy to chemical energy. B. pass on genetic information.

C. break down and recycle materials. D. make and deliver proteins.

68. Use the words below to label the animal cell. Some structures have been labeled for you.

69. The smooth ER makes lipid molecules. Where do many of these lipid molecules end up? It is also is involved in detoxification of poisons in the body. Cells in what organ in your body probably contain a lot of smooth ER?

70. The rough ER functions in what process? What monomer would be important to be found in the cell for this process to occur, and how are these monomers bound to each other?

71. The Golgi Apparatus transports proteins using what “vehicle” ?

72. Draw a line to match each structure with its function

Functions: Structure:

A .manufactures ribosomes Nucleolus

B.synthesizes proteins and inserts them into rough ER Rough ER

C. has proteins inserted in it by ribosomes Golgi Apparatus

D. rearranges and ships finished proteins in vessicles Ribosomes

73. How do ribosomes know which protein to synthesize?


[pic]Vesicles store materials that are in the process of movement in the cell. Looking at the drawing above, the left half shows a material entering the cell membrane, and the right half shows a material exiting the cell membrane. The left half is called endocytosis, and the right half is exocytosis . What do the prefixes endo- and exo- mean? Describe both processes from the picture.

75. An organelle is a specialized cell structure. Each organelle functions in a different way. All of the organelles help the cell carry out life processes.

Use the terms in the box to write the name of the organelle underneath its picture.

|Organelle |Function |

| |Controls most cell processes and stores genetic material |

| |Where lipid parts of the cell membrane and proteins for export are|

| |assembled and stored |

| |Modifies, sorts, and packages materials from the endoplasmic |

| |reticulum |

| |Converts the energy stored in food into a more usable form |

76. What is the function of vesicles in the synthesis of proteins and the release of those proteins outside the cell?

77. What are vacuoles?

78. What are the two roles of the central vacuole in plant cells?

79. What is the role of lysosomes in the cell? Why is this a vital role?

80 . Which structures of the cytoskeleton are found in animal cells but not in plant cells?

81. Use the words below to label the plant cell. Some structures have been labeled for you.

Venn Diagram A Venn diagram is made up of overlapping circles. It is a useful tool for comparing two or even three topics.

82. Use terms from the box to complete the Venn diagram.

7. Vacuoles function in storage of water, carbohydrates, and proteins. Desc




ribe the

difference in vacuole location and number between plant and animal cells.

83. When a lysosome comes into contact with a food vacuole, how would you describe the digestion process from this picture?


84. What two organelles make up the cytoskeleton? How do microfilaments and microtubules differ in structure and function? What macromolecule is used to give structure to the cell?

85. The centriole has what function? Where are they more commonly found, plants or animals?

86. Describe cilia and flagella and their similarities and differences.

87. Besides composition, there is an important difference between the cell membrane and the cell wall. While both are boundaries, what will the cell wall do that the membrane will not? Based on your answer, if a plant cell has a cell wall, does it really need a cell membrane as well?

88. List the organelles we have studied according to function:

Storage and clean-up structure protein synthesis capturing/ releasing energy

89. Compose a list or organelles found only in plants.

90. Describe the shape of plant vs. animal cells and an explanation for the difference.

91. What is the cell wall and what is its function? Which type of cell does not have a cell wall?

92. The cell wall of a plant cell is composed of_____________________.

Use the diagrams to answer Questions 93 and 94.

93. Which of the cells is a plant cell?

94. Which of the cells is prokaryotic? ______________

_____ 95. Which organelle breaks down organelles that are no longer useful?

a. Golgi apparatus c. endoplasmic reticulum

b. lysosome d. mitochondrion

Figure 7–1

_____ 96. Which structure in the cell shown in Figure 7–1 above stores materials, such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates?

a. structure A c. structure C

b. structure B d. structure D

_____ 97. Which of the following is a function of the cytoskeleton?

a. helps a cell keep its shape c. surrounds the cell

b. contains DNA d. helps make proteins

_____ 98. Which structures are involved in cell movement?

a. cytoplasm and ribosomes c. microtubules and microfilaments

b. nucleolus and nucleus d. chromosomes

99. Describe the cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus, and cytoplasm. Which of these structures are you likely to find in a prokaryotic cell? Eukaryotic cell? Plant cell? Animal cell?

100. Distinguish between microtubules and microfilaments. Describe two functions of each kind of structure.





Cell membrane




endoplasmic reticulum mitochondrion ribosome

Golgi apparatus nucleus nucleolus

cell membrane mitochondrion rough endoplasmic reticulum

Golgi apparatus nucleus ribosome





Animal Cell

endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus mitochondrion nucleus

cell wall mitochondrion ribosome

chloroplast nucleus vacuole

Plant Cell

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

rough endoplasmic reticulum

Golgi apparatus

cell membrane

cell membrane cytoskeleton mitochondria

cell wall DNA found in cytoplasm nucleus containing DNA

centriole endoplasmic reticulum ribosome

chloroplast Golgi apparatus vacuole

cytoplasm lysosome





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