Computer Architecture and Assembly Language

Course Name: Computer Architecture and Assembly Language

Course ID: COMP233/L

Course Instructor: Mr. Ahmad Jawdat

Lecture Notes

- Each character is stored inside a cell of bits.

A seven-bit cell

- Some possible values in a seven-bit cell

- Representation of Unsigned Integers:

o Range for unsigned integers

▪ In real world there is no limit to counting numbers.

▪ A real computer has a finite number of bits in each cell.

▪ There is a limit to the numbers that can be stored in a cell.

o The number 22 (dec) in a seven-bit cell


o The range of unsigned values depends on the number of bits in a cell.

▪ A sequence of all 0’s represents the smallest unsigned value.

• 000 0000

▪ A sequence of all 1’s represents the largest.

• 111 1111

▪ 000 0000 (bin) = 0 (dec).

▪ 111 1111(bin) = 127 (dec).

o Unsigned addition:

▪ Similar to unsigned 1addition in the decimal system.

▪ Addition rules in binary system:

• 0 + 0 = 0

• 0 + 1 = 1

• 1 + 0 = 1

• 1 + 1 = 10

▪ Carry technique:

• If two numbers in a column add to a value greater than 1

o 1 must be carried to the next column.

o Example1:

▪ 01 1010 (bin) = 26 (dec)

▪ 01 0001(bin) = 17 (dec)

▪ 10 1011 (bin) = 43 (dec)

▪ 26 + 17 = 43

o Example 2:

o The Carry Bit:

▪ When adding two numbers in binary system, we are limited by the number of bits in a cell.

▪ Sometimes the sum is too large to fit into the cell.

• Six-bit cell range is 0 to 63 (dec).

▪ The CPU contains a special bit called the carry bit.

• Denoted C.

▪ When two binary numbers were added, if the sum of the left-most column (the most significant bit) produces a carry.

• The C is set to 1.

▪ O/W

• The C is cleared to 0.

o Examples:

▪ In the second example the sum is equal to 68.

• Too large to fit into the six-bit cell.

- Two’s Complement Binary Representation

o The unsigned binary representation works only for nonnegative integers.

o So store a negative integers, we will have a two part cell.

▪ One-bit sign to store the sign of the number.

▪ Is called the sign bit.

▪ 1 for negative and 0 for positive.

▪ The rest is to store the nonnegative number.

▪ Is called the magnitude.

o + 5(dec) = 0 00101 (bin)

o - 5 (dec) = 1 00101 (bin)

o In decimal, when you add -5 to +5 you will get 0.

o Using the previously mentioned representation WE WILL NOT GET 0.

o It would be more convenient if the hardware of the CPU could add the numbers for +5 and -5 to get zero.

o The positive number has a 0 sign bit and a magnitude as in the unsigned binary representation.

▪ +5 will be 00 0101.

▪ -5 will not be 10 0101

• 11 1011.


o Under the rule of binary addition for a six-bit cell

▪ The number 11 1011 is called the additive inverse of 00 0101

▪ The operation of finding the additive inverse is called negation, NEG.

▪ Negating a number is called taking its two’s complement.

o Steps for taking the two’s complement of a number:

1. Finding the one’s complement.

• The binary number with all the 1’s changed to 0’s and all the 0’s changed to 1’s.

• Is called the NOT operation.

2. Adding one to the one’s complement.

o Example:

▪ Take the two’s complement of +5

o Solution:

▪ +5(dec) = 00 0101 (bin).

1. One’s complement:

• NOT 00 0101 = 11 1010

2. Adding one to the one’s complement

▪ Therefore,

• -5 (dec) = 11 1011 (bin)

o General rule:

▪ The two’s complement of a number is 1 plus its one’s complement.

▪ NEG x = 1 + NOT x.

o Example:

▪ Take the two’s complement of -5.

o Solution:

▪ NOT 11 1011 = 00 0100

▪ Therefore,

• +5 (dec) = 00 0101 (bin)

- Two’s Complement Range:

o Range of a four-bit cell system.

– There are only three bits are reserved for magnitude.

– The greatest unsigned number to be stored is 0 111 (+7).

o The previous figure shows the two’ complement up to +7.

▪ It automatically produces 1 in the sign bit of the negative numbers.

▪ -5 is obtained from -6 by adding 1.

▪ -6 is obtained from -7 by adding 1.

▪ We can also obtain -7 by from -8 by adding one.

▪ We can not also obtained -8 by from -9 by adding one,

• Because -9 can not be represented by a four-digit cell.

o The full range for four-bit cell for signed integers is:

▪ 1000 to 0111, or

▪ -8 to +7.


o A general rule:

▪ Regardless of the number of bits in the cell,

• The largest positive number is a single 0 followed by all 1’s.

• The negative number with the largest magnitude is a single 1 followed by all 0’s.

o Its magnitude is one greater than the magnitude of the largest positive integer.

• The number -1(dec) is represented as all 1’s

▪ Example:

• The range for six-bit two’ complement representation is

o 10 0000 to 01 1111, or

o -32 to 31

▪ Base conversion

• To convert a negative number from decimal to binary is a two-step process.

1. Convert its magnitude from decimal to binary as in unsigned binary representation.

2. Negate it by taking the two’s complement.

• Example: for -7 (dec) in a 10-bit cell.

1. +7 (dec) = 00 0000 01111 (bin)

2. NOT 00 0000 0111 = 11 1111 1000

o So -7 (dec) is 11 1111 1001 (bin)

• To convert a number from binary to decimal in a computer that uses two’s complement representation, always check the sign bit first.

o If it is 0, the number is positive:

▪ Convert as in unsigned representation.

o If it is 1, the number is negative:

1. Make the number positive by negating it.

2. Convert it to decimal as in unsigned representation.

• Example:

o You have a 10 bit cell that contains 11 1101 1010. What decimal number does it represent?

• Solution:

o The sign is 1, therefore it is negative.

o Negate the number:

▪ NOT 11 1101 1010 = 00 0010 0101

o 00 0010 0110 (bin) = 38 (dec). Therefore,

o 11 1101 1010 (bin) = -38 (dec)

- The Overflow Bit

o The hardware does not make distinction between the two types of data representation

▪ Unsigned and

▪ Two’s complement.

o When adding the content of two memory cells, the CPU uses the rules for binary addition on the bit sequences, regardless of their types.

▪ In unsigned representation, if the sum is out of range:

• The hardware stores the incorrect result, and

• Set the carry but (C) to 1.

• It’s up to the software to examine the C bit after the addition has been made, and take the appropriate action.

o In the two’s complement the C bit no longer indicates whether a sum is in range or out of range.

o An overflow condition occurs when the result of an operation in out of range.

▪ To flag this condition for signed numbers, the CPU contain another special character called the overflow bit, V.

▪ When adding two numbers and the result is interpreted to two’s complement,

• If it’s out of range the V is set to 1.

• O/W is set to cleared, set to 0.

• Again it’s up to the software to check the V bit, and take the appropriate actions.

o The software inspects the signs of the numbers and the sum.

▪ If you add two positives and get a negative sum, or if you add two negatives and get a positive sum:

▪ You have got an overflow.

▪ It is not possible to get an overflow by adding a positive and a negative.

o The Negative and Zero bits

▪ The software tests the special bits to perform some operations:

• C bit to detect overflow condition in unsigned integers.

• V bit to detect overflow condition in signed integers.

▪ There are also other bits that are used for similar purposes:

• N bit to detect a negative result.

• Z bit to detect a Zero result.

▪ N bit:

• N = 1 if the result is negative.

• N = 0 O/W.

▪ Z bit:

• Z = 1 if the result is all zeros.

• Z = 0 O/W

- Representation across levels:

o When you write a program in C++ and run on a seven-bit computer,

▪ The values of type int are stored in two’s complement representation.

o When you add two integers for example:

▪ i + j; where i = 8 and j = -2, the ISA level performs the operation as follows:

o When you output like this:

▪ cout ................

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