The House on Mango Street - Chicago Military Academy

The House on Mango Street

Essay Option A

Esperanza describes some of the women on Mango Street as possible role models. These include Marin, Sally, Sire’s girlfriend Lois and Alicia. Write an essay in which you show why Esperanza admires these women and considers them role models. Please include the following information:

• Introduction: This should consist of a hook (anecdote, quote from novel/citation or startling statement), background information (about your topic) and a thesis statement. Your introduction must incorporate the name of the novel and the author. Do not write a sentence such as “The name of the book is____________ and the author is ______________.”

• Three Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should include a topic sentence that states the name of one of the women that Esperanza admires and her reasons for looking at this woman as a role model. You should have a quote/citation as evidence. You should then explain how the evidence supports your topic sentence. Additionally, you should include a transitional sentence that leads into the next paragraph.

• The conclusion must include a summary statement (one or two sentences that restate the thesis in a fresh way) and a clincher (a final thought which should leave a lasting impression upon the reader. The conclusion should not restate the three topics of your paragraphs.

Essay Option B

Nearly all the characters in Cisneros's book dream of escaping. What do they want to leave? Write an essay in which you describe the ways in which different people try to escape, as well as the result of their efforts. Consider how being poor affects their ability to escape the world of Mango Street as well as how other people perceive them affects their ability to pursue their dreams. Please include the following information:

• Introduction: This should consist of a hook (anecdote, quote from novel/citation or startling statement), background information (about your topic) and a thesis statement. Your introduction must incorporate the name of the novel and the author. Do not write a sentence such as “The name of the book is____________ and the author is ______________.”

• Three Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should include a topic sentence that focuses on one person and his or her escape plans/dreams. You should provide a quote/citation to support your topic. You should then explain how your evidence supports your topic sentence. Additionally, you should have a transitional sentence that leads into the next paragraph.

• The conclusion must include a summary statement (one or two sentences that restate the thesis in a fresh way) and a clincher (a final thought which should leave a lasting impression upon the reader. The conclusion should not restate the three topics of your paragraphs.

Essay Option C

In the stories "My Name" and "No Speak English," Cisneros describes a gulf between two languages, a gap of meaning and of feeling. In English, for example, Esperanza means hope; in Spanish, says the narrator, it suggests sadness and waiting [10]. How does Esperanza feel about her two languages—and by extension, about her two cultures? How does she feel about the society outside her barrio? Look particularly at the chapters "Cathy Queen of Cats," "Those Who Don't," "Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark," "Geraldo No Last Name," and "Bums In the Attic." Write an essay in which you explore how Esperanza feels about her two languages – and by extension, her two cultures. Please include the following information:

• Introduction: This should consist of a hook (anecdote, quote from novel/citation or startling statement), background information (about your topic) and a thesis statement. Your introduction must incorporate the name of the novel and the author. Do not write a sentence such as “The name of the book is____________ and the author is ______________.”

• Three Body Paragraphs: Each topic sentence should focus on one chapter of the novel that illustrates how Esperanza feels about her languages and cultures. Therefore, a chapter title should be in your topic sentence as well as a descriptive word that embodies Esperanza’s feelings. Include a quote/citation as evidence to support your topic sentence. Explain how your quote supports your topic. Additionally, you should provide a transitional sentence that leads into your next paragraph.

Essay Due Dates

Wednesday, April 8, 2009 @10:00 A.M.: Rough Draft (this is entirely optional, but if you want my input, this is when I will be grading rough drafts.) Please email me your draft at lisa.moore2005@.

Monday, April 13, 2009: Completed essay is due at the beginning of your English paper. No excuses or extensions. You will not be allowed to go to Media Center, other classrooms or use my computer to print. If you are absent on Monday, April 13, 2009, please email me essay by 11:00 A.M.


• Typed, double-spaced using Times New Roman size 12 font, black ink only on plain white paper

• Papers must be typed according to “How To Format a Paper Properly.”

• Do not use phrases such as “I think,” “In my opinion,” or “I believe” (to name but a few) in your paper. Please prove a point as opposed to providing an opinion.

• Your paper should have a proper title that gives the reader a hint as to what the paper will be about, so don’t write “Essay Option A.”


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