|UNIT 1 |UNIT 2 |UNIT 3 |UNIT 4 |UNIT 5 |UNIT 6 | |

|Pre-K |All Together Now |Who Lives Here? |Watch Me Change |Let’s Find Out |Going Places |Building Our Homes |

| |How do people work and play together? |Where and how do people and animals|How do people and |Where will our adventures |How can people travel from place to|How do people build things? |

| | |live? |animals change? |take us? |place? | |

|K |All Together Now |Animals Live Here |Watch Me Change |Let’s Explore |Going Places |Building Our Homes |

| |How do we live, work, and play |Where do animals live? |How do people, plants, and |Where will our adventures |How do people get from here to |How do homes help us survive |

| |together? | |animals grow and change? |take us? |there? |and enjoy life? |

|1 |Animals, Tame and Wild |Communities |Changes |Treasures |Great Ideas |[no unit 6] |

| |How are people and animals important |What is a community? |What is changing in our world?|What do we treasure? |What difference can a great idea | |

| |to one another? | | | |make? | |

|2 |Exploration |Working Together |Creative Ideas |Our Changing World |Responsibility |Traditions |

| |What can we learn from exploring new |How can we work together? |What does it mean to be |How do things change? How |What does it mean to be |How are traditions and |

| |places and things? | |creative? |do they stay the same? |responsible? |celebrations important to our |

| | | | | | |lives? |

|3 |Dollars and Sense |Smart Solutions |People and Nature |One-of-a-Kind |Cultures |Freedom |

| |When is money important, and when does|What are smart ways that problems |How are people and nature |What does it mean to be |What happens when two ways of life |What does it mean to be free? |

| |it affect our lives? |are solved? |connected? |unique? |come together? | |

|4 |This Land Is Your Land |Work and Play |Patterns in Nature |Puzzles and Mysteries |Adventures by Land, Air, and Water |Reaching for Goals |

| |How do the diverse regions and peoples|What is the value of work and play?|What are some patterns in |Is there an explanation for|What makes an adventure? |What does it take to achieve |

| |of the United States reflect its | |nature? |everything? | |our goals and dreams? |

| |greatness? | | | | | |

|5 |Meeting Challenges |Doing the Right Thing |Inventors and Artists |Adapting |Adventurers |The Unexpected |

| |What kinds of challenges do people |What makes people want to do the |What do people gain from the |How do people and animals |Who goes seeking adventure and why?|What can we learn from |

| |face and how do they meet them? |right thing? |work of inventors and artists?|adapt to different | |encounters with the unexpected?|

| | | | |situations? | | |

|6 |Loyalty and Respect |Space and Time |Challenges and Obstacles |Explorers, Pioneers, and |Resources |Exploring Cultures |

| |What draws us to people and things |Why might things far away and long |How are the results of our |Discoverers |What are resources and why are they|In what ways does one culture |

| |around us and makes us care? |ago be important to us now? |efforts sometimes greater than|How have those who've gone |important to us? |affect another? |

| | | |we expect? |first influenced those | | |

| | | | |who've gone after? | | |


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