Using Microsoft Teams EffectivelyFacilitator Materials:Laptop and projectorAssessment Checklist Document (see Appendix A)Weekly Projects Example (see Appendix B)Course PowerPoint (see Appendix C)Trainer Report (see Appendix D)End of Course Evaluation (see Appendix E)Facilitator Notes:Before each workshop session, ensure all registered participants have been added to the Teams Workshop Team site. Ensure channels in workshop are updated in order to provide the best user experience (i.e. delete old posts from prior workshops if necessary, post test conversations, etc.)TimeTopic10 minutesIntroductions – Who we are and why we are hereIntroduce yourselfAsk Participants to introduce themselves Go over housekeeping information Read through agenda, goals, and objectives. 5 - 10 minutesBrief Overview of Microsoft Teams and Office 365Say: Microsoft 365 is a complete, intelligent cloud-based solution that empowers everyone to be creative and work together securely. Microsoft realized that many of its traditional users are no longer tied to a desktop, they are mobile, and those things shouldn’t stop them from being productive. Microsoft also embraced the fact that their users needed better tools for collaboration as well as better and persistent access to their important documents. Office 365 gives users access to traditional Microsoft apps such as excel, word, and PowerPoint and also other collaboration applications such as SharePoint, One Drive, sway, and Teams. We will be focusing on Microsoft Teams today and how it can help you in your day to day work. Microsoft Teams as the hub for teamwork, is where people can actively connect and collaborate in real time to get things done. You can have a conversation right where the work is happening, whether coauthoring a document, having a meeting, or working together in other apps and services. Teams is the place to have informal chats, iterate quickly on a project, or work together on shared deliverables – all of which can improve collaboration and communication with others in your organization. (Overview sourced from , 2019) Ask: “Has anyone used Microsoft Teams?” Allow for responses.Ask: “What challenges or successes have you had?” Allow for responses/discussion.Say: Today we will address some of your challenges. You will have a chance to learn more about - and practice using - several features of MS Teams. We will also take the time to assess your newly learned skills at each interval to ensure that everyone feels comfortable moving on. If at any time you get stuck, please let me know and we will find a solution together. Log InSay: Everyone open your Chrome browser and navigate to Office 365 login. If you are not already logged in, log in with your enterprise login and password. These are all of the Office 365 application available to you. I will share some resources at the end of class that can help you learn more about these. As I mentioned, today we will focus on Microsoft Teams so click on that icon. 15 minutesGoal: At the completion of the course, participants will be able to use Microsoft Teams for staff communications and teamwork. Objective: Learners will be able to navigate to chat section of Teams, edit contact list, and initiate a chat session from their list of contacts.Activities:Overview of chatDemonstration of chat featureParticipant practice using the chat feature Participants complete competency assessment of using Microsoft Teams chat featureOverview of ChatAsk: Who has used a chat feature before? Discuss with class the benefits of using chat. Ask: Are there are benefits to using chat over email?Talking Points to be used as needed. If these naturally come up in the question discussion before, only go over the ones that did not. Say: There are many arguments for and against both email and instant messaging as a form of internal communication in the workplace. Emails can be constantly back and forth for a prolonged period for something that could be dealt with in half the time in many cases. While instant messaging is seen as more informal which may not suit all business types but there is so much more chat and instant messaging when used correctly. Some benefits of chat include:Emails can often be slow to come through which is frustrating when sending a short, informal message or an urgent, pressing matter. With a chat client you can receive and reply instantly, in real time, making collaboration much more efficient.?Presence.?Microsoft Teams Chat includes a presence feature so you have visibility if someone is online to receive or reply to a message or if they are busy, on the phone or in a meeting etc.Content sharing.?You can send attachments as you would in an email. Pictures and PDFs can be sent instantly.No build up.?If like many people your inbox never has ‘0’ unread emails and they continue to pile up throughout the day as you try your best to catch up on the important correspondence, filter out the spam and respond to as many as possible, then sending you another email to add to that pile is probably not the best or fastest way to communicate with you.(Benefits of chat sourced from , 2017)Ask: When should we not use chat?Possible answers: When a face to face conversation is needed. When emotions are involved.When the person you are chatting with is not getting it.When documentation or a more formal way of communicating is required. Demonstration of ChatInstruct participants to watch as you demonstrate how to navigate to the chat feature. Navigate to chat area.Explain where to click to view current contacts or add a contact. Demonstrate how to add a contact. Initiate a chat session with a contact.Type a message and click send. Participant PracticeInstruct participants to navigate to chat section. Ask them to add a fellow student as a new contact.Instruct them to initiate a chat session with that contact and begin a conversation. Allow a few minutes for them to practice and send each other messages. Answer questions as needed and walk around room to verify participants are using the feature correctly. Ask: What is your comfort level using the chat feature? Allow for responses. Ask: How might you use this in your day to day work when you get back to the office? Assessment:Say: Let’s see how well you can use this feature. Instruct participants to navigate to the chat section and add you as a contact. Ask them to send you a message that reads, “I can use Microsoft Teams!”Use the assessment checklist to mark the participants complete as they complete this task (See Appendix A).minutesGoal: At the completion of the course, participants will be able to use Microsoft Teams for staff communications and teamwork. Objective: Learners will be able to navigate to the appropriate channel in Teams and add a project update post.Activities:Overview of project updates Demonstration of how to use Teams channels – including how to navigate to specific channels and add/edit posts. Participants will practice adding and editing posts on a predetermined Teams channel. Participants will complete a competency assessment of using Microsoft Teams conversation and post feature to share project updates. Overview of Project UpdatesAsk: How many of you provide regular updates on the projects or programs you are working on? Allow for responses. Ask: What are the benefits of providing regular project updates? Allow for discussion. Talking Points to be used as needed. If these naturally come up in the question discussion before, only go over the ones that did not. 7 Benefits of Project ReportingTracking - Our first project reporting gem is tracking. Reporting allows you, your team, and stakeholders to track the current progress of the project against the original plan. Some items to track include Tasks, Issues, Risks, budget, schedule, and overall project health.?Identifies risks - Identifying risks is a key step to better projects. With the right reports, you can spot a risk early on and take action, or ask your project stakeholder for help. Reporting on risks also makes it easier for the team to work on the problem.?Cost management - Cost management is tricky. But with regular?reporting, it’s easy to view your expenditure clearly and manage your budget with full visibility.?Visibility - One aspect of project management we are often asked about is?visibility. Reporting increases the amount of visibility into your projects and will give you full insight into how your project is performing, be it good or bad.?Control - Reporting puts you in control of your project. It allows you to see the progress, stagnation,?or regress of certain elements, how team members are performing, and the quality of work completed.?Learning - Information provided by project reporting on completed tasks can inform?future actions. For example, you may figure out that project communication was an issue and make changes to the communication plan for your next project.?Drives project success - If there’s an element of your project that requires reporting, people report on it. If there’s an element that doesn’t, people obviously don’t. The knock-on effect? That neglected part of your project falls by the wayside and you and your team are not working as efficiently as you could be.(sourced from , 2018)Say: Teams can make it easy to provide the rest of your staff, project team, or even customers with timely updates. Demonstration of Teams ChannelsInstruct participants to watch as you demonstrate how to navigate to the different channels in the workshop site. Navigate to Project Updates channel.Explain where to click to view current conversations.Demonstrate how to start a new conversation/post. Demonstrate how to edit your post. Demonstrate how to respond to a post.Participant PracticeInstruct participants navigate to the “Practice” channel. Instruct participants to practice responding to one or two posts in this channel.Instruct participants to practice editing their posts. Answer questions as needed and walk around room to verify participants are using the feature correctly. Ask: What is your comfort level using the post feature? Allow for responses. Ask: How might you use this in your day to day work when you get back to the office? Assessment:Say: Let’s see how well you can use this feature. Instruct participants to navigate to the project updates channel and add a project update following the format of the one already listed (See Appendix B). Use the assessment checklist to mark the participants complete as they complete this task.25 minutesGoal: At the completion of the course, participants will be able to use Microsoft Teams for staff communications and teamworkObjective: Learners will be able to navigate to the appropriate channel in Teams and add personal messages, memes, and photos that tag their fellow staff members.Activities:Overview of showing team recognition in Microsoft TeamsDemonstration of how to use Teams for posting recognition communications – including using emojis, animated gifs, tagging, and reactions.Participants will practice using the post, tag, and add special reactions feature in teams. Participants will complete a competency assessment of using Microsoft Teams conversation and post feature to show recognition.Overview of team recognitionAsk: Why is it important to show recognition to members of your team? Allow for responses and discussion. Ask: How does the organization benefit when people feel valued and recognized? Allow for responses and discussion.Say: Teams can make it easy to show and give quick recognition to your teammates and other co-workers. Demonstration of using Teams posts for recognition (emojis, tagging, other special conversation features).Instruct participants to watch as you demonstrate how to navigate to the recognition channel and add a post with special features.Navigate to Recognition channel.Demonstrate how to start a new conversation/post with a statement of recognition. Add emojis to the post and tag the person you are recognizing. Respond to your own post by posting a relevant gif. Demonstrate how to “react” to different posts by liking and laughing at a few with the reaction feature. Participant PracticeInstruct participants navigate to the “Recognition” channel. Instruct participants to practice responding to one or two posts in this channel using the reaction features, emojis, and gifs.Instruct participants to add a post stating why recognition is important and tag the instructor. Answer questions as needed and walk around room to verify participants are using the feature correctly. Ask: What is your comfort level using the post feature? Allow for responses. Ask: What are some instances that you might show recognition to a fellow co-worker using this feature? Assessment:Say: Let’s assess your giving recognition skills. Instruct participants to navigate to the recognition channel and recognize a fellow classmate. Tag the classmate and use an emoji or gif. Use the assessment checklist to mark the participants complete as they complete this task.20 minutesGoal: At the completion of the course, participants will understand the benefits of implementing Microsoft Teams in their department in the areas of project management, team recognition, and collaboration. Objective: Learners will describe the benefits of using Microsoft Teams and how it can help their team with project management, team recognition, and collaboration.Activities:At the conclusion of the course, in a discussion format, the facilitator will ask each participant to share how Microsoft Teams will help with project management, team recognition, and collaboration.Discussion:Say: We’ve spent the last hour and a half/two hours together learning more about Teams. The best way for these new skills and information to stick, is for you to begin using them and to have a plan for implementing what you have learned. The last activity I would like for us to do is for each of you to share one way that you can use what you have learned today to help your team with project management, team recognition, and collaboration. Show PowerPoint slide with question (See Appendix C). Allow each participant to share how they will use what they have learned and also allow for other discussion on this topic as it happens. Use the assessment checklist to mark the participants complete as they complete this task. 10-15 minutesQuestions/Wrap-upAppendix AAssessment ChecklistMicrosoft Teams WorkshopDate: _____________ParticipantUsing Chat FeatureAdding a Project UpdateShowing RecognitionSharing Implementation PlanExample: John AndersonAppendix BWeekly Project UpdatesRecent Win: Sharing your success stories. Small or big. The whole team will benefit from being looped in. Recent Challenges: This part is less fun but no less important. The recent challenge section should contain more than bad news or a list of things that have may have gone wrong. Consider this an opportunity for a constructive self-assessment, a place to reflect on things that could have gone better. Focus on what to improve upon. It's a great feeling when a challenge from one week turns into a win the next.My Current Focus: This is the heart of the update. What are you focusing on this week? How will you be spending your time? What are your current deliverables? By listing high-priority items from your to-do list, you'll be giving your colleagues a sense of what they can expect from you in the week ahead.Recent Deliverables: On its own, a to-do list is just a collection of good intentions. A have-done list is necessary to hold yourself accountable. In each of your update posts, mention or copy and paste last week's current focus, along with a status update. You'll catch incomplete tasks that have slipped through the cracks, and over time start to get a sense of whether you're taking on too much.Help! - This is optional. But if you have a challenging situation and the rest of us can pitch in and help, post! We'll help you think through a situation, provide available resources, listen, or brainstorm ideas with you.Appendix CAppendix DTRAINER REPORTWorkshop:Date:Facilitator:Location:Number of Participants:Coordinator: Participant Data:Were learners understanding the content and completing tasks within predetermined timeframe?Comments:Were learners engaged with the content?Comments:What consistent questions did you get about the content or activities?Comments:What part of the course was most and least challenging for the learners?Comments:At the conclusion of the course, were learners able to articulate what they had learned and how they would apply it in their work environment?Comments:Notes for Coordinator:AV Equipment NOT worked/Extra equipment is needed for this courseComments:Classroom Location ChallengesComments:Other logistical comments or issuesComments:Appendix EEND OF COURSE EVALUATIONThis evaluation is administered via Qualtrics and utilizes a Likert scale. There are five response options:Strongly DisagreeDisagreeUncertainAgreeStrongly AgreeThe following questions are part of the end of course evaluation.As a result of the training, I substantially increased my knowledge on this topic.As a result of the training, I have developed new skills.The training has affected some of my attitudes concerning this topic area.The training was relevant to my job duties.The information I received from this training can definitely be used with my clients.I have a plan to implement this training.I am very confident that I will use the training on the job.The following questions will be about the trainer/trainers for the training.The trainer was knowledgeable about the training topics.The trainer was well prepared.The trainer effectively responded to my questions.General Comments Regarding this Training or Trainer ................

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