4 formatting will all be This is the article title

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7 John Doe1?, Antonie Data1?, Johannes van Stats1,#a, Marie Testperson2*, David

8 Ribosome Jr.3,5, Gregory H.T. McBio4,#b, Angela Reviewerson1,2&, Marina

9 Measure1&, on behalf of The Bunny Genome Sequencing Consortium^




13 1 Department, Institution, City, State, Country

14 2 Department of Dermatology, Division of Rabbit Health, Section of Veterinary 15 Medicine, St. Hare Hospital, San Francisco, California, United States of America 16 17 3 Department of Libraries and Archives, National Contemporary Bunny Museum, 18 Lagomorph, Connecticut, United States of America 19 20 4 Department of Restoration, National Contemporary Bunny Museum, Lagomorph, 21 Connecticut, United States of America 22 23 5 Department of Archaeology, Bunny University, Lagomorph, Connecticut, United 24 States of America 25 26 #aCurrent Address: Department of Carrot Science, Bunny University, Lagomorph, 27 Connecticut, United States of America 28 29 #bCurrent Address: Department of Canine Evasion, Bunny University, Lagomorph, 30 Connecticut, United States of America 31


33 * Corresponding author

34 E-mail: testperson@university.ed (MT)



37 ?These authors contributed equally to this work.

38 &These authors also contributed equally to this work.



41 ^Membership of the Bunny Genome Sequencing Consortium is provided in the

42 Acknowledgments.

Article Title ? Italics, bold type, symbols, and other text formatting will all be reproduced in the published article as submitted. ? Titles should be written in sentence case (capitalize only the first word of the title, the first word of the subtitle, and any proper nouns and genus names).

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Modified January 2017


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