Cognitive Development in the 2 Year Old

A. Language Comprehension--the ________________ language skills begin. This is more advanced than ___________________, because children can understand before they can speak themselves

1. Identify __________________

2. Comprehend pronouns: ___________________

3. By 30 months, they can follow two-

step commands

4. Can answer 44 where questions

5. Understand size and space concepts,

such as ______________________

B. Expressive Language Skills

1. Ability to produce language increases greatly

2. Begins with simple sentences by two years of age

a. develop language by feeding in, expanding, labeling

recasting, and echoing

b. Vocab is _____________ words

3. Children don't always understand the

words they use; _______ develop language skills faster than _______

4. Instead of grammar, children use the

tone of their voice to form questions

5. At 27-30 months, children begin to

use prepositions and modifiers

6. At 31-34 months, children begin to

add ed to verbs and use helping verbs

C. Math Concepts

1. Math concepts such as size, shapes,

forms and colors develop


Cognitive Development in the Three Year Old

A. Able to solve simple problems

B. Cannot think logically and are still egocentric

C. ____________ concepts and cause and effect concepts can be confused

D. Language comprehension skills

1. Can remember and follow three-part


2. Pronouns: ___________________

3. Understand who, whose, why, how

and answer these questions

4. ________________ concepts

become clearer

E. Expressive language skills

1. ____________ word vocabulary

2. ______________ word sentences and use conjunctions

3. Can use past and present, but may use mangled words—for example:

I ”runned”

4. Understand possessive nouns—for example: ____________________

5. Understand negatives, but often misuse them

6. Use ____________questions

7. Frequently __________ to


F. Math readiness skills

1. Can understand full, more, less, smaller, empty

2. Constantly _________________ objects and understand largest

3. Counting skills begin

4. Can actually count to ______ while pointing to objects and can

rote count higher

Social-Emotional Development in the 2 Year Old

A. Demonstrate ___________________, but do

not play cooperatively with each other

B. Act out _____________ experiences as they


C. Possessive--does not like to share

D. Very _____________________ in responses

E. Affectionate and enjoy _______________ and participating

F. Tend to get frustrated and angry--____________________ are common

G. ______________ are common

H. Need love, caring and ______________________ so they learn they can depend on the people that care for them

Social-Emotional Development in the 3 Year Old

A. Begin to grow out of the tantrums and contrariness of the terrible two’s

B. More cooperative and agreeable; eager to help others, especially to adults

C. Adjust to new people beter

D. Begin ____________________ play

E. Not as possessive as two year olds, but do better with 1or 2 other children

F. Learn _____________ roles--know physical characteristics/roles of each sex

G. Strong, visible emotions, but learn there are appropriate ways to express

them. Because they want to please, they begin to control actions caused

by these feelings.

H. They have improved coordination and language skills, so they are not as

easily ____________________.

I. When they are angry, they may direct anger at _______________

J. 3 year olds are beginning to develop a _________________--the way the

see themselves. They enjoy telling others about themselves

K. Not as fearful of objects they know, but are frightened by ____________


L. _______________________ and seek affection


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