Notice of Kyle Housing Authority Meeting

Kyle City Hall, 100 W. Center St., Kyle, TX 78640

Notice is hereby given that the governing body of the Kyle Housing Authority will meet at 6:00 PM on May 18, 2017 at Kyle City Hall, 100 W. Center St., Kyle, TX 78640, for the purpose of discussing the following agenda.

NOTE: There may be a quorum of the City Council of Kyle, Texas present at the meeting who may participate in the discussion. No official action will be taken by the City Council members in attendance.

Posted this 12th day of May, 2017, prior to 6:00 p.m.

I. Call Meeting To Order

1. Roll Call

II. Citizen Comment Period with Kyle Housing Authority

The Kyle Housing Authority welcomes comments from Citizens early in the agenda of its meetings. Those wishing to speak are encouraged to sign in before the meeting begins. Speakers may be provided with an opportunity to speak during this time period on any agenda item or any other matter concerning Kyle Housing Authority business, and they must observe the three-minute time limit.

III. Approval of minutes

2. Approval of the Kyle Housing Authority meeting minutes for February 23, 2017

IV. Consider and Possible Action

3. Resolution 04-2017 - TXST Bobcat Build Program

4. Resolution 05-2017 - Lehman High School

5. Acceptance of the 2015-2016 Audit

V. Executive Session

6. Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, the Kyle Housing Authority reserves the right to convene into Executive Session(s) from time to time as deemed necessary during this meeting. The Kyle Housing Authority may convene into Executive Session pursuant to any lawful exception contained in Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code including any or all of the following topics. 1. Pending or contemplated litigation or to seek legal advice pursuant to Section 551.071

2. Possible purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real estate pursuant to Section 551.072 3. Personnel matters pursuant to Section 551.074

7. Take action on items discussed in Executive Session.

VI. Director's Report

8. Occupancy Report 1. Charles Young Housing 100% 2. Pete Dressen Housing 87% 3. Auditor Status Report a. Performed April 8-9 b. Submitted to HUD by deadline March 31, 2017 c. Payment submitted - Printing; waiting for copies to be distributed 4. Capital Fund Project(s) - Charles Young Housing a. 3 bathrooms are being renovated - 2 completed b. Immediate future projects - relocating mail kiosk. New kiosk will have a cover - possible additional parking to be created. 5. Bobcat Build - Successfully completed on April 1st. 18 student volunteers participated. Students trimmed and cut limbs and shrubbery. Debris was hauled in two 12 ft. trailers to the landfill by staff. 6. Street lights at Charles Young were repaired by PEC. 7. Discussion held with City Public Works regarding post-rain drainage at Pete Dressen Housing from adjacent housing development. 8. Refurbished Charles Young Housing sign erected. 9. No Smoking Rule



Approval of minutes

Meeting Date: 5/18/2017 Date time:6:00 PM

Subject/Recommendation: Approval of the Kyle Housing Authority meeting minutes for February 23, 2017 Other Information: Legal Notes: Budget Information:

ATTACHMENTS: Description

KHA Meeting Minutes, 2-23-17

Item # 2


The Kyle Housing Authority met on February 23, 2017 at Kyle City Hall with the following

persons present:

Daniel Harper, Chair

Housing Authority Staff:

Michelle Lopez, Vice Chair

Frank Arredondo

Clara Rodriquez, Secretary

Arthur Troilo Jr., Legal Counsel

David Salazar


Call Meeting to Order

1. Roll Call

Chairman Harper called the meeting to order at 6: 34 PM. Present were Daniel Harper, Clara

Rodriguez, Michelle Lopez and David Salazar. A quorum was present.

II. Citizen Comment Period with Kyle Housing Authority The Kyle Housing Authority welcomes comments from Citizens early in the agenda of regular meetings. Those wishing to speak are encouraged to sign in before the meeting begins. Speakers may be provided with an opportunity to speak during this time period on any agenda item or any other matter concerning Housing Authority business, and they must observe the three minute time limit.

Chairman Harper opened citizen comments at 6:37 PM. With no one wishing to speak Chairman Harper closed citizen comment at 6:38 PM.

III. Approval Of minutes

2. Approval of the Housing Authority meeting minutes for January 20, 2017

Commissioner Lopez moved to approve the Housing Authority meeting minutes for January 20, 2017. Commissioner Rodriguez provided the second to the motion. All votes aye; motion carried 4-0.

IV. Consider and Possible Action

3. Resolution 03-2017 Petty Cash Account

Director Arredondo explained to the board the fee accountant strongly recommended a Petty Cash Account be created to address minimal purchases made for items such as postage, office supplies and other sundry supplies which do not require bulk purchase. The fee accountant recommended a maximum of $100 to be replenished periodically as needed.

Commissioner Lopez moved to approve the motion Resolution 03-2017 Petty Cash Account. Commissioner Salazar provided the second to approve the motion. All votes aye: motion carried.

V. Executive Session

4. Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, the Kyle Housing Authority reserves the right to convene into Executive Session(s) from time to time as deemed necessary during this meeting. The Kyle Housing Authority may convene into Executive Session pursuant to any lawful exception contained in Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code including any or all of the following topics.


Item # 2


1. Pending or contemplated litigation or to seek legal advice pursuant to Section 551.071.

2. Possible purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real estate pursuant to Section 551.072.

3. Personnel matters pursuant to Section 551.074

Chairman Harper announced that the Board would adjourn into Executive Session at 6:33 PM.

Chairman Harper announced the Housing Authority would re-convene into open session at 6:40 PM. No Action was taken, which was announced by Chairman Harper.

VI. Director's Report

5. Occupancy Report A. Director Arredondo informed the board the Charles Young Housing is 100% occupied. B. Pete Dressen Housing is 70% occupied, anticipating 87% occupancy by the end of March. Our goal is to be fully occupied by June 30th. A contract employee is assisting periodically with minor items to allow the maintenance man full attention on making vacant units ready for vacancy.

6. Auditors Status Report A. Auditors are scheduled to be on-site during the period of March 7 -9th. B. Information has been provided electronically to the auditor prior to their visit.

7. Troilo Law Firm Mr. Arredondo introduced Arthur Troilo, Jr. to the board. Mr. Troilo provided the Commissioners a brief resume of his past professional history along with the type of law he practiced; he shared the work his firm provides for similar type organizations.

8. Southwest Housing Compliance Corp's (MOR) Management Operation Report. This report was promulgated for the Pete Dressen Housing complex. This report required a response on corrective action(s) to be addressed by the Housing Authority. On February 21, 2017 SHCC sent a letter stating all corrective actions were satisfactorily received and closed the file.

9. Miscellaneous. Juvenile Probation "volunteers" provided manpower to remove most of the debris stockpiled behind the shop. We anticipate clearing all the debris in the near future.

An application to Bobcat Build ? Texas State University student volunteer organization that assist neighborhoods within a 30 mile radius of San Marcos to beautify, clear, clean yards and homes once year ? has been made. If selected the date will be April 1, 2017. Landlords need to provide running water and restrooms for the students. No power tools are to be utilized by the students. Snacks and refreshments are encouraged but not mandated.

10. Revised Personnel Policy and Procurement Policies will soon be addressed. When completed they will need official board approval.

Item # 2


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