[pic] A Closer Look…


This activity is designed to give students a better understanding of diabetes and how it could affect them. It provided the technical information of how diabetes is developed and what consequences come with the prevalent disease. The overall goal of the activity is to encourage healthy eating and exercise habits that can help stay or even prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Subject: Science/Health

Grade Level:

• Target Grade: 8

Time Required: 1 to 2 class periods

Activity Team/Group Size: individual or small group


• Handout

• Pencil and paper

• Computer(preferable, but not absolutely necessary)

Learning Objectives:

To understand the seriousness and prevalence of diabetes in America and to understand that how they take care of themselves now is very important for the present wellbeing and their wellbeing in the future.

Lesson Introduction / Motivation:

Diabetes is a serious and growing problem in today’s society. It is important for the students to understand this before beginning the power point and exercise. Sometimes statistics are good for getting their attention. For example over 60% of American adults are overweight and over 300,000 die each year from diseases related to obesity, like diabetes.

Lesson Plan:

The power point should be viewed first. Its purpose is to provide a good basis of information over diabetes, and raise awareness. The students should then use a computer to visit the website . They should use the handouts to aid in navigating the site and completing the assignment.

Lesson Closure:

Students should complete a sample menu that is tailored to fit their health needs. It should comply with the nutritional standards given to them after they enter their age, height and weight on the web site.


Students who understand and take the lesson seriously should turn in a well balanced menu low in fat and excess sugars. It would be a good idea to encourage all the students to implement a regular exercise routine into their week if they do not already have one. Stressing the importance of being active is an important part of this lesson.

Vocabulary / Definitions:

• Insulin- a hormone that when present causes the bodies cells to take in glucose and store it as glycogen. It also causes fat cells to take in blood lipids and turn them into triglycerides.

Background and Concepts for Teachers:

• I recommend that teachers go through and complete the assignment either with or before the students. This will help you in assisting the students and evaluating their work. It will also aid you in teaching the lesson.

Lesson Scaling:

If computer access is not available the students can still make menus. A second set of instructions is available for making menus without a computer. It contains a chart that calculates BMI. The students can use this chart to help determine about how many calories they should be consuming a day. They should use this information and the food pyramid to construct a menu to maintain their current body weights, lose weight or gain weight.

Multimedia Support and Attachments:

• (video)

This link has a video that will help the students see what happens when the body develops a resistance to insulin.



Graduate Fellow Name: Natalie Johnson

Teacher Mentor Name: ___

Undergraduate Fellow Name: Christie Dyer

Date Submitted: ___

Date Last Edited: ___ [pic]

Please email us your comments on this lesson:

E-mail to ljohnson@cvm.tamu.edu

Please include the title of the lesson, whether you are a teacher, resident scientist or college faculty and what grade you used it for.


Teacher’s Comments:



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