Diane Davis Ashe, Ph.D.

Ch. 1

1. Know definition and goals of psychology.

2. Who is the "Father of psychology"? Why?

3. Understand: introspection, structuralism, and functionalism.

4. What is Gestalt psychology?

5. Be familiar with Freud’s perspective.

6. Understand the focus of Behaviorism.

7. What is Humanism?

8. Understand the basis of the biopsychological approach.

9. Be familiar with cognitive psychology.

10. What is meant by the sociocultural approach? What is cultural relativity?

11. What is evolutionary psychology?

12. What are the differences between the various types of mental health professionals?

13. What are theories and hypotheses?

14. Understand the 5 steps associated with the scientific method.

19. Be familiar with descriptive research methods (naturalistic observation, surveys and case studies). Be able to identify examples of and limitations of each.

20. What is a correlation coefficient? How do you know if the number indicates a strong relationship?

21. What is the purpose of a correlational study? Does it prove cause-effect?

22. What is an experiment? What is its purpose?

23. Be familiar with the different variables: IV, DV, and extraneous or confounding. Be able to identify in an example.

24. How can you control for the extraneous variables?

25. What is the placebo effect? How can it be controlled?

26. Be familiar with ethical principles.

27. What is critical thinking?

Ch. 2

1. Understand the nature vs. nurture debate & genetic predisposition.

2. What are neurons? Know the basic structure.

3. Understand resting potential and action potential (including ions and threshold)

4. How are sensory and motor neurons different?

5. What are glial cells?

6. What is the synapse? How does it influence neurons? (excitatory vs. inhibitory)

7. What are neurotransmitters and how do they work? Be familiar with the types.

8. What is the difference between agonists and antagonists.

9. What are the 2 major portions of the nervous system?

10. Be familiar with the major divisions of the nervous systems (autonomic vs. somatic) and their functions What comprises the central nervous system?

11. What is the spinal cord? What are the 2 functions?

12. Understand reflexes and interneurons.

13. What is neuroplasticity?

14. Be familiar with methods for studying the brain (EEG, CT, MRI, PET scan).

15. Be familiar with specific brain structures in the hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain.

16. What are association areas?

17. What connects the 2 hemispheres of the brain?

18. How do the 2 hemispheres differ? What is lateralization?

19. What are the 4 lobes of the cerebral cortex? What are their functions?

20. What is the "split-brain" procedure? What information does it provide?

21. What functions occur in Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area?

22. What are the functions of the pituitary gland?

24. What are hormones and how do they influence behavior?

25. What are mirror neurons?

Ch. 11

1. Define stress, distress, eustress and stressors.

2. Understand the types of external events (catastrophes, hassles, major life events) that can cause stress.

3. What is Posttraumatic stress disorder?

4. Be familiar with frustration-induced stress and conflict-induced stress.

5. Understand Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome.

6. Be familiar with Lazarus’s cognitive theory of stress.

7. Be familiar with Type A, B & C behavior pattern.

8. What are some factors that influence the severity of stress?

9. Be familiar with learned helplessness.

10. What is coping? How do emotion-focused and problem-focused coping differ?

11. What is hardiness?

12. Understand effective coping and stress management strategies.


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