Summative Assessment - Ancient Greek Contribution …

Summative Assessment - Ancient Greek Contribution Presentation


The ancient Greeks have made many contributions to modern society. They have influenced our languages, governments, medicine, mathematics, science, architecture, entertainment, and sports. It is important for students to understand the connections between the ancient Greeks and modern society. A better understanding of Greek contributions will lead to a greater appreciation of their influence.


Students will gain a better understanding of ancient Greek contributions to modern society.


In a 4-5 minute presentation students will compose an in depth presentation of an ancient Greek contribution to modern society.

Students will:

▪ Describe their assigned Greek contribution on a PowerPoint, poster, or brochure.

▪ Explain how their assigned Greek contribution relates to our modern lives.

▪ Clarify how much their contribution has influenced our modern society.

▪ Hypothesize what the world would be like without the contribution.


Students will individually create a PowerPoint presentation, poster presentation, or brochure and give a 4-5 minute presentation to the class.

Assignment Procedures

Students need to complete each part of the assignment to achieve highest possible marks. If any part is incorrect or incomplete student’s marks will be affected. Follow directions closely and asks questions if any procedure is not understood by each partner.

PowerPoint/Poster/Brochure Presentation

❖ Summary should include:

o Name of Greek contribution

o Explanation of Greek contribution

o Names of ancient Greeks that helped make the contribution.

▪ Summary of accomplishments made by the ancient Greek associated with contribution. (who, when, where, why)

o Description of how the contribution has influenced modern society

▪ Decide how much the contribution has affected modern society in comparison to other Greek contributions. Support opinions.

o Analysis of what modern society would be like without ancient Greek contribution to modern world? Support opinions.

o Bibliography of at least 2 Internet sources and 2 book sources.


❖ Student should speak the entire presentation time.

❖ Student should have images or visual aids to present to the class during the presentation.

❖ Student should present findings of ancient Greeks that helped make the contribution.


1. Drama: Aeschylus, Sophocles

2. Poetry: Homer (Iliad and Odyssey)

3. History: Herodotus, Thucydides

4. Sculpture: Phidias

5. Architecture: Types of columns, including the Doric (Parthenon), Ionic, and Corinthian.

6. Science: Archimedes, Hippocrates

7. Mathematics: Euclid, Pythagoras

8. Philosophy: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

**Be sure to add pictures and color!**



• 4- Demonstrates complete subject content knowledge and understanding.

• 3- Demonstrates most subject content knowledge and understanding.

• 2- Demonstrates some subject content knowledge and understanding.

• 1- Demonstrates little to no subject content knowledge and understanding.


• 4- Completely understands people in past societies and recognize and explain similarities and differences that exist between people, places, and events through time.

• 3- Mostly understands people in past societies and recognize and explain similarities and differences that exist between people, places, and events through time.

• 2- Somewhat understands people in past societies and recognize and explain similarities and differences that exist between people, places, and events through time.

• 1- Understands little to nothing about people in past societies and recognize and explain similarities and differences that exist between people, places, and events through time.


• 4- Analyzes and interprets information from a wide range of sources and identifies key questions, problems and issues.

• 3- Analyzes and interprets information from a multiple sources and identifies key questions, problems and issues.

• 2- Analyzes and interprets information from a small range of sources and identifies key questions, problems and issues.

• 1- Analyzes and interprets information from little or no sources and identifies key questions, problems and issues.


• 4- Presents and expresses information and ideas in a clear, concise manner, using appropriate language, and style.

• 3- Presents and expresses information and ideas in a mostly clear, concise manner, using some appropriate language, and style.

• 2- Presents and expresses information and ideas in a somewhat clear, concise manner, using a small amount of appropriate language, and style.

• 1- Does not present and express information and ideas in a clear, concise manner, not using appropriate language, and style.


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