Tender Number/ Name:

2021 Surface Treatment Tender

Tender Number/Name: Surface Treatment 2021

Sealed tenders will be received by:

The Manitoulin and North Shore Road Superintendents Association

c/o Dave Parker

Espanola Public Works Department

596 Second Ave.

Espanola, ON

P5E 1C4

Tender Closing Date: May 14, 2021

Tender Closing Time: 11:00 a.m.

Tender Opening Date: May 14, 2021 @ 11:45 a.m. at the Public Works Office in

Espanola. Address above. Social distancing will be recognized.

Tender for: Surface Treatment

Location: Various Township Roads

Note: Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted


The contractor has carefully examined the conditions and specifications attached and referred to in this contract and has carefully examined the site and work locations and understands and accepts the said conditions and specifications and for the prices set forth in this tender, hereby offers to furnish all labour, equipment and materials, except as otherwise specified in the contract, to complete the work in strict accordance with said conditions and specifications.

Attached to this tender is a certified cheque, in the amount of 10 percent of the total tender, made payable to the Manitoulin and North Shore Roads Superintendents Association. The proceeds of this cheque shall, upon acceptance of the tender, will constitute a deposit which shall be forfeited to the Manitoulin and North Shore Roads Superintendents Association, if the contractor fails to file with the Association, an executed form of agreement for the performance of the work, in accordance with this tender within ten (10) calendar days from the date of acceptance.

It is agreed that the tender quantities are estimated only and may be increased or decreased by the Association without alteration of the tender price. However, such increased or decreases shall not exceed 20 percent.

I/we (the contractor), promise to perform the work without undue delay and complete the work by:

Name of Individual or Firm

(herein after referred to as the



Signature of Person signing

for the Firm:




1. All inquiries concerning the tender, prior to the tender closing, shall be directed to Dave Parker of Espanola Public Works, 705-869-1751.

2. Notification of Acceptance of the tender will be by telephone and written form of notice, to the address of the contractor used on the bid form. The date of Acceptance shall be deemed to be the date of receipt of the Acceptance Notice by the contractor.

3. A tender may be voided by superseding it with a later tender or letter of withdrawal, prior to the closing date and time.


1. A certified cheque, made payable to the Manitoulin and North Shore Roads Superintendents Association, in the amount of 10 percent of the total tender price must be submitted with the tender for deposit purposes. Deposit cheques of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned within ten (10) calendar days of the tender opening. The cheque of the successful bidder shall be retained until the Association’s acceptance of the completed work.

2. The successful bidder shall file with the Association a completed Performance Bond. The Bond shall be signed and sealed by a recognized bonding company, in the amount of 100 percent of the total estimated tender deposit. Upon receipt of such a bond, the Association will return the contractor’s tender deposit.

3. The successful bidder shall deliver a certified copy of the firms Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Policy for the work within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the Acceptance Notice. Coverage shall be a minimum of Five Million ($5,000,000) per accident in the name of the Manitoulin and North Shore Roads Superintendents Association. Failure to provide such proof shall result in cancellation of the contract and forfeiture of the bid deposit.

4. The successful bidder shall also deliver proof of Workman’s Compensation Board coverage, within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the Acceptance Notice.


Tender not conforming to the following requirements will be disqualified:

1. Tender must be legible, in ink, by typewriter or by printer

2. Tender must be in possession of the Association by the tender closing date and time.

3. Tender must be on form provided.

4. Tender must be signed and sealed by an authorized official of the bidding organization. A joint tender must be signed and sealed by each company.

5. All items must be in bid.


In accordance with the first paragraph of this tender, the contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified in the contract for the following prices for:


Emulsion: __________ per kg __________ price

Aggregate: __________ per m3 __________ price

Subtotal $_________

H.S.T. $_________




Form M-100 “General Conditions of Contract” and the Ontario Provincial Standards Specifications listed below apply on this contract, unless otherwise stated in the attached tender documents. The particular revision in effect at the time the contract is advertised shall apply. Where further details or clarification is required, reference shall be made to the appropriate Ontario Provincial Standards Specification below:

i) OPSS Form 314 – Construction Specifications for Untreated Granular Subbase, base, Surface, Shoulder, Bituminous pavement, Edge Ramping and Stockpiling

ii) OPSS Form 502 – Construction Specification for Weighing of Materials.

iii) OPSS Form 1001 – Material Specifications for Aggregates – General

iv) OPSS Form 1010 – Material Specifications for Aggregates – Granular A, B, C, D, 16mm crushed Type B and Selected Subgrade Materials.

v) OPSS Form 304 – Construction Specifications for Single and Double Surface Treatment.

vi) OPSS Form 1103 – Material Specifications for Emulsified Asphalts.

vii) OPSS Form 543 – Construction Specifications for Traffic Control and Signing.


The contractor will invoice each municipality separately as appropriate to the goods and services provided. Payment at the contract price shall be compensation in full for performing the work specified in the tender item and the supply of all labour, equipment and materials, except as otherwise provided in the tender, necessary to complete the work to the satisfaction of the Municipality.


Failure to execute the contract in a competent manner shall result in the bidder’s disqualification from the bidding on the Association’s contracts for a period of two (2) years.


The term Corporation, Inspector, Engineer, Association, Authority, Municipality and Ministry shall be deemed to be the Manitoulin North Shore Roads Superintendents Association.


The Contractor shall start no earlier than July 5, 2021 and completed all work by August 27, 2021 unless otherwise agreed upon between both parties.

If the time limit above is not sufficient to permit completion by the contractor working a normal number of hours, the contractor shall make changes to permit the work to be completed by the above date. Additional costs incurred shall be deemed to be included in the price bid for the works.

If the work is not completed by the above date, or by an amended date allowed by the approved extension of time, the contractor agrees to pay the Association a sum of $500 per calendar day, for each day’s delay in finishing work, as liquidated damages.


Occupational Health and Safety Compliance

List of Designated Substances

In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S. 30 the contractor is advised of the presence of the following Designated Substances. The contractor is advised that the Designated Substances silica (Ontario Regulation Number 521/92), lead (519/92) are generally present throughout the working area, occurring naturally or as a result of vehicle emissions. Exposure to these substances may occur as a result of the activities by the contractor such as sweeping, grinding, crushing, drilling, blasting, cutting and abrasive blasting.

High Float Emulsified Asphalts

Inclusion of HFRS-2

Table III, High Float Emulsified Asphalts of OPSS 1103, October 1989, is amended to include a specification for HFRS-2 as shown:

Viscosity limits shown for mixing grades are tentative.

Supplier to advise purchaser before delivery if limits cannot be met.

Portable Lane Control Signals Not Permitted

The use of portable lane control signals will not be permitted on this contract.

Binder: HF-150S(P), HP-200(P) – Item No. 1


The contractor shall at HIS OWN COST retreat by replying binder and aggregate at the specified rates of application in this tender to any road section that is rained upon DURING application or within a TWO (2) HOUR time period after completion, if the Township Foreman deems an area damaged by rain.


The exact locations will be determined in the field by the Contract Administrator.

|Township |Location |Single or |Distance to |Length Km |Width |Gravel |Binder kg/L |

| | |Double |Stockpile | | | | |


Subsection 304.07.03, Trial Areas of OPSS 304, June 1988, is deemed and replaced by the following:


The contractor shall supply the following equipment:

1. A portables electronic balance: five-digit display, accuracy 0.1%, capacity 10 kg, minimum platform size 300 mm x 400 mm.

2. Sheet metal trays, each 500 mm x 500 mm inside dimensions +/- 1 mm with sides 7 mm in height +/- 1 mm. The sheet metal shall be a minimum of 18 gauge (approximately 1.3 mm) with soldered corners.

3. One 5 kg test mass.

4. A carpenter’s level for levelling the balance.

Sampling Frequency

The contractor shall carry out field sampling to determine the binder application rates:

1. At the start of each day’s work. If the contractor provided two distributors, the binder application rate of one distributor shall be determined at this time.

2. When approximately half of the total days production is completed. If the contractor provides two distributors, the binder application rate of the second distributor shall be determined at this time.

The contractor shall carry out field sampling to determine the aggregate application rates at the start of each day’s work.


Each section of road used to obtain the application rates shall be a maximum of 50 m in length. The contractor shall conduct field sampling in the presence of the Inspector, to determine the binder and aggregate application rates as follows:

1. Setup and level the balance in a firm location protected from the wind.

2. Check the tolerance of the balance with the 5 kg test mass.

3. Obtain the tare mass (in kg to three decimal places) of two clean trays and record.

4. Place the two trays in the center of the lane being treated approximately 30 cm apart and parallel to the centerline.

5. Remove the first tray after the binder has been sprayed and before the aggregate has been applied.

6. Remove the second tray after the binder and aggregate have been applied and before rolling.

7. Obtain and record the gross mass (in kg to three decimal places) of each tray.

8. Carefully patch the marks left by the trays using the binder and aggregate specified in the contract. The patches shall be rolled.

9. Clean trays for reuse.


The contractor shall perform the calculations in the presence of the Authority as follows:

1. Obtain the net mass of the binder applied to the first tray.

Net Mass of Binder = Gross Mass – Tare Mass

2. Calculate the binder application rate correct to two decimal places.

Binder Application Rate (kg/m2) = Net Mass of Binder x 4

3. Obtain the net mass of binder and aggregate on the second tray.

Net Mass of Binder and Aggregate = Gross Mass – Tare Mass

4. Obtain the net mass of aggregate on the second tray.

Net Mass of Aggregate = Net Mass of Binder and Aggregate (from 3 above) – Net Mass of Binder (from 1 above)

5. Calculate the aggregate application rate correct to one decimal place.

Aggregate Application Rate (kg/m2) = Net Mass of Aggregate (from 4 above) x 4

6. The calculations shall be properly reported to the Authority.


Binder: The binder application rate is acceptable when the test result is within the tolerance of +/- 5% of the desired rate and work may proceed.

The binder application rate is unacceptable when the test result is outside the tolerance of +/- 5% of the desired application rate and work shall stop. Field sampling shall be repeated in a maximum of 50 m sections until two consecutive acceptance test results or four unacceptable test results are obtained.

When two consecutive acceptable binder test results are obtained, work may proceed. When four unacceptable binder test results are obtained before two consecutive acceptance test results, the distributor shall be permanently removed from the job.

Aggregate: The aggregate application rate is acceptable when the result is within +/- 10% of the desired rate and work may proceed.

The aggregate application rate is unacceptable when the result is outside the tolerance of +/- 10% of desired rate and work shall stop. Work may proceed when the application rate has been adjusted to the desired rate.



Section 304.03, Definitions, of OPSS 304, June 1988 is amended by the addition of the following:

Lot: means a specific quantity of material or a specific amount of construction normally from a single source and produced by the process.

Emulsified Asphalt Binder Materials

Subsection 304.05.01, Binders, of OPSS 304, is amended by the deletion of the existing subparagraph (a) and it is replaced with the following:

a) Emulsified Asphalt – RS-2, CRS-2, HF-250S, RS-2(P), CRS-2(P), HF-100S(P), HF-150S(P) or HFRS-2 shall conform to OPSS 1103, October 1989.

Construction - Binder

Clause 304.07.04.011, Binder, of OPSS 304, is amended by the addition of the following:

The work required for the “Binder” shall include sampling, labelling, appropriate packaging and delivering samples of the binder as determined herein.

A sample binder shall be taken at the job site from any shipment of binder that may be required at any time by the Authority. The sample shall be taken from a spigot on the transfer line or if one is not available from the end of the transfer line. Each sample shall be taken after sufficient material has been drawn from the truck tank to purge the line.

Each emulsified asphalt binder sample shall consist of a minimum size of two-four litre samples of material. The sample containers for emulsified asphalt binder samples shall be triple tight, epoxy pails or suitable plastic containers which can be closed to prevent leakage.

Sample containers shall be supplied by the contractor.

Each sample shall be identified using the Ministry of Transportation Bituminous Material Tag PH-CC-349 and this tag will be supplied by the Owner.

The emulsified asphalt binder samples shall be delivered within five (5) business days of sampling to:


885 Regent Street

Sudbury, Ontario

P3E 5M4

Ph: (705)674-9681

Attn: Yves Beauparlant

All costs related to sampling and lab analysis and reporting to be paid by the contractor.

Quality Assurance

Section 304.08, Quality Assurance of OPSS 304 is amended by the addition of the following:

Testing of the binder will be completed at the Owners laboratories using current LS and ASTM test procedures.

Basis of Payment – Price Adjustments

Section 304.10 Basis of Payment of OPSS 304 is amended by the addition of the following:

Payment for lots of binder which meet the contract requirements will be made at the contract price. Payment for lots which do not meet all material requirements will be subject to a price adjustment. A price adjustment is a reduction in payment in the contract price for the item and is a percentage of the contract price.

A price adjustment of ten percent will be made for the lot binder represented by the sample when; a sample has not been received for testing, the sample size is not the required size and thus there is insufficient material for testing, the sample does not remain in a condition which is suitable for testing for 14 calendar days after sampling or the sample is not delivered within five business days of sampling and the sample does not remain in a condition which is suitable for testing until the Owner is able to test the sample.

When a liquid asphalt binder sample has been delivered within five business days of sampling, the sample is delivered in a condition which is suitable for testing and it remains in that condition for 14 calendar days after sampling, the first test was commenced on the sample within 14 calendar days of sampling and the test show that the binder has not conformed with the material requirements, then a price adjustment will be derived through the use of a system adjustment points as detailed herein.

When an emulsified asphalt binder sample has not been delivered within five business days of sampling and the sample is delivered in a condition which is suitable for testing and it remains in that condition until the Owner tests the sample and tests show that the binder has not conformed with the material requirements, then a price adjustment will be derived through the use of a system of adjustment points as detained herein.

When more than one test result is available the test results with the least deviation from the specification limit will be used to calculate the price adjustment.

The total number of adjustment points for each lot sample will be divided by 100 to obtain the price adjustment percentage for the lot.

When the price adjustment of the lot would exceed 25.0%, no payment will be made for the lot of binder.

Adjustment Points for Emulsified Asphalt Binders

The total number of adjustment points will be equal to the summation of the number of units that each test deviates from the specification limits times the multiplier, plus 1000 adjustment points for failure of the Particle Charge Test, 1000 adjustment points for the failure of the Fire Resistance Test and 200 adjustment points for failure of the Coating Test when the binder type is HF-150S(P) or HF-250S.



Test Unit Multiplier

Residue by Distillation % 200

Viscosity (less than minimum) SFs 30

Viscosity (greater than minimum) SFs 5

Demulsibility % 50

Penetration at 25 C 0.1 mm 15

Settlement % 30

Storage Stability % 50

Coating Test (for MS and SS anionic and

cathodic and mixing grade high float

emulsions) % 20

Oil Portion of Distillate by Volume of

Emulsion % 50

Sieve Test % 1000

Apparent Viscosity at 60 C Pa.s 10 (a)

Float Test at 60 C s 2

Solubility in Trichloroethylene % 10

Ductility at 25 C cm 10

Cement Mixing % 100

Note: (a) The multiplier will be used when the apparent viscosity plots below AB or AB extrapolated, CD or CD extrapolated, EF or EF extrapolated on Figure 1 of OPSS 1103, October 1989.


Test Unit Multiplier

Residue by Distillation % 200

Viscosity (less than minimum) SFs 30

Viscosity (greater than minimum) SFs 5

Demulsibility % 50

Penetration at 25 C 0.1 mm 15

Settlement % 30

Storage Stability % 50

Oil Portion of Distillate, % of volume

of emulsion % 50

Sieve Test % 1000

Float Test at 60 C s 2

Solubility in Trichloroethylene % 10

Ash Content, % by Mass of Residue (a) % 1000

Elastic Recovery at 10 C % 30

Force Ductility at 800% Elongation,

5 cm/ min. Pull Rate at 4 C kg 1000

Note: (a) The ash content shall be determined when the manufacturer indicated that the polymer additive is not soluble in trichloroethylene.

Certificate of Analysis

A Certificate of Analysis may be supplied to the Inspector for each load of emulsion by the contractor from the source of the HF-150S(P).

Adjustment Points for Liquid Asphalt Binders

The total number of adjustment points will be equal to the summation of the number of units that each test derives from the specification limits times the multiplier.

Prior to the summation, all adjustment points will be rounded to one decimal place in conformance with ASTM Designation: E29-67 (Approved 1980).


Test Unit Multiplier

Residue by Distillation at 360 C % 200

Kinematic Viscosity at 60 C mm2/ s 20

Flash Point C 100

Distillate (% of total distillate to 360 C)

to 190 C % 10

to 225 C % 10

to 260 C % 10

to 316 C % 10

Penetration at 25 C 0.1 mm 15

Ductility at 25 C cm 10

Softening Point C 10

Solubility % 10

Residue of 100 Penetration % 10

Ductility of 100 Penetration Residue at 25 C cm 5


The Municipality is to supply the Surface Treatment Aggregate in stockpile as noted in Schedule 1. The compatibility laboratory testing (Coating Ability and Water Resistance Test – ASTM D244-04) of the aggregate with the emulsion supplied by the Contractor shall be coordinated with the emulsion supplier’s lab at the contractor’s cost.


Materials will be measured in cubic meters (loose) by predetermined truck capacities. The predetermined capacity of each truck will be that computed from its box dimensions.

The depth of side boards shall not be included in the measurements to determine “Predetermined Truck Capacities”. The depth of the box for payment purpose will be to the minimum distance (from the top of the metal box to the bottom) measured at random intervals between the front of the box and the tailgate.

Truck Box ____________________

Top of Sideboard (added) ____________________

Maximum Load (after levelled off) ____________________

The owner or driver of the vehicle shall indicate to the Authority where in the truck box does he think the height of material would be for measurement purposes to correspond to his R.G.W. or A.G.W., whichever is the lesser. This height indication shall be used for payment purposes.

The owners who have various trailer combinations for a given unit will require a separate record of “Allowable Gross Weight” for each combination specifying the units by licence plate number.

Each truck shall bear as an identification symbol, either a letter of the alphabet or a roman numeral, followed by the predetermined capacity of the truck of such a size as to be easily read by the checker.

A weigh ticket will be issued for each load delivered to the job site.

Payment at the contract price for the above tender item shall be compensation for all labour, equipment and materials to do the work.


The signage provided for Traffic Control is the responsibility of the Contractor to meet all requirements.


The cost of the Traffic Control requirements for this contract as per Book 7 of the Ontario Traffic Manual is to be included in the contract price.


The contractor acknowledges that the Municipalities, Townships and First Nations involved in this contract have spent numerous hours preparing their roadways for the contractor to keep on schedule and agrees that the contractor shall complete all the work listed in the contract and any additional work required by Municipalities that are members of the Manitoulin North Shore Roads Superintendents Association before any work can be completed for any Municipality, Township or First nations that are not a member of the Association. The Inspector shall determine is a Municipality, Township or First Nation that requests work that is not listed in the tender is a member of the Manitoulin North Shore Roads Superintendents Association.


Fore with upon award of this Contract, the contractor shall prepare a “Contractors Schedule of Work” on a form PH-CC-743. The “Contractors Schedule of Work” will be itemized by the Owner outlining the items to be scheduled by the contractor and the contractor shall complete and remit this Schedule to the Owner with the contractors signed Documents for execution by the Owner.


The distributor used to apply the binder must be capable of spraying the emulsion on the road if required to at least the width of 5.49 meters (18 feet) in one pass.

The chip spreader must also be capable of applying the aggregate if required in one pass to at least a width of 5.49 meters (18 feet) to the roadway in one pass.


It is up to the successful contractor to ensure that all of the granular materials that are being used within this tender will be tested to ensure compatibility for the emulsion that is being used. A one year (1) warranty period will be placed to ensure that there is proper adhesion between the aggregate and emulsion.


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