Management 420 - Business Information Systems

BADM 611 - Business Information Systems

Fall 2008

|Instructor: |Carol A. Henry, Ed.D. |

| |Director of Information Technology, College of Business and Economics |

|Telephone: |304-293-7934 office |

| |304-599-8946 Home - Any day after 10 AM and before 9:30 PM |

|Email: | |

| | |

| |Students are responsible for checking email routinely. |

|Office: |368 B&E Building |

|Office Hours: |All evenings and most weekend days, by appointment. Specific on-line office hours will be set after |

| |consultation with students. Please do not hesitate to email or call me if you have a question. Usually, |

| |I will be able to schedule a time to talk with you on the day you contact me. |

|Instructor Web Page | |

|Class Web Page |WVU eCampus |

| | |

| |The temporary website listed below will be available as of 8/1/08 until all students have access to |

| |eCampus, which should be during the first week of our class. |

| | |

| | |

|Required Materials: |Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, Laudon and Laudon, 10th Edition, Prentice-Hall, |

| |2006. |

| | |

| |(You do NOT need the multimedia pack.) |


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

▪ Describe the basic components of Information Systems (IS), how they work, and how they interrelate.

▪ Give examples of the various types of IS used in organizations and describe how these can be used to further organizational objectives, particularly to obtain competitive, strategic advantage.

▪ Describe the many organizational consequences resulting from the use and misuse of IS in a business.

▪ Give examples of the challenges faced by those managing the operation, development, deployment, and utilization of IS.

▪ Utilize the components of Microsoft Office to complete basic business tasks.

Course Activities

Class meetings will be comprised of a combination of lectures, class discussions, and team work. Each student will be required to participate in one major team presentation and participate in discussions about IS-related topics from the Wall Street Journal and other sources. Some discussions will be on-line via eCampus.

The plan is to spend the last hour of each class session (other than the first and last session) working on Microsoft Excel and Access.


Course grades will be determined from the following components. Details for each component will be posted on the course eCampus site.

• Assignments – Three “technical skills” assignments (e-mail with attachment, Excel, and Access) will be given. In order to receive full credit, you must submit the assignment electronically by 5 PM on the due date.

• One Tech Update Group Project. (Details on eCampus site)

• Active participation in course activities, especially professional input during in-class and on-line discussions. You will submit a Personal On-line Discussion Portfolio as part of this requirement. (Details on eCampus site)

• The final exam will be comprised of two parts. The first part will be a take home exam. The second part will be given during the last regularly scheduled class meeting. If you cannot take the exam at the specified time, you must contact the instructor at least one week prior to the exam to make alternate arrangements. If you miss exam and have not contacted the instructor prior to the exam, you will receive a "0" for the exam.

In Summary, the points used for determining your course grade will be distributed as follows:

|Assignments |35% |

|Email 25 pts | |

|Excel 50 pts | |

|Access 30 pts | |

|Tech Update Project 45 pts |15% |

|Final Exam 90 pts |30% |

|Class participation & professional input 10 pts; On-line |20% |

|discussions & Personal On-line Discussion Portfolio 50 pts | |

Final grades will be determined using the following scale:

90% and up A

80% to 89.5% B

70% to 79.5% C

60% to 69.5% D

Below 60% F


Attendance is not required but is strongly encouraged. In-class participation plays a significant part in your grade, and there will be material covered during class discussions that is not in the text but will be included on the final exam.

Grades of Incomplete

A grade of incomplete may be assigned if course material is not completed on time due to serious illness or other unavoidable important events as approved by the instructor. In no case will a grade of incomplete be issued without prior notification by the student of the reason for the grade.

Academic Dishonesty

Working in groups is encouraged, but ultimately the work that you hand in must be your own, except for the one team project. Cases of academic dishonesty, including copying the work of other students and plagiarizing published works can result in a failing grade for the class. TurnItIn may be used to check for plagiarism. Please read the WVU student manual on issues of student integrity. There are no variations to this policy by this instructor.

Social Justice

I concur with the commitment of West Virginia University to social justice and expect to maintain a positive learning environment based on open communication, mutual respect, and freedom from discrimination of any type. Any suggestions for furthering such an environment will be welcomed. Persons with disabilities should advise me of any special accommodation that might be required and contact the WVU Office for Disability Services (293-6700.)

Course Schedule

The following schedule is an overview of what will be covered in the course. A detailed schedule, which will be updated routinely, will be kept on the course eCampus site. Any major changes such as a change in an exam date or change in a project due date will be announced in class and/or emailed to you depending on the timing of the announcement.

NOTE: If a class is cancelled due to inclement weather or instructor’s illness, an email will be sent. However, the work to be done for that class will be due as scheduled. Please watch for email and eCampus posting for makeup details. When in doubt call or send me an email!

BADM 611 - Business Information Systems – Fall 2008

Course Schedule - Overview

The Detailed Course Schedule will posted on the course eCampus site (and on the temporary website from 8/1 until all students have eCampus access ) and will be updated as needed.

Last Revised 7/22/08

|Date | In-class Topics |Related Chapters |Assignments & |

| | |In the Text |On-line Discussions |

| | | |Due at 5PM |

|Class Session 1|(Introduction: IS in Global Business Today |Chapters 1, 2, & 3 | |

| |(Global E-Business:How Businesses Use IS | | |

| |(IS, Organizations, & Strategy | | |

| | | | |

| |eCampus, MIX, Master ID, E-mail, file types, and Office 2007 | | |

|Class Session 2|(Ethical & Social Issues in IS |Chapters 4 & 5 |DUE - |

| |(IT Infrastructure & Emerging Technologies | |Assignment 1 - E-mail |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Hands-On Excel | | |

|Class Session 3|(Telecommunications, the Internet, & Wireless |Chapters 7&10 | |

| |Technology | |On-line discussion #1 closes |

| |(E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods | | |

| | | | |

| |Hands-On Excel | | |

|Class Session 4|(Managing Knowledge |Chapter 11,12 | |

| |(Enhancing Decision Making | | |

| | | | |

| |Tech Update Presentations | | |

| | | | |

| |Hands-On Excel | | |

|Class Session 5|(Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information |Chapter 6 |On-line discussion #2 closes |

| |Management | | |

| | | |DUE- |

| |Tech Update Presentations | |Assignment 2 - Excel |

| | | | |

| |Access | | |

|Class Session 6|(Securing Information Systems |Chapters 8 & 9 | |

| |°Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: | | |

| |Enterprise Applications | | |

| | | | |

| |Tech Update Presentations | | |

| | | | |

| |Access and HTML | | |

|Class Session 7|(Building and Managing Systems |Chapters13,14 & 15 |On-line discussion #3 closes |

| |°Project Management: Establishing the Business Value of Systems | | |

| |and Managing Change | |DUE- |

| |°Managing Global Systems | |Assignment 3 - Access |

| | | | |

| |Tech Update Presentations- Makeups Only | | |

|Class Session 8|Final Exam In-class portion | |Take-home part of final due within|

| | | |48 hours |

| | | | |

| | | |On-line Discussion Portfolio due |

| | | |within 48 hours |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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