1-In the following sentences, identify noun clauses by ...

Types of dependent clauses

There are three types of independent clauses, which are:

Noun clauses

Adjective Clauses

Adverb Clauses

Don’t be fooled by the word “clause”. A noun clause does the same things as a noun. An adjective clause does the same thing as an adjective, or an adjective phrase (see phrases). An adverb clause does the same thing as an adverb, or adverb phrase (see phrases).

Noun Clause: A noun clause is a subordinate clause that acts like a noun. A noun clause does the four regular jobs of nouns: subject, object, object of preposition, predicate noun, plus an extra, appositive

Examples of noun clauses

[What he said] was nonsense. (Subject)

[Whatever you get me] will be lovely. (Subject)

[What took place last night] is [what I want to know]. (Subject, object)

[That you never even tried to tell the truth] disturbs me the most. (Subject)

[Whoever stole my cookies] is in big trouble! (Subject)

I want to know [what you said]. (Object)

I can go [wherever I want]. (Object)

You can say [whatever you please]; this is a free country. (Object)

I would like to talk about [what happened last night]. (Object of preposition)

We need to get around [whatever this is]. (Object of preposition)

I’m going to work through [whatever we encounter]. (Object of preposition)

He didn’t speak of [whoever made the threat]. (Object of preposition)

They didn’t get to [wherever they wanted]. (Object of preposition)

You can be [whomever you want to be]. (Predicate noun - follows linking verb)

You sound like [whoever sings that famous song]. (Predicate noun - follows linking verb)

That sounds like [whatever flew over my house]. (Predicate noun - follows linking verb)

1-In the following sentences, identify noun clauses by placing square brackets

[ ] around them. After each sentence, indicate what kind of noun clause it is, as subject (S), object (O), object of preposition (OP), or predicate noun (PN).


1. Can you tell me who sings that song?

2. Whatever he’s done will be fine.

3. I would like to go over what will happen in the meeting.

4. She does whatever pleases me.

5. Whoever left his wallet here will be glad to get it back.

6. I would like to go to wherever has sunshine all year round.

7. I hate that you didn’t invite me to the party.

8. You can be whatever interests you.

9. It looks like whatever happened here is over.

10. Whoever commits murder must go to jail.

11. You can think about whatever you want.

12. Do whatever you please; it won’t change my mind.

13. I don’t like that you feel no remorse.

14. What will be will be.

15. Your dog’s name is whatever appeals to you.

16. Don’t make me sit next to whatever that thing is!

Adjective clauses

An adjective clause is a dependent clause which describes or modifies a noun or pronoun in the independent clause. Adjective clauses commonly begin with relative pronouns, such as who, whose, whom, which, or that. Sometimes, adjective clauses begin with when or where. Sometimes, adjective clauses begin with no special word.


Is he the man whom you saw in the office?

This is the earring that I lost a long time ago.

This is the place where I fell on my bike.

This is the dog whose owner doesn’t care about it.

This is a great car, which I ordered directly from the manufacturer.

She is the one (that) I want to do the project with.

2-Place square brackets [ ] around the adjective clauses in the following sentences. Underline the relative pronoun. Indicate the word each adjective clause modifies.

Ex. That is the boy [who took my wallet]. (modifies “boy”)

1. I am the person whose wallet was stolen.

2. This computer, which I built myself, runs quite well.

3. Mr. Jones is a teacher who loves Math.

4. I love the tree that is in the front yard.

5. Harvard University, which is known as the world’s best, is in the United States of America.

6. Sue is finishing her work, which was due yesterday.

7. The Dodge Stealth is the only car that has all-wheel drive and all-wheel steering.

8. The people who built this place are long gone.

9. Santa Claus, whose home is at the North Pole, is quite accustomed to the cold.

10. Alice is the student whom I complimented.

Words that introduce adverb clauses are called subordinating conjunctions. Here is a list of common subordinating conjunction:

| |Why/Cause and Effect |Opposition |Condition |

|When/Time | | | |

|after |as |although |if |

|as |as long as |though |only if |

|as soon as |so long as |even though |even if |

|as long as |because |whereas |unless |

|before |now that |while |whether |

|by the time (that) |inasmuch as | |whether or not |

|when |so (that) | |in case (that) |

|while |in order that | |in the event (that) |

|once |in order to | |providing (that) |

|since | | |provided (that) |

|until/till | | | |

|whenever | | | |

|every time | | | |

|the first (nth) time | | | |

|so long as | | | |

3-In the following sentences, identify adverb clauses by placing square brackets [ ] around them. Indicate which word each adverb clause modifies, and if it is a verb, adjective, or adverb.


I will do it [when I come home]. (Modifies verb do, tells when the verb happens)

She is more sad [than I have ever seen]. (Modifies adjective sad - tells how sad)

He talks quietly [because he is shy]. (Modifies adverb quietly - why quietly?)

1. Before you go to school, take out the garbage.

2. I like to sleep after I come home from school.

3. This computer needs to work well because the entire network depends on it.

4. This study guide is not as big as my guide to phrases.

5. I like rice even though I hate sweetened rice.

6. Although Afghanistan is in a state of civil war right now, I would like to visit it someday.

7. You will succeed provided that you work hard.

8. I broke into the lab in order to put out the fire.

9. She sings when she is a little drunk.

10. He is much more intelligent than I am.


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