Forensic Science Project
Forensic Science Honors Projects
First Quarter Project: Crime Case Presentation
You are to choose a crime and create a presentation on it. The presentation can be either a powerpoint, formal paper, Prezi, or even a video. The presentation should include the following information:
1. Description of the crime
• What happened?
• Who was involved?
• Where did it happened? A
• Other relevant information.
2. Background Info
• Victim(s): Who were they? Why were they chosen? What was their niche?
• Suspect(s): Who were they? Why were they chosen? What was their niche?
• Investigator(s): Who were they (names)? What agency did the work for? How good of a job did they do in investigating the crime?
3. Evidence
• What was it?
• Where was it found?
• How was it analyzed?
• What did it mean to the case?
4. Summary
• What happened in the end?
• How was the case resolved?
• Was there a trial?
• Any key “turning points” in the trial?
• What was the verdict?
• What is the present status of the case and the suspect?
5. Works Cited/References page (Chicago style) (Citation Page Maker)()
• Includes in-text citations – shows where in the paper the references were used
• Includes the full references (not just a website)
• Includes at least 4 references, two of which must be from a print source (not electronic)
Second Quarter: Forensic Science Video Project
Working in groups of 3-5 students, you are to create a crime scene video that demonstrates the processing of a crime scene and the subsequent analysis of the evidence. It should reflect the topics covered in this course and include:
• The discovery of the crime that includes a body (10 pts)
• Crime scene processing, including fingerprinting (15 pts)
• Determination of the time of death (10 pts)
• Analysis of at least 5 types of evidence (25 pts)
• Definite conclusion (5 pts)
• The story should follow logical and predictable steps of discovery (10 pts)
Other specifics
• The film should be 10-30 minute in length. (5 pts)
• Scripts, notes, and storyboard should be turned in as well (20 pts)
• A log of time spent on the project will be turned in and will be used to determine the
• It should include both video and audio
• Can be created and edited using Movie Maker. This takes time so don’t wait until the last minute to do this.
• May be able to work with the SciVis class to help you with filming and/or editing
• Final video to be turned in on or before ___
• There will be a popcorn viewing of each group’s video currently scheduled for TBA
Forensic Science Crime Study Rubric
|Component |Excellent |Fair |Poor |
|Preparedness |Student is completely prepared |The student is somewhat |Student does not seem at all |
| |and has obviously rehearsed. |prepared, but it is clear that |prepared to present. |
| | |rehearsal was lacking. | |
|Required Elements |All required elements are |All required elements are |Several required elements are |
| |present and additional elements|present. |missing. |
|Description of crime |that add to the report (e.g., | | |
|Background info |thoughtful comments, graphics) | | |
|Evidence |have been added. | | |
|Summary | | | |
|Quality of Presentation |Presentation is highly |Presentation does not adequately|Student does not have a |
| |effective at communicating |describe the student’s research |presentation and only talks to |
| |student’s research project. |project in its entirety OR the |class. |
| |Visually appealing and easy to |presentation is difficult to | |
| |read. |view. | |
|Content Knowledge |Presentation illustrates an |Presentation illustrates a |Presentation does not illustrate|
| |accurate and thorough |limited understanding of the |any accurate understanding of |
| |understanding of crime. |crime. |the crime |
|Citations and References |Several reputable background |A few background sources are |Material is directly copied |
| |sources were used and cited |used and cited correctly, but |rather than put into students |
| |correctly. Material is |some are not reputable sources. |own words and/or no references |
| |translated into student's own |Material is translated into |included. |
| |words. Includes Reference page |student's own words. Includes | |
| | |Reference page/ |NO GRADE |
Student Name: Date submitted: Grade: _____
Forensic Science Video Project Rubric
|Component |Exemplary |Satisfactory |Unacceptable |
|Introduction to the crime |Story was set up with a interesting and |Story had a confusing and/or |No set up for the crime scene was included. |
|scene |realistic introduction to the crime scene |unrealistic introduction to the crime |Story just went into evidence collection. |
| | |scene | |
|Crime scene processing |The crime scene shown to be adequately |The crime scene was partially processed|The crime scene as not adequately processed |
| |secured, recorded, and processed |but some key elements were missing |in a professional manner. |
|Evidence collection |Relevant evidence was shown to be |Evidence was collected but was either |Evidence was not shown to be collected |
| |correctly collected and packaged with a |not do so correctly or the minimum |correctly and did not meet the minimum number|
| |minimum of 5 items beyond fingerprints |number of items was not shown to be |of items |
| | |collected | |
|Time of death |A viable Post Mortem Interval was |A PMI was mentioned in the video |No PMI was mentioned in the video |
| |determined in the video with an |without an explanation | |
| |explanation. | | |
|Forensic Analysis |The forensic analysis of the evidence is |The forensic analysis of the evidence |The forensic analysis of the evidence was not|
| |shown and explained for at least 5 items. |was shown but not explained or was less|shown or explained |
| | |than 5 items | |
| |Items of evidence: | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
|Conclusion |Evidence is used to bring story to a |Evidence is used to bring story to a |No conclusion is included in the story and it|
| |logical and reasonable conclusion |conclusion but is confusing or |just ends. |
| | |unrealistic | |
|Video Production |Video is 10-30 minutes long and is |Video is 10-30 long but lacks |Video is either way to short or too long with|
| |creative and very well done |creativity and/or quality |poor creativity and quality |
|Pre-Production |All research, scripts, and story boards |Some research, scripts, and story |No research, scripts, and story boards |
| |necessary for pre-production is turned in |boards necessary for pre-production is |necessary for pre-production is turned in |
| | |turned in | |
|Team Work |Evidence that all members of the group |Evidence that all members of the group |Evidence that only 1 member of the group |
| |made equal contributions to this video is |made some but unequal contributions to |contributed to this video is obvious |
| |obvious |this video is obvious | |
Group Members: Date Submitted: Project Grade:
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