Worksheet for Types of Conditions, Infections, and Poisonings

Mission Possible

The Case of the Potluck Poisoning

Student Booklet


Class Period Score

Name: Class Period:

Activity #1

Identify the 4 Contributors to the Potluck Dinner

|Contributor |Employed |Food Item |Other Information |

|A–Molly | | |1- |

| | | |2 - |

|B–Mike | | |1- |

| | | |2- |

|C–Abram | | |1- |

| | | |2- |

|D–John | | |1- |

| | | |2- |

Match the people to the pictures that represent their part in this scenario by writing the LETTER of the person in the square to the left of the picture:

Activity #2

Patient Record Worksheet - Admitting Clerk Occupation

Get with a partner and fill out their information on YOUR paper.

Utah Hospital


|Patient Information |

|Last Name |First Name |Middle Name |

| | | |

|Birth date |Gender |Home Phone |Work Phone |

| |Male Female | | |

|Address |City/State |Zip Code |

| | | |

|Patient’s Occupation |Name and Address of company |

| | |

| | |

|Parent or Spouse |Name and Address of Employer |

| | |

| | |

|Insurance Information |

|Circle One | |

|Blue Cross Educators |Policy Number |

| | |

|Intermountain Health Care Altius |# ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ |

|Payment Plan Circle One |

| | |

|Insurance pays 90% and Patient pays 10% |Insurance pays 80% and Patient pays 20% |

|Patient Signature |Date |

| | |

|Spouse or Parent Signature |Date |

| | |


Your hospital bill came to $759.00. You are on the 80% - 20% insurance plan.

How much will the insurance pay and how much will you be responsible for?

Insurance Costs = Your Costs =

*Remember when you multiply by percentages you must change the percentage into a decimal.

80% = 0.80 20% = 0.20

Activity #3

Types of Illnesses

|Illness: Condition, |Type of illness: Virus, |Time for symptoms to |Symptoms: |Other Information: |

|Infection, or |Bacteria, Metal/Mineral |occur: |What happens to the sick person? |Things that may help solve the case |

|Poisoning | |How long does it take| | |

| | |to get sick? | | |

| |Virus | |1. | |

|Influenza |Bacteria | |2. | |

| |Metal/Mineral | |3. | |

| |Virus | |1. | |

|Hepatitis A |Bacteria | |2. | |

| |Metal/Mineral | |3. | |

| |Virus | |1. | |

|Salmonella |Bacteria | |2. | |

| |Metal/Mineral | |3. | |

| |Virus | |1. | |

|Lead Poisoning |Bacteria | |2. | |

| |Metal/Mineral | |3. | |

| |Virus | |1. | |

|Cadmium |Bacteria | |2. | |

|Poisoning |Metal/Mineral | |3. | |

| |Virus | |1. | |

|E. Coli |Bacteria | |2. | |

| |Metal/Mineral | |3. | |

| |ACTIVITY #4 |Score . |


| |

|Name: | |Class Period: |

|Use Microsoft Excel to complete this chart. As you enter “1” for what the 5 people ate, the totals at the bottom of the chart are filled |

|in. You need to enter the last formulas and analyze the numbers. The numbers will reveal what food item all (100%) the sick people ate. |


| | | | | | | | |

|  |  |  |  |WELL |SICK |WELL |

| | | | | | | |

| |

Name: Class Period:

Activity #5 Review Questions

As the epidemiologist, answer the following questions to help identify what item made everyone sick and how did it make them sick.

1. How many people attended the party? How many people became sick?

2. What time did the party start? What time did people start getting sick?

3. Was anyone sick before the party? YES NO

What did he or she bring to the party?

4. Did the item in question #3 make everybody sick? YES NO

5. What items did the Environmental Health Specialists collect?

6. Were the food samples contaminated with bacteria or viruses? YES NO

7. Did the water make everyone sick? YES NO

8. What item did all of the sick people eat or drink?

9. Who was responsible for this item that made everyone sick?

10. Was the item in question #8 contaminated with bacteria or viruses? YES NO

11. What type of container was used for the item in question # 8?

Was the container recently repaired? YES NO

12. What are the symptoms of the people that got sick?

13. Which illness has symptoms that match those of the sick people?

14. How could the item in #11 cause everyone to get sick?

15. What food-borne illness caused the potluck poisoning?

Cross out the items that are eliminated as a FBI suspects.

Circle the item below that we can investigate as the possible food-borne illness.


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