Gender Inequality:

12319006464300Stand Up Against Sexism and Gender InequalityAllison Combs00Stand Up Against Sexism and Gender InequalityAllison Combs3251200321246500533400321246500596900545465005969001155065lorem ipsum00lorem ipsum4572006197600+00+40005004572000038862002075815006648455632450Sexism is defined as the “behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex” (Merriam-Webster 2016). Sexism has been, and is currently a predominant, overlooked issue. There are different types of sexism that go unnoticed all the time, some types being more subtle than others, but all of them leaving an everlasting mark on society as a whole. Society recognized sexism as a social problem a generation ago, even though it has existed for centuries (Parillo 2014).00Sexism is defined as the “behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex” (Merriam-Webster 2016). Sexism has been, and is currently a predominant, overlooked issue. There are different types of sexism that go unnoticed all the time, some types being more subtle than others, but all of them leaving an everlasting mark on society as a whole. Society recognized sexism as a social problem a generation ago, even though it has existed for centuries (Parillo 2014).47694855016500Gender Inequality:Gender Inequality:46482005981700“Gender inequality refers to an unequal treatment of perceptions of individuals based on their gender and arises from differences in socially constructed gender roles” (Wikipedia 2010). Most of the time these perceptions are so engrained in society that they aren’t even noticed.00“Gender inequality refers to an unequal treatment of perceptions of individuals based on their gender and arises from differences in socially constructed gender roles” (Wikipedia 2010). Most of the time these perceptions are so engrained in society that they aren’t even noticed.45656522123400010445755187950Sexism:00Sexism:6743703975100What is Sexism & Gender Inequality?00What is Sexism & Gender Inequality?22129752212340002212975457200004572004572000040005003708400Women are not always the victims of sexism; men can easily be as well. Men pay 97% of Alimony, men lose custody in 84% of divorces, 40-70% of domestic violence is against men however less than 1% of domestic violence shelter spaces are for men (RealSexism n.d.). 00Women are not always the victims of sexism; men can easily be as well. Men pay 97% of Alimony, men lose custody in 84% of divorces, 40-70% of domestic violence is against men however less than 1% of domestic violence shelter spaces are for men (RealSexism n.d.). 40005006908800Why is it a Problem?00Why is it a Problem?40005007632700Sexism affects EVERYONE not just women and our “bodies can be hailed by sexist communication and recruited into particular patterns of feeling and response” (Calder-Dawe 2015, p. 89). 00Sexism affects EVERYONE not just women and our “bodies can be hailed by sexist communication and recruited into particular patterns of feeling and response” (Calder-Dawe 2015, p. 89). 45720003187700However…00However…141605812800 “For centuries, the presumption of male superiority led to patterns of prejudice and discrimination against women, and many of those patterns still persist despite numerous advances in gender equality” (Parillo 2014, p. 428). Prevailing norms in the nineteenth century included women not being allowed to vote, own property in their own name, testify in court, or even spend their own wages without their husband’s permission.In 1919 Congress passed the Nineteenth Amendment giving women the right to vote (Parillo 2014)During WWII many women were employed, but peacetime brought a renewed emphasis on the home as a “woman’s place” (Parillo 2014).In the 1960’s a new wave of the feminist movement began succeeding in efforts to end many forms of sexual discrimination (Parillo 2014). “Women’s status has improved but remains far from parity with men” (Parillo 2014, p. 454). 00 “For centuries, the presumption of male superiority led to patterns of prejudice and discrimination against women, and many of those patterns still persist despite numerous advances in gender equality” (Parillo 2014, p. 428). Prevailing norms in the nineteenth century included women not being allowed to vote, own property in their own name, testify in court, or even spend their own wages without their husband’s permission.In 1919 Congress passed the Nineteenth Amendment giving women the right to vote (Parillo 2014)During WWII many women were employed, but peacetime brought a renewed emphasis on the home as a “woman’s place” (Parillo 2014).In the 1960’s a new wave of the feminist movement began succeeding in efforts to end many forms of sexual discrimination (Parillo 2014). “Women’s status has improved but remains far from parity with men” (Parillo 2014, p. 454). 533400439420A Little History…00A Little History…34042354648200043561004572000Sexism can have plenty of negative affects on an individual both mentally and physically. Some of the consequences of sexism include domestic violence, job discrimination, sometimes self-harm, and the overall well-being and safety of the individual. If awareness of the sexism that exists is not being raised, the cycle will continue and a cultural drift away from sexism will not be likely to occur. The problem of sexism is that it is hidden in plain sight (Calder-Dawe 2015).0Sexism can have plenty of negative affects on an individual both mentally and physically. Some of the consequences of sexism include domestic violence, job discrimination, sometimes self-harm, and the overall well-being and safety of the individual. If awareness of the sexism that exists is not being raised, the cycle will continue and a cultural drift away from sexism will not be likely to occur. The problem of sexism is that it is hidden in plain sight (Calder-Dawe 2015).456565825500000378333045593000471170456565004724404775200Gender inequality is evident in education, employment, income, legal status, political power, and much more (Parillo 2014). Sexism can occur through cat calling, rude comments, sexual harassment, gender stereotypes in the workplace, movies and media that enforce gender stereotypes, etc. (Calder-Dawe 2015).Through double standards: men are congratulated for sex and women are typically thought deviant for wanting it (Parillo 2014).0Gender inequality is evident in education, employment, income, legal status, political power, and much more (Parillo 2014). Sexism can occur through cat calling, rude comments, sexual harassment, gender stereotypes in the workplace, movies and media that enforce gender stereotypes, etc. (Calder-Dawe 2015).Through double standards: men are congratulated for sex and women are typically thought deviant for wanting it (Parillo 2014).4718053975100+00+41179753975100Potential Outcomes00Potential Outcomes4724403975100Examples of Sexism and Gender Inequality00Examples of Sexism and Gender Inequality63500070866000040894007175500006350002921000“When sexism is routinely presented as harmless, its harms become difficult to see and speak of, even as they accumulate around us” (Calder-Dawe 2015, p. 90). It is first important to be able to recognize sexism when it is happening in order for anything to change. Being able to recognize and respond to institutionalized sexist behavior in oneself or others is the most direct way to fight sexism. Another direct way to fight sexism is to teach others to recognize sexism and to teach children the importance of equality between humanity. “Possessing self-awareness about your own family and how it influences your attitudes and beliefs about other individuals’ families is extremely important” (Week 7 2016).00“When sexism is routinely presented as harmless, its harms become difficult to see and speak of, even as they accumulate around us” (Calder-Dawe 2015, p. 90). It is first important to be able to recognize sexism when it is happening in order for anything to change. Being able to recognize and respond to institutionalized sexist behavior in oneself or others is the most direct way to fight sexism. Another direct way to fight sexism is to teach others to recognize sexism and to teach children the importance of equality between humanity. “Possessing self-awareness about your own family and how it influences your attitudes and beliefs about other individuals’ families is extremely important” (Week 7 2016).19431002463800Changing The Future00Changing The Future63500052959000107950023241004191002451100+00+1551940711200Changing The Future00Changing The Future45789856540500Challenge yourself to put a nickel in jar any time sexism is heard, witnessed, or recognized by others or yourself. Hopefully in doing so it will allow you to be more conscious of sexism and actually see just how much and quickly sexism adds up.00Challenge yourself to put a nickel in jar any time sexism is heard, witnessed, or recognized by others or yourself. Hopefully in doing so it will allow you to be more conscious of sexism and actually see just how much and quickly sexism adds up.49834805727700Put a Nickel In a Jar…Put a Nickel In a Jar…24511006235700Help fight sexism not only by recognizing it, but by initiating change.“We must continue to think and write about sexism; most of all we must find ways to talk about it” (Calder-Dawe 2015). Help fight sexism not only by recognizing it, but by initiating change.“We must continue to think and write about sexism; most of all we must find ways to talk about it” (Calder-Dawe 2015). 2540006235700Recognize and be aware of sexism occurring dailyBe self-aware as well to ensure not to promote sexism.Change the behavior and outlook that does include and enforce sexism. Recognize and be aware of sexism occurring dailyBe self-aware as well to ensure not to promote sexism.Change the behavior and outlook that does include and enforce sexism. 26517605803900Stand Up00Stand Up26517603238500004546605765800Be Aware00Be Aware51206403060700004572003238500002788920201930000512064020193000015875002489200Challenge Yourself00Challenge Yourself54610053340000457200201930000228600336550+00+33496253707130Check out this video on YouTube of Leslie Morgan Steiner telling her personal story of domestic violence she experienced during her first marriage and how she transformed her life! 00Check out this video on YouTube of Leslie Morgan Steiner telling her personal story of domestic violence she experienced during her first marriage and how she transformed her life! 32988251608455Check out this commercial on YouTube called #LikeAGirl for the brand Always, and see how they changed the meaning of “like a girl” from an insult to the ultimate compliment it really is! 00Check out this commercial on YouTube called #LikeAGirl for the brand Always, and see how they changed the meaning of “like a girl” from an insult to the ultimate compliment it really is! 6934208785860Check this project out at Leave your story or read theirs and be able to recognize how sexism affects YOUR life. Stand up, take the challenge and initiate change today.00Check this project out at Leave your story or read theirs and be able to recognize how sexism affects YOUR life. Stand up, take the challenge and initiate change today.4794255865495479425370713000479425160845500457200457200+00+822960584200Check It Out00Check It Out457200457200ReferencesCalder-Dawe, O. (2015). The choreography of everyday sexism: Reworking sexism in interaction. New Formations, (86), 89-105. doi: 10.3898/NEWF.86.05.2015Kress, M. (2016). Week 7: Children and families. (Lecture Notes). Retrieved from Merriam-. (2016). Sexism. Retrieved from Parillo, V.N. (2014). Strangers to these shores (11th Ed.). Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson Education.. (n.d.).The real sexism project. Retrieved from. Wikipedia. (2010). Gender inequality. Retrieved from All images retrieved from Google Images.0ReferencesCalder-Dawe, O. (2015). The choreography of everyday sexism: Reworking sexism in interaction. New Formations, (86), 89-105. doi: 10.3898/NEWF.86.05.2015Kress, M. (2016). Week 7: Children and families. (Lecture Notes). Retrieved from Merriam-. (2016). Sexism. Retrieved from Parillo, V.N. (2014). Strangers to these shores (11th Ed.). Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson Education.. (n.d.).The real sexism project. Retrieved from. Wikipedia. (2010). Gender inequality. Retrieved from All images retrieved from Google Images. ................

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