Types of Governments

Types of Governments


The word literally means "rule by the people." The people govern by voting on every issue. They are completely independent and make local and global decisions.


A literal democracy is impossible in a political system containing more than a few people. A republic is completely independent and the people elect representatives to make and local and global enforce laws.


People are citizens of a foreign country that owns their country (territory). They are citizens and are free to go to the foreign country to live and work. The people that live in these countries can only vote in elections within the territory. All decisions are made by a foreign country. The ruling country usually creates a military base, can own land, and the country taken over receives citizenship and money from the foreign power.


Is an organization of countries that support each other and share all resources. The people of these island nations are citizens that group of nations. The government is constructed of a governor and a law making group that makes decisions about the island. All larger decisions, including trade, where to build military bases, and protection, are made by the group of countries that support each other. They receive and provide financial support to all countries within the group. All citizens have the right to purchase land in any of the countries included within the group.

Free association

In this type of government the foreign country provides military protection and money to the pacific island nation in exchange for the right to create military bases. Foreign countries are not allowed to own land or use resources. The independent locally elected government makes all of the decisions about life with the exception of the military.


This type of island is not independent, supported financially, and protected (and may build bases) by the foreign country and ruled over by a local governor appointed by the foreign country.


A completely independent government that owns the rights to all lands within its nation. In this system families from long lines of ancestors make and enforcing laws. This group then chooses one of its members to be chief to make sure laws are followed. All people that are born in this system are given jobs from birth and do not have the freedom to change. If the members of this society do their jobs they live in a state of balance and no one goes without. If the people stop doing their job then the system falls apart.

Protectorate: a self running independent nation. It has its own government created by the vote of the people and is under the protection of a large foreign nation. In exchange for the protection and money this foreign nation receives the right to own land, build military bases, and use their resources.


The leader gained power through noble blood and completely independently makes all decisions about the country. Including trade, land ownership, resources, warfare, treaties, and creates all laws. Normally the people that live in this system have no freedom and do not choose their jobs.


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