Government Types - Webs

Government Types

ENDURING UNDERSTANDING:    ernment types change and evolve through time.    2.  Governments both restrict and expand individual freedoms

GUIDING QUESTIONS:    1.What is the major types of government found in the world today?    2.  Why do some nations and/or governments restrict freedoms while others expand them?

By now you know that anarchy means "no government".  All of us would like to NOT have to pay taxes, or NOT have to obey speed limit signs, or be able to keep ALL the fish we want when we go fishing, but we know that would create chaos and potentially violate someone else's freedoms  So..............we have governments!  What are the most common types of governments used in the world today?  This assignment will answer that question.  Please read through this simple and short online power point presentation found at this web site:

Four Types of Governments: or

Forms of Government: and read what "they" say are the four basic types of government found in the world today.

Listed below are the types of government I want you to know and a nation that uses that type of government

|Dictatorship |Totalitarian |Theocracy |Monarchy |Parliamentary |Republic(USA) |Anarchy
(Afghanistan) |

|(Iraq) |(China) |(Iran) |(Jordan) |(Israel) | | |

Here are the web sites to use for the successful completion of this assignment: Utilize the 5 websites below to link to sources that will give you the information that you need to answer the questions in this assignment.

Descriptions of governments: mrstutz/WorldAffairs/typesofgovt.html

Types of Government:

Political Systems:

The World Fact Book:

Merriam-Webster On-Line: m-

Here are the specific instructions for composing and submitting this assignment: 

1.  Please read each question carefully to ascertain which web site to go to.  When you have researched the answers to ALL of the questions and know the answers, you can turn in your assignment.  You are required to answer ALL questions!! Pay particular attention to questions 3, 4 and 5, they seem to get missed a lot. Open up a new Word document and type your name, period, and title of Assignment “Government Types” on the Word document using a separate line for each one.  Please use Times New Roman font and size number 12 font and 1-inch margins.

Here is your assignment


1. A nation-state is another word for:

a. City  

b. State

c. Country 

d. Chiefdom

2. A government is important because it helps to:

a. Organize and regulate people

b. Gives us President’s Day off from school 

c. gives us something to talk about

d. so it can negotiate with other governments

3. A government ruled by a king or queen is called:

a. Pluralism

b. Monarchy

c. Anarchy

d. Democracy

4. There are around this many nation-states in the world today:

a. 20    

b. 2000

c. 200                                           

d. 2

5. The bigger and more complex a group of people becomes, the ______ government becomes:

a. More necessary 

b. less necessary

c. Equally necessary                                    

d. none of the above

6. Without rules and government there would be:

a. Anarchy

b. order

c. Strict structure               

d. totalitarianism

7. All of these attributes are required to be considered a nation-state EXCEPT:

a. Sovereignty                             

b. A national anthem

c. Land                                       

d. people

8.  A republic government is a type of:

a. Dictatorship                                                

b. Oligarchy

c. Anarchy                                                     

d. Democracy

9.  A theocratic (Theocracy) government is a type of:

a. Dictatorship                                                

b. Oligarchy

c. Anarchy                                                      

d. Democracy

10.  A totalitarian government is a type of:

a. Dictatorship         b. Oligarchy

c. Anarchy               d. Democracy

FILL IN THE BLANK:  Use the words in the WORD BANK below to answer questions 11 - 15

Anarchy Binding Candidates Governor Ordinances Institution

Totalitarianism Government

11. If a law is _______________ then you have to follow it.

12. ______________ is another word for law.

13.      _______________ has no laws and ________________ has little or no freedom.

14.  There were many ________________in the California governor’s recall?

15. When they tore down that school it was sad.   It was quite the _________________.

SHORT ANSWER: Write your own definitions for the following types of government listed below and also include five nations that use that form of government.

16.  What is a Dictatorship?  What are FIVE nations that use a dictatorship to govern their people? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

17.  What is a Theocracy?  What are TWO nations that use a theocracy to govern their people? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

18.  What is a Parliamentary system of government? What are FIVE nations that use a Parliamentary system to govern their people? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

19.  What is a Republic? (the vast majority of nations are republics of some sort!) What are FIVE nations that use a republic to govern their people? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

20.  What is a "Constitutional" Monarchy?  What are FIVE nations that use a "Constitutional" Monarchy to govern their people? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


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