The Science of Ischemic Stroke: Pathophysiology ...

International Journal of Pharma Research & Review, Oct 2015; 4(10):65-84

ISSN: 2278-6074

Review Article

The Science of Ischemic Stroke: Pathophysiology & Pharmacological Treatment

*Neema Kanyal

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Technology & Science, Patel Nagar, Dehradun 248001, Uttarakhand, India.

ABSTRACT Over the past two decades, research has heavily emphasized basic mechanisms that irreversibly damage brain cells after stroke. Much attention has focused on what makes neurons die easily and what strategies render neurons resistant to ischaemic injury. In the past few years, clinical experience with clot-lysing drugs has confirmed expectations that early reperfusion improves clinical outcome.Although great advances have been made in understanding the diverse mechanisms of neuronal cell death induced by ischemic stroke, clinically effective neuroprotective therapies are limited.Based on the accumulating evidence that ischemic cell death is a result of series of subsequent biochemical events, new concepts for prevention and treatment of ischemic stroke may eventually emerge without the hazard of severe complications.This review focuses on mechanisms and emerging concepts that drive the science of ischemic stroke in a therapeutic direction. Once considered exclusively a disorder of blood vessels, growing evidence has led to the realization that the biological processes underlying stroke are driven by the interaction of neurons, glia, vascular cells and matrix components, which actively participate in mechanisms of tissue injury and repair. As new targets are identified, new opportunities emerge that build on an appreciation of acute cellular events acting in a broader context of ongoing destructive, protective and reparative processes. This review then poses a number of fundamental questions, the answers to which may generate a number of treatment strategies and possibly new treatments that could reduce the impact of this enormous economic and societal burden.

Keywords: Apoptosis, excitotoxicity, ischemia, stroke

Received 26 August 2015

Received in revised form 14 Sept 2015

Accepted 17 Sept 2015

*Address for correspondence:

Neema Kanyal,

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Technology & Science, Patel

Nagar, Dehradun 248001, Uttarakhand, India.




Stroke is the second leading cause of death

as a result of demographic transitions in

worldwide [1-4] and is the major cause of

populations [2]. The ultimate result of

morbidity, particularly in the middle aged

ischemic cascade initiated by acute stroke is

and elderly population [1,5-6]. Stroke,

neuronal death along with an irreversible

according to the American Heart Association

loss of neuronal function [9].

(AHA) definition, is a sudden loss of brain

According to World Health Organization

function due to disturbance in the cerebral

estimates, in 2002, 5.5 million people died of

blood supply with symptoms lasting at least

stroke in 2002 and roughly 20% of these

24 hours or leading to death [7]. Stroke is

deaths occurred in South Asian Countries

defined as an acute neurologic dysfunction

(India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka)

[8,9] of vascular origin with sudden (within

[3]. The incidence and mortality of stroke

seconds) or at least rapid (within hours)

increase with age, and as the elderly

occurrence of signs and symptoms [10,11].

population is rapidly growing in most

Stroke is the rapid loss of brain function due

developed countries ischemic stroke is a

to a disturbance in the blood supply to the

common societal burden with substantial

brain [12]. Stroke is also the leading cause of

economic costs [1,13]. According to the

adult long-term disability [3,8,9] and

report from the Centers for Disease Control

represents an enormous burden on society,

and Prevention, given in 2013 mortality

which is likely to increase in future decades

from stroke was the fourth leading cause of

Neema Kanyal, IJPRR 2015; 4(10)


International Journal of Pharma Research & Review, Oct 2015; 4(10):65-84

ISSN: 2278-6074

death in the United States in 2008, and stroke was a leading cause of long-term severe disability. Therefore, it is important to know the reason for this social burden so that safe and effective therapeutic treatment that could be given at medical services would improve the outcome of millions of acute stroke patients [12]. The two main types of stroke are ischemic and hemorrhagic, accounting for approximately 85% and 15%, respectively [4,9,10,12,14,15]. A third type of stroke, called as transient ischemic attack or TIA is a minor stroke that serves as awarning sign that a more serve stroke may occur [16]. Ischemic stroke is caused by focal cerebral ischemia due to arterial occlusion [1,4,9,10,14] or stenosis [17] whereas hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, spilling blood into the spaces surrounding the brain cells or when a cerebral aneurysm ruptures[18]. Hemorrhagic stroke includes spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage [3,8] due to leakage or rupture of an artery [17]. Here our main concern is on ischemic stroke. Ischemic Stroke Ischemic stroke occurs when the blood supply to a part of the brain is suddenly interrupted by occlusion [15,18,25]. Ischemic cerebrovascular disease is mainly caused by thrombosis, embolism and focal hypoperfusion, all of which can lead to a reduction or an interruption in cerebral blood flow (CBF) that affect neurological function due to deprivation of the glucose and oxygen [6,8,10,19]. Approximately 45% of ischemic strokes are caused by small or large artery thrombus, 20% are embolic in origin, and others have an unknown cause [10]. Focal ischaemic stroke is caused by an interruption of the arterial blood flow to a dependent area of the brain parenchyma by a thrombus or an embolus [11]. In other words, Ischemic stroke is defined as acute onset, (minutes or hours), of a focal neurological deficit consistent with vascular lesion that persisted for more than 24 hour [9]. Ischemic stroke is a dynamic process whereby the longer the arterial occlusion persists the larger the infarct size becomes and the higher the risk of post-perfusion hemorrhage [20].

Ischemic stroke is a complex entity with multiple etiologies and variable clinical manifestations [10,21]. Within 10 seconds after cerebral flow ceases, metabolic failure of brain tissue occurs. The EEG shows slowing of electrical activity and brain dysfunction becomes clinically manifest. If circulation is immediately restored, there is abrupt and complete recovery of brain function [22]. Ischemic stroke is more common in men than in women until advanced age, when a higher incidence is observed in women [3,23]. When younger patients are considered, females usually exceed males under 35, a period that coincides with the prime child-bearing years [23]. The three main pathology of ischemic strokes are:[3,6,12,16,17,22,24] a) Thrombosis b) Embolism and c) Global ischemia (hypotensive) stroke

a) Thrombosis: Cerebral thrombosis refers to the formation of a thrombus (blood clot) inside an artery such as internal carotid artery, proximal and intracranial vertebral arteries which produce lacunes, small infarcts to typical locations include basal ganglia, thalamus, internal capsule, pons and cerebellum [25] that develops at the clogged part of the vessel. Atherosclerosis is one of the reasons for vascular obstruction resulting in thrombotic stroke [16]. Atherosclerotic plaques can undergo pathological changes such as thrombosis. Disruption of endothelium that can occur in the setting of thispathological change initiates a complicated process that activates many destructive vasoactive enzymes. Platelet adherence and aggregation to the vascular wall follow, forming small nidi of platelets and fibrin [15,26]. Thrombosis can form in the extracranial and intracranial arteries when the intima is roughened and plaque forms along the injured vessel. This permits platelets to adhere and aggregate, then coagulation is activated and thrombus develops at site of plaque. When the compensatory mechanism of collateral circulation fails, perfusion is compromised, leading to cell

Neema Kanyal, IJPRR 2015; 4(10)


International Journal of Pharma Research & Review, Oct 2015; 4(10):65-84

ISSN: 2278-6074

death[10].Extracranial artery stenoses are prone to destabilization and plaque rupture leading to cerebral thromboembolism [4]. Thromboembolic occlusion of major or multiple smaller intracerebral arteries leads to focal impairment of the downstream blood flow, and to secondary thrombus formation within the cerebral microvasculature [4,14]. Thrombotic strokes occur without warning symptoms in 80-90% of patients. 1020% is heralded by one or more transient Ischaemic attacks [22]. b) Embolism: Cerebral embolism refers generally to a blood clot that forms at another location in the circulatory system, usually the heart and large arteries of the upper chest and neck. Embolic stroke occurs when a clot breaks, loose and is carried by the blood stream and gets wedged in mediumsized branching arteries [10,25]. Microemboli can break away from a sclerosed plaque in the carotid artery or from cardiac sources such as atrial fibrillation, [16] or a hypokinetic left ventricle [10]. Embolism to the brain may be arterial or cardiac in origin. Commonly recognized cardiac sources for embolism include atrial fibrillation, sinoatrial disorder, recent acute myocardial infarction (AMI), subacute bacterial endocarditis, cardiac tumors, and valvular disorders, both native and artificial [17]. In approximately onethird of ischemic stroke patients, embolism to the brain originates from the heart, especially in atrial fibrillation [2,4,16]. Besides clot, fibrin, pieces of atheromatous plaque, materials known to embolize into the central circulation such as fat, air, tumor or metastasis, bacterial clumps, and foreign bodies contribute to this mechanism [10,16]. According to stroke databases from Western countries, cardioembolism is the most common cause of ischemic stroke [21]. Embolic strokes usually present with a neurologic deficit that is maximum at onset [22]. Global? Ischemic or Hypotensive stroke: A third mechanism of ischemic stroke is systemic hypoperfusion due to

a generalized loss of arterial pressure [16,27]. Several processes can lead to systemic hypoperfusion, the most widely recognized and studied being cardiac arrest due to myocardial infarction and/or arrhythmia or severe hypotension (shock) [28,29]. The pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus and the Purkinje cell layer of the cerebellar cortex areas are greatly effected [16]. Global ischemia is worse than hypoxia, hypoglycemia, and seizures because, in addition to causing energy failure, it results in accumulation of lactic acid and other toxic metabolites that are normally removed by the circulation [28]. Fatal strokes in elderly patients often appeared to be due to acute hypotension caused by extracranial events such as heart-failure, occult haemorrhage, or multiple pulmonary emboli [29]. Consequences after stroke: Active cell death mechanism Within seconds to minutes after the loss of blood flow to a region of the brain, the ischemic cascade is rapidly initiated [30].Due to the disruption of blood flow to the area there is limitation of the delivery of oxygen and metabolic substrates to neurons which causes ATP reduction and energy depletion [8,31]. This comprises a series of subsequent biochemical events that eventually lead to disintegration of cell membranes and neuronal death at the core of the infarction [30]. These biochemical events include: ionic imbalance, the release of excessglutamate in the extracellular space which leads to excitotoxicity, a dramatic increase in intracellular calcium that in turn activates multiple intracellular death pathways such as mitochondrial dysfunction, blood-brain barrier dysfunction, oxidative and nitrosative stress and initiate post ischemic inflammation which leads ultimately to cell death of neurons, glia and endothelial cells[4,6,30,31]. In the penumbra region surrounding the infarct core, however, tissue is preserved for a certain time span depending on whether blood flow is restored [4]. In general, neurons and oligodendrocytes seem to be more vulnerable to cell death than astroglial or endothelial cells, and

Neema Kanyal, IJPRR 2015; 4(10)


International Journal of Pharma Research & Review, Oct 2015; 4(10):65-84

ISSN: 2278-6074

among neurons, CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons, cortical projection neurons in layer 3, subsets of neurons in dorsolateral

striatum and Purkinje cells of the cerebellum are particularly susceptible [26].

Ischemia to the brain

Deprivation of glucose and oxygen

Failure of ionic pump

Depletion of ATPproduction

Decrease glutamate uptake


Opening of voltage dependent channels

Activation of intracellular signalling system

Release of excess glutamate

Excessive Ca2+/Na+ influx

Activation of iNOS

Apoptosi s

Free radical production

(Oxidative and nitrosative stress)

Glutamate concentration increases


Lipid phosphorylation(membrane)

Inflammatory response

Figure 1: Schematic representation of active cell death mechanism

Ionic imbalance: The most common cause of stroke is the sudden occlusion of a blood vessel by a thrombus or embolism, resulting in an immediate loss of oxygen and glucose to the brain [25,32]. Large reserves of alternative substrates to glucose, such as glycogen, lactate and fatty acids, for both glycolysis and respiration are present in brain but oxygen is irreplaceable in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, the main source of ATP in neurons. Reduced ATP stimulates the glycolytic metabolism of residual glucose and glycogen, which causes

an accumulation of protons and lactate and therefore intracellular acidification[31].This result in further decline in ATP concentration due to cessation of the electron transport chain activity within mitochondria and leads to disruption of ionic pumps systems like Na+-K+ATPase,[33]Ca2+-H+ ATPase, reversal of Na+Ca2+ transporter resulting in increase in intracellular Na+, Ca2+, Cl concentration and efflux of K+ . This redistribution of ions across plasma membrane causes depolarization of neurons and astrocytes,

Neema Kanyal, IJPRR 2015; 4(10)


International Journal of Pharma Research & Review, Oct 2015; 4(10):65-84

ISSN: 2278-6074

leading to excess release of neurotransmitters (particularly glutamate) that causes neuronal excitotoxicity [25,31]. Excitotoxicity: Excitotoxicity, the term coined by Olney in 1969, occurs due to excess release of excitatory amino acid glutamate and excessive activation of their receptors [25]. Excitotoxicity is an exaggeration of neuronal excitation mediated by sodium ions and that any source of excitation is potentially harmful. The first step toward excitotoxicity during an acute episode of stroke is the rapid elevation of glutamate levels in the ischemic region of the brain and this is due to dysfunction in the homeostasis of glutamate [33]. Under physiological condition release of glutamate into the synaptic space stimulates glutamate receptors of the NMDA subtype, [33-35] which causes depolarization of the postsynaptic neuron by an influx of calcium and sodium. NMDA receptors (NMDARs) revert to the inactive state as transporters sequester glutamate into cells. During acute and chronic ischemia, ATP depletion causes neuronal membrane depolarization, which opens voltage-gated Ca2+ and Na+ channels and releases excitatory glutamate in the synaptic cleft and also impairs the clearance of glutamate due to transporter dysfunction [25,34]. NMDARs are complex, heterotetramer combinations of three major subfamilies of subunits: NR1, NR2, NR3. NR2 (GluN2AR-GluN2DR) subtypes appear to play a pivotal role in stroke. NR2A and NR2B are the predominant NR2 subunits in the adult forebrain, where stroke most frequently occur [31]. NMDAR subtypes can confer neuronal survival and neuronal death, synaptic GluN2AR protects neurons against excitotoxic neuronal death mediated by synaptic GluN2BR.Similarly, extrasynaptic GluN2AR is pro-survival and protects neurons against extrasynaptic GluN2BR-induced neuronal death [31,36]. Synaptic NMDAR conveys the synaptic activity-driven activation of the survivalsignaling protein extracellular signalregulated kinase (ERK) and triggers an increase in nuclear calcium via release from intracellular stores, leading to the activation of the transcription factor CREB and the production of the survival-promoting protein BDNF. In contrast, global or

extrasynaptic NMDAR stimulation, when there is too much glutamate in the brain, such as during cerebral ischemia decreases ERK, CREB activation and BDNF production, while there is calcium-dependent activation of death-signaling proteins that triggers a plethora of signaling cascades that work synergistically to induce neuronal death. NMDAR-mediated dysfunction of sodiumcalcium exchanger (NCX) [33] which regulate intracellular calcium level explains the subsequent calcium overload that occurs following an excitotoxic stimulus [35]. Mitochondria can recover intracellular calcium concentration by (i) itself taking up a huge amount of calcium [33] (ii) facilitating ATP dependent calcium extrusion, which results in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) [33,35,36] such as superoxide (O2-), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as well as reactive nitrogen species (RNS)[35] such as nitric oxide (NO) and peroxinitrite (ONOO-) [34,36]. High concentrations of intracellular calcium, ROS, and RNS induce cell death by: 1) activating proteases that damage cellular architecture i.e. protein, DNA, lipid, [37,38] 2)peroxidizing lipids,[35] which disrupt membrane integrity, 3) stimulating microglia to produce cytotoxic factors, 4) disrupting mitochondrial function, and 5) inducing pyknosis (chromatin condensation) [31,33,34,39]. The opening of the permeability transition pore results in mitochondrial depolarization , induction of calcium deregulation and induction of neuronal death by damaging dendrites and synaptic connections [16,26,35]. Oxidative and nitrosative stress: Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the production and quenching of free radicals by endogeneous antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and glutathione [40-42]. Compared to other tissues and organs in the body, the brain is particularly prone to oxidative damage [36] because of high consumption of oxygen under basal conditions, high concentrations of peroxidisable lipids, and high levels of iron that act as a pro-oxidant during stress. The primary sources of ROS in the brain are the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC), NAPDH oxidases, and xanthine oxidase [25].

Neema Kanyal, IJPRR 2015; 4(10)



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