The Seven Chakras

Basic Introduction to the Body's Energy Field

Life-Giving Energy

All around you, and throughout the entire universe, circulates a field of energy. This energy field circulates through the earth, through the atmosphere, all around us, and throughout all of creation. The flow of this energy connects everything that exists, and you, as a living being, are taking in this energy at every moment.

Now, if you are like most Christians, you have a bunch of “red flags” and sirens going off right now, or at the very least the above paragraph has made you feel a bit uncomfortable. And for good reason.

If we were to take out the word “creation”, the rest of the terminology used in the first paragraph is the same as how a secular, “new age” cult might explain what they believe about the “cosmos”.

But what if we were to explain it this way instead . . . ?

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1). The Word (which is Christ Jesus) was with God in the beginning, and the Word was God (John 1:1-2). All things were made through Christ, and without Him nothing was made that has been made (John 1:3). By Him (Christ) all things were created. They were created through Him and for Him (Col. 1:16). Christ is all and in all (Col 3:11). In Him all things hold together (Col 1:17). He fills the earth (Jer. 23:24), there is nowhere we can go where He is not present (Ps. 139:7-10) and we, as followers of Christ should be filled with His Spirit (Eph. 5:18).

These are Biblical truths that explain essentially the same thing that the new age people try to describe in their own “lingual” while at the same time denying the existence and omnipresence of God.

They cannot entirely dismiss His existence, however, because since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have all been clearly seen in the things He has made (Rom. 1:10). But there are many people who do not want to acknowledge Him as Lord and Creator, so instead they take the “concept of God” and reduce it to what they would call a “life-giving energy”.

There are a lot of religions and cults that have different ideas about this “life-giving energy”, but from a Christian viewpoint I would like to suggest that it is the omnipresence of God. He is the one who gives and sustains life. God is spirit (John 4:24) and His Spirit fills the universe (Eph. 1:22-23, Eph. 4:10).

The Body’s Energy Field

The “life-giving energy” that was mentioned above is not the same thing as the body’s energy field. It is very important to understand that there is a major difference. To say that the energy that flows through our body is the very Spirit of God is as absurd as saying that the blood that flows through our veins is God.

It is true that God fills all and is in all, but His omnipresence in creation does not transform the created things into the divinity of God. God’s Spirit dwells in us, but that does not make us God. God’s Spirit fills every cell in our body, but that does not make the cells divine. We can be filled with the Spirit of God, but we are still mere mortals, we are still human.

Apart from the “energy” that circulates throughout all of creation, there is also a kind of energy that the human body produces. Our bodies create energy, which is what we understand as being the basic function of our metabolism. The digestion of nutrients and the burning of fats and sugars are part of a complicated process by which the body produces the energy we need in order to function.

The endocrine system (or hormones in the body) help to regulate and control the metabolism as well as the production and distribution of energy in the body.

Now, when we talk about the actual energy field of the body, we are referring more specifically to the flow of that energy throughout the body. In the same way that blood is continually being pumped through our veins, or the nervous system is continually sending signals throughout the body, there is also energy that is continually and constantly flowing in and around the body.

We are already aware of the fact that there are pathways for the blood to flow through the body, and pathways for the nerves to flow through the body, and pathways for the lymph system to process wastes in the body, so it makes sense that God would also create a pathway for the energy to flow through the body. And that is essentially what the body’s energy field is.

Some people are under the misconception that the energy that flows through the energy field is essentially what gives life to the body. But scientists have discovered that even non-living objects contain a certain degree of energy, and even apart from scientific evidence we can know that the life of a living being is found in the blood and not in the energy field. We see this in the Old Testament, where God commands the Israelites not to eat the blood of animals “because the life of every creature is its blood” (Lev. 17:10-11, 14).

The body’s energy field is not the source of life in our bodies, but is just another system of the body that greatly affects the health and function of the body, the same as all the other systems: the blood system, the nervous system, the lymph system, the endocrine system, the digestive system, etc. Every system in the body has its function and works in harmony for the health of the body. The “energy system” (known as the human energy field) is no different, it is an organized system of the body, created by God, to serve a specific function and purpose.

There is a lot of scientific evidence to support the existence of the energy fields, so a lot of the controversy is not centered so much around the topic of whether or not it exists but more in regards to the finer points and more specific details that surround it.

One of the biggest issues that Christians have in regards to the energy field is the idea that, in addition to creating a consistent pathway for the body’s energy to flow, the energy field also connects us to other energy sources outside of the energy produced by our own body. This is where the new age practices and other religious ideas collide with the theology and core beliefs of the Christian faith, and where great caution and discernment is needed in the study of this topic.

We will take a closer look at the differences between the Christian and cultic views later on, but for the purpose of this basic introduction it is important to at least note the fact that our body’s energy does interact and react with other outside sources of energy. What this means to a Christian is going to be very different from what it means to a non-believer, but the fact remains that the energy reacts and interacts with other sources of energy which can affect us on many different levels and in many different ways.

How Do We Know That the Human Energy Field Exists?

For the longest time scientists dismissed any notion of there being an energy field in the body because it was not something that they could see, measure, evaluate, or test. And yet, there has always been a basic understanding that there is some form of energy that plays a role in our daily lives.

If you were to ask someone how they are doing, or what their level of energy has been that day, you might hear responses such as:

“I’ve been feeling very tired lately”

“I’m running low on energy right now”

“I feel like I’m running on adrenaline”

“I’ve been getting a lot of rest lately and feel a lot more energized now.”

“I feel great! I have so much energy I feel like I could take on the world!”

. . . or something of the like.

Extroverted people may describe a socializing event as being “energizing” while introverted people may describe the same event as being “draining”. An introverted person may also say that having some quiet time alone helps them to “recharge”.

These kinds statements are ways in which we describe the energy we feel. We do not fully understand the function or flow of energy in the body, but we are aware of its presence because we can feel our levels of energy rise and fall.

In more recent years there have been new scientific discoveries on the topic of energy to the point that scientists are no longer in debate about whether or not such energy exists, but are actually convinced of its presence and even going a step further to recognize that it is not only life forms that contain this energy but that all of the matter in the world around us contains energy.

Albert Einstein was one of the first scientists to suggest the theory that all of matter is energy, but this theory was hardly taken seriously until the invention of the “SQUID Magnetometer” in 1964. Without going into great technical details, the SQUID Magnetometer is a highly sensitive instrument that is able to detect tiny vibrations of energy. This invention opened up new doors in the scientific field by giving scientists a way in which they could see and measure the existence and activity of energy. Since then, there have been other inventions and other methods used in the study and discovery of energy.

In the study of energy, scientists have discovered that the atoms that make up matter do not appear to be matter themselves but seem to be composed of energy, each with its own vibrational frequency. The different speeds and frequencies of the vibrations has a lot to do with how dense an object is in terms of matter.

The “Law of Vibration” is a very fascinating topic of study in itself, but how it relates to our current topic of study is that there is real, viable evidence for the existence and formations of the body’s energy field, and very legitimate and viable ways of measuring, evaluating, and testing it.

If I may go one step deeper, it would also be relevant to point out the fact that in addition to giving off energy vibrations and body heat, scientists have also discovered that a living body also produce light. There are some creatures such as fireflies, glow-worms, and some deep-sea fish that are well known for producing their own light, but less known is the fact that all living creatures give off a certain amount of light or “glow”. In most cases this light is too dim for the human eye to see. The light that a living body produces is less intense than the levels of light that the human eye can detect, so in this sense it is not a light that is seen, and yet scientists have been able to see it through the use of extra sensitive cameras that are designed to detect these dimmer levels of light.

What’s more, the scientists have discovered that the amount of light produced by the living body seems to rise and fall in accordance with a person’s metabolism or the levels of energy that is in their body. They have also noticed that the face is the part of the body that gives off the most light, stronger than any other part of the body.

If this is your first time hearing about this, it may sound very strange or even highly suspicious that the body would produce light, but let us not forget the story of Moses and how he had to wear a veil after his encounters with God because of how his face would glow (Ex. 34:29-35).

As technology advances, scientists are discovering a great many things about the energy field, through the observation of its presence, how it flows, the different things it reacts to or interacts with, and the light that the body produces in response to this energy.

Scientists have discovered that there are different colors associated with the different types of energy and the light that they produce. They have discovered that the energy fields take on different shapes and colors for different people, and that these shapes and colors or directly related to the persons overall health and well-being. Some people have very colorful auras that are well defined. Others have dull auras with spikes or ridged edges.

Scientists have discovered that there are different layers within the human energy fields and that the size and definition of each layer changes in response to a person’s emotion, mood, or mental thought. They also discovering that there is a very real and direct correlation between the body’s energy field and the health of an individual. The energy field is connected to the emotions, nerves, and hormones of the human body. A person with a healthy body shows to have an energy field that is stronger and more in balance than a person who is sick. And in many cases there has been evidence that a sickness or chronic illness began to show itself in the layers of the energy field even before it manifested itself physically in the body.

Another interesting factor that scientists are discovering is that the body’s energy field is unique to each individual and actually serves as a kind of DNA blue-print for each person. All the thoughts, emotions, past experiences, and present realities are all being stored as various forms of energy within the body.

There are so many interesting discoveries being made in regards to the energy fields, but for the purpose of this basic introductory on the topic the primary point that needs to be made is that there is a very direct connection between the physical health of an individual and the invisible flow of energy within their energy field.

Scientific Evidence Proves the Bible True

But this is not merely an idea that has been fabricated through scientific discovery, we can also see Biblical evidence of this, most especially in the laying on of hands that is described in James 5. There are many who would say that the laying on of hands is purely symbolic, or that prayer “changes us but does not change circumstances”. The scriptures warn us against such thought, pointing out the fact that there will be people who have “the appearance of godliness but deny its power” (2 Tim. 3:5). Even though the laying on of hands for the purpose of healing is a concept that is taught in the Bible, still, many Christians have rejected this as a form of healing that God instigated and even go so far as to criticize or condemn secular practices that use the healing power of the hands.

In many cases, it seems as though the words of Scripture are not viable enough for Christians. We claim to be “believers” but our faith often resembles that of doubting Thomas who has to wait until there is physical (or scientific) evidence before we will believe something.

Of all the study I have done in regards to the human energy field, perhaps the most revolutionary discovery I have made is the simple fact that the Bible is true and that God actually knows what He is talking about! Yes, this is something I have known all along, but it is certainly something I have been learning to a greater degree as I study this topic.

You see, the whole topic of balancing the body’s energy field is a topic that really would not need to be discussed in Christian circles if we as believers were very intentional about studying the Word of God and very disciplined in our dedication and obedience to His Word, even when it doesn’t always make sense or seem to align with our view or understanding of science.

There are many spiritual disciplines and Christian practices that directly influence the body’s energy field and serve to keep it balanced and functioning well. But of all the religions in the world, Christianity is perhaps one of the most “relaxed” in regards to being spiritually disciplined. We would say that we are “saved by grace” and that our eternal destiny is secure in Christ, and as a result we do not necessarily feel a need to implement all the teachings and instructions laid out in Scripture.

This is especially true with regards to the Old Testament laws and the instructions God gave to the Israelites. We would say that Christ fulfilled the law and that we are no longer bound by the law -- and rightly so! But in doing this we fail to recognize the fact that God gave those instructions to His people for a purpose. The Old Testament laws were not merely given for the atoning of sin, but also to show the Israelites the most healthy way to live.

The instructions laid out in Scripture are not only in regards to eternal salvation, but also for our health and well-being here on earth. If we, as Christians, were really devote in obeying God’s Word and more disciplined in carrying out His commands, there would be no need to look into the topic of the energy field, because our energy fields would already be well balanced and functioning properly.

But, just like the Israelites, we are all too quick to look at the nations around us and form our habits and lifestyles according to the culture instead of living lives completely set apart in obedience to God. We are too quick to look to science for answers. Too quick to turn to secular doctors and psychologists for instruction. Too quick to search for solutions and answers on Google instead of wrestling with God in prayer and being diligent in searching the Scriptures for answers and solutions. And there lies the problem.

There are so many areas in the field of health in which scientific study has proven that the laws given in the Old Testament are remarkably valuable in giving instruction and direction regarding a healthy diet, the necessity of good hygiene, and so many different area of health. But why do we wait until the scientists confirm the legitimacy of Scripture before we begin to implement the principles that God laid out for us in His Word?

Even without looking at all the scientific evidence for the energy fields, Christians can have a very healthy and well balanced flow of energy simply by pursuing a deep and personal relationship with Christ and by living out the Christian faith with diligent study and intentional obedience to God’s Word.

That is the most revolutionizing fact I have discovered in my study of the energy fields, and the primary point that I hope to bring out in addressing this topic.

Understanding the Different Parts of the Energy Field

As we begin to dig deeper in to the topic of the body’s energy field it is important to understand some of the basic parts of this energy field and some of the terminology used in talking about it.

The primary parts of the human energy field include the Aura, the Chakras, and the Meridians. These are not strange or “mystical” words in any degree, they are simply the names of the different parts that make up this system of the energy field. In the same way that you learn about arteries, veins, and capillaries when learning about the blood (or circulatory) system, you learn about auras, chakras, and meridians when learning about the system of the energy field.

The Aura refers to the exterior portion of the energy field, the part of the energy field that flows around the outside of the body. The energy enters into the body through the chakras, which serve as special doorways for the energy. The meridians are the pathways, or a network of channels, in which the energy follows inside the body. These channels flow through the body’s soft tissue very near the surface of the skin.

In the following sections we will be taking a closer look at each of these parts of the human energy field and their different features and functions.

Electromagnetic Polarity

There are different types of energy that flows through the energy field and they each have their own channel (or pathway) that they follow. Each type of energy creates a different “layer” in the aura, passes through a different chakra when entering the body, and follows a different meridian channel that connects to different organs and systems within the body.

The general direction in which the energy is flowing is referred to in the scientific terms as the “electromagnetic polarity”. Trying to explain the complexity of this energy flow can be compared to trying to explain the many channels, pathways, and sensory points of the nervous system. But let me at least lay out some of the key elements to know in regards to this “polarity”.

As a general rule, all the different forms of energy flow in a smooth and synchronized fashion. The energy flows in circular motions on the outside of the body, enters into the body through the chakras, continues to follow a somewhat circular motion as it follows the meridian channels within the body, and then exists the body through other chakras.

There are two primary categories of energy that flow through the body, each with their sub-types of energy. These two categories of energy are both opposite of each other but also very complimentary to each other.

If you were to hold two magnets in your hands, you would notice that when lined up a certain way the magnets are attracted to each other, but if you were to reverse one of the magnets you would notice the very strong resistance as the magnets push away from each other.

We can use the general idea of these magnets to better understand the electromagnetic polarity of the body. The two categories of energy flow on different sides of the body – one on the right side and the other on the left.

The Chinese would refer to these categories of energy as “yin” and “yang”. Scientists often refer to them as being “positive” or “negative”. In referring to the energy as being either positive or negative, this is not to say that one is good and one is bad, or even that one is better than the other, it is just to say that they are completely opposite to each other. If you think of the power or energy of a battery, it contains both a positive and a negative charge, and both are equally necessary for the function of the battery. The same is true with the human body. It has both a positive and negative flow of energy, they are completely opposite in nature but very complimentary to each other.

"Healing Hands” or the “Laying on of Hands”

Ideally, both the positive and negative energy flows in a clockwise direction. As illustrated in the diagram, this pattern of energy flow causes the positive energy (on the right side of the body) to primarily enter through the top of the head and exit through the hands and feet, while the negative energy (on the left side of the body) primarily enters through the hands and feet and then exits through the top of the head.

The energy flows the strongest through the hands, especially when the energy field is well balanced and there is nothing to block or hinder the flow of energy. Because the energy flows the strongest through the hands, they are the primary way in which we can transfer energy to other people, through “healing hands” or the “laying on of hands” as mentioned in the book of James.

There is nothing mystical or magical about healing with the hands, but there should be a lot of caution taken in regards to who performs the healing. Because the laying on of hands is a transfer (giving and receiving) of energy, it is important that we not allow just anyone to lay hands on us and pray over us.

In the study of the electromagnetic polarity, it has been found that the energy in some people does not flow in the direction in which it is intended. For some people, this energy actually flows in reverse. This is a problem that is especially common among women, where instead of flowing clockwise, their energy flows counter-clockwise instead. A woman’s energy flow is also much less stable than that of a man, in that the energy flow is greatly affected by her monthly cycle and is constantly changing. A man’s flow of energy is much more stable and consistent.

I am not saying that a woman cannot heal with her hands, but I do see in scripture that God specifically mentions the “elders” as the ones who were to perform the laying on of the hands, and in looking at the qualifications for elders we do see that this position was specifically given to men.

When we look more specifically at the qualifications for elders (1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9) we see a very precise list of requirements regarding the persons character and lifestyle. If a closer study were to be conducted we would find that many of these requirements can have great influence on the health and balance of the individuals energy field. The assumption, then, is that if the person is qualified to be an elder, their energy field is also most likely to be in the right state to be beneficial for healing.

You do not want someone who has problems within their own flow of energy to transfer their energy to others through the laying on of hands. The problems or issues that a person has in their character or lifestyle will be represented in their flow of energy, and an intentional transfer of that energy to another person can actually do more harm than good.

As for the more technical aspects of healing with the hands, the right hand gives out energy while the left hand takes in energy, so it is most effective to use both hands in the process so that you are both taking in their weakened energy while at the same time transferring to them some of your stronger energy.

Science has also confirmed to us that a focused concentration on God (especially in prayer) greatly increases the flow of this energy on the part of the person performing the healing, while a humbled spirit in the part of the person who is receiving the healing (such as what comes from confession) helps their body to be better receptive to this energy exchange. Oils also, play a key roll in this process by helping to balance and strengthen the energy and providing a greater level of effectiveness in the exchanging or “binding” of the two energy fields.

All this to say that, once again, science has proven the Bible to be true. In the brief instruction we find in the book of James, he instructs that it should be only be the elders (mature believers who meet specific qualifications) who perform the laying on of the hands. The sick person is to give their confession, the elders are to lay their hands on the sick person anointing them with oil and praying over them.

There are many who will discredit these instructions, or simplify or alter them in one way or another. There are many who say that anyone can perform healing through the laying on of hands. Or others who say that the oil is optional, being only symbolic and not necessary. Still others will go through the act of laying on hands and praying over someone without requiring the person to make any form of confession. Others pray over the person but do not really have the faith to believe that it can have any real affect. And still others completely dismiss the laying on of hands entirely, often on the basis that it is a “mystery” that cannot be understood and should therefore not be practiced.

But by looking at the science behind it, we can see that every word of these short and simple instructions has huge significance and great potential to heal, if only we would be obedient to God’s Word and carry out His instructions in faith.

The Different Types of Energy

There are several different types of energy that flow through the energy field. Each type of energy flows at a different frequency and follows a different channel or pathway through the body.

There are differing reports regarding how many different types of energy there are. It is widely accepted that there are at least seven primary energies in the human energy field, and several (somewhere around twenty-three) lesser energies. Some sources will say that there are more than seven primary energies, but the exact number is not known.

The reason why there is inconsistency with regards to how many energies there are, has a lot to do with the fact that the energy vibrates as such low frequencies that it is difficult for the current technology to accurately distinguish between them. They have been able to distinguish at least seven primary frequencies, but it is hard to determine whether the other frequencies are just variations within the primary energies or whether they are independent and set apart on their own.

Because there is still so much inconsistency with regards to the lesser energies, for the purpose of our study we will stick with the seven primary energies that are more accurately researched and more widely accepted.

In studying each of the seven primary energies, it is interesting to see how directly they connect with the other systems in the body to play a very important role in influencing the production of hormones, the flow of the nerves in the nervous system, and the direct function of key organs within the body.

The Aura

As mentioned earlier, the aura is the part of the energy field that flows on the outside of the body. Each type of energy flows within its won pathway, which creates different layers in the aura.

The aura also radiates a light or “glow” from the human body and when examined closely through the scientific instruments these lights take on a different color at each layer. When you look at all the layers combined, they appear to create a rainbow.

The size and color of the aura layers are in an almost constant state of transition or flux. The aura changes in response to our emotions, our thoughts, and the state of our physical health. Ideally the layers of the aura should be well defined, with smooth edges and vibrant colors. These characteristics indicate a healthy flow and balance of energy, and a healthy body as a whole. The opposite would be a person who’s health is compromised, which would show itself in the aura with dull colors, ridged edges, and a lack of definition between the layers.

If you have ever seen the aurora borealis (or the Northern Lights) you may have a better idea of what the human aura is like. It is a form of luminous light, consisting of various colors and layers, that moves in waves that are ever changing in size and dimension. The only difference really is that the aurora borealis changes in response to the atmosphere and its light is bright enough to be seen by the human eye. The human aura, on the other hand, changes in response to the state of the body (especially the thoughts and emotions) and is too dim to be seen by the human eye but rather requires special cameras that are extra sensitive to these lesser degrees of light.

Each layer of the aura contains a different form of energy that serves a different purpose in the body. These different forms of energy will be discussed more in detail later as we begin to look closer at the function of the chakras and the function of the energy within the body.

But basically, each of the layers corresponds to a different chakra, and a different meridian channel. Remember, the energy flows externally through the aura, then enters into the body through the chakras, and flows internally through the meridian channels.

Another important feature about the aura is the fact that is has the ability to interact or react with other sources of energy around us.

When you meet a new person, for example, we often establish our “first impressions” of that person according to what kind of “vibe” we initially receive from them.

With some people you just “click” right away and get off to a great start in getting acquainted or building a relationship. With other people you may get a strong dislike for them or feel a great reluctance or resistance in getting close to them. This first impression has little or nothing to do with physical attributes, but a whole lot to do with the persons aura.

The first impressions that you develop towards another individual is the result of your aura coming into contact with theirs. Remember the effects of the two magnets and how there is either an attraction or resistance based on the direction of the magnetic pull. The same is true when two auras come in contact with each other, there is either an attraction or a resistance between the two energies.

The aura of the human body is constantly and continually sending out and receiving vibes that interact and react with other sources of energy, which is one reason why the Bible cautions us in regards to who we choose as friends and who we keep company with. (Psalm 1:1, Proverbs 13:20, Proverbs 12:26, 1 Corinthians 15:33, Proverbs 22:24-25, 1 Corinthians 5:11). It is also one reason why keeping fellowship with believers is so important (Hebrews 10:25, Ecclesiastes 4:9, Proverbs 17:17, Proverbs 27:17)


As mentioned earlier, the chakras are like doorways by which the energy can enter through the body. Each of the different types of energy flow through different channels and enter through different chakras.

The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit language which literally means “wheel”.

In the case of a well balanced energy field, the chakras each hold a position that corresponds with the spinal cord. Any one of the chakras can flow out of balance, in which case it would seem to float off to the side and not line up well with the spinal cord or with the other chakras.

The chakras also increase or decrease in size depending on whether they are over-active or under-active. Ideally all of the chakras should be the same size, and a healthy medium (not too big, not too small).

An over-active chakra will be larger than normal in size and the energy will flow to an extreme in that part of the body creating hyper-activity in the glands, organs, and nerves that are in connection with that particular flow of energy.

An under-active chakra will be smaller than normal in size and will create a restriction or “block” to the flow of energy causing hypo-activity to the glands, organs, and nerves that are connected with that particular flow of energy.

The size and condition of the chakras is what determined the health and flow of the energy field. The chakras respond to the emotional and mental state of the individual, as well as to intentional thought and spiritual awareness.

Prayer, meditation, confession, adoration, thanksgiving . . . these are all spiritual disciplines that can work directly towards bringing the chakras into a balanced and healthy state.

When working directly with the energy field, most of the focus is placed on the health and balance of the chakras. The health and function of the aura and the rest of the energy system is all influenced directly by how well the energy flows through the chakras, so most of the focus with regards to healing the human energy field centers around the condition of the chakras.


As mentioned before, the meridians are the channels or pathways by which the energy flows internally through the body. These channels run through the soft tissue, very near the surface of the skin. These are the same channels that acupuncturists manipulate in order control or influence the flow of the energy in the body.

In the same way that blood vessels carry blood to every part of the body, the meridians carry energy. There are twelve main meridians that flow through the body, but a great many more that branch off of these main meridians in order to distribute the energy to every area of the body. Every organ and system of the body has at least one meridian that supplies it with energy.

How well the energy flows through the meridians is greatly determined by the state of the chakra by which the energy enters into the meridian channels. A block in any of the meridian channels can create problems for the organs or systems of the body that depend on the energy for health and vitality.

The Seven Primary Energies

Because the condition of the chakras influences how well the energy flows through the body, each of the seven primary energies are named in association with which chakra they flow through. So to better understand the seven primary energies, we will take a closer look at the seven primary chakras and the energy that flows through them.

1) Base Chakra

Red is the color of the base chakra. It is located at base of the spine, between the genitals and the anus. There is a little confusion regarding whether the base chakra is connected with the reproductive glands or with the adrenals, but further research seems to indicate that this may be different between men and women. For men, the reproductive glands (the testes) may be primarily influenced by the base chakra, while in the case of women their reproductive gland (the ovaries) may be primarily influenced by the sacral chakra. At any rate, both the base and the sacral chakra seem to have influence on both the reproductive glands and the adrenal glands, with differing degrees depending on whether the person is male or female.

Physically this chakra is directly associated with the kidneys, bladder, hips, and legs. It may also have some connection to the liver, muscles, and arterial blood.

The energy that flows through the base chakra is focused on helping with a person’s survival. The energy motivates the person to be safe, secure, and well grounded.

When this energy is flowing well, the person can feel confident and secure. They can feel comfortable is different situations and have a sense of stability.

When there is a disturbance to the flow of this energy, causing the base chakra to be under-active, the person may tend to feel fearful or nervous, they may have a hard time trusting people, and they are likely to feel uneasy or unwelcome in certain settings. On a physical level, it can cause problems with any of the connecting hormone glands, organs, or associated locations in the body.

If this chakra is over-active, the person may have a tendency to put too much value in the “here and now”, resulting in materialistic tendencies or greed. Or they may become overly obsessed with the need to be secure and will be overly resistant to change or opposed to trying something new.

Fear is an emotion that can directly affect the state of the base chakra and cause it to close or become restrictive to letting the energy flow through it.

2) Sacral Chakra

Orange is the color of the sacral chakra. It is located about two inches the navel in the lower abdomen. The sacral chakra seems to influence both the adrenal and reproductive glands, with differing degrees depending on whether the person is male or female.

Physically this chakra is directly associated with the woman’s sexual organs, the lower back, and the intestine. It may also have some connection to the stomach, spleen, and pancreas.

The energy that flows through the sacral chakra helps a person express their emotions without being overly emotional or unnaturally reserved. This energy also influences a person’s creativity and enables them to express themselves in relation to others.

This energy also influences a person’s self-worth and the level of acceptance they have for themselves and their sexuality. This energy encourages them to build relationships and to relate to other people in an open and friendly way.

When this energy is flowing well, the person is free to embrace their emotions and express their feelings. They are able to relate well to other people and build good friendships. They have a healthy sense of self-esteem and self-worth. And they experience a healthy sexual desire, feeling open to intimacy with a desire for pleasure and spontaneous enjoyment.

When there is a disturbance to the flow of this energy, causing the sacral chakra to be under-active, the person may have difficulty expressing your emotions with a tendency to keep your feelings to yourself. With an under-active sacral chakra you are not likely to be very open to people and may not feel much by the way of sexual desire or passion.

If the sacral chakra is over-active, the person may tend to be overly emotional or experience outbursts of emotion. It is more difficult for the person to control their feeling, causing them to be emotionally explosive or manipulative. With an over-active sacral chakra the person may also become unnaturally obsessed with sexual thoughts or have an unhealthy need to always be with people.

Guilt is an emotion that can directly affect the state of the Sacral chakra, and cause it to close down.

3) Navel Chakra

Yellow is the color of the navel chakra. The navel chakra is located on the spine, just a little above the navel, in the area of the diaphragm.

The sacral chakra seems to have influence with both the adrenal and pancreas glands. Physically this chakra is directly associated with the liver, spleen, stomach, small intestine, and upper back.

The energy that flows through the navel chakra helps a person to feel in control with a sufficient level of self-esteem, especially in regards to asserting themselves in a group setting. A person with a healthy flow of energy through the navel chakra finds it easier to be good-humored, optimistic, confident, and practical.

When there is a disturbance to the flow of this energy, causing the navel chakra to be under-active, the person will tend to be passive or indecisive. They will likely suffer from a low self-esteem and be very timid or shy in group settings. Such a person may lack confidence, feel confused, or worry a lot about what others think. There may be a feeling that life is out of their control or a tendency towards depression.

If the navel chakra is over-active, the person may have a strong ego or a very strong, dominating, or even aggressive personality.

Shame is an emotion that can directly affect the state of the navel chakra, and cause it to close down.

4) Heart Chakra

Green is the color of the heart chakra. The heart chakra is located at the center of the chest, level with your heart. This is the midway point of the chakra system, with three chakras above it and three chakras below it. The heart chakra acts as a balance point for all the other chakras.

The heart chakra seems to influence the thymus gland. Physically it is associated with the heart, lungs, diaphragm, arms, hands, circulatory system, and respiratory tract.

The energy that flows through the heart chakra enables a person to give and receive love in a healthy way. The person is free to express love, compassion, and affection with a degree of kindness. When the energy flows freely through the heart chakra the person is able to live in harmony with the people around them and to be cheerful and friendly in relating to others. The person can have a sense of calm and a healthy tolerance of others.

When there is a disturbance to the flow of this energy, causing the heart chakra to be under-active, the person will tend to be cold or distant. This may cause the person to very reserved in expressing love and affection to others. They may feel trapped, unfulfilled, or isolated. Such a person is also more prone to feeling sorry for themselves, afraid to “put themselves out there” for fear of getting hurt, or perhaps even feel as though they are unworthy of love.

If the heart chakra is over-active, the person may have a tendency to be overly affectionate, suffocating people with their attentions and expressions of affection.

Sorrow is an emotion that can directly affect the state of the Heart chakra, and cause it to close down.

5) Throat Chakra

Turquoise (or sky blue) is the color of the throat chakra. The throat chakra is located at the base of your throat, in the “V” of the collarbone.

The throat chakra seems to influence the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Physically it is associated with the upper chest, throat, mouth, nose, and respiratory tract.

The energy that flows through the throat chakra helps a person in their ability to communicate or express themselves. The energy the flows through the throat chakra helps us to effectively communicate our thoughts, opinions, desires, or feelings. It also enables a person to hear, listen, understand, and comprehend the things that are being communicated to us.

The throat chakra not only influences verbal communication, but also the methods of communicating in writing or the expression of body language.

When there is a disturbance to the flow of this energy, causing the throat chakra to be under-active, the person may feel timid, weak, and unable to express their thoughts. They will have the tendency to hold back, be silent, and not speak much. They may also struggle with the ability to tell the truth or to be totally honest in their communications.

If the throat chakra is over-active, the person may have the tendency to speak too much, usually dominating the conversation. They will also not be very good at listening to others or picking up on their body language. They may also have a tendency to exaggerate or stretch the truth.

Lies can directly affect the state of the Throat chakra, and cause it to close down.

6) Intuitive Chakra

Indigo blue is the color of the intuitive chakra. The intuitive chakra is located at the center of the forehead, just above the point between your eyebrows.

The intuitive chakra seems to influence the pituitary gland. Physically it is associated with eyes, brain, nervous system, and the senses.

The energy that flows through the intuitive chakra helps with creative or logical thinking, reasoning, planning, and analyzing. This energy helps with providing insight, understanding, wisdom, intellect, and belief. This chakra is often referred to as the “Third-Eye” in that it gives the ability to visualize in the mind. When the energy is flowing well, the person is more likely to have dreams, fantasies, and clear direction for the future. It provides a level of perception, helping us to make sense of the world around us, to imagine or believe in things that are unseen, and the ability to see clearly or to make good decisions. Such a person may have a good intuition or the ability to discern what is true.

When there is a disturbance to the flow of this energy, causing the intuitive chakra to be under-active, the mind may become clouded and the thought patterns confused. The person may be easily confused, they may have difficulty thinking for themselves, or a difficulty in making decisions. They may have a hard time believing in things they cannot see and a difficulty in planning for the future or envisioning what goals or ambitions they should aim for.

If the intuitive chakra is over-active, the person may have more vivid dreams or may live too much in a world of fantasy. The person may be overly optimistic in their planning or the setting of goals, with unrealistic expectations regarding what they intend to accomplish in life.

Illusions can directly affect the state of the Third Eye Chakra, and cause it to close down.

7) Crown Chakra

Violet is the color of the crown chakra. The crown chakra is located at the very top of the head, where a baby’s fontanel (or soft spot) is located. The Crown chakra is the body's primary coordination center and can greatly increase the amount of energy that flows through the body. It is also associated with knowledge and more specifically the knowledge of God or the awareness of His presence.

The crown chakra seems to influence the pineal gland. Physically it is associated with the central nervous system, the top of the spinal cord, and the brain.

The energy that flows through the crown chakra helps a person to have a sense of peace; peace with themselves, peace with others, peace with the world around them, and peace with God. When the energy if flowing well through the crown chakra, the person will have a good balance between their consideration of eternal matters and how it applies to their every day lives. They may have a tendency to want to “make a difference” in the world or to leave behind a legacy when they die.

When there is a disturbance to the flow of this energy, causing the crown chakra to be under-active, the person is more likely to have doubts regarding what they know about God and doubts regarding His presence in their life. They may tend to be prejudice in the way they view the world around them. They may have a tendency to think about physical or material things and not consider matters of eternity or things pertaining to a spiritual nature. An unbalance in the crown chakra can also create a sense of frustration for someone, a loss of interest in life, destructive feelings, or a loss of joy. The person may question what meaning there is in life. Life may seem futile or pointless to someone who has an under-active flow of energy through the crown chakra.

If the heart chakra is over active, the person may have a tendency to over-analyze in their thought process. They may think so much about eternal or spiritual matters that they may neglect considering things in regards to the physical or material. Such a person may get so caught up in trying to solve the “mysteries” in the spiritual realm that they lose site of reality or neglect the physical needs of their body.

Attachment can directly affect the state of the Crown chakra, and cause it to close down.


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