Career & Technical Education Leadership Development Program


NAME_____________________________________ DATE:________________

Competency Number: 911

Competency Title: Design a Comprehensive Partnership Plan for Career and Technical Education

Criteria Selection: Which criteria on the LPAF for this competency will be checked as "N/A" and which will be checked as "Attained"?

"N/A" Criteria:

"Attained" Criteria:

Background (Theory) Resources: For this competency, you may wish to select an Internet site or textbook that addresses school, family and community partnerships. Include the link and a copy of page one of the site with your completed competency.

• Center on School, Family and Community Partnerships

• National Network of Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University

• “School, Family and Community Partnerships” by Joyce L. Epstein

• School, Family and Community Partnerships Research Articles

• NEA Family-School-Community Partnerships Initiative

• Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Career Education and Work

• National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education (NCPIE)

List of Key Points or Key Concepts: What in your reading did you find particularly important or valuable?






Implementation Plan: Your implementation plan should reflect your key points and should be approved by your resource person(s) before you take any action.

Documentation: As you develop this competency, document your actions. This documentation could include:

1. Evidence you reviewed current school policies related to school, family and community partnerships

2. Evidence you have reviewed the current literature on school, family and community partnerships

3. Evidence you reviewed National Network of Partnership Schools materials

4. Evidence you have identified the six types of involvement

5. Evidence you have created a presentation to the Board

6. Evidence you have developed a comprehensive plan for funding scheduling, grants, training and materials to support the initiative

7. Evidence you have informed the staff and students of the school, family and community partnership

8. Evidence you have identified possible action team members

9. Evidence you have identified community resources

10. Copy of a sample letter informing the parents of the initiative

11. Copy of written materials informing the community of the initiative and encouraging participation

12. Evidence you have developed strategies to involve families in CTE

13. Evidence you have changed the teacher evaluation to reflect school, family and community partnerships

14. Copy of two activities you have developed to encourage school, family and community partnerships for CTE


Competency: Design a Comprehensive Partnership Plan for Career and Technical Education

| |Level of Performance |

| |N/A |Not |Attained |

| | |Attained | |

|Criteria: | | | |

|In developing a comprehensive partnership plan for career and technical education, the | | | |

|leadership intern: | | | |

|identified the factors that impact the image of your CTE | | | |

|described the administrator’s role in organizing and maintaining school, family and | | | |

|community partnerships | | | |

|identified the challenges in developing school, family and community partnerships | | | |

|identified the characteristics of successful partnerships | | | |

|identified strategies to involve families in CTE | | | |

|identified the six types of involvement and the main purpose of each activity | | | |

|described the benefits of parent involvement | | | |

|identified the barriers to parent involvement | | | |

|identified strategies to involve families in CTE | | | |

|developed a policy for school, family and community partnerships | | | |

|described ways the community can support CTE | | | |

|12. identified the barriers to community involvement | | | |

|prepared written materials to inform parents of the partnership plan | | | |

|developed a presentation to inform your Board of the elements of your plan for school, | | | |

|family and community partnerships for the CTE | | | |

|prepared materials to inform the community of the partnership plan | | | |

|identified the selection process for action team members | | | |

|described two activities to build school, family and community support for your CTE | | | |

| |Level of Performance |

| |N/A |Not |Attained |

| | |Attained | |

|identified the elements included in school policy to support school, family and community | | | |

|partnerships (i.e. funding, scheduling, grants, training and materials) | | | |

|prepared changes for the teacher evaluation to include the goals for school, family and | | | |

|community | | | |

____________ ______ ____________ ______ _____ ___________

Intern’s Initials Date SLRP’s Initials Date FRP’s Initials Date


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