Practice Test on the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems

Practice Test on the Respiratory System

1. What does the respiratory system consists of?

2. What is the normal respiratory rate for an adult per minute?

3. What is Homeostasis?

4. Where does gas exchange take place in the lungs?

5. List the four paranasal sinuses?

6. What part of the brain controls respiration?

7. List three non-respiratory air movements?

8. Each lung has lobes. How many lobes does the right lung have? How many lobes does the left lung have.

9. List and describe three types of lung sounds.

10. What is the name of the hole at the top of the larynx.

11. What is the name of the cartilage flap located at the top of the larynx.

12. Name the two types of vocal cords, and describe their sound production.

13. Describe what happens to vocal cords in a male at puberty.

14. What is the medical name for the tubal structure that extends from the lower edge of the larynx downward into the thoracic cavity and then splits into a bronchus which enters the lung.

15. Bronchi enter the lungs at a region called:

16. The upper rounded part of the lung is called:

17. The area between the two lungs is called:

18. The lower portion of the lung is called:

19. The bronchi divide repeatedly into smaller tubes called what.

20. What are alveoli?

21. The outside of each lung is lined with a sac. What is the name of that sac?

22. Name the chief muscle of inspiration.

23. The purpose of the lungs are to reoxygenate the blood. How does the blood get to the lungs? How does the oxygenated blood get back to the rest of the body?

24. What are some of the purposes of the nose.

25. The bronchioles divide and give rise to many tiny tubes called:

26. Air enters the nasal cavities through two openings called what? These openings are separated by a partition called what?

27. Write and define terms correctly:

trache/o + bronchi/o + it is

bronch/o + rrhea

laryng/o + sten/o + osis

hypo + pnea

trache/o + py/o + osis

bronch/o + stomy

hyper + carb/o + ia

pneum/o + coni/o + osis

trache/o + stomy

pneum/o + thorax

tachy + pnea


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