Separating Mixtures Lab

Title: Separating Mixtures


• to separate a mixture using paper chromatography


|markers |pencil |

|filter paper |beaker or plastic cup |

|metric ruler |water |

|plastic tape |rubbing alcohol |


• Draw a line with marker 2 cm from bottom of filter paper strip (see diagram above)

• Tape unmarked end of filter paper to pencil so that strip hangs down when pencil is held horizontally.

• Pour water into a beaker or plastic cup to a depth of 1 cm.

• Suspend the pencil on the rim of the cup so that the tip of the filter paper touches the water but the marker line is above the water.

• Repeat setup with rubbing alcohol.

• Repeat with different types/colors of markers as time permits.

• Observe for 10—15 minutes.

• Remove strips, let dry, and tape in lab NB or create a drawing that depicts the patterns on the strips.

Results: Make a data chart for the filter paper strips and your observations.

Discussion: Answer the following analysis questions

1. Are your observations qualitative or quantitative?

2. How did the appearance of the filter paper change during the procedure?

3. Did the results differ in water and rubbing alcohol

4. What colors of marker ink did you test?

5. Did you find evidence that marker ink is a mixture? Describe this evidence.

6. Explain how this procedure could be used to identify an unknown type of ink.

Conclusion: not required

Reflection: Personal statement about the lab. Should be about 3~5 sentences!

Save a copy of this lab writeup in your folder and in your Virtual Lab NB Folder on the Shared Folder. (You may email this lab writeup to jdenuno@mhs- and I will save it in your Virtual Lab NB)

Print out a copy of this lab and tape it into your Lab NB!


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