Natural Resource Management I WVEIS Code 0188

This agricultural science course is designed to provide students with science concepts and skills in natural resource management that will be useful in various occupations in the field. Major emphasis will be on the scientific concepts involving air, water, aquatic life, wildlife management and recreation. Interaction of ecosystems and their relationship to human populations will be studied. This field of study will prepare students for entry-level occupations in the natural resources area.

Standard 1: Natural Resource and the Environment (0188.S.1)

Students will describe the relationship between natural resources and the environment.

Natural Resource and the Environment Objectives

Students will:

0188.1.1 Identify exhaustible and inexhaustible resources.

0188.1.2 Explain the importance of natural resources.

0188.1.3 Describe the interaction of people with the environment.

Standard 2: Air and Quality (0188.S.2)

Students will explain the importance of air and maintaining its quality.

Air and Quality Objectives

Students will:

0188.2.1 Identify air pollutants and their sources.

0188.2.2 Describe the effect of air pollution on humans, other living things and materials.

0188.2.3 Sample, monitor and analyze air quality for physical and chemical properties.

0188.2.4 Examine wind (air) as an alternative energy source.

Standard 3: Water Quality (0188.S.3)

Students will explain the importance of water and maintaining its quality.

Water Quality Objectives

Students will:

0188.3.1 Identify sources of water and water pollutants.

0188.3.2 Explain the effect of water pollution on the ecosystem.

0188.3.3 Describe the hydroponical cycle.

0188.3.4 Identify point and non-point source pollution.

0188.3.5 Describe wetlands, their use, importance and preservation.

0188.3.6 Identify uses of water in agriculture.

0188.3.7 Explain methods of managing wastewater.

0188.3.8 Determine composition of wastewater using water-testing equipment.

0188.3.9 Explain methods of protecting water sources.

Standard 4: Aquatic Life (0188.S.4)

Students will demonstrate aquatic life and natural resource management skills.

Aquatic Life Objectives

Students will:

0188.4.1 Identify game fish species and other aquatic wildlife.

0188.4.2 Explain water quality requirements for aquatic wildlife.

0188.4.3 Explain fishing laws and regulations.

0188.4.4 Describe fish hatchery techniques.

0188.4.5 Check for pond oxygen deficiency and prescribe remedial programs.

0188.4.6 Explain stratification and fish adaptability.

0188.4.7 Identify a management plan for a designated stream, lake or pond.

Standard 5: Wildlife (0188.S.5)

Students will demonstrate of wildlife management skills.

Wildlife Objectives

Students will:

0188.5.1 Identify and classify species of birds and wildlife animals.

0188.5.2 List governmental agencies concerned with wildlife conservation.

0188.5.3 Outline a plan for stimulating native and introduced game populations.

0188.5.4 Outline a plan for hatching game bird eggs.

0188.5.5 Identify common diseases of game birds and animals.

0188.5.6 Identify practices that can be used to protect wildlife.

0188.5.7 Evaluate wildlife food and cover crops.

0188.5.8 Estimate animal populations on given areas of land.

Standard 6: Outdoor Recreation (0188.S.6)

Students will demonstrate competencies in outdoor recreation management.

Outdoor Recreation Objectives

Students will:

0188.6.1 List demands by the public for different types of outdoor recreation experiences.

0188.6.2 Recognize types of natural resources recreational areas and the service and facilities required.

0188.6.3 Recognize the income potential from various types of recreational enterprises.

0188.6.4 Identify business procedures required of a recreational enterprise.

0188.6.5 Describe local, state and federal laws pertaining to given enterprises.

0188.6.6 Design advertising media to promote a recreation area effectively.

Standard 7: Leadership (0188.S.7)

Students will demonstrate leadership skills in natural resource management.

Leadership Objectives

Students will:

0188.7.1 Participate in FFA meetings and activities.

0188.7.2 Utilize record keeping skills in work-based experience programs (SAE).

Standard 8: Laboratory Investigations (0188.S.8)

Students will safely conduct laboratory investigations and exploratory learning.

Laboratory Investigations Objectives

Students will:

0188.8.1 Engage in active inquiries, investigations, and hands-on activities a minimum of 50 percent of the time.

0188.8.2 Conduct explorations in a variety of environments (e.g., laboratories, libraries, parks, and other outdoor locations).

0188.8.3 Properly and safely manipulate equipment, materials, chemicals, organisms, and models.

0188.8.4 Use computers and other electronic technologies (e.g., computer, CBL, probe interfaces, laser discs) to collect, analyze, and/or report data, interact with simulations, and research.

Standard 9: Technology Applications (0188.S.9)

Students will apply technology to investigate real-world problems.

Technology Applications Objectives

Students will:

0188.9.1 Use computers and the World Wide Web (WWW) to:

• Solve problems related to work-based experience programs in natural resource management.

• Locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources related to natural resource management.

• Develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.

0188.9.2 Demonstrate skills in word processing and the use of databases, spreadsheets, graphics and telecommunications.

0188.9.3 Use TV/satellite, VCR and Laser discs/DVD to retrieve information to complete classroom assignments related to natural resource management.

0188.9.4 Use cameras and/or camcorders to record activities and progress of special projects in the area of natural resource management.

Standard 10: Process/Workplace Skills (0188.S.10)

Students will demonstrate personal and group workplace skills.

Process/Workplace Skills Objectives

Students will:

0188.10.1 Use computers and other electronic technologies to access, gather, store, retrieve, organize, analyze, and report data.

0188.10.2 Explore careers available in natural resource management.

0188.10.3 Use a variety of sources to investigate the educational requirements of various careers in natural resource management.

0188.10.4 Analyze problems, state causes and effects, and plan, organize, and implement a solution to the problem or a concept to improve the situation or process.

0188.10.5 Demonstrate correct language usage in all oral and written work.

0188.10.6 Perform effectively in both leadership and non-leadership roles.

0188.10.7 Evaluate information for reliability, completeness, and applicability to various assignments.

0188.10.8 Participate as a team member to complete a variety of assignments.



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