University of Maryland University College

Marketing Program

Quantitative Data Analysis Worksheet

Directions: In your case study, you will be provided with various types of financial and other data, including marketing research, competitive market share, demographic, and consumer profile figures. It is important that you take note of this data and incorporate it into your analysis. Numbers will provide the best basis for your decisions and the best support for your final recommendation.

When you come across a data fact, use a table like the one below to interpret its meaning—that is, to pinpoint the relevance of the data to the marketing problem. After you review all the data, look for linkages between data facts and see if these provide insight into how you might solve the marketing problem. Keep each fact simple; eventually, you will be able to see the linkages.

Marketing Problem:


(Example: Case Company wants to launch a new product to increase profitability.)

|Case Fact |Source |Implications for Marketing Problem |

|For at least 10 years, Company X has been |Exhibit 4 |A new product could invigorate the |

|the clear market leader, with more than 45| |category and enable Case Company to |

|percent of the market share. Case Company | |capture some of Company X's market share. |

|is number 2, with 39 percent of the market| | |

|share. | | |

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