Types of AP Language & Comp Multiple Choice Questions ...

Types of AP Language & Comp Multiple Choice Questions: Detailed Category Stems1

Device ? A shift in point of view is demonstrated by... ? "____" can best be said to represent... ? The second sentence is unified by the writer's use of _____ rhetorical device? ? The style of the passage/paragraph can best be characterized as... ? The phrase/word "____" is an example of... ? Paragraph "____" uses all of the following stylistic devices EXCEPT...

Grammar & Syntax ? The author employs "_____" sentence structure to establish... ? The word "_____" is the antecedent for... ? The repetitive syntax of lines "___" serves to...

Inference The reader can infer "_____" by the way "_____" It may be inferred that, in the next portion of the selection...

Main Idea ? The author would most likely agree with which of the following? ? The narrator's/writer's/ author's/speaker's attitude can be described as... ? The author would most/least likely agree that... ? The writer has presented all of the following ideas EXCEPT... ? We can infer that the author values the quality of... ? The attitude of the narrator helps the writer create a mood of... ? In context, lines "_____" most likely refer to...

Meaning and Purpose ? "_____" can best be defined as... ? The purpose of lines "_____" can best be interpreted as... ? The writer clarifies "_____" by... ? The writer emphasizes "_____" in order to... ? By saying "_____", the author intends for us to understand that... ? By "_____", the author most likely means... ? The purpose of the sentence/ paragraph/phrase can best be summarized as... ? The passage can be interpreted as meaning all of the following EXCEPT...

Rhetorical Mode ? All of the following modes can be found within the passage EXCEPT... ? The rhetorical mode that best describes this passage is... ? The author uses cause and effect to... ? Which of the following best describes the author's method of presenting the information? ? The author combines retrospection with which other rhetorical mode within this passage?

Structure and Organization ? The shift from "_____" to "_____" is seen by the author's use of... ? In presenting the author's point, the passage utilizes all of the following EXCEPT... ? The speaker has included "_____" in her argument in order to... ? The type of argument employed by the author is most similar to which of the following? ? The passage can be said to move from "_____" to "_____" ? The "_____" paragraph can be said to be _____ in relation to "_____". ? The structure of this passage is primarily one of...

Tone In lines "_____"the tone can best be described as... The tone of the passage changes when the writer...

Vocabulary The word "_____" (line "_____") refers to... In context, the word "_____" (line "_____" is best interpreted to mean...

1 This page comes from the Kaplan and Cliffs Notes study guides.

Types of AP Language & Comp Multiple Choice Questions: Broad Categories2

Factual Words refer to Antecedents Allusions Pronoun


Technical Sentence Structure Style Grammatical

Purpose Dominant

Technique Imagery Point of View Organization of

Passage Narrative progress

of passage Irony Conflict Function of...



Rhetorical strategy Effect of diction

Shift in




Rhetorical stance Effect of last




Effect of



Comparison Cause/effect

Effect on reader Narrator's attitude

Argument Description

Image suggest Effect of detail


Author implies

Specific-general General-specific How something is

Author most concerned with...



Passage is primarily

concerned with

Function of...


Murphy, Barbara and Estelle Rankin. 5 Steps to a 5: AP English Language. United States: McGrawHill, 2002.

Pivarnik-Nova, Denise. AP English Language and Composition. 2008 edition. New York: Kaplan, 2008.

Swovelin, Barbara V. CliffsAP: English Language and Composition. 3rd edition. Hoboken: Wiley Publishing, Inc, 2006.

2 This page comes from 5 Steps to a 5.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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