EP Reporting Systems - Amazon S3

EP Reporting Systems

Comparison Chart

N/A = Not applicable N/S = Not specified

Editor's Note: Diagnostic & Interventional Cardiology also offers all submitted product information on our website at .

Company System Total number of systems implemented Number of cath labs/EP suites connected by vendor Web or server based software Main differentiating features of your system

Standalone reporting system or integrated with PACS? If integrated, which PACS Compatible with which vendors' PACS and/or cardiovascular information systems

What reports are offered

Integrates ECG waveforms? If so, what formats Integrates with which ECG management systems

Modalities supported

Interfaces with other specialty reporting modules

What tool sets are offered

EP recording system interfaces

Flexible Informatics

EncaptureMD N/S

GE Healthcare

Centricity Cardio Workflow New product


HealthView, Web-enabled workflow solution for EP and CVIS Reporting 120+; registry 170+

McKesson Provider Technologies

McKesson Cardiology EP >425 for CVIS, >5 for EP

All-in-One for Cardiovascular 550


Enterprise CVIS 550

Merge Cardio 250+

Merge Healthcare


Perminova EP Two: Mount Sinai Hospital and UC San Diego Health System

Philips Healthcare

Xper Information Management 352

Siemens Healthcare

Axiom Sensis XP Hemo+EP 417 worldwide, 72 U.S.

St. Jude Medical

EP-WorkMate Recording System 500+


280 customers outside the U.S. on prior

500 - 1,000 cath/EP rooms






10 EP suites


417 worldwide, 72 U.S.


Both. We offer server based software or Client server architecture. Web deployable Both Web/cloud options

Server-based, accessible over the Web



Client/server based

Web-based, software-as-a-service

Server/client configuration or standalone Standalone or client/server based


Designed by our team of cardiologists. Web-based, comprehensive and completely configurable. Smart coding rules ensure compliance. Barcode inventory system. Database can be mined and queried for clinical and operational reports. Vendor independent

Single database with GE cardiolab system integration

Totally integrated system which accepts information from ADT, orders, scheduling, labs, EP study/ablation systems, device interrogators, inventory systems and others. Provides a continuous care model with seamless and automated data collection from admission, pre-procedure, procedure, recovery to discharge. Provides automated delivery of final reports to caregivers, the EMR and billing systems

Comprehensive workflow and structured reporting solution for all EP procedures. Offers EPS/ablation, devices and noninvasive EP; integral part of McKesson's complete, single database CVIS; highly customizable; discrete data interface to recording systems; full support for NCDR ICD Registry; robust charge capture, inventory management and analytics solution; complies with HRS/ACC guidelines

All-in-One combines three modules: CV PACS (EP/ hemo, echo, vascular, CT, MR, ECG, nuke, stress), EMR (meaningful use), and practice mgt (billing and scheduling). Integrated PACS/EMR/PM has single front end (dashboard) and all three modules share SQL database, so no costly HL7 bridge software is needed. Extras include accreditation software, data mining, remote reads, physician Web portal and patient portal

CV PACS (EP/hemo, cath, echo, vascular, CT, MR, ECG, nuke, stress). It is vendor neutral, supporting DICOM and structured reporting from any equipment manufacturer, modality worklist and integration with any HIS/EHR/EMR, PACS and labs

Merge Cardio has deep bi-directional integration with the leading EMR vendors creating a truly complete cardiology patient record. Extensive support for structured data reporting across all cardiac specialties including a z-scores based echo reporting application. Integration with the iConnect suite of image interoperability products including VNA, share and access

Created by cardiologists; Web-based; streamlines workflow from scheduling through billing; enhanced ROI through improved charge capture; automatic reports for doctors, nurses, billing; user-centered design; low-cost and simple deployment and upgrades via the Web; access anywhere, anytime on any browser; no new hardware needed; integrates smoothly with EMRs, medical devices; auto encryption; highest level of physical and cyber security

Ability to automatically acquire and log vital signs at pre-determined intervals, monitor and record invasive pressures, integrated inventory management, scheduling module, procedural documentation, flexible reporting options and database analytics tool

Combined solution for hemo and EP, advanced documentation, seamless integration during the procedure: bidirectional data exchange with Artis zee, integration with medical devices in EP lab, networks with information system solutions, bidrectional real-time database sync w/ syngo Dynamics

EP recording system with integrated stimulation, real-time signal analysis and connectivity with most EP lab equipment. Features Clearwave signal acquisition technology for high-fidelity electrograms

Standalone or integrated with any PACS. Tight integrations with Novarad PACS and TomTec CPACS

Integrated with PACS

Integrated. Integration with Lumedx CardioPACS, Xcelera and other PACS Fully integrated with McKesson Cardiology PACS, CVIS, ECG and


hemodynamic modules

Integrated PACS/reporting - DICOM connection to push Integrated PACS/reporting - DICOM connection to

or pull images and reports to/from other PACS

push or pull images and reports to/from other PACS

The EP reporting module is an integral part of the Merge Cardio PACS, not standalone

Standalone today; image integration planned for 2013. Perminova plans to add cath, vascular and clinical modules in 2013

Standalone reporting solution, but may be Both integratred with Philips Xcelera PACS

Standalone, but can be connected to any PACS via DICOM


GE Centricity

Lumedx PACS solution retrieves DICOM images from third-party archive McKesson Cardiology EP can be installed alongside another vendor's

Compatible with any systems (assuming they can

Compatible with any systems (assuming they can

Merge Cardio

servers, opens context-sensitive PACS viewers (for example, Xcelera), PACS or CVIS

interface as standard, nonproprietary DICOM, DICOM- interface as standard, nonproprietary DICOM, DICOM-

and our overlay viewer can be used with most PACS viewers



Can be configured for interoperability with any HL7 system Philips Xcelera PACS

Interfaces with DICOM and/or HL7compliant PACS or CVIS

Agfa Impax, Fujifilm Synapse, GE Centricity, Carestream PACS, McKesson Horizon, Philips iSite, Siemens syngo Dynamics, syngo Imaging, syngo Imaging XS and syngo.plaza

EP procedure, ablations, devices (implant, explant, pacemakers, ICD, event monitors), tilt test, arrhythmia monitoring, cardioversion, pericardiocentesis, venogram, transseptal puncture, cardiac augm

Tilt table, lead extraction, device implant/ explant, EP studies, ablations, 3-D mapping, endocardial ablation

EP studies, ablations, implants, device followups, tilt, cardioversion, extractions, any common EP lab procedure. Variety of tools available to speed report generation, such as evidence-based reporting and auto conclusions. Narratives are built automatically. Reports customizable. Includes comprehensive reports with all data points included

20 EP report types are offered out of the box and more can be customized on site. These include: EPS; catheter ablations; implantable devices and leads procedures (ICD, PM, ILR, CRT, upgrades, revisions, extractions, NIPS and more); device followups; tilt-table testing; cardioversions; Holter; miscellaneous EP procedures (i.e., pharmacological challenges, subclavian venograms)

>300 report types offered as templates across all modalities - installation and support include unlimited report template and worksheet customization to match your current/desired data collection, workflow and final report layout

>300 report types offered as templates across all modalities - installation and support include unlimited report template and worksheet customization to match your current/desired data collection, workflow and final report layout

Device surgery, EPS (+/- ablation), cardioversion, NIPS, tilt table, carotid massage or combinations. Device: implant, revise, upgrade, remove; 1, 2, 3-chamber; PPM, ICD, lead, loop recorder. EPS analysis ? predefined choices for arrhythmia and accessory pathways. Ablations (RF, cryo, including many locations)

All EP lab procedures, including ablations, tilt table, implanted devices, cardioversion and EP studies; and automatic operative, case and billing reports. Also, reports for ICD registry; tracking EP lab metrics on in/out, attending, fellow, patient stats, delays and location; antibiotic admin; and patient cancel by cancelled date and scheduled date

Report templates are configurable to suit the requirements of the facility and procedures being performed

User-definable. Initial templates are created during customer training

All reports created and edited on EP recording systems, including JPG snapshots of ECG, intracardiac, mapping and ICE




ECG waveform snapshots are imported from GE CardioLab. BMP images Compatible with any systems (assuming they can interface as standard, nonproprietary DICOM, DICOM-SR, HL7, ECG waveforms are not currently embedded in reports

can be annotated and embedded in the final PDF EP report


Image integration planned to be added in 2013 for inclusion in operative and case reports

JPEG image captured from Xcelera PACS

ECG waveforms can be embedded in the report generated by a CVIS


Muse, Mortara, Epiphany

GE Muse integration, interface to other systems

Any IHE, API or DICOM-compliant system

The EP solution is a part of the integrated McKesson Cardiology CVIS suite, which includes a dedicated ECG/stress/Holter management module, McKesson Cardiology ECG management

Compatible with any systems (assuming they can interface as standard, nonproprietary DICOM, DICOMSR, HL7, XML)

Compatible with any systems (assuming they can interface as standard, nonproprietary DICOM, DICOMSR, HL7, XML)

Epiphany Cardio Server, GE Muse, Cardiac Science Pyramis

Image integration planned to be added in 2013 for inclusion N/S in operative and case reports

No, that integration is a PACS or CVIS



Recording and mapping systems, angiography, hemo and patient monitoring, ICE, TEE, CT/MRI

ICE, TEE, mapping systems, XA, CT, MR, most DICOM modalities

EP mapping systems, ablations, interrogators, hemodynamic systems, any DICOM device such as ICE, IVUS, TEE, CT, MR, ECG, etc.

All modalities which send DICOM files are supported, including US, ICE, Yes NM, XA and CT modalities. Mapping systems files from Carto can be stored, retrieved from McKesson Cardiology CVIS



Image integration planned to be added in 2013 for inclusion XA

Mapping systems (Biosense Carto


in operative and case reports

XP, Carto3, St. Jude EnSite); Siemens

angiography Artis; Draeger Infinity

Cath lab including coronary and peripheral vascular angio and intervention, cardiac CT/MRI, echo, ECG, nuclear, vascular ultrasound

Comprehensive cardiovascular IT solution across EP, cath, echo, vascular, pediatrics

Lumedx built 200+ interfaces to a variety of clinical, financial systems, including hemo interfaces in the cath/EP lab, most ECGs through a partnership with Epiphany, scheduling, orders, charge capture, materials management, DICOM, etc.

EP solution is a part of the integrated, single-database McKesson Cardiology CVIS, which includes reporting modules for cardiac and peripheral cath, echo, vascular ultrasound, nuclear cardiology, ECG, stress, Holter

Yes (INR clinic trending and data analysis)

Yes (INR clinic trending and data analysis)

Supports reporting for the following cardiology specialties: cath, Planned to be added in 2013 peripheral cath, adult/peds echo, noninv vasc, EP, nuc med, CTA

Xper provides reporting functionality for diagnostic and interventional cath lab, interventional radiology and EP

syngo Dynamics, Apollo, etc.

Lumedx Apollo, Philips Xper


DICOM image management tools

Data entry form tools, automation tools for clinician data entry, analytical Automated calculations, abnormal values indicator, report over an image, Yes


customization tools


Extensive data mining via the CardioAnalytics reporting engine Analytics Web portal in 2013


Tools can be launched from the PACS or Auto and manual signal waveform

CVIS, e.g. syngo Dynamics

analysis, review, print, reporting of ECG,

intracardiac and images

Bard LabSystem Pro, GE CardioLab, St. Bard LabSystem Pro, GE CardioLab

Bard, GE CardioLab, Cardiolab IT, St. Jude Workmate, St. Jude Device Automatic import of clinical data and measurements from CardioLab.

Compatible with any systems (assuming they can interface as standard, nonproprietary DICOM, DICOM-SR, HL7, A number of EP recording system interfaces are included in the Ability to interface with EP recording systems used

St. Jude EP-Workmate, GE CardioLab, Bard Siemens Axiom Sensis XP


Jude EP Workmate

Interrogator, Prucka, Sensis

Final report import from Bard and St. Jude


product roadmap

throughout the EP suite

LabSystem PRO


Does the system support EP physician structured reporting

Yes, for all EP procedures

Is structured reporting built into the same database as the cardiovascular information system, or is it comprised of different modules

Unified CVIS database with built-in graphical query tool

Does the system create automated operative and case reports with no dictation necessary

Yes. Comprehensive, grammatically correct case reports are generated via data input

What EP measurements does system record

Fully supports any values received from EP recording systems including baseline values, refractory periods pre-, peri- and post-procedure. Fully customizable

Does system allow physicians to embed ECG or images in report

Does the system support interoperability among different EP modalities and systems

EP waveform snapshots, X-ray or ICE can be embedded into the final report

Integrates data from all lab systems


EP studies, ablations, implants, device followups, tilt, cardioversion,

Yes, for 20+ different EP procedures, including: EPS, ablations,

Yes, on all equipment that exports DICOM-SR

extractions, any common EP procedure. Tools to speed up report

implantable devices (ICD, pacemaker, etc.), tilt table tests, cardioversions

generation, such as evidence-based reporting and auto conclusions

and miscellaneous EP procedures

EP and procedure documentation data is transferred from CardioLab to reporting module

Same database. CVIS history of patient is available with one click so clinicians can review the entire CVIS history of the patient including reports, images, attachments, conclusions, discharge instructions, the technique used during previous procedures, etc.

Built on a single database for CVIS, CPACS, hemo and ECG management. This architecture allows for simultaneous data entry by the clinical staff. Data captured at the point-of-care is available to all other modules and eliminates interfaces and redundant manual entry

EP structured reporting is built into the same database as the cardiovascular information system (CVIS)


Yes. Auto interpretation automates findings based on rules. Auto

Yes, through the structured reporting interface, clinicians can generate Reports generated by structured data-populating

conclusions automatically populate conclusions based on rules.

transcription-quality operative, administrative and physician reports

worksheets; drop-downs, macros or free-text (dictation

Information from mapping systems automatically available for physicians

opt). Users can edit text, sketches, measures, images

SNRT, cSNRT, Refractory periods,

Lumedx captures all data from measurement systems so no data is lost All main EP measurements (refractory periods, conduction blocks,


conduction blocks, arrhythmias, ablations, and is available for reporting. Measurement data is also displayed into arrhythmias, ablations) can be documented in McKesson Cardiology,

3-D mapping, etc.

respective categories such as SNRT, arrhythmias, ablations, etc.

or imported from the recording system. McKesson does not offer a

recording system and therefore does not record EP measurements


Yes, XML, TIFF, PDF and DICOM still images Yes. XML or DICOM format waveforms, DICOM still images, industry standard images such as JPG, TIFF, etc.

Yes, all EP info, such as waveforms, X-ray and ICE saved in medical


record. Physician can view and annotate and embed snapshot in report

Yes, XML, TIFF, PDF and DICOM still images Provides interfaces to EP recording, 3-D mapping and hemo systems, interrogators, ICE, angiography, inventory, charge capture, materials management, scheduling, orders

Yes, solution breaks traditional silos in EP by aggregating info from


different systems such as GE CardioLab recording system, XA and ICE

modalities, hemo, lab results into a single record

Yes, on all equipment that exports DICOM-SR

The EP reporting module is an integral part of the Merge Cardio system and supports a complete set of EP procedures

EP structured reporting is built into the same database The EP structured reporting data is part of the single

as the cardiovascular information system (CVIS)

cardiovascular information system database

Reports generated by structured data-populating

The physician report is created through selection of clinical

worksheets; drop-downs, macros or free-text (dictation findings which drive structured data. No dictation is required to

opt). Users can edit text, sketches, measures, images generate the report


Basic intervals (A-A, V-V, RP, P-A, A-H, A-V, H-V, His d, QRS,

QT, QTc, V-A), sinus recovery times (sinus CL, paced CL, SNRT,

CSNRT, max CSNRT, pauses), refractory periods, conduction

blocks, AVN/H-P conduction, cavotricuspid conduction, atrial

mapping, VA conduction


DICOM images can be embedded in the final report


Merge Hemo can generate and combine the procedural

documentation for a mixed EP modality vendor environment

Yes, reporting customized for procedures with smart phrases, automatic reports, procedure-specific templates. For EP studies, ablations, ICD, tilt table, cardioversions

Report templates are configurable to suit the requirements of the facility and procedures being performed

Structured reporting built into one system. All data stored in one secure private database, accessible by clinicians by any Web-enabled computer; reports auto sent to EMR, referring physician, billing. No need for other systems for reports

Reporting module integral to the cath lab/EP info mangt database. Requires interface to import measurements and procedural data from EP recording system

Yes, auto operative and case reports created with data


captured during procedures. No dictation needed. Reports

completed within minutes of procedure. Supports voice recog

Refractory periods, heart rate intervals, ablations, mapping, arrythmia mechanisms, induction and termination, structural observations, implanted device and lead info, cardioversion type, all relevant patient info including vitals, medications, coag studies, etc.

Refractory periods, conduction blocks, SNRTs, arrhythmias, ablations, etc.

Image integration planned to be added in 2013 for inclusion Yes. via Philips Xcelera PACS in operative and case reports

Yes, supports interoperability with HL7, XML and additional formats

Worklists and MPPS for any XA modality

Yes Yes, uses same database

Only with additional modules such as Lumedx or Epic or CyberPulse, etc.

Separate. Requires interface to transfer data


Yes, chronological case log, template-

based referring and EP reports, etc.

Arrythmias, ablations, interval measurements

Baseline measurements, SNRTs, arrhythmia analysis, pacing and ablation parameters. All types and parameters are completely user-definable



Images from Siemens Artis and EP

Yes, all EP systems are supported, X-ray,

waveforms from Axiom Sensis XP recording mapping, ICE, ablation and pacing


Will system capture automatically mapping/ablation data

Does the system allow capturing ICD registry information in the CVIS/ hemo modules

Can ICD registry data be exported to external registries? If so, how is data transferred

Other registries supported

Will system import implantable device data, or is it entered manually Can system import data from remote monitoring systems Will system eliminate the need for physician to log into another system to create a complete patient record

Is the EP solution compliant with EPrelated guidelines Does the system offer parallel integration with the hospital EMR? If so, what EMRs does it integrate with

Is the system able to send the final report to the referring physician Where can the physician finalize report Does the system support automatic charge capture for EP

Inventory tracking capability

Does system tally charge capture for procedures, devices, medications and supplies for billing reports

Does the system support data analytics of the structured reporting, charging and inventory data

Does system support multiple hospital locations in single database

Can the data be easily queried for lab metrics

Does system offer an electronic schedule system all staff can see

Can the system track case delay times and reason for delay Does system offer real-time software upgrades, or must it be taken off-line Integration with cath lab hemodynamic systems Does system support both EP and cath workflows at same workstation

Receives data from EP recording system. Supports ablation and mapping data and images


Through interface with EP monitoring system



Certrified vendor for ACC NCDR registries


Yes, ACC PCI, STS Adult Cath

Entry via customized worksheets

Manually entered



Yes, for lab procedures, the entire report and billing information can be completed within EncaptureMD


Yes, system supports active directory log-in Yes

Any HL7-compliant EMR/HIS including but not limited to McKessson, Cerner, Epic, Centricity, Allscripts

Yes, various EMRs relying on industry standards, Epic, Cerner, McKesson, GE, etc.

Yes, by Web portal, HL7 integration to an Yes, through auto-routing engine EMR, print and mail or auto-fax

On site or remote. EncaptureMD can be deployed and accessed via the Web

Anywhere they have access to the client. Client is Web deployable

Yes. Uses rules-based smart coding compliance to ensure proper codes and documentation are present

Yes, with ICD-10 support

Yes. Uses vendor barcodes. Ties inventory Yes, wireless barcode to procedure and coding. Smart rules ensure compliant data entry



Graphical dashboard component and query tool can generate reports by physician, procedure type and/or specified time frames

Yes. Can support any number of hospitals, clinics, offices. Access can be granted or limited as required

Yes. All of the data is readily available from our central database. We have canned reports and ad-hoc query tools

In development, release next quarter

Yes, relational MS SQL database Yes Yes Yes

In development, release next quarter


Upgrades take 5 minutes and are done after hours


Upgrades completed on the server, client are upgraded automatically upon login

Yes, Mac-Lab, Xper, Merge, Mennen

Yes. Will work in mixed labs. The cardiac Yes cath module uses visual reporting

Yes, the system will capture data automatically. Interfaces can be set up Yes, system receives ablation results from the recording system



to capture just one final data file from mapping systems or can be set up (CardioLab) and embeds information into the report. The system can

to process continuously

receive and store mapping information from Carto system

Yes. Certified vendor for national and state registries. Registry data can Yes, up to 95% of the ICD registry data can be captured at the point-of- Yes


be entered directly into Lumedx or into hemo system and automatically care using the hemodynamic and EP report module and auto-populate the

transferred to Lumedx

ICD registry submission module

Yes. As a certified vendor of national and state registries, Lumedx

Yes, ICD registry data captured in McKesson Cardiology CVIS is exported Yes


exports data using approved registry methods

to and populates the Cedaron ICD registry submission module

Most national and state registries. The Lumedx website contains a list of all supported registries The system will import data from implantable device manufacturers

Paceart, Merlin, Merlin @ Home

As an integrated workflow solution, Lumedx collects all necessary information required for physician reporting within the Lumedx solution

The EP solution is reviewed periodically, as are all our solutions, with the latest guidelines and best practices Lumedx offers opportunities to integrate with EMR systems such as Cerner and Epic. We offer import and export interfaces for results, labs, billing, structured reports, scheduling, orders, etc. Yes, automated. Can also manually send reports if required

NCDR: CathPCI, ICD, ACTION, CARE; STS: Adult Cardiac Surgery, General Thoracic Surgery, Congenital Heart; various state registries

A dedicated set of windows are available for the manual documentation of key measures and programming settings

A dedicated set of windows are available for the manual documentation of remote monitoring system data

All of the modules of McKesson Cardiology are available to the clinicians to view the complete longitudinal cardiovascular patient record, without logins to different systems

Compliant with ACC/AHA/HRS Key Data Elements and Definitions for EP, and the ACC NCDR ICD definitions. Leading HRS MDs helped develop

McKesson Cardiology offers patient context-based integration with Epic Hyperspace client. Standard HL7-based message interface available for most EMR systems

Yes, the final report can be sent to the referring physician by fax or e-mail

N/S Yes Import from any standard, nonproprietary format Yes

Yes Yes, all standard HL7


N/S Yes Import from any standard, nonproprietary format Yes

Yes Yes, all standard HL7


In the reporting solution Yes. Lumedx provides a very flexible charge capture system

Reports can be edited and signed from any McKesson Cardiology Station or from within a Web browser

Yes, the system supports both technical and professional charge capture for the EP procedures

Local or remote reads via thick client or thin client access


Local or remote reads via thick client or thin client access


Barcode system optional; RFID cabinet integration with Wavemark. Inventory capture real-time through barcode scanners or through thirdparty inventory systems

Yes. Lumedx provides a flexible solution where customers can set up their own rules for charge capture. We offer a variety of interfaces to materials management systems like McKesson, Lawson, etc.

Offers an ad-hoc reporting tool with pre-built usage reports, a dashboard solution of KPIs for the executive level. System is an open-architecture solution that is very flexible

Yes. A robust inventory management and tracking solution is offered. The solution is integrated with hemo, reporting and charge capture and interfaced with the hospital materials management system

The system tallies charge capture for procedures, devices and supplies for billing reports

Yes, McKesson Cardiology Statistical Report Center comes with pre-defined EP analytics reports in addition to the ability for customercreated ad-hoc analytics reports



Yes, all data is structured, with measurements associated with images, and therefore all data can be mined for custom metrics, accreditation, research



Yes, all data is structured, with measurements associated with images, and therefore all data can be mined for custom metrics, accreditation, research

Yes. System is flexible and in the past accommodated a variety of special Yes, McKesson Cardiology supports a single database for multiple needs, such as managing patient IDs differently for each site, even with hospital locations a common database

Offers ad-hoc reporting tool with pre-built lab metrics, a dashboard solution of key performance indicators for the executive level. System is an open-architecture solution that is very flexible

Yes, McKesson Cardiology Statistical Report Center comes with predefined EP lab analytics/metrics reports in addition to the ability for customer-created ad-hoc analytics/metrics reports

Yes. Provides robust scheduling, both a client and Web-based scheduler that point to the same database. View multiple departments at the same time, white board, etc. Can auto schedule rooms

Resources (staff and labs) can be assigned to ordered procedures in the McKesson Cardiology order review system and displayed on an electronic white board. Staff can review availability of rooms

Yes, the scheduling app ships with reports including appointment-specific Yes, using McKesson Cardiology Statistical Report Center, delay times

reports and metric reports. Reports contain a delay report

and reasons can be tracked and analyzed

Software may be updated real-time. However, most customers prefer and Minor updates done remotely by McKesson. Major system upgrades

may be mandated to perform maintenance/upgrades off-hours

done on-site and require customer-approved scheduled down-time

Mennen, Merge Hemo, Xper, Mac-Lab, Witt, all of the major cath hemo The EP module is fully integrated with McKesson Cardiology


Hemodynamic module (single database)


Yes, the same hemodynamic station can be used for both EP and cath




Yes, all data is structured, with measurements associated with images, and therefore all data can be mined for custom metrics, accreditation, clinical research and reports

Yes, real-time scheduler available for all workflow. Digital whiteboard shows rooms, staff and patient allocation


Yes, real-time scheduler available for all workflow. Digital whiteboard shows rooms, staff and patient allocation








The mapping and ablation data would need to be entered via the user

The Merge Hemo system can be configured to collect ICD registry information

Data can be exported from the Merge Hemo system and this data is exported via an XML file


Inventory data for implantable devices must be manually entered

The system cannot currently import data from remote monitoring systems Since the Merge Cardio system is integrated via active directory into the health system domain, this eliminates the need for managing additional login credentials AP locations defined by NASPE, now HRS anatomic locations

Merge Cardio is seamlessly integrated with Cerner and offers different levels of integration with Epic and the other major EMR vendors Yes, report routing can include automated fax distribution

Since the reporting module is Web-based, reports can be generated and finalized virtually anywhere Appropriate ICD and CPT codes can be captured in the system

Inventory is managed via Merge Hemo and leverages barcode scanning technology

Upon the completion of a case a charge worksheet is generated for review and distribution

Yes, CardioAnalytics is the data mining engine which can be leveraged to extract reports

Yes, Merge Cardio is deployed in many multi-hospital configurations with a single database

Yes user-defined reports can be run to monitor lab metrics

Studies can be scheduled via the system, but it does not have an enterprise scheduler. Merge Hemo can manage the scheduling of the cath labs Yes, delay times can be tracked

Depending on the extent of the upgrade they may or may not require the system to be taken off-line Merge Hemo

Yes, the same Merge Hemo workstation supports both cath and EP documentation

Can integrate data from recording system for reporting purposes

Yes, supports capture of most info for ICD registry. In 2013, automatic submission of ICD registry is a planned addition

Export summarized reports transferred through HL7, PDF or other format as required; full electronic ICD registry data submission planned to be added in 2013 None

Yes, if sent through the interface from EP recording system

Yes, admission data and procedural documentation through configured menus populate ICD registry fields

Yes, data is exported using an HL7 interface via certified third-party submission vendors


Yes, mapping data with Biosense Carto3 system, ablation data from connected ablators Yes

Via syngo Dynamics, third-party tools


Planned for 2013, will import data from implantable device manufacturers

Yes, can accept incoming monitoring reports from any system; currently integrated with LifeWatch

Yes, system automatically creates full operative reports, which are then automatically uploaded to EMR and sent to referring physicians


Manual entry

GE MacLab

Yes, all physician reporting can be achieved via single login to Xper Information Management N/S

Yes, Perminova EP integrates with Epic, Cerner, Centricity, Allscripts and any HL7 enabled EMR

Yes, via HL7 communication

Manually entered in Sensis

Draeger Infinity patient monitoring

Data are directly accessible in syngo Dynamics (single point of access)

The system can be operated in compliance with EP guidelines from societies like HRS Integrates via HL7 interface

Yes, auto sends final report to the referring physician via HIPAA-compliant fax or encrypted e-mail Physicians can finalize report anywhere on any Internet browser By year-end 2012, barcode scanning for medications and supplies will be added


Yes, system tallies supplies, meds and equipment used in procedures, then creates aut billing report and sends to hospital billing system; tracks custom hospital charge codes Yes, for example, many types of lab metrics and patient reports such as patient cancellations, procedure delays, antibiotics administered, attending physicians, fellows, patient stats, in/out, etc. Yes, Web-based system can be accessed from multiple outside locations; each user has own access privileges


Yes, reports can be e-mailed

Physician can create, edit or finalize report on any workstation with access to Xper

Xper Information Management has the ability to capture charges for various procedures and supplies used

The inventory module supports both barcode scanning and manual inventory selection via structured menus


On Sensis modality or any Sensis client (cath lab, reporting rooms, office, remote) No

Barcode reader optional. Interfaces to material management systems Qsight, Optiflex Yes

Analytical reports may be generated based Yes on procedural data which populates the reports, charge capture of procedure and supplies as well as inventory usage

Yes, a separate repository may be set up Yes for each facility on a single database

Yes, automated reports available today, with deeper and richer analytics planned as an addition in 2013

Yes, lab metrics can easily be mined and reports generated using a Query Wizard tool

Yes, schedule, procedure information and patient data accessed through Web to all with log-in access. System can select rooms and display which are available

Xper Information Management has a scheduling module that can be accessed from any Xper networked workstation

Yes, all case delays can be documented for further analysis N/A through reports about delays

Software upgrades done automatically via the Web, requiring Advisable to perform upgrades while no

negligible down-time limited to off-hours only

procedures are being performed

Coming in 2013

Xper Flex Cardio or Physiomonitoring 5, GE MacLab

All Perminova modules will be accessible through any Web- Yes enabled computer


No (functionality is in syngo Dynamics whiteboard)



Siemens Axiom Sensis XP combo system for both hemo and EP available Yes

Yes, a direct link with EnSite Velocity including automated mapping point collection Yes, basic data collected at point-ofcare and sent to ACC reporting modules like Lumedx ACC tool Yes, via HL7, XML or ASCII


Manually entered


Point-of-care data collection and report creation post case with optional review software can provide a single location Yes, point-of-care system guidelines and FDA 510(k) clearance Yes. Any HL7-compliant EMR including Epic, Cerner, GE Centricity, Siemens Sorian, Philips Cardiologica and others Yes, generates a PDF or Word file that can be sent electronically On primary EP-WorkMate system or review software client Collects EP case data including conditions, exams, usage to send to CVIS or EMR for charge capture Barcode system optional

Collects EP case data: conditions, examinations and usage data to send to CVIS or EMR systems for charge capture Outcomes reporting queries can be done post-case to generate reports by physician, procedure, type of cases, duration, etc. No. Single hospital with multiple rooms is supported with multiple systems

Yes. Built-in query tool for outcomes reporting available



Off-line upgrades only

Philips Xper


Scranton Gillette Communications obtained the model specifications from the manufacturers.

? Scranton Gillette Communications ? 3030 W. Salt Creek Lane ? Arlington Heights, IL 60005-5025 ? 847.391.1000 ? Fax 847.390.0408

September/October 2012 Comparison Chart Conducted by Scranton Gillette Communications

Scranton Gillette Communications assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in this chart.


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