Novel Writing Made Simple

Novel Writing Made Simple

Tools, rules and notions that'll show you how to start, how to finish and where to send your manuscript. * * *


Gordon A. Kessler


Copyright 2012 by Gordon A. Kessler

Kindle Edition

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For information email: gordon@

Library of Congress Control Number: 2004092341

Print version ISBN: 978-0-578-05165-9

Cover Designed by: Gordon Kessler.

Copyright ? 2012 Gordon A Kessler

Version 02-08-13

Previous editions copyrighted 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, and 2012

First edition printing in 2004.

Second edition printing in April, 2005.

Third edition printing in May, 2006.

Fourth edition printing in October, 2006.

Fifth edition printing in July 2007.

Sixth edition printing in March 2010.

Seventh edition (EBook Version) published in July 2012.

A Personal Message from Gordon A Kessler to the Reader:

I've been teaching novel writing for nearly twenty years, and I've written thriller novels for longer. I enjoy writing them almost as much as I like talking about the process.

If you enjoy this compilation of my thoughts and focus on the craft, and if this little eBook helps you hone your skills -- or if you have been entertained by my fiction -- please drop me a quick email. Let me know who you are and what you enjoyed the most. I promise that I will personally respond.

Email me and say hi at: gordon@

Please stop by my website and blog at:

It's fun and you'll be glad you did.

On my website you'll find my blogs as well as info on not only my past work but also on novels to come.

And there's a special section for my new "The E Z Knight Reports" series novels. These are fast reads; a sexy, humorous and irreverent series as well as a somewhat realistic and poignant look at the darker side of life, crime and the human condition. With a modern-day, ramped up "The Rockford Files" / "Magnum PI" feel, it consists of pageturning, episodic novels.

Within this section you'll find brief bios on all the "The E Z Knight Reports" major characters. Be forewarned: you'll find a page of Oz's colorful witticisms, as well -- adult readers only, please.

My Jazzy Brass has her very own fan pages on the website, complete with photos, blog and "Jazzy Brass's Missing Scenes". You'll love her, if you don't already!

Also, you'll discover a special section on the site highlighting the "Knight's Girls" (a little risqu?) in a gallery showing the different Knight Girl for each current "E Z Knight Reports" novel covers, as well as some that are coming up.

And don't forget I have other thriller novels besides Brainstorm. You'll learn more about them here: Thrillers.


Please check out Gordon Kessler's other books


"The E Z Knight Reports" series novels KNIGHT'S BIG EASY KNIGHT'S LATE TRAIN KNIGHT'S RANSOM KNIGHT'S REPORTS ? Box Set, Your Three Favorite E Z Knight Novels Bundled

And coming soon: KNIGHT'S LAST SHOT

Short stories: "Jack Baron," a nostalgic romance "Toothpick for Two," a humorous relationship story



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