Chapter 1 Section 4 - Levittown Schools

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The Skeletal System

Study Guide

I- What the Skeletal System Does

A. Your skeletal system has 5 major functions

1. _______________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________

B. The Backbone

1. The center of the skeleton

2. Vertebrae- 26 small bones that make up your backbone

II- Bones- Strong and Living

A. Bone Strength

1. Your bones are both strong and lightweight

2. Made up of phosphorus and _______________________

B. Bone Growth

1. Because bone cells are alive, they form new bone tissue as you grow

III- The Structure of Bones

A. Layers of Bone

1. Outer membrane

2. Compact bone

3. Spongy bone

4. Bone marrow- soft connective tissue

IV- How Bone Forms

A. Cartilage- connective tissue that is more flexible than bone

B. Over time, most of your cartilage has been replaced with bone tissue

V- Joints of the Skeleton

A. Joint- a place in the body where two bones come together

B. Immovable Joints- _______________________________________________

C. Movable Joints- _______________________________________________

1. _______________________________- (shoulder)

2. ________________________________- (neck)

3. _______________________________ - (elbow)

4. _______________________________- (wrist/ankles)

D. Ligament- _______________________________________________

VI- Taking Care of Bones

A. A combination of a balanced diet and regular exercise can start you on the way to a lifetime of healthy bones

B. Osteoporosis- a condition in which the body’s bones become weak and break easily due to mineral loss

Diagnosing Bone and Joint Injuries

Blue Book

Chapter 2 Section 2

I- Common Skeletal System Injuries

1. Fracture- ________________________________________

2. Sprain- ________________________________________

3. Dislocation- ________________________________________

II- X-Rays – A Look Inside the Body

C. X-Rays- a form of energy that travels in waves

D. Because most X-rays pass through the skin and other body tissues, the X-rays strike the photographic film beneath the area. Unlike the other body tissues, bone absorbs X-rays.

III- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

A. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)- a method for taking clear images of

both the bones and soft tissues in the body

IV- Arthroscopy

A. Arthroscope- a slim, tubelike instrument that allows doctors to look inside a

joint to see what is wrong

V- Preventing Skeletal System Injuries

A. Simple preventative measures include

1. ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________

The Muscular System

Blue Book

Chapter 2 Section 3

I- Muscle Action

A. Involuntary muscles- ______________________________________________

B. Voluntary muscles- ______________________________________________

II- Types of Muscles

E. Your body has three types of muscle tissues

1. Skeletal Muscle- _________________________________________ (Walking, Running, Writing)

a. Tendon- ______________________________________________

b. Skeletal muscles cells appear banded or striated (Striped)

c. Voluntary muscle: examples: ___________________________

d. Tires easily

2. Smooth Muscle- ______________________________________________

a. Involuntary Muscle

examples: ___________________________________

3. Cardiac Muscle

a. Involuntary muscle

b. Can contract repeatedly, controls heartbeats

III- Muscles at Work

A. Because muscle cells can only contract, not extend, skeletal muscles must work in pairs. While one muscle contracts, the other muscle in the pair returns to its original length.

IV- Taking Care of Muscles

A. Exercise

B. Warming up before physical activities (stretching out)

C. Wearing proper safety equipment

The Skin

Blue Book

Chapter 2 Section 4

I- The Body’s Tough Covering

A. The skin performs several major functions

1. Covers body and prevents water loss

2. Protects the body from injury and infection

3. _____________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________

II- The Epidermis

- The outermost layer of the skin

- Does NOT have nerves or blood vessels so you usually do not feel pain from shallow scratches

- Contains a layer of dead skin cells that protect the body

7. Produces melanin- _____________________________________________

III- The Dermis

- Lower layer of the skin

- Contains nerve and blood vessels

- Contains sweat glands, oil glands, and hair

- Pores- openings in the skin through which perspiration can be released

- Follicles- where stands of hair grow within the dermis

IV- Caring for your Skin

A- Four simple habits can help keep skin healthy

1. Eat properly

2. Drink enough water

3. Limit exposure to the sun

4. Keep your skin dry and clean

a. Acne- a bacterial infection of the skin, which the

oil glands become blocked and swollen


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