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2019-20E. K. Key ElementaryTable of ContentsITEMPAGE (S)2018-19 CALENDAR3BELL TIMES/OFFICE HOURS / VISITORS4SCHOOL WEBSITE & FERPA5ACADEMIC DISHONESTY AND ALCOHOL/ DRUG USE6-7ARRIVAL / DEPARTURE AND PARKING7ATTENDANCE /ABSENCES /EXCUSES / TARDIES / TASC6-9BUS POLICY 10CAFETERIA NORMS, PRICES, AND PAYMENT METHODS 10EMERGENCIES: CANCELLATION OF SCHOOL11COMMUNICABLE DISEASES11CODE OF CONDUCT12DANGEROUS WEAPONS12DISCIPLINE12ELECTRONIC DEVICES12SEARCH AND SEIZURE OF PERSONS, LOCKERS, AND OTHER SCHOOL PROPERTY13THREATS13DRESS CODE13UNIFORM POLICY13-15EMERGENCY CARDS /MEDICAL PROCEDURES15FIELD TRIPS15-16GRADING POLICIES16PROMOTION POLICY16HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION17HOMELESS STUDENTS17IMMUNIZATIONS & INSURANCE17INTERNET USE17LIBRARY 18MEDICATION 18PARENT & TEACHER CONFERENCES18PARKING18PARTIES18PRAYER IN SCHOOL18SCHOOL FEES19SEXUAL HARASSMENT19TAKE HOME THURSDAYS19TELEPHONE POLICY19TEXTBOOKS208 Key Habits/ Key Clubs21E. K. Key CITGO Innovation Academy22MAP (BACK COVER)58372747442003508375000-839972751722E. K. Key Elementary Pre-K – Grade 51201 E. Burton St.Sulphur, Louisiana 70663(337) 217-4660Fax (337) 217-4661. K. Key Elementary Pre-K – Grade 51201 E. Burton St.Sulphur, Louisiana 70663(337) 217-4660Fax (337) 217-4661 34143951477010Home of the Twisters!00Home of the Twisters!Parent & StudentHandbookBeth Hooper, PrincipalKim Dowers, Assistant PrincipalLaQuonda Calhoun, CounselorKristina Benoit, STEM Master TeacherTeri DeBord, Curriculum CoordinatorAngie Cancellieri, Strategic Reading SpecialistThis handbook belongs to:NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________________________CITY: _____________________________________________________ZIP CODE ______________PHONE: _____________________________________________________________________Maintaining high expectations and promoting academic excellence for all students.Partners in Education -CITGOBegin with the End in Mind! Review your child’s agenda and insure all dates are marked!CALCASIEU PARISH SCHOOLS CALENDAR left35604FERPAThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that affords parents the right to have access to their children's education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information (PII) from the education records. When a student turns 18 years old, or enters a postsecondary institution at any age, the rights under FERPA transfer from the parents to the student ("eligible student"). A school may disclose PII from the education records of a student without obtaining prior written consent of the parents or the eligible student to other school officials, including teachers, within the educational agency or institution whom the school has determined to have legitimate educational interests. School official shall be defined as an administrator, supervisor, principal, teacher, support staff, or any person employed by or under contract to the School Board, or authorized volunteer, to perform a function or service on behalf of the School Board. Legitimate educational interest shall be defined as the interest that requires access to educational records and PII for purposes of adding or modifying material, periodic review, filing new student data and/or removing inadequate, ambiguous, no longer relevant data; the interest having the wellbeing of the student in mind for purposes of continuing, improving or changing the educational program, instruction, training, or safety of the student; the need to access and otherwise deal with educational records and PII in order to perform or carry out a person’s responsibilities with regard to the Calcasieu Parish School System. The enclosed Calcasieu Parish Policy JR-AP defines directory information and to whom student personally identifiable information may be disclosed. The FERPA statute is found at 20 U.S.C§1232g and the FERPA regulations are found at 34 CFR Part 99. Parents have 15 days from the 1st day of school or the date of enrollment if after the 1st day of school to revoke permission to disclose student information covered by FERPA.00FERPAThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that affords parents the right to have access to their children's education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information (PII) from the education records. When a student turns 18 years old, or enters a postsecondary institution at any age, the rights under FERPA transfer from the parents to the student ("eligible student"). A school may disclose PII from the education records of a student without obtaining prior written consent of the parents or the eligible student to other school officials, including teachers, within the educational agency or institution whom the school has determined to have legitimate educational interests. School official shall be defined as an administrator, supervisor, principal, teacher, support staff, or any person employed by or under contract to the School Board, or authorized volunteer, to perform a function or service on behalf of the School Board. Legitimate educational interest shall be defined as the interest that requires access to educational records and PII for purposes of adding or modifying material, periodic review, filing new student data and/or removing inadequate, ambiguous, no longer relevant data; the interest having the wellbeing of the student in mind for purposes of continuing, improving or changing the educational program, instruction, training, or safety of the student; the need to access and otherwise deal with educational records and PII in order to perform or carry out a person’s responsibilities with regard to the Calcasieu Parish School System. The enclosed Calcasieu Parish Policy JR-AP defines directory information and to whom student personally identifiable information may be disclosed. The FERPA statute is found at 20 U.S.C§1232g and the FERPA regulations are found at 34 CFR Part 99. Parents have 15 days from the 1st day of school or the date of enrollment if after the 1st day of school to revoke permission to disclose student information covered by FERPA.-95250-3590925VISITING E. K. KEYParents are welcome guests at E. K. Key. In order to ensure the utmost safety of our students, all visitors must report to the school office to sign in and obtain a visitor’s pass. When leaving, a visitor must sign out and return the visitor’s pass. Classroom visits must be scheduled in advance. Please park in designated visitor parking areas VISIT OUR WEBSITEOur website is a valuable resource with the calendar of events, clubs information, and much more! Teacher web pages are updated by the classroom teachers regularly.Parents and students may access our website by going to To visit a teacher’s page, click on Faculty. Find us on Twitter & Facebook under E. K. Key or CITGO Innovation Academy.Join us on Remind by texting( to: 81010 message: @keyparents).SCHOOL OFFICES Please feel free to contact us on any problem or concern at (337)217-4660. Offices are open from 7:15 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. 00VISITING E. K. KEYParents are welcome guests at E. K. Key. In order to ensure the utmost safety of our students, all visitors must report to the school office to sign in and obtain a visitor’s pass. When leaving, a visitor must sign out and return the visitor’s pass. Classroom visits must be scheduled in advance. Please park in designated visitor parking areas VISIT OUR WEBSITEOur website is a valuable resource with the calendar of events, clubs information, and much more! Teacher web pages are updated by the classroom teachers regularly.Parents and students may access our website by going to To visit a teacher’s page, click on Faculty. Find us on Twitter & Facebook under E. K. Key or CITGO Innovation Academy.Join us on Remind by texting( to: 81010 message: @keyparents).SCHOOL OFFICES Please feel free to contact us on any problem or concern at (337)217-4660. Offices are open from 7:15 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Welcome to E. K. Key, PreK – grade 5We welcome you to the 2019-20 School Year! Good leadership as citizens is the ultimate goal for success in every situation. At E. K. Key, we strive to provide our students with the seven habits that will empower them to be successful as leaders in every situation. We need to synergize. Begin with the end in mind and please review the contents of this handbook. Insure your calendar has all dates marked. Be proactive and take charge of your child’s learning! We truly appreciate your support.The administration reserves the right to amend any provision set forth in this handbook when it is deemed to be in the best interest of the educational process. Furthermore, the administration reserves the right to prescribe penalties for violations of guidelines not specifically stated here and to alter any assigned penalties as he/she sees fit. SCHOOL OFFICES Please feel free to contact us on any problem or concern at (337)217-4660. Offices are open from 7:15 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. The students’ school day begins at 7:40 a.m. Students are considered tardy after 7:50. *Students may not check out after 2:30 p.m.**STUDENTS MUST NOT ARRIVE EARLIER THAN 7:10 a.m. There is no supervision for students earlier than 7:10 a.m. All students must be picked up NO LATER THAN 3:20 p.m. Notes: Dates and times are subject to change! Please check your child’s Leadership Notebook (agenda) daily for school communication.Dates that are forthcoming are marked TBA (To Be Announced)*NO ONE MAY WALK UP TO PICK UP A STUDENT* ALL STUDENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED CAR RIDERS, BUS RIDERS, WALKERS, BIKE RIDERS, OR EXTENDED DAY.BELL SCHEDULE: 7:10 – Breakfast Begins, 7:35 - Breakfast Ends, 7:40 – Get Ready Bell, 7:45 – Instructional Day Begins, 7:50 – TWISTER NEWS/TARDY BELL – Students must be signed in, 8:00 – Morning Meeting, 2:30 – FINAL CHECKOUTS, 3:00 – Car Rider/ Early Bus Riders/Bike Riders Dismissal/ Begin Loading buses from gym, 3:02 – Begin calling names for car rider dismissal, 3:05 – Walkers.ACADEMIC DISHONESTY-9525010922000Academic dishonesty includes cheating on tests, copying work from others, plagiarism (copying word for word from an already existing text), using someone else’s report, and other similar activities. When a student participates in a form of academic dishonesty:The grade of “F” may be assigned as the grade for that work.No extra credit will be given to raise the grade.Parents will be notified.An administrator will be notified of the actions taken.ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE The Calcasieu Parish School Board and the State Department of Education have directed that each student and his parents/guardians be told that without exception a student shall not be under the influence of, bring on, consume, or have in his/her possession on a school bus, on school premises, or at a school function away from school, any narcotic drugs or controlled dangerous substance as defined by State law, unless dispensed by a licensed physician as allowed by law. Any student of the Calcasieu Parish Public School System found to be in violation of this policy would be subject to expulsion as provided in the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, Public Law 101-226. Terms of the law are mandatory and include a statement that referral sources are available to parents/guardians.Act 909 – 1990 Louisiana Legislative Action – as applicable to the students of E. K. Key Mandates that any student who is under sixteen (16) years of age and in grades six through twelve and who is found guilty as in (1) above shall be expelled from school for a minimum period of twelve (12) calendar months.315912554673500Mandates that any student who is kindergarten through grade five and is found guilty as in (1) above shall be referred to the local school board through a recommendation for action from the superintendent.Specifies procedures for review or appeal as follows:(A). The parent or tutor of the pupil may within five (5) days after the decision is rendered, request the school board to review the findings of the superintendent or his designee.(B). The parent or tutor of the pupil may, within ten (10) days, appeal to the district court for an adverse ruling of the school board/superintendent. Requires that upon recommendation by a principal for the expulsion of any student referred to above, a hearing shall be conducted by the superintendent or his designee to determine whether the student shall be expelled or if other corrective or disciplinary action shall be taken. Until such hearing, the student shall remain suspended from school.Mandates that no student expelled pursuant to this act shall be readmitted to any public school in the State except upon the approval of the school board system to which he seeks admittance. The School Board shall require a comprehensive alcohol, drug, and substance abuse prevention education program be incorporated into every school of the parish that shall include grade appropriate programs on the education, prevention, and counseling of alcohol, drug, and substance abuse. Such programs shall be included in the school program so that every student in grades kindergarten through nine is involved for a minimum of sixteen (16) contact hours every school year… The required minimum contact hours shall be incorporated into a comprehensive school health program. It is unlawful for anyone to use, distribute, be under the influence of, manufacture or possess any controlled substances as defined by statue on or around school property or within 1000 feet of school property, or while on the school bus. The area surrounding school property shall be designated as drug free zones. The School Board, in cooperation with local governmental agencies, and the State Department of Education, shall designate and mark drug free zones, which surround all schools and school property.ANY TYPE OF SMOKING OR SMOKING DEVICES ARE PROHIBITED WHILE ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. THIS INCLUDES THE DRIVE THRU IN THE BACK OF OUR SCHOOL AS WELL AS ALL PARKING LOTS.2110105-1079500ARRIVAL TO & DEPARTURE FROM SCHOOLWe ask that parents partner with us in ensuring the safety of our children at E. K. Key by cooperating with our procedures concerning traffic control.*There is a “No Tobacco or Smoking Devices” use policy on school property. DO NOT smoke or using a smoking device in your vehicle while on campus waiting to pick up or drop off your students. Violators will be reported to law enforcement. Procedure for Arrival / Departure:Refer to map located on page 24 of the student handbook. Left turns from Lewis Street into the new drive through are prohibited. Remember it is illegal to drop students off on the street. REMEMBER Students are not being dropped off in the front drive.The drive through and around the school are hands free zones. Please put your cell phone on speaker when in these areas. Student drop off is from 7:10 to 7:50. Gates will close at 7:50. Students arriving after 7:50 MUST come to the front of the school and be signed in at the front office by parent/guardian before students are admitted to class.No student should arrive to school before 7:10 a.m. Students arriving at school after 7:50 a.m. are tardy. For safety reasons, no students may be dropped off in any parking lot or on the side of the road.After entering the building, students will report to designated areas inside the building. All children should have a book to read while they are waiting for the 7:40 bell.Walkers will be dismissed to the back of the school in order to use sidewalks.Procedure for Departure from School:First Bell: 2:55 p.m. ONLY car riders & all bus riders are dismissed at this time.Second Bell: 3:02 p.m. Walkers, bike riders, and daycare dismissed at this time. They must leave the campus immediately upon dismissal. Students should not return to school once they leave the campus, unless they are accompanied by a parent. Extended Day students will report to the cafeteria at 3:05 p.m.Please help us by making sure that your child knows how they are going home each day BEFORE they leave home in the morning. This will eliminate the disruption of classroom teaching time. Also, please send a note to your child’s teacher if they are to go home in a different way than normal. Students are not allowed to go home a different way without notification from parent/guardian. If your dismissal arrangements change due to an emergency, please call the office at 217-4660 as early as possible – NO LATER THAN 2:35 p.m.In an effort to clear up any confusion regarding dismissal procedures, please be advised of the following instructions:Car Riders (Children who are to be picked up after school in an automobile through the designated drop off and pick up area.) PLEASE PUT A SCHOOL ISSUED TAG WITH THE STUDENTS NAME CLEARLY PRINTED IN MARKER IN THE FRONT WINDSHIELD OF YOUR CAR. VEHICLES WITH NO TAG WOULD HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE OFFICE TO PICK UP.Walkers (Children who walk home or walk to a determined off-campus pick up area from school.)*NO ONE MAY WALK UP TO PICK UP A STUDENT* ALL STUDENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED CAR RIDERS, BUS RIDERS, WALKERS, BIKE RIDERS, OR EXTENDED DAY.63627015557500ATTENDANCE The Calcasieu Parish School Board requires students in grades kindergarten-8th grade to be in attendance 167 days of the school year. This only allows for roughly 10 days of school to be missed a year. The reason for this policy is to keep the students in the classroom for all important instruction time. Regular attendance is essential to the learning process. If a student has a check-up appointment and has a doctor excuse for the appointment time, then it is an excused absence. As a parent you can be proactive and help by encouraging their attendance. Remember that parents of truant children may also be fined up to $250 or face possible imprisonment time. Calcasieu Parish student attendance is linked to the TASC department of CPPJ. Students face the possibility of being retained from over 10 absences. Thank you for your cooperation. Each school shall attempt to provide verbal notification to a child's parent, tutor, or legal guardian, and, if such verbal notification cannot be provided, then the school shall provide written notification to a child's parent, tutor, or legal guardian when that child has been absent from school for five (5) school days in schools operating on a semester basis, and for ten (10) days in schools not operating on a semester basis. ?The accumulation of days absent need not be consecutive. For attendance reporting purposes, the days absent for elementary and secondary school students shall include excused absences, unexcused absences, and suspensions. Students shall not be excused for any absences other than those specified under Excused Absences below and shall be given failing grades in those subjects for those days missed, and shall not be given an opportunity to make up work, except as is provided under Suspensions.-5715020764500Excused Absences? Excused absences are absences incurred due to personal illness or serious illness in the family and parents must provide a doctor’s excuse.? In addition, excused absences are those stipulated in state law that are considered exemptions from compulsory attendance, as noted below.? Students may be excused from attendance regulations for certain extenuating circumstances that shall be verified by the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance.?Extenuating Circumstances:Extended personal physical or emotional illness in which a student is absent for three (3) or more consecutive school days as verified by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the state;Extended hospital stay in which a student is absent for three (3) or more consecutive school days as verified by a physician or dentist;Extended recuperation from an accident in which a student is absent for three (3) or more consecutive school days as verified by a physician, dentist, or nurse practitioner licensed in the state;Extended contagious disease within a family in which a student is absent for three (3) or more consecutive school days as verified by a physician or dentist licensed in the state; orObservance of special and recognized holidays of the student's own faith.Visitation with a parent who is a member of the United States Armed Forces or the National Guard of a state and such parent has been called to duty for or is on leave from overseas deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting.? Excused absences in this situation shall not exceed five (5) school days per school year.Any minor employed to perform or render artistic or creative services under a contract pursuant to statutory provisions. The only other exceptions to the attendance regulations shall be other absences as verified by the principal or his/her designee as stated below:?????????????????????????????????????????Prior school system-approved travel for educationDeath in the family (not to exceed one week)Natural catastrophe and/or disaster? For any other extenuating circumstances, the student’s parents or legal guardian must make a formal appeal in accordance with the due process procedures established by the school system. Students who are eligible to receive grades shall not receive those grades if they are unable to complete makeup work or pass the course.?Unexcused AbsencesAn unexcused absence shall be defined as any absence not meeting the requirements set forth in the excused absence and extenuating circumstances definitions, including but not limited to, out of school suspensions and absences due to any job (including agriculture and domestic services, even in their own homes or for their own parents or tutors) unless it is part of an approved instructional program. An unexcused absence is also an absence for which no written doctor’s excuse for the absence was submitted to the school, or the written excuse was not submitted within the allotted time frame for submission. Student work missed must be made up within three days following the student’s return to school or no credit for make up work would be allowed. A student who is absent five (5) or more days in any nine-week period shall receive an incomplete grade in all subjects involved if the grade is not made up before the end of the grading period.? The student can make up the work during the next nine-week period.? If he/she fails to do so, the incomplete grade automatically becomes an "F.”? It shall be the responsibility of the teacher to inform the student of the deadline for any makeup work.? Vacations are not excused absences. Any exceptions must be approved by administration prior to the vacation. Suspensions? Students absent from school as a result of any suspension shall be assigned schoolwork missed while he/she is suspended and shall receive either partial or full credit for such work if it is completed satisfactorily and timely in accordance with Board policy.Reporting Absences The attendance of all school pupils shall be checked each school day and at the beginning of each class period and shall be verified by the teacher keeping such record, which shall be open to inspection by the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance or duly authorized representative at all reasonable times.? All schools shall immediately report to the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance any unexplained, unexcused, or illegal absence, or habitual tardiness.?Appeal of Absences When a student exceeds the maximum number of absences (5 per semester) allowed, including excused and unexcused absences, the parents, or student may make a formal appeal to the principal if they feel any of the absences are because of extenuating circumstances.? If they feel that the decision is unfavorable, they shall appeal to the Superintendent or his/her designee. ??After a review by the Superintendent or his/her designee, a decision shall be made and communicated to the parents or legal guardian by letter.?Tardiness Tardiness interferes with educational success for the entire class, since teachers must stop the process of teaching and learning to check tardy students in and catch them up with the class. Any student who is tardy must check in through the office. Late students will not be admitted to class unless they are signed-in by a parent or guardian. If your child is dropped off late without signing him/her in, a parent will be called to come to school and sign the student in before he/she is admitted to class. A student shall be considered tardy to class if the student is not in the classroom when the bell to begin class ceases.? A student shall be considered tardy to school if the student is not in his/her homeroom/first period class when the bell to begin homeroom/class ceases.? Tardy shall also mean leaving or checking out of school unexcused prior to the regularly scheduled dismissal.? Habitual tardiness on the part of students shall not be tolerated.Tardy Policy184023017018000 When an elementary student is marked tardy to school for the third time, parents will receive a written warning. Signing out during the day constitutes an “early check-out.” After three tardies, absences, and/or checkouts, a parent will be warned via phone call or letter. After five tardies, absences, and/or checkout, a conference with the parent will be held. If the student continues to be tardy or continues to check out early, the parents will be referred to CWA (Child, Welfare, and Attendance) or TASC (Truancy Assessment Service Center) for assistance. If the habitually tardy student is enrolled at E. K. Key on an out-of-zone permit, the permit may be revoked. If it is determined that the student is responsible for his/her tardiness, the student may be referred for disciplinary action.Attendance During State Assessment Every spring, the State of Louisiana schedules State Assessment Week as part of the education accountability plan. Attendance during the state testing is absolutely mandatory. Please make sure that you do not schedule anything during the school days of the testing week. This is a very important week for every student and every school as the scores are used to determine placement as well as other decisions regarding our students. Testing dates are posted on the school calendar.Check-In and Check-Out Attendance We encourage parents to have students in school all day, everyday, and to schedule appointments after school hours when possible. Being in class for teacher instruction is extremely important. Students may not check out after 2:40 p.m.238823513017500Perfect Attendance Awards To be eligible for E. K. Key Perfect Attendance Awards, a student must be present the entire day. This means from 1st bell time through school dismissal time. Students with perfect attendance will be recognized each nine weeks.BUS POLICY031877000 Transportation is provided for any student who resides a distance beyond a one-mile radius of the school as long as his/her conduct while riding the school bus is satisfactory. Student misconduct on the bus will lead to the suspension or complete forfeiture of riding privileges. Riding the school bus is a privilege and not mandatory. In an emergency or extenuating circumstance, students may occasionally be granted permission to ride a bus other than the one to which he/she is assigned. In this case, the parents of the students involved must each provide a parent/guardian signed note along with a phone number by which the parent/guardian may be reached during the school day. The notes from both the child requesting to ride a different bus AND the child with whom he/she will ride must be verified and signed by an administrator before permission can be granted. The notes must be turned in at the beginning of the school day to the appropriate front office secretary. This permission is granted only on a day-by-day basis.186690084518500 Bus drivers may assign students to a seat. Drivers will file a disciplinary referral with a school administrator when the student’s behavior on the bus is unacceptable. Monitoring with cameras may also be an option to ensure discipline and safety on buses.CAFETERIAPAY ONLINE: We have a kiosk in the front office to pay and check on bills. Well-planned hot meals are served daily at breakfast and lunch in the school cafeteria at a nominal cost. Payments for lunch can be made daily, but should be paid in advance weekly or monthly Students take lunch and/or breakfast money to their homeroom teachers. Please send money in sealed labeled envelope with student’s name, teacher’s name, and purpose for the money. Parents may eat with their children from time to time, but not on a regular daily basis. Lunches cost $4.00 per adult. Please inform Mrs. Becky Fruge, the cafeteria manager, at 217-4660 prior to 9:00 a.m. on the day you plan to eat or preferably the day before. The manager must know how much food to prepare ahead of time in order for all students and staff to have enough food prepared for them as well as visitors. Visitors may be turned away if there’s not enough food prepared for everyone. Breakfast is served every morning from 7:10 to 7:35. Bus students will be served as they arrive on campus. Students other than bus riders must arrive before 7:30 a.m. to be served breakfast. Breakfast closes at 7:35 each morning for all students except bus riders.Cafeteria costs are as follows: AT THIS TIME WE ARE A C.E.P. SCHOOL AND NO PAYMENT IS NEEDED FOR BREAKFAST OR LUNCH UNLESS YOU OWE A BILL FROM A PREVIOUS SCHOOL.THE CALCASIEU PARISH SCHOOL BOARD HAS A NO CHARGE POLICY. We understand occasional forgetfulness in making a payment in advance, but we will have to send any non-paying student to the office to call for lunch money or a lunch if nonpayment occurs more than a few times. Students with cafeteria charges will be excluded from attending field trips. Also students with charges will not be allowed to purchase items from the vending machines. Free/Reduced Lunch Forms ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR C.E.P. SCHOOLSONLINE: Any lunch bill not paid will be turned over to Food Services and the Calcasieu Parish District Attorney’s Office for collections. In order to keep the cafeteria clean and pleasant, students are expected to observe the following rules:190754045656500Cafeteria/Food Service Procedures:Only students eating plate lunches or sack lunches may sit in the cafeteria. Other students should go to a designated lunchtime area.Fast food lunches are prohibited.Glass containers are prohibited on the school campus.No visible soft drink cans. (Must be wrapped)Leave the tops of tables clean.Leave the floor free of debris.Take trays and utensils to the designated area after use.No running or throwing objects of any kind is permitted.CANCELLATION OF SCHOOLIf school is cancelled, local radio and television stations will notify listeners/viewers. If parents have reason to believe school may be cancelled, they should tune into local broadcast agencies.If the situation does not require evacuation, students will be dismissed according to the normal dismissal procedures.In those cases requiring evacuation, parents will be notified as to where to pick up students. In some cases students will be evacuated to a site that will be predetermined by the CPSB Risk Management Team.Find us on Twitter and join us on Remind by texting ( to: 81010 message: @keyparents) TO RECEIVE BREAKING NEWS. CPSB Emergency Hotline(Emergency Information for Employees, Parents, and Students) In the event of a district wide emergency, such as an evacuation, employees and parents/students are to monitor one of the following sources frequently for current status reports:337-217-INFO (4636) You will hear a recorded message concerning evacuations, return to school/work, etc.School Messenger is our callout system. We will use this system to inform you of special events, emergencies, and activities occurring at E. K. Key. Please insure that your phone number is up-to-date in our student system so that you can receive these phone messages. If in doubt, check with Mrs. Shirley Guillory in the front office.-771525-37655500COMMUNICABLE DISEASES According to CPSB policy and procedures, administrators and teachers shall cooperate with the school nurse to protect the health of students while in school by excluding the ill and by preventing the return to school of those not yet recovered from an illness or communicable disease. A decision concerning notification of parents in regard to a student’s illness requires judgment based on the student’s statement of his/her complaints and observation of his/her appearance and behavior. As guides for dealing with sick students, the following principles have been suggested:Give careful consideration to the student’s statement of his or her complaints.A student with a fever of 100 degrees or higher shall not be permitted to stay at school.A child vomiting or with loose stools shall not be permitted to stay at school or return before 24 hours has passed.Students with severe colds, sore throats, or productive coughs should not stay at school.Purulent nasal discharge, purulent conjunctivitis (pink eye), severe headache, and skin eruptions may be indications of acute communicable disease. Students with scabies (itch), ringworm, and impetigo are to be considered infectious and should be treated immediately.Lice Procedure:The student is checked by the classroom teacher or office personnel.If lice are found, a parent must be called immediately and the child must be checked out of school. A letter of explanation will be sent home with the child.If eggs (nits) are found, the parent shall be notified that the student is excluded from school at the end of that school day. A letter of explanation will be sent home with the child. The student shall be excluded from school until he/she has been treated with a medication that kills lice and eggs and until all nits have been removed from the hair. School personnel shall be responsible for checking the student to be sure he/she is free of nits before the child may return to the classroom. If lice and/or nits are present on the recheck, the child must be removed from the campus immediately. Parent will not be allowed to remove lice or nits on the school property. Parent must show proof of treatment (empty medicine bottle) before the student is to be allowed back on campus. Students will not be allowed to class without proof of treatment and must be nit and bug free.Any student excluded from school is excused up to, but not to exceed 4 days.-8890015938500CODE OF CONDUCTParents are to fill out and return to the school the forms for the code of conduct. The Student Code of Conduct partners with the district-wide implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports to foster student academic and behavioral success. The Code of Conduct is a separate document for ALL Calcasieu Parish students; it may be found on the CPSB website and every student will receive a copy of the Code. The information in the Student Code of Conduct outlines consistent expectations for students’ behavior in school, describes appropriate interventions, outlines consequences for students who engage in inappropriate behavior, explains the rights of students with disabilities, and describes the responsibilities for members of the school community. This Code applies to the actions of students during school hours, on the way to and from school, on school property, traveling in vehicles sponsored by the district, and attending all school sponsored events. DANGEROUS WEAPONS 207264069215000 The Board shall authorize the Superintendent or designated official to immediately suspend and recommend for expulsion a student found in possession of a dangerous weapon. A dangerous weapon may be defined as a knife, club, gun, chain or any other object deemed dangerous on the school grounds, on school buses and/or at any school-sponsored event, during or after regular school hours. When the student is found in possession of a weapon, the Superintendent shall be immediately notified and the principal shall take appropriate disciplinary action. The school principal or designee shall be required to report immediately (within 72 hours) the confiscation of any firearm, knife or other dangerous weapon to appropriate law enforcement officials. It is unlawful for a student or nonstudent to intentionally possess a firearm on school property or within 1000 feet of school property or while on a school bus. The area surrounding the school campus or within 1000 feet of any such school campus, or within a school bus shall be designated firearm free zone. The School Board, in cooperation with local governmental agencies, and the State Department of Education, shall designate and mark firearm free zones, which surround all schools and school property.DISCIPLINE Please refer to Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in the Calcasieu Parish Student Code of Conduct, a separate document given to students and published online. Each school will provide appropriate approved discipline ladders aligned to the District Student Code of Conduct. The discipline ladder is a schedule of interventions and consequences appropriate for the positive behavior interventions and support (PBIS) plan. All students will have a copy of the discipline ladder in their PBIS folders for student and parent review. PBIS – Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports - is a state-mandated behavior program, which is implemented at E. K. Key. We offer incentives for those who maintain good behavior throughout the school year. All behavior charts are located in student Binders or agendas which are sent home daily for parent review and signatures.ELECTRONIC DEVICESNo student will be allowed to bring any type of electronic device (i.e. IPod, MP3 player, Gameboy, Walkman, Discman, Radio, TV, Cassette Recorder, laser lights, DS, phone/camera/internet watch, etc.) on the campus of E. K. Key or on a school bus without permission from administration. Violators will be dealt with by the administration. Any item of this nature brought to school will be the sole responsibility of the owner; administration will not be responsible for finding lost/stolen items.TELECOMMUNICATIONS & CELL PHONES044958000 Please refer to the CPSB Student Code of Conduct for an explanation of procedures for cell phone violations. No student, unless authorized by the school principal or his/her designee, shall use or operate any electronic telecommunication device, including any facsimile system, radio paging system, mobile telephone system, intercom, or electromechanical paging device in any elementary, middle, or secondary school building or on the grounds during the instructional day or in any school bus used to transport public school students. A violation of these provisions may be grounds for disciplinary action, including but not limited to, suspension from school. Cell phones and all other telecommunication devices must be turned off, stowed away in lockers or booksacks, out of sight and not used during the instructional day or while riding a school bus. For the purpose of this policy, the instructional day will be defined to be the time students arrive on campus in the morning until the time they are officially dismissed in the afternoon. On field trips, telecommunication devices may be possessed/used at the discretion of the Principal or his/her designee. All confiscated phones shall be returned to a parent or guardian when a request has been made and a release form provided by the school has been signed. Parents must sign the release form in person. Any telecommunications devices brought to school will be the sole responsibility of the owner; administration will not be responsible for finding lost/stolen items.SEARCH AND SEIZURE OF PERSONS, LOCKERS, AND OTHER SCHOOL PROPERTY The School Board is the exclusive owner of all public school buildings and all desks and lockers within these buildings assigned to any student. The Board is also the exclusive owner of any property, area, or ground of any public school building set aside specifically for the personal use of the students. Lockers, desks, buildings, or other school areas or grounds may be searched either physically or with a metal detector by school administrators, teachers, and school security guards whenever they have reasonable belief that weapons, illegal or controlled drugs, or other illegal substances or items may be found. Such searches shall be conducted in the presence of the student whenever possible. The CPSB authorizes teachers, administrators, and school guards to search the person of a student or his personal effects, either by a random search with a metal detector, or when the teacher, administrator or security guard has reasonable grounds to suspect that the search will reveal evidence that the student has violated the law, a school rule, a school board policy, or possesses a harmful item which may pose a danger to the student or students, or to the welfare of the student body as a whole. This shall take place with the knowledge and under the supervision of the principal or his designee. A teacher, administrator, or security guard of the same sex as the student to be searched shall do any search of a student’s person privately. At least one witness who is of the same sex as said student shall be present throughout the search. Detailed documentation shall be made of all searches. If requested, notification of the search shall be sent to the parents of the student involved.THREATS Threats of a violent nature, whether verbal or written, will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency to be investigated. Any student involved in such conduct may be recommended for expulsion and/or prosecution.-24574515430500DRESS CODE The CPSB has adopted a uniform dress code for all students. Parents and students are jointly responsible for seeing that students adhere to the dress code, but students will be accountable. Parents are expected to know what their children are wearing and how they are dressed for each school day. The principal and assistant principals are responsible for determining whether a student’s dress or appearance is acceptable or unacceptable when a question arises regarding the dress code. This dress code policy serves as the students’ written warning regarding appropriate dress for school. Students will call home for any needed dress items if they come to school with inappropriate dress. After the third violation a parent conference is required.CPSB DISCIPLINE Guidelines for Uniforms: All Pre-K – 12 schools in Calcasieu Parish will strive to achieve full compliance of the Dress Code Policy and should resort to disciplinary measures only when positive measures fail. The intent of this policy is not to prevent any student who is not in uniform from attending school. This policy is not intended to suspend or expel a student from class or from school or lower an academic grade as a result of not complying with the School Uniform Policy. The following is a progressive disciplinary plan for students who are considered non-compliant with the Dress Code Policy and who have not been granted an exemption.ELEMENTARY:1st Offense – Written warning 2nd Offense – Phone call to parent/guardian3rd Offense – Administrator or designee, parents, and student conference. Students shall not be considered in violation of the Dress Code Policy in the following instances:during the first five(5) school days after transferring from an out of the parish schoolwhen a student has been authorized by the school principal to wear something other than the approved school uniforms.when a parent has secured an exemption from the School Uniform Policywhile an appeal of an exemption from the School Uniform Policy is pending; Parent(s) or guardian(s) may request an exemption from the School Uniform Policy by submitting a written request to the school principal. Exemptions may be granted for religious reasons, medical reasons, or other justifiable reasons.A written request shall be submitted in writing using the Exemption Form.The Review committee shall meet with the parent/guardian to discuss the School Uniform Policy and request for exemption.The parent/guardian shall be notified in writing of the outcome of the conference.If the Review Committee does not grant the exemption, the parent/guardian may appeal the decision to the appropriate Director.222313510922000The Uniform Policy Students attending Pre-K - 12 schools in Calcasieu Parish shall be required to wear official school uniforms. Uniforms shall be the same for all schools, as follows:Uniform shirts will be white, hunter green or navy blue polo/golf style shirts (short or long sleeves with a collar) or shirts that button down the front with a collar. No emblem, logo, decoration, or decorative trim is allowed. E. K. Key students may also wear royal blue shirts.Monograming: the child’s 3 initials or the child’s first letter of the first name and the child’s last name (only initials 2 inch x 4 inch max , no logos or other information) may be monogrammed onto school approved shirts, sweatshirts, and jackets.? This is permitted as it also allows easier identification of lost items.White, hunter green or navy blue, turtlenecks with no emblem, logo, decoration, or decorative trim are acceptable. Turtlenecks can be worn separately or under uniform shirt.T-shirts/undershirts (solid white, hunter green, or navy blue only) will be allowed under the uniform shirt. E. K. Key students may also wear royal blue T-shirts.*No gold under shirts. No under garments with logo or pictures allowed.*E. K. Key approved Spirit shirts may be worn Monday - Friday. Club shirts may be worn on the days specified by the sponsors.Shirts must be tucked in at all times.Khaki (shades may vary) or navy blue pants, skirts, shorts, or jumpers must be uniform style and color (no blue jeans, no corduroy or wind-suit materials, no sweat pants, no stretch pants or jeggings/leggings, no skinny jeans, no spandex, no baggy pants, no bell-bottoms, no carpenter or cargo styles, no hip-huggers, no side-knee pockets). Emblems, logos, or decorations are not allowed.Pants, shorts and skorts must measure (front and back) no shorter than three inches above the knee. Skirts and jumpers must measure no shorter than three inches above the knee.Belts should be a with no emblem, logo, or decoration and must be worn with slacks and shorts that are designed to have belt loops. Belts must be visible and worn around the waist. Belts are optional for pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students.Socks (or stockings for girls) are required and should be solid color with no emblem, logo or decoration and be visible. Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. “Flip Flops,” crock types, potato types or any kind of backless shoes are not allowed. Sandals are not allowed in elementary grades. No spiked heels boots / shoes allowed. Elementary students should wear tennis or athletic shoes to school for their safety at P.E. and daily outdoor activities. Roller shoes are not permitted.Acceptable outerwear for classroom is limited to include sweater, sweater vest, sweatshirt, and light jacket. Monogram and uniform colors include: (Solid colors: Khaki, Navy Blue, Hunter Green, White, Gray, Black, Royal Blue.) During class time, jackets are to remain open- not zipped or buttoned. Colors for classroom outerwear (which includes sweatshirts, sweaters, sweater vests, light jackets) include Khaki, Navy Blue, Hunter Green, White, Gray, Black Royal Blue. No emblem, logo, or decoration is allowed on classroom outerwear other than the students initials. The uniform shirt must be worn under outerwear. Heavy coats and jackets worn to and from school and/or outdoors are not restricted, but recommended to colors of navy blue, white, khaki and hunter green. Unacceptable jackets must be removed in the classroom.?No head wear shall be worn on campus with the exception of knit caps in extremely cold weather. Other Dress Code RegulationsProhibited items include bandanas, skull motif, hair rollers, and extremes in hairstyles (i.e. Mohawks, psychedelic hair colors, lines, letters, hair covering the eyes, or designs shaved in the head), anything excessive that causes a distraction.Sunglasses, nose rings, visible body piercing and/or tattoos, and excessive or inappropriate jewelry are prohibited.Prohibited items include excessive and inappropriate makeup, painted faces, any type of tattoos, and stick-on tattoos. Clothing worn is not to be suggestive or indecent.Clothing, jewelry, and general appearance are not to be of the type that would cause a disturbance or distract or interfere with the instructional programs. Clothing, jewelry, and general appearance are to be such as not to constitute a health or safety hazard. Earrings for boys are not allowed.231775014287500Elementary students are not allowed to wear makeup, acrylic, or fake nails.Free Dress Occasionally, free dress selections will be offered as an incentive or reward for student achievement or observance of special days. On these days, students may choose to wear appropriate non-uniform clothes rather than their school uniform, provided the students choose clothes appropriate for school. The same general standards of the uniform policy will be followed in free dress choices. Among dress deemed unacceptable are the following:Baggy or saggy pantsJeggings/ legging/ skinny jeansExposed midriffs or backsLooped pants w/o belts Low-necked shirtsSpaghetti straps/tank tops “Flip Flops,” Shower Shoes, spiked heels or SlippersSkirts or shorts shorter than 3 inches above the kneeTight or revealing clothing of any kind22345654191000Skull motif on any item of clothingEMERGENCIES Parents are to be notified if their child becomes ill or is injured at school. In the event of an injury only simple first aid will be administered. Therefore it is important that:An emergency card is placed on file in the office for each student.The card must contain phone numbers where the parents/guardians can be reached.The card must contain at least 3 names and numbers of relatives, friends, or neighbors who can act on behalf of the parent in the case the parent cannot be reached. All emergency contacts must present valid identification.The emergency card must contain the name, address, and phone number of the student’s physician.The parent/guardian of a student is responsible for informing the school counselor of medical problems that need to be monitored. An ambulance will be called when the severity and urgency of an injury warrants it or upon parental instruction.Medical ProceduresIf the injury or illness is deemed to be serious enough to warrant immediate medical attention:Parent will be notified.Ambulance will be called.An administrator or designee will accompany the student to the hospital.If the injury or illness needs medical attention but is not deemed urgent enough to require an ambulance:Parent will be notified.If parent cannot be reached, physician listed on emergency card will be called.An administrator or designee will transport student to West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital emergency room unless another hospital has been designated.If the injury or illness is minor:Simple first aid will be administered and/or temperature will be taken.Parent or other individuals listed on emergency card will be notified.199707514795500FIELD TRIPS Curriculum-related field trips are planned periodically for grade levels. Field trips are part of the curriculum and designed to enhance the curriculum. These are counted as regular school days. Students who do not participate will be counted absent. Students must ride to the field trip with their class and should attend the entire field trip. They may sign out with their teacher and ride home with parents. Field trip permission forms must be returned in advance in accordance with CPSB policy, so that all medicine and medical protocol concerns may be addressed. Parents/guardians are often encouraged to attend field trips as chaperones; they must observe school rules on the field trip. Siblings and children other than the specifically enrolled grade level students are not permitted on the field trip. GRADING POLICYStudent Progress Center: Contact Mrs. Shirley Guillory for login information. Synergize with us and monitor your child’s grades, discipline, and attendance records. Be proactive and encourage your child to put first things first as we begin the year. The grading shall be based on (l) achievement as it reflects a reasonable and conscientious effort on the part of the pupil to fulfill in quantity and quality the requirements of the course, (2) the ability of the pupil as it relates to the pupil's demonstrated effort, and (3) other criteria as may be developed. Grades shall be determined and reported in accordance with procedures outlined. Teachers shall use letter grades or the appropriate grading scale consistently in all places where marks are recorded. No school employee, including administrative and supervisory personnel shall attempt, directly or indirectly, to influence, alter, or otherwise affect the grade received by a student from his teacher, unless it is determined that the grade is an error or that the grade is demonstrably inconsistent with the teacher’s grading policy” as per R.S.17:414.2. The same policy applies to special education students.Individual assignment grades Frequently during each nine-week period, kindergarten teachers should record sufficient data that support ratings placed on the Progress Report. This will allow for reliability and accountability and will also represent the scope of the content addressed within each area on the Progress Report and the accompanying parent letters. It is suggested that teachers in grades 1-8 should evaluate at least nine (9) different times during the period to arrive at a fair grade (tests, quizzes, homework, reports, experiments, themes, etc.). When grading the students’ individual assignments, the following grading scale should be used. The letter grade for the individual assignments should be recorded in the online teacher’s grade book.20193008699500K-12 Grading Scale 100% - 93% =A92% - 85% = B84% - 75% = C74% - 67% = DBelow 67% = FNine weeks and Final grades139065082105500Nine Weeks Grade - To determine the students’ nine weeks grade, the students’ individual assignment grades that are recorded in the teacher’s grade book should be averaged and rounded off to the nearest hundredth. The following grading range should be used:4.00 – 3.50 = A3.49 – 2.50 = B2.49 – 1.50 = C1.49 – 1.00 = DBelow 1.00 = FFinal Grade - The Final Grade will be determined by averaging the students’ nine weeks grades, rounding off to the nearest hundredth, and using the above range to determine the grade. For each nine weeks period, teachers must keep appropriate records of student grades in the teacher’s grade book. ELEMENTARY PROMOTION POLICYThe full policy is found at: progression.pdf The promotion policy in Calcasieu Parish is based on standards cited in Louisiana Bulletin 741, policies and regulations of the Calcasieu Parish School Board, and the Calcasieu Parish School System Pupil Progression Plan. Students will be considered for promotion when all of the following requirements are met:1.Passing session grades in:Grade 1 Reading and MathGrades 2 - 3 Reading, Math, & Language Arts*Grades 4 - 5 four of the five following subjects: Reading, Math, Language Arts *, Science or Social Studies *Language Arts is an average of language and spelling 2. Attendance of a minimum of 160 days during the School year (excused absences are counted as part of the number of days allowed.) In order to have this requirement waived, those missing more than the allowed number of days missed excused or unexcused must attend a Hearing with the Director of Child Welfare and Attendance or his/her designee and obtain approval in order to be considered for promotion.If applicable - grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 test scores are satisfactoryIf applicable – SBLC recommendation A student may be retained for any of the following reasons:Excessive absences – number of allowed days even though excusedStudent’s schoolworkIf applicable, LEAP test scores/assessment scoresDisciplinary action or expulsion Placement and promotion guidelines are subject to change. Please consult the school counselor if you have questions or concerns.HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION All elementary school students are required to take physical education. A student may be excused from participation for up to 3 days with a note from the parent stating the reason and the dates. If a student needs to be excused from P.E. for more than 3 consecutive days, he/she must have a note from a physician. Elementary students must wear appropriate shoes during P. E. class time. The following are expectations during P. E. class:Safety First – Be safe at all times. If you get hurt or hurt someone else, students will not be allowed to participate in the activity.Follow Directions – P. E. teachers will not ask students to do anything that they would not do or have not done.Hands OFF! Coach enjoys a fun filled atmosphere in her classroom. Students punching, kicking, biting, elbowing, scratching, spitting, head butting, kneeing, hair pulling, etc. will not be tolerated in this fun loving class.HOMELESS STUDENTS The “No Child Left Behind Act” requires each school district to identify, locate, and keep on file all homeless students attending school in Calcasieu Parish. Title X, McKinney-Vento Act establishes guidelines and procedures for schools to use in providing services to homeless students. Questions concerning homeless student benefits should be directed to our school counselor. All information provided will be handled in a confidential manner.IMMUNIZATIONSSTUDENTS WHO DO NOT HAVE UP TO DATE IMMUNIZATIONS WILL NEED TO TAKE CARE OF THIS BEFORE RETURNING TO KEY. These dates will not be excused without a doctors note.195707096266000 All students must furnish a health record from their physician or the health department. Any student who fails to meet the immunization standard shall be prohibited from attending school until such time as the immunization standards are met. The school health nurse will check health cards each school year and will notify the parents of any problems with these records. Immunizations include DPT, polio vaccine, MMR.*** All students who are enrolling for the first time in any Louisiana school are required to have received three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine.INSURANCE Accident insurance is offered to all students. Parents should expect information on insurance in the first two weeks of school. The insurance is not required, but is suggested. 2131060-6159500INTERNET USE Internet is available in every classroom as well as in our three computer labs. In order to use computers and access the Internet, students must accept responsibility in using technology as outlined in the Calcasieu Parish School System’s Student Acceptable Use Policy Contract. Every student must have on file the Acceptable Use contract signed by himself and a parent. Any abuse of this privilege may result in the student’s loss of computer privileges and ISI or suspension. For example, students may not send or receive e-mail from school computers, and they may not access, send, receive, or configure electronically any profane or obscene language or pictures.2136775635000LIBRARY All students visit the library a minimum of once a week with their class. Students may visit during open access time to check books in and out.Policy for Checking out Books:Grade K: One bookGrade 1: Two books (one AR and one free choice)Grades 2 – 5: Three books (two AR and one free choice) Students are responsible for all books. Lost or damaged books must be paid for in a timely manner. Please contact the library at 217-4660 for the replacement cost.MEDICATION Absolutely no medicines are given internally, externally, or by injection at school without written instruction from a physician and written permission from the parent/guardian. Aspirin and Tylenol are medications and as such come under this policy. At no time is a student to have any medications in his/her possession (including all over the counter medications.)It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to provide an authorization form (obtained from the office) that contains the following information:2528570952500The student’s full name.Clear instructions for school administration. Rx numbers (if applicable).Current date.Name, dosage, time of school administration, and route of medicationPhysician or dentist’s name.The parent/guardian’s printed name and signature.Parent/guardian’s emergency phone number.Statement granting or withholding release of medical information.THE SCHOOL IS TO HAVE NO MORE THAN A 20 SCHOOL DAY SUPPLY OF MEDICATION IN A PROPERLY LABELED BOTTLE. PARENTS ARE REQUESTED TO BRING MEDICATION TO THE OFFICE FROM 7:15 A.M. UNTIL 9:30 A.M.Medication on a Field Trip Medication should be administered to students on field trips only when absolutely necessary. If necessary, it will be administered by the teacher or other trained school personnel in accordance with CPSB policy.Parent/Guardian Administration of Medication to Students on Campus Only those persons on a child’s emergency card may administer medication at school to that child. The individual(s) must provide identification and must sign a log, which includes the child’s name, the medication given, and signature of the person giving the medication.015621000PARENT – TEACHER CONFERENCES Teachers are available for conferences during their planning periods and after 3:05 pm. on Tuesday -Friday. Conferences may be arranged by contacting the child’s teacher or the counselor. Parents are encouraged to keep up with their child’s grades and to contact the teacher, counselor, or administrator if there are any concerns.PARKING right889000 All gates will be locked during the school day; parents/visitors will be admitted through the front entrance where the elementary office is located. You must ring the buzzer located to right of the doors, listen for a clicking sound, then enter. Parking at E. K. Key is very limited therefore we must adhere to the following procedures. Please do not park in the east parking lot. These are reserved parking areas for the teachers and staff. You must park in the front west parking lot of the school. The new front parking lot has reserved parking for office staff and only two spaces for visitors. Please do not block the front drive through when parking to sign in or check out students or taking care of school business that should not take more than five minutes.PARKING LOTS ARE NOT STUDENT DROP OFF AND PICK UP AREAS. PLEASE FOLLOW STUDENT DROP OFF AND PICK UP PROCEDURES.012573000PARTIES Holidays - Each grade is permitted to have two parties per school year. These will be held at Easter and Christmas. Teachers will send notes home to inform parents of party details. Please notify teachers if you plan to send something to the party. We ask that siblings, cousins, or other children not attend the parties. This can become a hazard due to size of the classroom area. If a parent wants to check his/her child out of school after a school party they will be required to sign them out in the classroom. Birthdays – Individual birthday parties are not given, and party invitations will not be given out at school unless there is an invitation for every child. Teachers MUST be notified prior to parents sending treats to celebrate birthdays. Please send cupcakes or individual treats instead of whole cakes. Also, send individual juices/drinks instead of liquid that must be poured into cups. This makes for less mess and uses less time to give out to the students. Flowers, balloon bouquets, etc. sent to students are NOT allowed to be delivered to classrooms. These items will stay in the office until the end of the school day. Please be advised that none of these items are allowed on buses. Someone will need to come and pick them up. PRAYER IN CALCASIEU PARISH SCHOOLS The Calcasieu Parish School Board shall permit school authorities of each school to allow an opportunity at the start of each school day for those students and teachers desiring to do so to observe a brief time in silent prayer or meditation. Public schools shall be prohibited from adopting or using any official or standard prayer. Voluntary, student-initiated, student-led prayer in accordance with the religious views of the student offering the prayer may be permitted, however. No student attending the school shall be required to participate in any religious activity at school. No law, rule, or policy shall deny to any student attending a public elementary or secondary school the right to participate in voluntary, student-initiated, student-led prayer during school or on school property, before or after school or during free time. Athletic teams shall not be prohibited from engaging in voluntary, student-initiated, student-led prayer. No law, rule, or policy shall prevent any student who attends a public elementary or secondary school and who is responsible for or presiding over a meeting of a school organization or assembly from calling upon a student volunteer to offer an inspirational quotation or statement, offer a voluntary prayer, or lead in silent meditation, at the sole option of the student volunteer. A student organization shall not be denied recognition or any privilege or benefit solely because it is religious in nature, has a religious affiliation, or has no religious affiliation. When student volunteers are called upon to offer an inspirational quotation or statement, offer a prayer, or lead in silent meditation, such students shall be selected at random by a student from among student volunteers without respect to their individual religious beliefs or lack thereof. No student shall be called upon to offer an inspirational quotation or statement, offer a voluntary prayer, or lead in silent meditation unless the student chosen has volunteered to do so.SCHOOL FEES School fees for each grade level are listed on the supply list. Make all checks payable to E. K. Key Elementary School. All fees should be paid by the end of the first nine weeks of school. The funds are used to help pay for materials and supplies needed for teaching lessons and other activities that occur during the course of the year. Often teachers use their own personal money to purchase needed items for their classrooms. Please make payment as soon as possible.SEXUAL HARASSMENT Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct for formal procedures for Student to Student Sexual Harassment complaints. The coordinator of Title IX can be reached at 1732 Kirkman Street in Lake Charles. The phone number is 337-217-4000. Students who feel they have a sexual harassment claim should report the incident(s) to an administrator or guidance counselor immediately, so that an investigation may be conducted.210944014859000TAKE HOME THURSDAYS Graded papers, Leadership Binders, and most notices, including Twister Notes (monthly publication), will be sent home on Thursdays, school-wide. Please check your students’ papers and backpacks on Thursdays for important papers. This quality procedure allows parents/guardians and students opportunity to discuss student behavior and academic progress as well as school activities on a weekly basis. If a parent/guardian finds he/she is not receiving these important assessment documentations and notices on Thursdays, he/she should contact your child’s teacher for further direction.TELEPHONE POLICY114301778000 A student will be permitted to use school telephones only when accompanied by a written request from a teacher. Phones are available for student use for EMERGENCIES ONLY. We cannot interrupt classes to give students telephone messages or to get them to call home except in the case of a dire emergency.TEXTBOOKS Textbooks are provided for students by the State of Louisiana. Students must treat textbooks with care. Teachers will issue textbooks by writing the student’s name on the inside front cover of the book and recording the number of the textbook. Students will be charged for damage or loss of their textbooks. If the student loses a book as a result of leaving the book in the cafeteria or classroom or loaning it to another student, he/she is still responsible for the replacement cost of the textbook. 8 “Key” HabitsHabit 1: Be Proactive: I’m in ChargeI am a responsible person. I take initiative. I choose my actions, attitudes, and moods. I do not blame others for my wrong actions. I do the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking.Habit 2: Begin with the End in MindHave a PlanI plan ahead and set goals. I do things that have meaning and make a difference. I am an important part of my classroom and contribute to my school’s mission and vision. I look for ways to be a good citizen.Habit 3: Put First Things FirstWork First, Then PlayI spend my time on things that are most important. This means I say no to things I know I should not do. I set priorities, make a schedule, and follow my plan. I am disciplined and organizedHabit 4: Think Win-WinEveryone Can WinI balance courage for getting what I want with consideration for what others want. I make deposits in others’ Emotional Bank Accounts. When conflicts arise, I look for third alternativesHabit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Listen Before You TalkI listen to other people’s ideas and feelings. I try to see things from their viewpoints. I listen to others without interrupting. I am confident in voicing my ideas. I look people in the eyes when talking.Habit 6 — SynergizeTogether Is BetterI value other people’s strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people who are different than me. I work well in groups. I seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone. I am humbleHabit 7: Sharpen The SawBalance Feels BestI take care of my body by eating right, exercising, and getting sleep. I spend time with family and friends. I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school. I find meaningful ways to help others.Introducing Habit 8Find Your VoiceFind something that you are good at and really like doing. Be proud of it and not boastful. Instead use your expertise to help and inspire others.233553099631500E. K. Key Twisters' ClubsE. K. Key Twisters' Clubs *All clubs meet on Tuesday morning at 7:20 unless noted below.left3492500Jr. Beta Club: - Do community outreaches, parades, and compete on the district / state level.220218068389500Buddy Bench Twisters: Pre-k - 5th graders who monitor the Buddy Benches for students who need a friend during recess time.Drum Line: Practice starts at 7:10 and they practice till the 1st bell. Performs at school events, parades, and community events.The Garden Club: organize/monitor the planting done in our Key garden.21780506731000Guardians of the Colors : Ensures the flag is displayed during the school dayFellowship of Christian Students: - K - 5th grade students who meet every Wednesday at 7:10 in the cafeteria for devotion & pray.Greeters: - 3rd-5th graders that are strategically posted on campus to greet students with a smile, eye contact, & a kind word every morningLego Club: - K – 2nd grade Meets once a week for activities.Student Leadership:- Meet weekly with admin to give input on our school’s progress and focus.Twister Broadcast Crew: -Prepare and broadcast the daily announcements school wide1931670450215004-H: 4th and 5th graders/ Meets Monthly/ The 4-H experience is designed to provide members with the opportunity to learn about the qualities and competencies needed to be a leader. Members will participate in 4-H activities and events. Engineering is Elementary- Key’s resident science experts that partnered with MSU and meet in the Spring for several weeks after school. Students chosen by lottery process.centercenter008585207012940The gates will be open from 7:10-7:50 for drop off.Students who are dropped off after 7:50 must come to the front of the school and be signed in by a guardian at the front office if later than 7:55. The gates will be open from 2:45-3:20 for pick-up.Due to safety issues, students enter and exit their vehicles from the left side for pick-up and drop off.00The gates will be open from 7:10-7:50 for drop off.Students who are dropped off after 7:50 must come to the front of the school and be signed in by a guardian at the front office if later than 7:55. The gates will be open from 2:45-3:20 for pick-up.Due to safety issues, students enter and exit their vehicles from the left side for pick-up and drop off.17691102272665CIA00CIA19629383103066Temp00Tempnot go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."—Ralph Waldo Emerson ................

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