History 10 's Classes

History 10 - Final Exam Review Guide

Unit 1 – Backgrounder Mini-Unit and the End of Absolutism

Unit Overview – We began this unit by revisiting some of the key changes that happen at the end of your Grade 9 Social Course. These changes (the Renaissance, Reformation and Scientific Revolutions pave the way for the changes of the 19th Century. The ideas of individualism and reasoning give birth to the ability to question society and a person’s place in it. (the Enlightenment). The change to the old system is best exemplified by the ideas of the French Revolution.

People and Terms to Know (remember to identify who/what they are AND their significance)

|Martin Luther |Galileo |Copernicus |Newton |

|John Locke |Thomas Hobbes |Rousseau |Voltaire |

|Renaissance |Reformation |Scientific Revolution |Enlightenment |

|Indulgence |Machiavelli |Secularism |Individualism |

|Humanism |Classicism |Guttenberg |Simony |

|95 Theses | | | |

Idea Progression

Renaissance Questioning of the World Reformation Age of Exploration

Questioning the Natural World (Scientific Revolution) Questioning Society (The Enlightenment)

Questions to Consider


• Why was the Renaissance such a major turning point in history? How did it lead to EACH of the other changes we saw in this unit (Reformation, Sci Rev, Exploration, Enlightenment)

• Explain each of the 4 ‘ISMS’ that form the foundation of Renaissance thought


• How did the Renaissance influence the Reformation?

• Describe Martin Luther’s role in the Reformation and why his ideas will spread so quickly.

• What is the impact of Reformation on the Catholic Church and it power?

Scientific Revolution and Age of Exploration

• Why was there a sudden interest in discovering how the natural world operated? In what scientific field did the Sci Rev begin?

• What were the motivations for the Age of Exploration? Explain each providing examples


• What was the Enlightenment? How did the Scientific Revolution influence the Enlightenment?

• Be prepared to compare and contrast either Hobbes and Locke OR Voltaire and Rousseau

Unit 2 – The French Revolution (Political Ideologies)

This unit emphasizes the events of the French Revolution and their impact on the way people thought. Changes in the way people thought they should be ruled start to change from the absolutism of the French monarchs, to a push to having the people have a say in how they are governed. A large focus is placed on the reasons for the French Revolution, which are still reasons people rebel against authority today. We looked at the inequalities amongst the 3 estates and what they wanted on the eve of the Revolution. We then broke the revolution into 3 distinct phases. The Moderate Phase included all the events from the Fall of the Bastille to the death of the king; the Radical Phase includes the Reign of Terror and the violence of the National Convention; the Reaction Phase which is a reaction against the violent period. The unit concludes with a look at the Coup d’etat that brings Napoleon to power. Now that we are done the course, the other question to consider is the impact/legacy of the revolution.

Idea Progression

The Enlightenment Calls for change to Absolutism and the Old Regime Calling of the Estates General

Tennis Court Oath Storming of the Bastille (July 14, 1789) The Moderate Phase begins

National Assembly (abolishes Feudalism ) + Rights of Man and the Citizen Women’s March on Versailles

Taking of Church lands and the Civil Constitution of the Clergy Rise of the Political “Clubs” Flight of the King

Declaration of Pillnitz Radical Phase Begins Revolutionary Wars (against Austria + Prussia)

New government (National Convention) Reign of Terror (1793-94) Reaction Phase begins The rule of the Directory

Coup d’Etat lead by Napoleon Bonaparte (1799 ) Legacy/Importance of the French Revolution

People and Terms to Know (remember to identify who/what they are AND their significance)

|Voltaire |Rousseau |Enlightenment |Absolutism |

|Three Estates |Louis XIV |Versailles |Cardinal Richelieu |

|Huguenots |Constitution |Old Regime |Jacques Necker |

|Louis XVI |Marie Antoinette |Estates-General |Bourgeoisie |

|Tennis Court Oath |Bastille |Declaration of Rights of Man + |Liberty, Equality, Fraternity |

| | |Citizen | |

|Assignats |Civil Constitution of the Clergy |Conservative |Jacobin Club |

|Declaration of Pillnitz |Paris Commune |Sans-culottes |Girondists |

|Reign of Terror |Maximillian Robespierre |Committee of Public Safety |Guillotine |

| Coup d’etat |September Massacres |The Great Fear | |

| | | | |

|French Revolution |

Major transformation of the society and political system of France, lasting from 1789 to 1799. monarchy, where the king monopolized power, to a republic of theoretically free and equal citizens. The effects of the French Revolution were widespread, both inside and outside of France, and the Revolution ranks as one of the most important events in the history of Europe. One of the most important events in European History.

Big Ideas (longer written responses)

- How do the changes of the Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment pave the way for the French Revolution?

- What are the forces of change that cause or contribute to the French Revolution?

- What impact does the French Revolution have on European society (you will need to use other units to assist you in this question) ?

What is the legacy of the French Revolution?

Was the French Revolution a success?

Questions to Consider


• Describe how France and other European nations were ruled by absolute monarchies in the 1600 and 1700s. How is Louis XIV a great example of absolutism?

Causes of the Revolution

• What are the 4 long term causes of the Revolution? Be able to support each with at least 2 pieces of evidence.

• Explain the 3 estates of French society in the 1700s. Who made up each group and what percentage of society did they make up? Know some other facts about each estate.

• What are the expectations of each estate going into the Meeting of the Estates general? (Be able to break down the 3rd Estate into its sub groups and know their expectations)

The Revolution Begins

• Describe the meeting of the Estates-General. How did the voting system work? How did the meetings break down and lead to the King losing control?

The Moderate Phase

• Know the characteristics, events and the goals of this phase.

• Describe the events surrounding the Fall of the Bastille.

• What were some of the reforms of the National Assembly?

• Explain the idea of mob mentality. How does the Paris mob influence the French Revolution?

The Violent Phase

• Why does the Revolution turn violent?

• Describe the decision to convict the king of treason and then have him executed.

• What are the goals of the violent phase of the Revolution?

• How do Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety gain control of the National Convention?

The Reaction Phase

• What are the characteristics and goals of this phase?

• Why do people eventually turn against the Directory?

• Describe the coup d’etat of 1799.


• What was the legacy/impact of the Revolution? Why do we still study it today?

Unit 3 – Napoleon’s Europe (shorter unit)

Unit Overview

Sometimes Napoleon is lumped in with the French Revolution. We have studied it separately because the lessons of Napoleon’s reign influence the rest of the 1800s in Europe. We look at how Napoleon came to power and how a leader is able to take a democratic society is taken over by force. We then look at how leaders are able to consolidate power such as Napoleon did. We studied the good things he did to fix France, followed by his ambitious and greedy attempt to control all of Europe. We wrapped up by looking at Napoleon’s fall from power.

Idea Progression

Napoleon’s Rise to Power Coup d’Etat lead by Napoleon Bonaparte (1799) Napoleonic Era begins (The Consulate)

Consolidation of power Napoleon’s domestic policies Napoleonic Wars and Empire Building

The Continental System Fall Of Napoleon (Russian Campaign, Leipzig and Waterloo)

Terms to know

|Coup d’etat |Consulate |Egyptian Campaign |plebiscite |

|Napoleon Bonaparte |Concordat |Lyceés |Diplomacy |

|Continental System |Napoleonic Code |Napoleon’s “Ulcer” |Grand Army |

|Battle of Borodino |Scorched-earth policy |Hundred Days |Battle of Waterloo |

|Wellington |Danube Campaign |Treaty of Tilsit |Russian Campaign |

|Peninsular War |Battle of Austerlitz | | |

Questions to Consider

• How did a boy from Corsica work his way up from his humble beginnings to becoming Emperor of France?

• How did the French Revolution help Napoleon increase his prominence

• Once in power, how did Napoleon consolidate power to become the sole ruler with complete power?

• How did Napoleon improve life in France?

• How was Napoleon so successful on the battlefield? What were his tactics and describe one of his victories.

• What was the Continental system and why was it necessary?

• What things lead to Napoleon’s downfall?

• Describe the Russian Campaign.

• Describe Napoleon’s return to power in 1814 and how he is again eventually defeated.

• **** What is the legacy of Napoleon? How did he influence Europe after he was dead?

Unit 4 – The Rise of Industrial Societies

Unit Overview – This unit examines how economic decisions influence history and our lives. We started off by spending a lot of time looking at economic terminology and economic systems around the world (command, free market, traditional). From there we looked at the motivation for economic change in Britain and why it took the lead in the Industrial Revolution. Agricultural and population changes cause changes in the way work is done. The old Mercantilist system and Cottage industries rapidly change to an emphasis on Capitalism and the Factory System. The textile industry leads the way with technological changes that will eventually see more inventions, a new source of power, transportation changes and a huge shift in the social conditions of the people. Finally, this new way of life leads to important questions about government and ownership over the means of production.

Idea Progression

Three Economic Models Mercantilism Rural Economies based on Cottage Industry and Agriculture Agricultural

Revolution Enclosure Movement Agricultural Inventions/Changes Population growth Why Britain

Changes in Textile Industry Flying Shuttle Spinning Jenny Water Frame Water powered factories

New sources of Power – Steam factory system & cities Urbanization Factory working Conditions

Problems and Benefits of Industrialization New forms of transportation Solutions to Social Problems Socialism

Communism Capitalism

|Traditional economy |Free Market / Capitalism |Command Economy |Laise-faire |

|Profit motive |Entrepreneur |Mercantilism |Cottage industry/ putting out sys. |

|John Kay – Flying Shuttle |Hargreaves – Spinning Jenny |Arkwright – Water Frame |James Watt – Steam power |

|Newcomen Engine |Locomotion |Factory system |Industrial revolution |

|Luddites |Adam Smith |Karl Marx |Fredrich Engles |

|Das Kapital |Bourgeoisie |Proletariat |Communism |

|Socialism |Factory Act |Mines Act |Urbanization |

|Robert Owen |New Lanark |Supply and demand | |

| | | | |

|Industrial Revolution (1750-1850): |

Historians say that the Industrial Revolution began when new inventions began to develop factories and thus bring an end to the domestic system of production. The second half of the 18th century served as a catalyst for an age-old evolutionary process rather than a commencement of inventions. By the middle of the 19th century, industrialization began to reshape the landscape of Europe and altered the lifestyle of Europeans


-The industrial revolution caused a huge societal shift and brought about many changes in the values of society. Explain the overall impact of the industrial revolution on society.

-**** Be able to compare and contrast the economic systems that existed prior to the Industrial Revolution (mercantilism + cottage industry versus capitalism + factory system)

- ****Compare and contrast the theories of capitalism and communism.

Questions to Consider

Economic Thought and Theory

• What does the term Standard of Living mean? Provide a list of the indicators of standard of living AND provide example to illustrate their importance

• Describe/compare the 3 types of economies that we studied. Provide examples of them from around the world AND from person experience

Background to Industrialization

• Describe the changes that take place in the area of agriculture.

• Why were the Agricultural changes necessary in order to have an industrialized society?

• Describe the process of Enclosure in detail. What was the system like before and how did Enclosure change things? What were the results of Enclosure?

• Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England? Know more than point form – be able to expand and explain.

• Explain how goods were made in the Cottage Industry System. (specifically – steps in producing textiles) What were the advantages and disadvantages of this system? Why was it necessary to change?

• Describe the changes in European population over the 1700 and 1800s. How did this affect industrialization?

Mechanization of Society

• Describe the inventions of the textile industry and how they changed manufacturing

• How did the invention of the steam engine change factory life?

• What are the 3 key characteristics of the factory system?

Effects of the Factory System

• Describe the conditions of the factories and mines of England in the 1700s. (provide lots of detail)

• What was urban life like during the Industrial Revolution?

• How did the workers respond to the conditions in the factories?

New Economic Thought

• What are the 4 guided principles of capitalism? Describe (not just point form)

• What are the pros and cons of capitalism?

• Explain the concept of supply and demand in relationship to setting the price of an object

• Explain the 3 types of socialism that we studied

• What are the motivating factors in Capitalism and Socialism

• Describe the experiment of Robert Owen and New Lanark

• Describe the extreme form of socialism called communism. Explain Karl Marx’s theory of a world- wide communist Revolution. Explain the historic class conflicts that Marx describes in his writings.

*** Be able to compare the ideas of Capitalism to the Idea of Socialism

Unit 5 – Nationalism and the Rise of the Nation-State

Unit Overview – We start this unit by looking at the reaction to Napoleon’s conquest of central Europe and his eventual defeat. The Congress of Vienna attempts to establish an international system so that no one power can dominate Europe the way that France did under Napoleon. The Congress system emphasizes the restoration of ‘legitimate’ rulers to the thrones of European countries and attempts to crush any liberal or nationalist feelings in Europe. Collective security is established through a ‘balance of power’ and enforced through the Concert of Europe. Rebellions and uprisings continue throughout Europe during this period, but with limited success. The competing ideas of Liberalism vs. Conservatism dominate this era. The year 1848 sees revolutions spread to almost every country in Europe. France continues to lead the path of government changes. A conflict in the Crimean Peninsula begins to shake the balance of power. The weakened position of the Austrian Empire allowed Italy to begin its road to unification through a series of diplomatic and military moves. Finally, the central portion of Europe attempts to unite, eventually leading to the creation of a unified German state. These new states dramatically alter the balance for power. Through Bismarck’s policies and alliances, Germany moves in to a position of great importance prior to World War One.

Idea Progression

Napoleon Bonaparte is defeated Congress of Vienna is called Concert of Europe established to maintain Balance

Of Power Struggle between ideas of Conservatism and Liberalism Rise of Nationalism Nationalist Revolts

Revolutions of 1848 (especially France) Frankfurt Parliament Crimean War Push for Italian Unification

(with French help - War with Austria, Plebiscites, Two Sicilies, help Prussia vs. Austria, Franco-Prussian War) Push for German

Unification ( Bismarck – War with Denmark, War with Austria, Franco-Prussian War) Rise in Militarism and disruption of Balance

|Napoleon I (Bonaparte) |Battle of Waterloo |Congress of Vienna |The Hundred Days |

|Louis XVIII |Prince Clemons von Metternich |Lord Castlereagh |Talleyrand |

|Tsar Alexander I |Conservatism |Liberalism |Nationalism |

|Romanticism |Edmund Burke |Confederation of the Rhine |Bourbon |

|Saxony |Concert of Europe |Status quo |Carlsbad Decrees |

|Traupau Protocol |Ottoman Empire |Legitimacy |Crimean War |

|Florence Nightingale |Giuseppe Mazzini |Count Camillo di Cavour |Victor Emanuel II |

|Garibaldi |Pope Pius IX |Sardinia/Piedmont |Zollverein |

|Frankfurt Assembly |Otto von Bismarck |Prussia |North German Confederation |

|Napoleon III |Republic |Junkers |Schleswig-Holstein |

|Danish War |Seven Weeks War (Austro-Prussian |Franco-Prussian War |Chancellor |

| |War) | | |

|Alsace-Lorraine |Universal suffrage |Great Powers |Louis-Philippe – July Monarchy |

|Ems Telegram/Dispatch |Kleindeutsch |Grossdeutsch |Revolutions of 1848 |

| | | | |

Big Ideas

This time period is often referred to as the Age of Reaction and Revolution. Explain what the reactions were against and why there was so much turmoil in Europe in the mid 1800s. (stress the ideas of nationalism – liberalism – conservatism )

Compare the ideologies of Liberalism and Conservatism. Tie this idea back into the Enlightenment Philosophers. Who was on each side? What did they want to accomplish?

Explain the role of nationalism in Europe in the period following Napoleon. How did it contribute to the formation of new states and the breaking down of former empires.

Compare the unification of the Italian States and the unification of the German states. Explain the path that each state took to reach its goal and how those paths had some similarities but many differences.

Questions to Consider


• Define nationalism and the 4 conditions necessary for nationalism to develop. Provide examples from Europe in the 1800s.

• Describe the advantages and disadvantages of nationalism. Which countries had the most to fear from the growth of nationalism

• Compare the 19th century ideas of Conservatism and Liberalism. Explain what each side wanted and how these ideologies were in conflict with each other during the 1800s.

The Congress System

• Why was the Congress of Vienna called? What were its main goals? (elaborate – not list)

• The agreements reached at the Congress of Vienna were held together through the Concert of Europe. Explain how this works, providing an example of where and when.

• Why were liberalism and nationalism a threat to the Great Powers?

• What were some of the changes (lands that changed hands)

Reaction to Vienna

• Provide an example of a liberal uprising during the 1820-48 period (and explain)

• Provide examples of nationalist uprisings during the 1820-48 period (and explain)

• Explain the causes of each of the 3 revolts in France from 1820 – 48

• How were the rebellions of the 1820-48 period dealt with in general.

• Explain the role of Crimean War in upsetting the European Balance of Power. How did this open the door for the unification movements of the 1850-1870 period

Unification of Nation States

• Identify the three major people involved with the Unification of Italy and the role each of them played?

• Explain the idea of realpolitik and how it was used by both Cavour and Bismarck

• Identify how Sardinia/Piedmont was able to gain territory to create the unified state of Italy (steps)

• Explain Bismarck’s role in uniting the German states – Compare that to Cavour in Italy

• Explain the difference between Kleindeutsch and Grossdeutsch

• Explain how Austria is eventually squeezed out of any control in German unification.

• Explain how Italian unification is based around liberalism and German unification takes a more conservative approach.

• What role did each of the following play in German unification?

o The war with Denmark (Schleswig-Holstein),

o The Seven Weeks War (Austro-Prussian War 1866)

o The Franco-Prussian War


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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