UNIT ONE - Introduction, Research, Statistics, and ...

UNIT ONE - Introduction, Research, Statistics, and Standardized Tests

(BOT Rules addressed in this unit include 2E, 8B, 8D, 8E, 9D, and 9E)


Terms with which you should be familiar:



1. Identify some possible misconceptions about teaching and relevant research.

2. Cite empirical evidence that subject content knowledge alone is not enough to be an effective teacher.

3. Describe the different kinds of knowledge that impact effective teaching.

4. Describe the role of research in the development of teaching as a profession.

5. Our teacher education program at GAC views teaching as principled practice. Relate this theme to the various factors in teacher decision making.

6. Describe the domain of the discipline of “Educational Psychology.”

7. Explain what is meant by the Rosenthal Effect (Experimenter Bias Effect). Identify Thorndike’s criticism of the original study upon which this phenomenon was based.

8. Describe the scientific process in educational psychology, starting with an initial observation and eventually resulting in a theory which can be used to predict outcomes.

9. Apply the criteria discussed in class for evaluating a research study.

CHAPTER 13 Pages 461-472 only

Terms with which you should be familiar:



1. For the various levels of the cognitive and affective domains of learning, classify and write educational objectives.

2. For a skill, concept, or principle in your teaching major, conduct a task analysis.

3. Identify deficiencies in behavioral objectives.

4. Rewrite deficient objectives according to Mager’s criteria.

5. Construct behavioral objectives according to Mager’s criteria.

6. Write a Gronlund general objective, identify the taxonomic level, and write a specific behavior at this same taxonomic level for this general objective.


CHAPTER 15 and Pages 497-498

Terms with which you should be familiar:


1. Describe different uses of standardized tests and explain how they influence educational decision-making.

2. Explain how different types of validity can be used to evaluate standardized tests.

3. Interpret for a parent standardized test scores such as those on p. 541.

4. Name 3 common standardized achievement tests commonly used in the schools.

5. Describe the development and use of the first intelligence test.

6. Compute an IQ score if given C.A. and M.A.

7. Cite similarities and differences between the Stanford Binet and the Wechsler.

8. Contrast individual and group intelligence test.

9. Cite one reason for use of the SAT in helping to determine college admission.

10. Name assessment situations that are more appropriately tested by a norm-referenced test; name some more appropriately tested by a criterion-referenced test.

STATISTICS: (responsibility of cooperative group)

1. Construct and interpret rank-ordered scores, simple frequency distributions, histograms, frequency polygons, and cumulative percentage curves.

1. Given a set of test data, compute the following: mean, median, mode, range, variance, standard deviation, percentiles, percentile ranks, z scores, T scores.

1. Change a given score from one scale (given mean and standard deviation) to another scale.

1. Describe and draw a normal curve and label its areas; describe and draw a skewed curve, and identify a learning and teaching situation likely to produce skewed results.

1. Interpret and compare common standardized scores (e.g., z, T, stanine, CEEB) with respect to mean, standard deviation, and percentile equivalents.

1. From paired data, decide if a correlation coefficient is positive or negative and estimate if it is low, moderate, or high.




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