CMST 105: Communication in Organizations

The objective of this assignment for team members to work together to create an agreement that all team members will adhere to while working together this quarter on team-based assignments. This agreement will be used to identify ways in which team members will work together to complete team assignments. Each team needs to meet to discuss and type out the following information, which will be turned in to the instructor on the specified due date (please see tentative weekly schedule). This information will make up your TEAM AGREEMENT. Please keep a copy on file for your team. This document should be typed in 12 point, Times New Roman font (only double space between each section), and signed by each team member

I. Develop Team Identity

Teams usually have a stronger group identity than other types of small groups. Therefore, in the process of becoming a team, you all should: (Type this information out and include in your Team Data Sheet)

□ Complete Team Data Sheet

II. Establish Ground Rules

Make sure that as a team, you all agree upon specific rules, behaviors and expectations that you expect each team member to follow.

□ Please type out each rule

□ Rules may include (but not limited to) expected behaviors, what should be brought to each meeting, how long meetings will last, the number of meetings members may miss without being penalized, etc.

□ What will be your team’s policy on, if any, absences and covering for one another if need be?

□ What policy will you have in place to resolve any intergroup conflict that may arise? You may use us—your instructors—as a higher court of appeals (We will always be happy to moderate and intervene, but you will first be expected to document for us that you implemented your initial conflict resolution plans per your contract).

□ Keep in mind that this agreement establishes the guidelines for appropriate, ethical and professional behavior among team members. Each member is expected to abide by the guidelines and to do her/his part to complete the team project.

III. Identify Roles

Although some roles (task or social) are often times informally assumed, it is important to assign formal (or official) roles to each team member so that every person is clear on his/her specific responsibilities. These roles may change with each phase of the project, as each of you are expected to assume a leadership role during one of the phases.

□ Each team needs to decide who will develop the team agenda and keep minutes (take notes, etc.) during team meetings. It may be a different person each time (please specify in your agreement).

□ In addition, you may want to designate who will be responsible for typing up any reports or other deliverables throughout the project, and who will be responsible for emailing them to the team and turning them in to the instructors, etc. (Please specify)

□ It’s up to each team as to how you all decide to function. Whatever you all come up with, just be consistent and stick with it!

IV. Establish Clear Goals

Your team should develop:

□ Concise descriptions of the goals or desired outcomes of your team, as well as the goals of your team’s assigned organization. These goals should be consistent.

□ They should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant to the project, and should challenge the team.

□ Decide when and where you will meet (should include in-class meeting times), and who will be responsible for scheduling meeting locations (may rotate individuals between meetings, it’s up to you all). Please list your tentative meeting days and times.

V. Discuss Ethical Concerns/Issues

Each team should understand and analyze ethics and ethical concerns within the team process.

□ Discuss personal values, morals and ethics

□ Develop a list of values and ethical codes that your team will plan to abide by throughout the duration of this course.

□ May use the NCA Credo for Ethical Communication as a guide.


Print Name: _____________________________ Signature: ____________________________

Print Name: _____________________________ Signature: ____________________________

Print Name: _____________________________ Signature: ____________________________

Print Name: _____________________________ Signature: ____________________________

Print Name: _____________________________ Signature: ____________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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