1. Verbal Prompts: Direct and Indirect

1. Verbal Prompts: Direct and Indirect

? Verbal prompts involve providing verbal information that supports the instruction

? Direct and indirect prompts

? Direct ? "get your boots" ? Indirect ? "what do you need to put on your feet?"

Discussion Questions: Should you combine verbal prompts with other types of

prompts? How do you determine when to use direct vs

indirect prompts?

2. Visual Prompts: Picture Prompts

Picture prompts provide a visual cue to support the child to complete a skill, step, or activity.

Discussion question: Does your group use picture prompts to support children

to learn skills, steps AND activities?


3. Visual Prompts Gestural Prompts

? Gestural prompts include pointing to, looking at, moving, or touching an item or area to indicate a correct response.

Discussion Question: What's the challenge of using gestural prompts with students with ASD?

4. Visual Prompts Modeling Prompts

Model prompts show the child what to do (can be performed by an adult or peer)

1. Can happen live and in-the-moment ? this is called live or in vivo modeling

2. Video modeling

Discussion Questions: What is better about live modeling? What is better about video modeling?


5. Visual Prompts Positional Prompts

Positional prompts arrange items in a position that increases an accurate response.


Discussion question: What's the correct

answer? How do you know that?

6. Physical Prompts: Blocking

Blocking involves stopping an incorrect response or behavior before

it occurs

Why would we want to block

incorrect responses?


7. Physical Prompts: Initiation Prompts

? Initiation prompts help the child to begin an action to complete a task ? e.g., a nudge of the elbow, a touch to the shoulder ? Also sometimes referred to as a partial physical prompts

Discussion question: What are the benefits of

an initiation prompt compared to a full physical prompt?

8. Physical Prompts Full Physical Prompts

Full physical prompts involve physically assisting the child to

complete an action.

What are some

problems with using full physical




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