Weekly Student Guide - University of Phoenix

Week Three Student Guide

This week, students are introduced to the importance of the audience to any communication. Chapter 9 of Communicating in the Workplace provides the basics of analyzing the audience and important questions to ask during the process.

Creating effective communication often entails preparation and planning, and may also entail a collaborative team effort, all of which are part of chapters 10, 11, and 13 of Communicating in the Workplace. Presentations, in particular, benefit by preparing outlines, review, and revision, including visual and verbal support. Choosing an appropriate communication channel is an aid to effective communication including awareness and sensitivity to the audience.

Putting these concepts into practice helps to develop proficiency. Analyzing and considering the needs and receptivity of the audience, along with the communication channel, identifies some of the work involved in creating effective messages

Creating Communication

OBJECTIVE: Analyze the needs and receptivity of the audience.

Resources: Ch. 6 & 9 of Communicating in the Workplace


• Ch. 6: Interpersonal Relationship Skills of Communicating in the Workplace

o Interpersonal Relationships Are Important

o Supporting and Defensive Relationships

o Developing an Assertive Style

o Four-Part Assertion Messages

• Behavior descriptions

• Feeling messages

• Consequence statements

• Request statements

o Sending Four-Part Assertion Messages

• Ch. 9: Preparing the Informative Presentation of Communicating in the Workplace

o Informative Presentations Are Important

o Types of Informative Presentations

• Tools/mechanisms

• Processes or procedures

• Incidents

• Ideas

o Analyzing the Audience

o Determining the Specific Purpose

o Formulating the Central Idea

OBJECTIVE: Determine appropriate channels for communication.

Resources: The Structure of Online Marketing Communication Channels found in the Electronic Reserve Readings.


• The Structure of Online Marketing Communication Channels

o Emerging Communication Channels

• Social networking

• The Internet

• Blogs and message boards

o Technological Infrastructures Affect Communication Channels

OBJECTIVE: Create effective messages.

Resources: Ch. 10, 11, & 13 of Communicating in the Workplace


• Ch. 10: Organizing Informative Outlines

o Developing Main Points

• Identify the Main Points

o Selecting a Pattern of Organization

• Chronological

• Topical

• Spatial

o Creating the Outline

• The introduction

• The body

• The conclusion

• Ch. 11: Verbal and Visual Supports of Communicating in the Workplace

o Types of Verbal Supports

• Explanations

• Examples

• Statistics

• Stories

• Testimonies

• Comparisons

o Types of Visual Supports

• Objects or models

• Charts or graphs

• Lists or tables

• Photographs or diagrams

o Guidelines for Effective Visual Supports

o Visual Supports and Technology

• Ch. 13: Delivering Presentations of Communicating in the Workplace

o Delivery Is Important

o Coping with Speaker Anxiety

o Delivery Styles

• Manuscript

• Memorized

• Extemporaneous

• Impromptu

o Practice Delivery

o Vocal Element of Delivery

Note. The information above is intended to help you complete your assignments. Read chapters in their entirety, as indicated in the syllabus. Additional information from sections not outlined above may be needed for classroom discussions.


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