Suryendra Bommareddy

SUMMARY:With Over 8 years of IT experience in different phases of Software Development Life Cycle, involved mainly designing, development/implementation, testing and maintenance of Business–to-Business, Business–to-Customer, Client/Server and Web applications build on Java and JEE/J2EE.Experience in working with environments using Agile (SCRUM), RUP(Rational Unified Processing) and Test Driven (TDD) development methodologies. Strong self-starter with extensive expertise as software/application/framework development and broad skills in Object-Oriented Design and Development(OODD), including UML, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and N-tier application development using industry-proven patterns and best practices.Highly experienced in analysis of business and system requirements, data modeling, documentation, development, deployment and testing of enterprise applications.Domain knowledge areas include investment banking, forex,credit cards, mortgage, mutual funds, payment gateways, Energy,insurance and inventory systems.Proficient in developing applications using Java/J2EE design patterns and industry’s best design practices.Experience in building web applications using Spring framework features like MVC (Model View Controller), AOP, IOC, DAO(Data Access Object), Spring Boot and Spring Batch.Good middleware skills in J2EE, web services with application servers - BEA WebLogic, IBM WAS6, IBM WAS7, JBoss with experience on heterogeneous operating systems. Have good skills implementing Web/Enterprise architectures and in open source frameworks Struts, Spring, IOC and SOA.Hands-on experience in developing front-end screens using technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Angular frameworks.Excellent organizational and problem-solving skills and Possess good knowledge in implementing software standards, web/enterprise standards.Proficient in using the UNIX tools and also Unix Environment, very good in using the tools like Putty, F-Secure SSH Client, WinSCP and Toad.TECHNICAL SKILLS:Languages: Java,SQL and PL/SQLTechnologies: JSE, JEE, JDBC, JNDI, JSP, Servlets, JSTL, EJB, JMS MarkupLanguages :HTML, CSS,DHTML, XHTML, XML.Web Services Technologies : XSD, DTD, SOAP, WSDL, JAX-,JAX-WS,JAXB, DOM, SAX, REST.ORM technology: Hibernate,Databroker, ibatis, mybatis.Application servers: Web Logic, WAS6, WAS7, WAS8, Tomcat, JbossApplications Frameworks: Struts, Spring, REST, Micro services.Databases: Oracle, MySQL.IDEs : Eclipse,Spring Tool Suite and RAD.Version Control Systems : Git, Clearcase, CVS, TortoiseSVN, WinCVS.Tools: Maven, Ant, JUnit, Log4J, SLF4J.Useful Tools : WinMerge, Beyond Compare, jd-gui, Putty, WinSCP.Schedulers : cron and ca7PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:Client: EXIM Bank Location: Washington, DCDuration: Oct 2017- Till DateProject: EXIM OnlineRole: Sr. Java DeveloperDescription: EXIM Bank is a Federal Agency that provides Insurance services to Exporters in the United States to send the shipments to other countries. EOL application provides the ability for Brokers, Relationship Managers, Directors and VP’s to access the applications and approve the Quotes and Policies, based on criteria. EOL has multiple criteria shown to the Internal Users, including relationship with the Exporter, Buyer country information, Grantor information, Subsidy information among many others. External Users can also login into the application to apply for Insurance, with Multiple Buyers, Single Buyer, Amend the policies, etc. Also the External Users can report a shipment, do the payments, and start a Single Buyer Credit Limit application or Institutional Buyer Credit Limit application on a MultiBuyer or ELC Policy. EOL supports multiple Amendments, Renewals for different policy types.Responsibilities: Designed multiple enhancements requested by the users and created the design documents to address these changes.Responsible for developing multiple enhancement’s to the current application for Monthly Sprint Cycles. Developed Single Buyer and Institutional Buyer Credit Standards Functionality, using SpringMVC Framework, Spring Boot, Micro services, Angular, JSON and JSP.Responsible for developing REST Micro services using Spring Boot for a monolithic app.Implemented custom directives, controllers, services for various popups in Angular1.x, used HTML5, CSS4, JQUERY and TypeScript.Implemented core features of Angular framework such as dependency Injection, Data-binding, Filters, Directives, Templates, Services and Deep Linking DesigningUsed Java 8, REST based Web Services, Spring Boot, Annotations, Angular 1.x,AWS to develop multiple screens.Resolved multiple defects in the existing system, identified by the SQT team and successfully deployed them in the release.Participated in Sprint planning, design discussions and created POCs along with developing the application based on Spring Boot and MSA.Configured tomcat server lifecycle using Spring-boot properties file, and accessed the configurations using end points.Implemented micro services using container services like ECS in AWS, Captured and maintained data from daily feeds on AWS S3.Used Aggregator and Factory Pattern to implement functionality asked in the requirements and to meet future needs.Used JIRA to update every day to day agile development and also used FishEye to review the code.Involved in all the phases of lifecycle from requirements gathering to moving the code through SQT, UAT and Prod, along with maintenance activity.Deployed applications on tomcat server hosted in AWS cloud environment leveraging EC2 compute instances. Later containerized the applications to cluster of ECS containers.Used SVN as a version control system tool and used Maven, Jenkins to build the project.Environment: Java 8, Java/J2EE, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Micro services Architecture, Spring Tool Suite,SVN, Maven, AWS EC2, ECS, S3, Angular 1.6, REST Webservices,Junit, Mockito, Oracle 12 c and SQL Developer.Client: ExelonLocation: Chicago, ILDuration: May 2017-Oct 2017Project: Migration of Multiple Java Projects from WAS to WLSRole: Sr. Java DeveloperDescription:Exelon is in a process to migrating most of its functional applications from WebSphere 6, Websphere 7 and Websphere 8 to Weblogic 12c. This migration is done at the Organization level and there are around 60 applications currently that needs to migrate from WAS. Some of the applications include Catalog Search, IL Tax Rates, Passport Migration, NNC, EAM Compliance, LMS Map, Wizard, etc..,. Catalog Search is an application that provides the search option based on name or id or by code which helps to locate the Business Unit, Facilities, Manufacturer Name or code. Catalog Search performs a search from various Tables and Columns in the Database and creates indexes that are saved on the Server, which in turn will help processing the records faster, these indexes are updated nightly.Responsibilities: Responsible for Migrating around 25Java applications from Websphere to Weblogic.Modified the projects to support Weblogic Server, and resolved multiple issues during the migration.Configured the Data Sources for various projects on Weblogic Server, and added the necessary changes for Java code.Resolved issues for Catalog Search while building Indexes using lucene jar files.Responsible for writing the Weblogic.xml files for multiple projects and configuring the JNDI variables on Web.xml and Weblogic.xml files.Segregated the properties that are configured on WebSphere and created different files to place them on the server to access in the application.Developed an API to get the Active Directory Group Id from Mainframe User Id and used it for multiple projects that are migrating from Mainframe.Responsible to debug code and rewrite some code using Angular JS.Used Typeahead in AngularJS, JSON to populate the data on Screen as per the new request from Users.Achieved asynchronous call stack using timeout functions in Angular.Migrated the front-end screens from angular JS to Angular 4, adapted Reactive programming model for back-end calls.Worked on Error Handling to fix a couple of existing defects using Angular JS.Resolved issues regarding Caching for LMS Map, where the user details are not populated automatically and for Passport Migration where the emails are not sent.Used TFS as a version control system for source code and used Jenkins and Hudson for building the projects to dev.Environment: Eclipse, Java/J2EE, Spring, Weblogic 12c, WAS6, WAS7, WAS8, TFS, Servlets, RESTful WS, Hibernate, Struts 1.x, Angular 1.x,Typeahead, lucene, Log4j and Toad.Client: Lincoln Financial Group (LFG) Location: Fort Wayne, INDuration: Nov 2015- Apr 2017Project: Fund of Funds (FOF)Role: Sr. Java DeveloperDescription: Fund of Funds application provides automated solution for the operations performed by the Separate Accounts Finance Operations (SAFO) group to perform comparable functions found in the existing process with some process improvements. Manual process currently is done using Excel Workbooks to create output from input files with Macros and Formulas. The trade activity captured with this process accounts for approximately $10 million to $50 million daily, but can be $300 million plus on a large trading day, thus creating a need to automate the process. Also this solution provides more security, Data Retention and other features such as generating reports from Business Object Universe.Responsibilities: Responsible for analyzing the Business Requirements Document and estimate different timeframes to Design, Develop and Test the application.Responsible for identifying the tables, columns, entities and relationships between them.Responsible for creating the Entity-Relationship Diagrams and Component Model Diagram for this Fund of Funds using Visio.Created various tables in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and imported data from various Excel Workbooks using Toad.Created Mock up Screens using MockupScreens tool to give prototypes to the user.Responsible for creating the Macro Design Document and presenting it to the team and End UsersResponsible for writing complex queries to access the tables created with some business functionality in queries to enhance performance.Translated all the formulae and Macros from the current manual Spreadsheet model into Queries that serves the same functionality for the End UsersWorked closely with the Business partners in understanding the system, clarification of requirements and the Project Change Requests.Developed a few screens and integrated them with the Database using a MVC pattern, developed in house for Lincoln Financial Group known as CorpSys.Used SVN as a version control system for the source code and used Jenkins for build.Environment: Eclipse, J2EE, Visio, Excel, Toad, Advanced Query Tool, Databroker, Ant, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Tomcat 7, Jenkins and SVNClient: Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)Location: Quincy, MADuration: April 2015- Oct 2015Project:Automated License and Registration System (ALARS)Role: Sr. Java DeveloperDescription: ALARS is a modernization program in Registry of Motor Vehicles for the state of Massachusetts. This new application will contain many work items automated and also makes it easier for both customers and the RMV clerk. It provides RMV clerk with the history to see what previous interactions the customer had with RMV and also the status and recorded details of any complaints or issues. ALARS provides with multiple channel delivery such as in-person, telephone or through business partners such as AAA and also through kiosks. It has the proactive and targeted customer communication such as notices and remainders, with measuring customer satisfaction.Responsibilities: Developed abuse placard API using Spring-Web Flow for navigation between the pages and passing the Business Objects.Responsible for creating a POC and developing a RMI (Remote Method Invocation) service. This provides the connection between two internal applications that are deployed on different servers. Integrated work items with the help of Spring-Web Flow in order to log the activities and transactions utilizing the custom developed logging framework API.Developed new API using industry standard patterns such as Business Delegate and Fa?ade patterns with using hibernate 4 for persisting data into the DB.Created a POC for handling Exception Scenarios by passing the required parameters into JMS Queue and retrieving them on the receiver side to preserve the data.Developed the POC with JMS Queue using the object Serialization technique instead of converting into XML and also done with utilizing Spring Framework.Developed Unit test cases using JUnit under the guidance of Test driven methodology, used Junit 4, mokito for mocking the data from DB.Involved in fixing defects and code refactoring for Task Management Framework.Helped with RMI issues during the deployment of the application in various platforms.Used IBM RTC as the version control and work item tracking. And used log 4j for info and error logging purpose. Environment: Spring 4.x, Spring WebFlow, J2EE, Hibernate 4, Ant, Sonar, Eclipse Juno, WebLogic Server, SQL Developer, Oracle and RTC.Client: Fidelity InvestmentsLocation: Durham, NCDuration: Oct 2014- Mar 2015Project: Platform2 ServicesRole: Sr. Java DeveloperDescription:Platform2.0 Services is an upgrade to Platform 1.0 with new service functionality being added to increase operational performance and business agility. Platform 2.0 provides various services that interact with the backend systems to perform CRUD operations and will be consumed by Application Teams. Platform 2.0 consists of a large and discrete set of services that were used in planning and guiding the end users to meet their requirements, some of them include Goals, Accounts, Identity, Workplace, Portfolio Analytics, Risk, Calculator Services etc..,Responsibilities: Developedservice-oriented architecture (SOA) applications by designing and developing various web service interfaces.Developed and generated Restful web services in Java with the help of Maven Archetypes.Responsible for developing CRUD operations for various services on database with the help of mybatis and by calling views with the help of stored procedures.Used Spring Integration framework extensively for implementing the flow of Splitter, Router, Aggregator and Transformer.Responsible for implementing caching for various services calling the backend using the cache population technique at the gateway level.Setup the ObjectGrid locally to enable caching on the local environment and also the deployment on eXtremeScale server.Implemented a new service from the requirements provided by the product owner and assisted for designing, implementing and testing in various environments.Identified and implemented the inter-dependencies of various projects using exclude and include for various resources in the POM.Responsible for writing various Junit test cases using Mockito to mock various database calls.Responsible for developing services that meet coding standards with help of code coverage tools like Sonar and EclEmma.Used Crucible for code reviews to identify defects and also as a tool to administer the changes.Worked with a fast paced agile team with two week sprints and used tools like Rational Team Concert (RTC) for tracking.Used Git as version control system for the source code and Stash for repositories.Environment:Spring 3.x, Spring Integration, J2EE,MyBatis, VMware vFabric tc Server, Spring Tool Suite(STS), Sonar, EclEmma, PMD, Git Bash, SQL Developer, IBM Message Broker, IBM MQ, FindBugs ,eXtremeScale Server, Stash and Git.Client: Berkley Risk Administrators Company (BRAC)Location: Minneapolis, MNDuration: April 2014-Sep 2014Project: PowersuiteRole: Sr. Java DeveloperDescription:Berkley Risk Administrators provides Workers Compensation insurance for many companies at different states called as risk locations. Powersuite application is an interface that helps agents to apply for insurance at Berkley Risk byallowing them to get the quotes for any companies based on the risk locations, class codes i.e what type of work environment and also by their exposure that they want the insurance to be covered. Powersuite also provides some features like status transition, which allows converting a quote to policy and also features like updating the installments, maintaining the transactions such as cash receipts and transfer of balances.Responsibilities: Developed Enhancement Change Request, which compromises of two batch jobs and an API to calculate the commission liability.Developed batch jobs using the spring batch framework with Strategy Pattern.Responsible for developing the batch jobs using factory method pattern.Developed a Commission Liability API and also Commission Calculation and process batch jobs as per the requirements and using the best practices in the industryResponsible for writing various queries including the driver queries for the batch jobs.Responsible for writing the Processor and Writer classes by implementing the Item Processor and Item Writer Interfaces respectively for batch jobs.Developed the DAO layer to satisfy the data persistence for the batch jobs.Responsible for developing and deploying the applications in Jboss and also on WAS 7 application servers.Worked with Code Collaborator tool for monitoring the code and also for reviews and iterations.Involved in planning, implementing and testing phases of various sprints.Used ClearCase as version control system for the source code.Environment:Spring 3, J2EE,Hibernate, WebSphere (WAS 7), Jboss 5.1, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and 2012, MyEclipse, Rational Application Developer, Code Collaborator, IBM ClearCase Explorer, ClearQuest, Squishlist, SQL server Management Studio and ClearCase.Client: Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Florida Inc.,Location: Jacksonville, FlDuration: July 2013-Mar 2014Project: Individual Sales ToolRole: Java DeveloperDescription: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Inc., are the leading health insurance providers in Florida State . Individual Sales Tool is a comprehensive solution for the Organization to reach out to the individuals and agents to sell their insurance plans. This application provides consumers and agents to initiate, process and complete the insurance through online or telephonic application. Thisapplication facilitates Business to Consumer through Health Care Reform and Obama Care Exchange Market Place. This application provides various insurance plans for the consumers such as qualified health plans, underwritten plans, dental and Life.Responsibilities: Involved in multiple internal projects, which involve the exchange and off-Exchange flows and in both the waterfall and agile methodologies.Developed User Interface using JSP, Java Script, JQuery, Tag libraries and Struts MVC frame work.Responsible for developing the User Interface as a 508 compliant code and involved in developing the On-Exchange flow to process the applications that Florida Blue gets from the Marketplace.Responsible for building applications in various flows such as online and telephonic flows, open enrollment and special enrollment, on-exchange and off-exchange and in both English and Spanish flows.Involved in the organization shift from Waterfall towards Agile and adapted for the re-org.Responsible for cleaning the DAOs that are necessary, removing the dependencies from various jars, developing the new codebase for the multi-tenant Application.Developed various jsp pages and configured them with a new layout, performing client and server side validations using struts.Involved in design, analysis, development and testing of various change requests for every release.Supported various releases and made sure the tasks are successfully implemented in production environment.Resolved many issues using the Enterprise Auditing System and using Filezilla for checking logs.Involved in creating new code streams, merging the code and facilitated the shift from struts to spring 3 using annotations.Built and deployed various applications in all the three, test, Stage and production environments.Used SVN Tortoise as version control system for the source code.Environment: Struts MVC, J2EE, JSP, Java Script, JQuery, Ajax, Spring 3, JDBC, WebSphere (WAS 6 and WAS 7), Oracle, Eclipse, Rational Application Developer, WSDL, SOAP, hibernate and Tortoise SVN.Client: Pittsburgh National Corporation Location: Pittsburgh, PADuration: Jan 12 – June 13Project: PinacleRole: Java DeveloperDescription:Pinacle provides a large number of companies to manage their financial services within their company. Pinacle provides a portal, with two administrators and each admin can create a couple of more administrators and they create two and so on, with their corresponding privileges. Some of the privileges include domestic transfer of funds, wire transfers, generation of reports, etc. Pinacle consists of mainly portal which actually has the companies, wire which will account for the transactions, ACH which is automated clearing house, IR which is information reporting.Responsibilities: MigratedBatch Jobs from Websphere Application Server version 6 to Websphere Application Server version 7.Modified the build scripts and created the environment specific shell script files, which facilitates to be deployed in test, qa and production.Deployed and executed the batch jobs to create symlinks in different environments, and generated the reports, which are sent to mainframe.Used Putty, F-Secure ssh, cygwin to login and navigate in the unix servers and used them with two different users, dep for deployment and usr for execution.Developed the DAO layer and persistence layers for the batch jobs.Re-factored the java code into three-tier architecture from the single java class performing everything, by this the code is better modularized and Improved the reusability.Used Apache Ant with Ivy to build the applications, which generates the tar file and staged the tar files to different servers.Improved performance and fixed the Java Heap space issue by using the mybatis ResultHandler.Designed and developed the batch files and scheduled them using the Windows Scheduler, to generate the reports in the local and compared the reports with the ones generated in the server.Managed the project dependencies using Apache Ivy and involved in the conversion from ibatis to mybatis.Validated the reports before they are sent to mainframe and also involved in fixing the defects in these jobs.Developed the Unit test cases and also involved in the testing strategy for the batch jobs.Deployed all these batch jobs successfully in Test, QA andProduction.Managed branch and trunk source codes for these batch jobs in SVN.Facilitated Knowledge Transfer sessions to offshore team.Environment: Spring, J2EE (Java, JSP, EJB, JMS), JDBC, WebSphere, Oracle , JMS, Apache Ant, TOAD, Eclipse, Rational Application Developer, WSDL, SOAP, JUnit, Unix, Ivy, ibatis, mybatis andTortoise SVN.Client: American Modern Insurance GroupLocation: Cincinnati, OHDuration: Oct 10 – Dec 11Project: Background Check Agent Automation & Application SimplificationRole: Java DeveloperDescription: Commercial Risk Portal is comprehensive solution, which facilitates to evaluate ‘RISK’involved in the Specialty insurance process. This portal takes help of multiple services to conclude and clears the applications approval process. BGCA is one such system which verifies the back ground of the applications and the agent associated. Application Simplification is modernizing the information collection process.Responsibilities: Developed User Interface using JSP, Java Script, XSLT, XML, HTML, Tag libraries and Struts MVC frame work.Developed client side validation framework using commons validator framework to validate form data. Developed JavaScript functions for validating client entries. Extensively used DHTML (layers), CSS while designing HTML pages.Designed the application using Unified Modeling Language.Developed service layer using stateless session beans and published them webservices.Involved in development of DAO layer using Hibernate.Implemented various J2EE design patterns such as Session Facade, Business Delegate, Value Object, Data Access Object, etc.Used IBM MQ Series with JMS for queuing and messaging. Developed Message Driven Beans to send notificationsDesigned and developed the communication tier to exchange data to Xpress Services through JMS & XML over HTTP.Developed unit test cases using JUnit and Mock Objects.Designed and developed Service layer module interfaces and classes using Spring 2.0 and EJB 2.1 for data transaction process.Used IOC, Service locator patterns to transfer data back and forth between services to web layer.Developed data exchange functionality for client rating system which accepts, analyses data from different third party entities based on Web Services.Involved in requirement analysis, in design phase, good exposure to UML, OOAD.Packaged and deployed the application in WebSphere server in different environments.Used CVS as version control system for the source code and project documents.Actively involved throughout the life cycle of the project from requirements gathering to maintenance and optimizing the system.Environment:Java 5, WebSphere, MQ series, RAD, JSP, EJB, Java Script, SOA, Web Services, JMS, XMLSpy, UML, CVS, ANT, JUnit, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Linux, Oracle, and Toad ................

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