FACULTY OF LAW - McGill University





ADAMS, Wendy

Refereed Papers:

Adams, Wendy. "“I Made a Promise to a Lady”: Critical Legal Pluralism as Improvised Law in Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Critical Studies in Improvisation / Études critiques en improvisation [Online], 6 16 Jun 2010

Adams, W.A., “Human subjects and animal objects: animals as 'other' in law” (2009), 3 Journal of Animal Law and Ethics 29-51.

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Course pack and media materials for new course offering (Specialized Topics), Law and Popular Culture, Winter 2010.


Articles in peer-reviewed journals:

“Preventing Genocide: Measuring Success by What Does Not Happen” 3-4 Criminal Law Forum (2010)

“Whither National Courts? The Rome Statute’s Missing Half: Towards An Express and Enforceable Obligation For the National Repression of International Crimes”, 8 Journal of International Criminal Justice 1245 (2010)

“Self-referrals before the International Criminal Court: Are States the Villains or the Victims of Atrocities?” 21:1 Criminal Law Forum 103 (2010)

“Are Tribunals a Disincentive to Peace? Reconciling Judicial Romanticism with Political Realism”, 31:3 Human Rights Quarterly 624 (2009)

“Should Duress Apply to All Crimes? A Comparative Appraisal of Moral Involuntariness and the Twenty Crimes Exception under Section 17 of the Criminal Code”, 13 Canadian Review of Criminal Law 271 (2009)

“Amicus Curiae Brief on Joint Criminal Enterprise in the Matter of the Co-Prosecutors’ Appeal of the Closing Order Against Kaing Guek Eav ‘Duch’ Dated 8 August 2008”, 20:2 Criminal Law Forum 331 (2009) (Co-Author with René Provost et al.)

Edited Collections:

“Confronting Genocide: Jus Gentium Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice 7” (Springer Publications, 2010) (Co-Editor with René Provost)

Book Chapters:

“International Criminal Justice in the Era of Failed States: The ICC and the Self-Referrals Debate”, in Carstan Stahn (ed.), The International Criminal Court and Complementarity: From Theory to Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2010)

“Ayatollah Montazeri’s Brave Struggle For Justice”, in Nader Hashemi & Danny Postel (eds.) The People Reloaded: The Green Movement and the Struggle for Iran's Future (New York: Melville House, 2010)

“Canadian values and international human rights law: The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination – A Case Study”, in Race, Femme, Enfant, Handicap: Les conventiones internationals et le Droit Intern à la Lumiere des Enjeux Pratiques du Droit à L’Égalite, (Le Tribunal des Droits de la Personne et le Barreau du Québec) (Éditions Yvon Blais, 2010)

“The Universal Repression of Crimes Against Humanity before National Jurisdictions: The Need for a Treaty-Based Obligation to Prosecute”, in Leila Sadat (ed.), Forging a Convention for Crimes Against Humanity (Cambridge University Press, 2010)

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

“International Criminal Activity: Policing the Law Breakers and Human Rights”, Canadian Council of International Law, Proceedings of the Annual Conference (15 October 2009)

“The Baha’i Community, Human Rights, and the Construction of a New Iranian Identity”, Gozaar: Forum on Human Rights and Democracy in Iran (24 February 2010) () (also published in Persian: )

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

Contributed variously as author, advisor, or editor, to the following reports by the Iran Human Rights Documentation Centre (“IHRDC”) (New Haven):

Silencing the Women’s Rights Movement in Iran (IHRDC) (2010)

Violent Aftermath: The 2009 Election and Suppression of Dissent in Iran (IHRDC) (2010)

Speaking For The Dead: Survivor Accounts of Iran's 1988 Massacre (IHRDC) (2010)

Forced Confessions: Targeting Iran's Cyber-Journalists (IHRDC) (2009)

Deadly Fatwa: Iran's 1988 Prison Massacre (IHRDC) (2009)

Ctrl+Alt+Delete: Iran's Response to the Internet (IHRDC) (2009)

Covert Terror: Iran’s Parallel Intelligence Apparatus (IHRDC) (2009)

Expert Testimony on Iran before the Sub-Committee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, House of Commons, Ottawa, February 26th, 2009, Number 003, 2nd Session, 40th Parliament: ()


“Revolution in the Air,” National Post, June 16th, 2009

“Canada Should Stand Up for Iranian Heroes,” Montreal Gazette, June 26, 2009

“The West Must Stand by Iranian Protestors,” Ottawa Citizen, June 30, 2009

“The Best Solution? True Democracy in Iran,” National Post, July 24, 2009

“Ban Iranian leaders from Canada,” National Post, September 2, 2009

“Hostages, Hatred, and Tehran,” National Post, November 4, 2009

“Torture Testimony and Consequences,” National Post, December 11, 2009

“Ayatollah Montazeri’s Brave Struggle for Justice,” National Post, December 22, 2009

“No Returning to Iran’s Totalitarian Past,” Globe and Mail, June 11, 2010

“The World Court Decision on Kosovo Reinforces Georgia’s Case,” Huffington Post, August 5, 2010

ANKER, Kirsten

Book Chapters:

‘Symptoms of Sovereignty? Apologies, Indigenous Rights and Reconciliation in Australia and Canada’ in Peer Zumbansen and Ruth Buchanen (eds), Law in Transition: Human Rights, Development and Transitional Justice (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2010 forthcoming).

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

‘The Promise of Encounter: Recent Research in “Native Studies” from University of British Columbia Press’ (2009) 43 Journal of Canadian Studies 222

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Foundations of Canadian Law (2010-2011)

Common Law Property (Fall 2010)

Aboriginal Peoples and the Law (Winter 2010)


Book Chapters:

Mark Antaki, "What Does It Mean to Think About Politics?” in Roger Berkowitz, Jeffrey Katz, and Thomas Keenan, eds., Thinking in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt on Ethics and Politics (New York: Fordham University Press, 2010) 63-69.

Mark Antaki and Coel Kirkby, “The Lethality of the Canadian State’s (Re)cognition of Indigenous Peoples” in Austin Sarat and Jennifer Culbert, eds., States of Violence; War, Capital Punishment, and Letting Die (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009) 192-228.

Mark Antaki, “The Turn to ‘Values’ in Canadian Constitutional Law” in Luc Tremblay and Grégoire Webber, eds., La limitation des droits de la Charte: essays critiques sur l’arrêt R. c. Oakes/The of Charter Rights: Critical Essays on R. v. Oakes (Montréal, Éditions Thémis, 2009) 155-181.

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

Mark Antaki, “Absolutism” in Encyclopedia of Political Theory (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2010) 2-3

Mark Antaki, “Culture” in Encyclopedia of Political Theory (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2010) 344-346.

Mark Antaki, “Domination” in Encyclopedia of Political Theory (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2010) 400-402.

Mark Antaki, Review of Andreas Kalyvas, Democracy and the Politics of the Extraordinary: Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, and Hannah Arendt (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009) (2010) 6 Law, Culture, and the Humanities 124-127.

Mark Antaki, Review of Rande W. Kostal, A Jurisprudence of Power: Victorian Empire and the Rule of Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009) (2010) 55 McGill Law Journal 371-374.

BACHAND, Frederic

Refereed Papers:

Frédéric Bachand, “Kompetenz-Kompetenz, Canadian-Style” (2009) 25 Arb. Int. 431

Frédéric Bachand, “Overcoming Immunity-Based Objections to the Recognition and Enforcement in Canada of Investor-State Awards” (2009) 26 J. Int’l Arb. 59

Book Chapters:

Frédéric Bachand, “When—If Ever—Should Failure to Challenge an Award Before the Courts of the Seat Amount to a Waiver of New York Convention Defences?”, in Kaj Hobér, Annette Magnusson and Marie Öhrström, Between East an West—Essays in Honour of Ulf Franke (Huntington: Juris, 2010) 1

Frédéric Bachand, “Le non-rattachement de l’arbitrage international à l’ordre juridique du siège : réalité et conséquences”, in Générosa Bras Miranda et Benoît Moore, Mélanges Adrian Popovici – Les couleurs du droit (Montreal, Éditions Thémis, 2010) 387

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

Frédéric Bachand, “Should No-Class Action Arbitration Clauses be Enforced?”, in Arthur W. Rovine, ed., Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation – The Fordham Papers 2008 (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2009) 153

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

Fondation du Barreau du Québec, “Seul devant la Cour en matières civiles – 8 étapes pour vous guider” (Montreal: Fondation du Barreau du Québec, 2009) (collaborator)

In my capacity as National Correspondent to the United Nations for International Trade Law, provided a 12-page report on recent Canadian cases relating to the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (July 21, 2010)

10-page report to the NAFTA Advisory Committee on Private Commercial Disputes on recent Canadian cases dealing with international arbitration issues (September 2009)

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

Frédéric Bachand, “The Canadian Courts’ Contribution to the International Arbitration System—A Brief Assessment”, (2009) 18 Can. Arb. and Med. J. 18

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Frédéric Bachand, Evidence (Civil Matters), course pack used to teach 3-credit course, 2009

Frédéric Bachand, Droit judiciaire privé, course-pack used to teach 4-credit course, 2010

Frédéric Bachand, Extrajudicial Dispute Resolution, course-pack used to teach 3-credit course, 2009

BELLEY, Jean-Guy

Edited Collections:

« Comment l’équité advient-elle dans la société de consommateur? », dans P.-C. LAFOND et B. MOORE, dir., L’équité au service du consommateur, Cowansville, Yvon Blais, 2010, p. 173-191.

« Le verdeur de l’ambition doctrinale. Une exploration en amont du contrat et de l’acceptation des risques », dans G. BRAS MIRANDA et B. MOORE, dir., Mélanges Adrian Popovici. Les couleurs du droit, Montréal, Les Éditions Thémis, 2010, p. 173-194.

« L’imaginaire antijuridique de notre temps », dans J.-F. GAUDREAULT-DESBIENS, E. MACKAAY, B. MOORE et S. ROUSSEAU, dir., Convergence, concurrence et harmonisation des systèmes juridiques, Montréal, Les Éditions Thémis, 2009, p. 213-227.

Refereed Papers:

« Le programme d’enseignement transsystémique du droit à l’Université McGill », (2010) 1 Jurisprudence. Revue critique 93-101.

« Le rayonnement intellectuel de Jean Carbonnier au Québec : le succès d’estime d’un honnête homme », (2009) 54 Revue de droit de McGill 407-420.

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

« Le juge Bastarache et le pluralisme juridique », Colloque Michel Bastarache, Faculté de droit, Université de Moncton, 3 mai 2010.

« La notion d’internormativité : perspective juridique et sociologique », Séminaire du Centre de recherche en droit public, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal, 25 février 2010.

« Rapport de synthèse », Colloque sur l’équité au service du consommateur, Fondation Claude Masse et Chaire Jean-Louis Baudouin en droit civil, Centre d’archives de Montréal, 12 novembre 2009.

« Le droit des personnes et la dignité humaine dans le pluralisme juridique contemporain », Séminaire de droit privé, Faculté de droit, Université Laval, 29 septembre 2009.

« Le programme transsystémique de McGill : un modèle étranger pertinent pour la France? », Université de Chambéry, France, 3 juillet 2009.

« Le droit de la consommation est-il démodé? », Table-ronde sur l’avenir de la protection du consommateur au Québec, Faculté de droit, Université Laval, 20 février 2009.


Edited Collections:

Adelle Blackett & Christian Lévesque, eds., Social Regionalism in the Global Economy (New York: Routledge, 2011) published 10 December 2010, 352pp.

Refereed Papers:

Adelle Blackett, “Mutual Promise: International Labour Law and B.C. Health Services” (2009) 48 Supreme Court Law Review 365.

Book Chapters:

Adelle Blackett, « Commerce international et travail : définir le rôle réglementaire de l’État dans la nouvelle économie » in Pierre Verge, réd. Droit international du travail : perspectives canadiennes 223-255 (Cowansville : Éditions Yvon Blais, 2010).

Adelle Blackett, “Trade Liberalization, Labour Law and Development: A Contextualization,” in Tzehainesh Teklè, ed., Workers’ Protection and Labour Law in Developing Countries 93-132(Geneva: ILO & Hart Publishing, 2010) 30pp.

Adelle Blackett & Maude Choko, « Les effets de l’accréditation » Jurisclasseur, Droit du travail (Lexis Nexis, 2009) Fascicule 13/1 – 13/65.

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

ILO, International Labour Conference, 99th Session, 2009: Report IV(1): Decent Work for Domestic Workers, available at

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Employment Law – new transsystemic coursepack


Refereed Papers:

A. Campbell, “Bountiful’s Plural Marriages” (2010) 6:4 International Journal of Law in Context 343-361.

A. Campbell, “Exploring Judicial Appreciations of Parental Addiction in Child Custody and Access Decisions: Quebec as a Case Study” (2010) 28 Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues 1-28.

A. Campbell, “Bountiful Voices” (2009) 47 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 183-234.

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

A. Campbell “‘Unusual Suspects’: Unobvious Sites of Familial Support Obligations in Canadian Common Law and Quebec Civil Law” in National Judicial Institute, Proceedings of the National Judicial Institute Family Law Conference on Financial and Property Issues (February 2009).

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

Book Reviews:

A. Campbell, “Book Review: The Importance of Being Monogamous: Marriage and Nation Building in Western Canada to 1915 by Sarah Carter, Edmonton, University of Alberta Press, 2008. Pp. 383” (2009-2010) 41(1) Ottawa Law Review 163-169.


A. Campbell, “Parentage is about More than DNA” Globe and Mail (28 November 2010) A23. (with R. Leckey)

A. Campbell, “Town More Diverse Than Perceived” National Post (26 September 2009) A10.

A. Campbell, “In the Name of the Mothers” Globe and Mail (10 January 2009) A17.

Community Publications:

A. Campbell, “Back to Bountiful: Field notes from Canada’s only openly polygamous community” McGill InFocus Magazine (Autumn 2009) 16. (with L. Basman and S. Berger Richardson)

CRÉPEAU, François

Books & Monographs:

CRÉPEAU, François, NAKACHE, Delphine, ATAK, Idil (dir.), Les migrations internationales contemporaines – Une dynamique complexe au cœur de la globalisation, Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2009.

Refereed Papers:

MACKLIN, Audrey, CRÉPEAU, François, “Multiple Citizenship, Identity and Entitlement in Canada”, (2010) IRPP Study n° 6. On line:

RUIZ-CASARES, Mónica, ROUSSEAU, Cécile, DERLUYN, Ilse, WATTERS, Charles, CRÉPEAU, François, “Right and Access to Healthcare for Undocumented Children: Addressing the Gap between International Conventions and Disparate Implementations in North America and Europe”, Social Science & Medicine xxx (2009) 1–8. On line: .

Book Chapters:

CRÉPEAU, François, "Dealing with Migration: A Test for Democracies", in: The Trudeau Foundation Papers, Volume II, Montreal: Trudeau Foundation, 2010, 14-39.

CRÉPEAU, François, "Comment traiter la question des migrations: un test pour les démocraties", in: Les Cahiers de la Fondation Trudeau, Volume II, Montréal: Fondation Trudeau, 2010, 14-42.

KARAZIVAN, Noura, CRÉPEAU, François, "Le rôle des tribunaux dans l’affirmation de la primauté du droit en temps d’insécurité : l’affaire Arar", in : SCHERRER, Amandine, GUITTET, Emmanuel-Pierre, BIGO, Didier (éd.), Mobilité(s) sous surveillance – Perspectives croisées UE-Canada, Montréal: Athéna Éditions, 2010, 27-42.

CRÉPEAU, François, NAKACHE, Delphine, ATAK, Idil, "Le fédéralisme, outil de gestion de la complexité canadienne", in : GRIGORIOU, Panagiotis (éd.), L’Europe unie et sa fédéralisation, Athènes / Bruxelles: Éditions Ant. N. Sakkoulas / Éditions Bruylant, 2009, 139-149.

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

Frédéric MEGRET (coordinator), McGill University; Florian HOFFMANN (coordinator), LSE; Cathie ALBERTYN, University of Witwatersrand; Adelle BLACKETT, McGill University; François CRÉPEAU, McGill University; Evan FOX-DECENT, McGill University; Ayeal GROSS, Tel Aviv University; Alana KLEIN, McGill University; Vrinda NARAIN, McGill University; René PROVOST, McGill University; Ranabir SAMADDAR, Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group; Dzodzi TSIKATA, University of Ghana; Anicée VAN ENGELAND, McGill University; Dignity - A Special Focus on Vulnerable Groups, Report submitted to the Panel of Eminent Persons (Mary Robinson, Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Pregs Govender, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Hina Jilani, Theodor Meron, Manfred Nowak, Bertrand Ramcharan) created by the Swiss Initiative to Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on “Protecting Dignity: An Agenda for Human Rights”, May 2009, 114 pages.

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

CRÉPEAU, François, « Migrants as Local Citizens » (2010) 27 Inroads 70-79.

CRÉPEAU, François, « Dealing with Migration: A Test for Democracies » (2010) 35 Refugee Watch - A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration 37-50.

CRÉPEAU, François, “Les migrants irréguliers comme citoyens”, Options Politiques, vol. 31, n° 7, Juillet-Août 2010, 35-38, online at :

JANNARD, Louis-Philippe, CRÉPEAU, François, “La lute contre le trafic de migrants au Canada: un combat contre le crime organise ou contre l’immigration irrégulière?”, Nos Diverses Cités, Printemps 2010, 124-128, online at :

CRÉPEAU, François, “Towards Democratically Monitoring the Implementation of International Treaties Ratified by Canada”, Inaugural Lecture of the Hans & Tamar Oppenheimer Chair in Public International Law, 12 November 2009, online at :

CRÉPEAU, François, “Avant-Propos”, in: Virginie Natale, Le droit des étrangers à l'égalité et le juge de common law, Publications de l'Institut international des droits de l'homme N° 10, Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2009.

de MESTRAL, Armand

Edited Collections:

Armand de Mestral, "The Lisbon Treaty and the Expansion of EU Competence Over Foreign Direct Investment and the Implications for Investor-State Arbitration," in Karl P. Sauvant editor, Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy 2009-2010 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010).

Book Chapters:

A.L.C. de Mestral, “The Relationship of International Law and Domestic Law as understood in Canada” in C. Carmody (ed.) Is Our House in Order? (McGill-Queens Press, 2010) pp. 42-70

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

The SSHRC Strategic Knowledge Cluster is designed to ensure that scholarly reflections are made available to a wider audience. I oversaw the publication of six short “Policy Papers” on Canada’s trade, air services and foreign investment agreements during 2010. They appear on the website of the project.

DEDEK, Helge

Refereed Papers:

Helge Dedek, “From Norms to Facts: The Realization of Rights in Common and Civil Private Law” (2010) 56 McGill Law Journal 1-37.

Helge Dedek, “Die Schönheit der Vernunft: (Ir-)Rationalität von Rechtswissenschaft in Mittelalter und Moderne” (“The Beauty of Reason: The (Ir-)Rationality of ‘Legal Science’ in the Middle Ages and Modernity”) in 1 (2010) Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft, 58-85.

Helge Dedek & Armand de Mestral, “Born to be Wild: The ‘Trans-systemic’ Programme at McGill and the De-Nationalization of Legal Education”, (2009) 10 German Law Journal 889-911.

Helge Dedek “Recht an der Universität: ‘Wissenschaftlichkeit’ der Juristenausbildung in Nordamerika” (“Law at the University: The Paradigm of ‘Scholarship’ in North American Legal Education”), in (2009) 64 Juristenzeitung, 540-550.

Book Chapters:

Helge Dedek, “Border Control: Some Comparative Remarks on the Cartography of Obligations” in Richard Bronaugh, Jason W. Neyers & Stephen G.A. Pitel, eds, Exploring Contract Law (Oxford: Hart Publishers, 2009), at 25-49

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

Helge Dedek “The Relationship between Rights and Remedies in Private Law: A Comparison between the Common and the Civil Law Tradition” in Robert Sharpe ed., Taking Remedies Seriously (Montreal: Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, 2010) at 63-84.

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

Helge Dedek (with Alexandra Carbone), “The Complexity of Transnational Law: National Report for Canada, prepared for the XVIIIth International Congress of Comparative Law, Internatjonal Academy of Comparative Law, Washington D.C, 2010, by Helge Dedek (Pan-Canadian National Reporter) with Alexandra Carbone”, manuscript, ca. 16,700 words, submitted to the General Reporter of the Congress, Prof. Silvia Ferreri, forthcoming in ISAIDAT Law Review (edited by Prof. Rodolfo Sacco, Turin: ).

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

Translation of: Martin Josef Schermaier, “Res communes omnium: Philosophischer Topos und Rechtsbegriff bis Grotius” – “Res communes omnium – The History of an Idea from Greek Philosophy to Grotian Jurisprudence”, (2009) 30 Grotiana 20-48.

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Course pack: Contractual Obligations LAWG-100 Vol. I, II (based on the case books by Blaine Baker and Daniel Jutras).

Course pack (online): Advanced Civil Law Obligations PROC-200 – completely re-designed the course, changed the materials and moved to an online-format.

Course pack (online): Roman Law CMPL 510 001 – designed course and compiled / edited teaching materials.


Books & Monographs:


AIR TRANSPORTATION: FOUNDATIONS FOR THE 21st CENTURY (with Professor Laurence Gesell, 3rd ed. Coast-Aire 2010).

AVIATION AND THE LAW (with Professor Laurence Gesell, 5th ed. Coast-Aire 2010).

Edited Collections:

SPACE LAW (Oxford University Press 2010) (four-volume treatise updated quarterly).

Refereed Papers:

“Montreal v. Brussels: The Conflict of Laws on the Issue of Delay in International Air Carriage”, 35 Air & Space Law 297 (2010).

“Independence of Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities: Keeping the Foxes from the Henhouse”, 75 Journal of Air Law & Commerce 223 (2010). 

“Accidents and Injuries in International Air Law: The Clash of the Titans”, Korean Journal of International Law 235-70 (2009).

Book Chapters:

“Overview of United States Policy and Law” in National Regulation of Space Activities 373-404 (R. Jakhu ed. 2010)

“ICAO’s Legal Authority to Regulate Aerospace Vehicles”, in Space Law: Legal Contours (P. Kumar, ed. 2010) (with Michael Mineiro).

“Space Traffic Management: A Vacuum in Need of Law”, in Outer Space: Warfare and Weapons (P. Kumar, ed. 2010) (with Michael Mineiro).

”Haftung des Luftfrachtführers”, in Kölner Kompendium Lufthrecht (Carl Heymanns Verlag 2010).

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Public International Air Law (Web CT)

Private International Air Law (WebCT)

Airline Business and Law (WebCT)


Book Chapters:

“Sustainable Development and Fragmentation in International Society” in Duncan French, ed., Global Justice and Sustainable Development (Netherlands: Brill, 2010) 57

“Sustainable Development as a Legal Principle: A Rhetorical Analysis” in Hélène Ruiz Fabri, Rüdiger Wolfrum and Jana Gogolin, eds., Selected Proceedings of the European Society of International Law, vol. 2 (Oxford: Hart, 2010) 642

“On the Nature and Meaning of International Legal Obligation: Canada’s Response to Kyoto” in Chios Carmody (ed.), Is Our House in Order?: Canada's Implementation of International Law (Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010) 99

“The Precautionary Principle and Risk Communication” (co-author: Steve Maguire) in Robert L. Heath and H. Dan O’Hair, eds, Handbook of Risk and Crisis Communication (New York: Routledge, 2009) 119-37

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

“Howard S. Schiffman, Marine Conservation Agreements: The Law and Policy of Reservations and Vetoes” (2009) 9(2) Global Environmental Politics 129-31


Edited Collections:

Yaëll Emerich, « Caractères et étendue du droit de propriété », fascicule 7, Jurisclasseur Québec, Editions LexisNexis, 2009-2010.

Refereed Papers:

Yaëll Emerich, « La nature juridique des sûretés réelles en droit civil et en common law: une question de tradition juridique ? », Revue juridique Thémis (2010), p. 95.

Yaëll Emerich, « Les fondements conceptuels de la fiducie française face au trust de la common law : entre droit des contrats et droit des biens », (2009) 1 Revue internationale de droit comparé, p. 49-71.

Yaëll Emerich, « Propriété relation et exclusivité : étude de droit comparé », (2009) 4 R.R.J. 1841.

Emerich, Y., « L’hypothèque mobilière universelle : entre impératifs économiques et protection du débiteur », (2009) 111 R. du N., p. 465.

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Yaëll Emerich, Giorgio Resta et Geneviève Saumier, Obligations extracontractuelles/

Extra-Contractual Obligations, 2 volumes, 2010 (nouvelle édition largement révisée).

FOSTER, William

Book Chapters

William J. Smith & William F. Foster, “Equality in the School House: Has the Charter Made a Difference?” in M.E. Manley-Casimir & K. Manley-Casimir, eds, The Courts, the Charter and the Schools: The Impact of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms on Educational Policy and Practice, 1982-2007 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010) 14


Refereed Papers

The Fiduciary Constitution of International Law (10 chapters; in progress) (with Evan J. Criddle).

“Democratizing Common Law Constitutionalism” (2010) 55(3) McGill Law Journal: 511-536.

“The Fiduciary Constitution of Human Rights” (2009) 15(4) Legal Theory: 301-336 (with Evan J. Criddle).

Book Chapters:

“From Fiduciary States to Joint Trusteeship of the Atmosphere: The Right to a Healthy Environment through a Fiduciary Prism” in Fiduciary States and the Atmospheric Trust, Ken Coghill, Tim Smith & Charles Sampford eds. (Ashgate Publishing, 2011) (forthcoming) (published online at SSRN 28 October 2010: )

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

“Deriving Peremptory Norms from Sovereignty” American Society of International Law Proceedings 2009 (with Evan J. Criddle).

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

“Indigenous Peoples and Human Dignity” in Dignity: A Special Focus on Vulnerable Groups, F. Mégrét & F. Hoffman eds. (Agenda for Human Rights: a Swiss Initiative, 2009): 36 – 48.

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

“A Fiduciary Theory of Jus Cogens” (2009) 34 Yale Journal of International Law: 331-387 (with Evan J. Criddle).

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Judicial Review of Administrative Action (2009 & 2010): Supplementary Readings; Powerpoint "critical questions" on class readings

Immigration and Refugee Law (2010): Supplementary Readings; Powerpoint “critical questions” on class readings


Refereed Papers:

“Peeking Through the Form of Uniform Law: International Arbitration Practice and Legal Harmonization ”, (June 2010) Journal of International Arbitration.

Book Chapters:

“Impartiality and Independence in International Adjudication” in Adam Dodek & Lorne Sossin, Judicial Independence in Canada and in the World, (Toronto: Erwin Law, 2010).

« État de droit et justice virtuelle » in Benyekhlef, K., & Trudel, P., État de droit et virtualité (Montréal : Thémis, 2009) 293-319.

« L’arbitrage comme vecteur d’intégration du droit uniforme » in Nathalie Vézina, Le droit uniforme : limites et possibilités (Montréal : Yvon Blais, 2009) 65-85.

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

“The procedural embedding of constitutional review of legislation – Canadian Report”, Comparative study conducted under the aegis of the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University on behalf of the Dutch Government in the context of pending constitutional reforms, Maastricht, Sept. 2010.

Report of the Canadian National Committee of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce on the Revision of the ICC Rules of Arbitration, June 2009

Report to the Quebec Judges Remuneration Committee: “Présentation comparative de la situation des juges de paix magistrates”, Sep.tember 2010.

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

« Une justice fraternelle : éléments de la pensée de Charles Doherty Gonthier » (2010) Revue de droit de McGill, Volume 55, No 2.

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration: Cases and Materials, McGill University, 2004-10

Droit constitutionnel, Recueil, McGill University, 2002-11

GLENN, H. Patrick

Books & Monographs:

Legal Traditions of the World, Chinese edition (Beijing: Beijing Univ. Press, 2009), with author’s preface.

Legal Traditions of the World, 4th ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).

Refereed Papers:

‘Tradition in Religion and Law’ (2009-10) 25 Journal of Law and Religion 503-519.

‘A Western Legal Tradition?’ (2010) Supreme Court Law Review 601-619; reproduced in J. Walker and O. Chase (eds), Common Law, Civil Law and the Future of Categories (Markham: LexisNexis, 2010) at 601-619.

Book Chapters:

‘The Prospective Effect of Res Judicata’ in Essays in Honour of Konstantinos Kerameus (Athens: Sakkoulas/Bruylant, 2009) 435-444.

‘L’arbitrage religieux au Canada: Un statut personnel qui n’ose pas dire son nom?’ in M. Aoun (ed.), Les statuts personnels en droit comparé (Leuven: Peeters, 2009) 265-278.

‘Cosmopolitan Legal Orders’ in A. Halpin & V. Roeben, Theorizing the Global Legal Order (Oxford: Hart, 2009) 25-38.

‘Accommodating Unity’ in S. Muller & S. Richards, Highest Courts and Globalisation (The Hague: Hague Academic Press, 2010) 85-98.

‘Le ciel tout bleu du droit uniforme’ in G. B. Miranda & B. Moore, Mélanges Adrian Popovici. Les couleurs du droit (Montreal: Editions Thémis 2010) 439-450.

“Doin’ the Transystemic: Legal Systems and Legal Traditions” (2005) 50 McGill

Law Journal 863-898; reproduced in M. Giudice, W. Waluchow and M. Del Mar, The Methodology of Legal Theory, vol. I (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010).

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Annual re-editions of my casebooks in Judicial Institutions and Civil Procedure, Common Law Perspectives, Private International Law

GOLD, Richard

Edited Collections:

Gold, E. Richard and Knoppers, Bartha Maria, eds, Biotechnology IP & Ethics, (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2009).

Refereed Papers:

Morin, Jean-Frederic and Gold, E. Richard, “Consensus-Seeking, Distrust, and Rhetorical Entrapment: The WTO Decision on Access to Medicines” (2010) 16 European Journal of International Relations 563, doi:10.1177/1354066110366054

Carbone, Julia, Gold, E. Richard, Sampat, Bhaven, Chandraskharan, Subhashini, Knowles, Lori, Angrist, Misha & Cook-Deegan, Robert, “DNA patents and diagnostics: not a pretty picture” (2010) 28 Nature Biotechnology 784.

Gold, E. Richard, & Carbone, Julia, “Response to Dr. Palombi” (2010) 12:7 Genetics in Medicine 471.

Gold, E. Richard, & Carbone, Julia, “Myriad Genetics: In the eye of a policy storm” (2010) 12:4 Genetic in Medicine, doi: 10.1097/GIM.0b013e3181d72661.

Gold, E. Richard, Kaplan W, Orbinski J, Harland-Logan S, N-Marandi S, “Are Patents Impeding Medical Care and Innovation?” (2010) PLoS Med 7(1): e1000208. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000208

Gold, Richard (2009) "Avoiding the Mistakes of Biotech: How Intellectual Property Can Be Better Managed to Advance Nanotechnology Research," Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology: Vol. 3 : Iss. 3, Article 4. DOI: 10.2202/1941-6008.1114

Gold, E. Richard and Morin, Jean-Frederic, “The missing ingredient in medicine patent pools” (2009) 374 The Lancet 1329-30.

Book Chapters:

Gold, E. Richard and Karen Durell, “Looking Beyond the Firm: Intellectual Asset Management and Biotechnology” in The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology Innovation, David Castle, ed. (New York: Edward Elgar, 2009)

Gold, E. Richard and Jean-Frederic Morin, “From Agenda to Implementation: Working Outside the WIPO Box” in Implementing the World Intellectual Property Development Agenda, Jeremy de Beer, ed. (Ottawa: International Development Research Centre, 2009) at 57.

Gold, E. Richard, “Commentary: Mending the Gap – Intellectual Property, Competition Law, and Compulsory Licensing” in Competition Policy and Intellectual Property, Marcel Boyer, Michael Trebilcock and David Vaver, eds (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2009) at 396

Gold, E. Richard, “The Ethics of Biotechnological Intellectual Property” in Biotechnology IP & Ethics, E. Richard Gold and Bartha Maria Knoppers, eds (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2009) at 15

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

Bently, Lionel, Sherman, brad, Borges Barbosa, denis, Basheer, Shamnad, Visser, Conrad, Gold, Richard, Exclusions from Patentability and Exceptions and Limitations to Patentees’ Rights (2010) A Study Prepared for the World Intellectual Property Organization, Standing Committee on the Law of Patents.

Gold E. Richard, Bubela, Tania, Carbone Julia, et al. At the intersection of health and intellectual property: Issues, tools and directions for Health Canada (2010) Report to Health Canada: Bioethics, Innovation and Policy Integration Division, 71pp.

Bubela Tania, Gold E. Richard, Morin, Jean-Frederic, et al. Evidence and Background Information to Inform Canada’s Approach to Public Health and Intellectual Property Issues in International Fora (2010) Report to Health Canada’s International Affairs Directorate (IAD) 94pp.

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

Gold, E. Richard, “Biotechnological Innovation and Partnerships” (2009) 10 J of High Tech L. 1.

Gold, E. Richard, “Avoiding the Mistakes of Biotech: How Intellectual Property can be Better Managed to Advance Nanotechnology Research” (2009) 3 Studies in Ethics, Law, and Tech., Article 4.

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Gold, E. Richard, Patent Theory and Policy (2010) – major revision

Gold, E. Richard, Advanced Common Law Obligations (2010) – moderate revision


Edited Collections:

Edited a book on “National Regulation of Space Activities,” 2010, published by Springer Publishing House, the Netherlands.

Edited a book on “Space Safety Regulations and Standards,” 2010, published by Elsevier Publishing House, the United Kingdom. (with Dr. Joseph Pelton)

Refereed Papers:

“International Safety Regulations and Standards for Space Travel and Commerce” in Journal of British Interplanetary Society, August 2009, Vol. 62, pp. 294-302, (with Dr. Joseph N. Pelton)

Book Chapters:

“Iridium-Cosmos Collision and its implications for Space Operations” in Schrogl, Kai-Uwe et al (eds.) Yearbook on Space Policy: 2008/2009, Setting New Trends, SpringerWienNewYork, 2010, pp. 254-275.

“Regulation of Space Activities in Canada” Ram S. Jakhu (ed.), National Regulation of Space Activities, Springer Publishing House, the Netherlands, 2010, pp. 81-108.

“Regulation of Space Activities in India” in Ram S. Jakhu (ed.), National Regulation of Space Activities, Springer Publishing House, the Netherlands, 2010, pp. 153-198 (with Ranjana Kaul).

“International Regulation of Emerging Modes of Space Transportation”, in Joseph N. Pelton and Ram S. Jakhu (eds.), Space Safety Regulations and Standards, Elsevier Publishing House, the United Kingdom, 2010, pp.215-238. (with Yaw Otu M. Nyampong)

“The Effect of Globalisation on Space Law” in Stephane Hobe (ed.), Globalisation – the State and International Law, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2009, pp. 71-77.

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

Paper on “Appropriateness of the Moon Agreement for Lunar Exploration and Use” in the Proceedings of the Global Lunar Conference, held from 31 May to 3 June 2010, in Beijing, Peoples Republic of China. (with Stephan Hobe and Steven Freeland).

Paper on “Safety and Liability Aspects of Solar Power Satellites” in the Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the International Association for Advancement of Space Safety, held from 19 to 21 May 2010, in Huntsville, Alabama, the US. (with Diane Howard)

“An International Civil Aviation and Space Organization” in the Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the International Association for Advancement of Space Safety, held from 19 to 21 May 2010, in Huntsville, Alabama, the US.

(with T. Sgobba and M. Trujillo)

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

Completed the editing of a study on “ICAO for Space” for International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (with Tommaso Sgobba and Paul Dempsey): have significantly contributed to the writing and directing of this multi-year international study, being published by Springer Publishing House, Vienna, Austria.

Completed the editing of a study on “Space Tourism in India” for University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), Dehra Dun, India: have directed this multi-year interdisciplinary study, being published by UPES.

Compiled and edited “Towards Long-term Sustainability of Space Activities: Overcoming the Challenges of Space Debris”, a Report of the International Interdisciplinary Congress on Space Debris, held in Montreal in May 2009 and in Cologne April 2010, to be submitted to the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs for printing and presentation to the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the UN Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space as a document of the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety.

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

“Space Debris: Rising Hazard”, Geospatial Today, July 2009, pp. 42-44; AND “Space Debris: Mitigation Guidelines” Geospatial Toady, August 2009, pp. 44-45.

“Manifesto for a Safe and Sustainable Outer Space” in Journal of British Interplanetary Society, August 2009, Vol. 62, pp. 241-245. (with Tommaso Sgobba, Arndt-Philipp Menzel, and Dr. Joseph N. Pelton)

JANDA, Richard

Books & Monographs:

Halsbury’s Laws of Canada Communications 2010 (with Sunny Handa, David Johnson and Charles Morgan) (Markham: LexisNexis, 2010)


Communications Law in Canada (Toronto: Butterworth’s, 2000), four updates (with Sunny Handa, David Johnston and Charles Morgan)

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Course Materials: Theoretical Approaches to Law

JOBIN, Pierre-Gabriel

Refereed Papers:

«La circulation de modèles juridiques au Québec. Quand. Comment. Pourquoi», in Les couleurs du droit. Mélanges Adrian Popovici, Montréal, Éditions Thémis, 2010, p. 599-630.

«Peut-on, grâce au contrat, se faire justice soi-même en droit québécois?», (2009) Revue trimestrielle de droit civil p. 481-486.

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

«Le droit québécois sur la protection des consommateurs dans les relations internationales », with Geneviève Saumier, in D. C. Fernando Arroyo, ed., Consumer Protection in International Private Relations / La protection des consommateurs dans les relations privées internationales, Asuncion, Paraguay, 2010, p. 121.

«Les ramifications de l’interdiction d’opter. Y a-t-il un contrat? Où finit-il?», (2010) Canadian Bar Review p. 357-383.

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

Collaboration to Mourir dans la dignité, brief of Danielle Chalifoux presented to the Commission de la santé et des services sociaux, National Assembly of Québec, Québec City, March 2010.

JUKIER, Rosalie

Book Chapters:

Rosalie Jukier, "Taking Specific Performance Seriously: Trumping Damages as the Presumptive Remedy for Breach of Contract" in Robert J. Sharpe & Kent Roach, eds., Taking Remedies Seriously/Les Recours et les Mesures de Redressement:  Une Affaire Sérieuse (Montreal: Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, 2010) 85 - 118.

José Woehrling and Rosalie Jukier, "Religion and the Secular State in Canada" in Javier Martinez-Torron & W. Cole Durham, Religion and the Secular State: National Reports (Provo, Utah: The International Center for Law and Religious Studies at Bringham Young University, 2010) 183 - 212. 

(Note, order of authorship will be reversed when the final version of the Report is re-published in final book form)

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

“Serving all of Canada’s Judges: Bilingualism and Bijuralism at the National Judicial Institute” in NJI 20th Anniversary Essays – A Collection

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Contemporary Topics in Canadian Law (prepared jointly with Veronique Belanger for the course on Canadian and Chinese Law in Comparative Perspective offered under the auspices of the Shantou/McGill student exchange

JUTRAS, Daniel

Edited Collections:

JUTRAS D. and A.DODEK : Le feu sacré: l’héritage du juge en chef Antonio Lamer, Lexis Nexis, 2009.

Refereed Papers:

JUTRAS, D., « Cartographie de la mixité : La common law et la complétude du droit civil au Québec », (2009) 88 Revue du Barreau Canadien 247

JUTRAS, D., « Culture et droit processuel : le cas du Québec », (2009) 54 McGill Law Journal 273-293

Book Chapters:

JUTRAS, D., « Antonio Lamer et le droit privé » in JUTRAS D. and A.DODEK : Le feu sacré: l’héritage du juge en chef Antonio Lamer, Lexis Nexis, 2009 (also reproduced in (2009) 46 Supreme Court Law Review 2d 380-397

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

JUTRAS D, « Michel Bastarache, mixité et identité », in Nicolas Lambert, ed. Michel Bastarache : à l’avant-garde de la dualité/Michel Bastarache : At the forefront of duality (Cowansville, Thomson Reuters / Yvon Blais) [forthcoming in 2011].

JUTRAS, D. « Le recours collectif, l’appel et la géométrie de l’asymétrie », Cinquième colloque sur les recours collectifs (Montréal, Association du Barreau Canadien, Ed. Yvon Blais, Cowanswille, 2010) 1-21


Refereed Papers:

with M. Iokheles (coll.), “Factual Causation and Healthcare-Associated Infections”, (2009) 17 Health Law Journal 195-227.

“Une nouvelle révolution pour le droit de la responsabilité civile” (2009) 39 Revue générale de droit 51

Book Chapters:

L. Khoury, Fascicule sur la causalité dans la Collection Droit civil du JurisClasseur québécois (Electronic version, 2009 ; updated yearly) (Invited) : I produced the text which was published in 2009, and updated it twice since: June 2009 and December 2010.

KLEIN, Alana

Refereed Papers:

Alana Klein, "Criminal Law, Public Health, and Governance of HIV Exposure and Transmission" (2009) 13 Int'l J. Hum. Rts. 251.

Book Chapters:

Alana Klein, “People living with HIV” in Frédéric Megret, Florian Hoffmann et al, Dignity: A Special Focus on Vulnerable Groups (June 2009) (with Cathi Albertyn). (Project selected as part of the Swiss Initiative to Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights).

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

Alana Klein,"Gladue in Quebec" (2009) 54 Crim. L. Q. 506.

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Criminal Procedure Course Materials (October 2010)


Refereed Papers:

“The Spending Power, Constitutional Interpretation and Legal Pragmatism” (2008) 34 Queen’s L.J. 305-373.

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

“Foreword: Open Federalism and the Spending Power” (2008) 34 Queen’s L.J. i-iv.

“Review Article: The Forms and Limits of Federalism Doctrine” (2008) 13 Review of Constitutional Studies 241-275.

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Course Materials for the Administrative Process and Comparative Federalism

LAMED, Helena

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

June 1-Oct 26 2009 – 9 Decisions as member of Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal (CART); William Auyeng v CBSA; Fadumo Hassan Migil v CBSA; Chaouki Dardouki v CBSA; Enqui Tang v CBSA; A60353 Sébastien Blouin v CFIA; Ferme Prébel v CFIA; Ferme Vermado v CFIA; Steve Ouellet v CFIA; Trans Porc B.M v CFIA.

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Revision of course materials for Intro to Legal Research and Methodology PRAC 147D (Fall 2009, Fall 2010), Droit des Assurances (Fall 2009),Legal Ethics and Advocacy PRAC 155D (Fall 2010)


Edited Collections:

“The Objects of Virtue” in G. Alexander and E. Peñalver, eds. Property and Community (New York; Oxford University Press, 2010) (solicited) 1-37. Given the status of Chapter 1 by editors.

Refereed Papers:

“How Virtue Ethics Might Help Erase C-32’s Conceptual Incoherence”, in M. Geist (ed), From "Radical Extremism" to "Balanced Copyright": Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda (Toronto; Irwin Law, 2010) (refereed collection) 309-340.

Collection both solicited and peer reviewed.

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Editor, Civil Law Property, 10th ed., 2 volumes (McGill; 2009) (1000 pp)

Editor, Copyright & Trademark Theory and Policy (McGill; Web CT,. 2010)

LECKEY, Robert

Refereed Papers:

In 2010:

“But What Is Judicial Guidance? Debating Canadian Judgments on Children” (2010) 32 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 381.

“Complexifying Roncarelli’s Rule of Law” (2010) 55 McGill L.J. 721.

“Rhapsodie sur la forme et le fond de l’harmonisation juridique” (2010) 51 Les Cahiers de Droit 3.

*Note: The paper in the Can. Bar Rev. bears the date 2009, but I was initially told it would be dated 2010 (the Bar Review’s Web site presents it as published in October 2010). It did not appear on the 2009 form submitted for merit pay purposes last winter.

In 2009:

“A Common Law of the Family? Reflections on Rick v. Brandsema” (2009) 25 Can. J. Fam. L. 257.

“Family outside the Book on the Family” (2009) 88 Can. Bar Rev. 545.

“Where the Parents Are of the Same Sex’: Quebec’s Reforms to Filiation” (2009) 23 Int’l J. L. Pol’y & Fam. 62.

“Cohabitation and Comparative Method” (2009) 72 Mod. L. Rev. 48.

Book Chapters:

“Introduction” in Robert Leckey & Kim Brooks, eds., Queer Theory: Law, Culture, Empire (Abingdon: Routledge, 2010) (with Kim Brooks) 1.

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

“Filiation and the Translation of Legal Concepts” in Eleanor Cashin Ritaine, ed., Legal Engineering and Comparative Law, vol. 2 (Geneva: Schulthess, 2009) 123.

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

Refereed policy report: Families in the Eyes of the Law: Contemporary Challenges and the Grip of the Past. 2009. IRPP Choices 15(8), 44 pp.

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

Review article: “Language and Judgment’s Reach: Reflecting on Limits on Rights” (Luc B. Tremblay & Grégoire C.N. Webber, eds., La limitation des droits de la Charte: essais critiques sur l’arrêt R. c. Oakes/The Limitation of Charter Rights: Critical Essays on R. v. Oakes (Montreal: Thémis, 2009) (2010) 60 U.T.L.J. 1031.

Review: Maurice Tancelin, Des obligations en droit mixte du Québec, 7th ed. (Montreal: Wilson & Lafleur, 2009), [2009] Uniform L. Rev. 1061.

“Developments in Family Law: The 2008-2009 Term—Just Divisions?” (2009) 48 Supreme Court L.R. (2d) 181 (solicited).

“Thick Instrumentalism and Comparative Constitutionalism: The Case of Gay Rights” (2009) 40 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 425.

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Family Law, 2009 (substantial revision)

Constitutional Law, 2009 (minor revision)


Books & Monographs:

Principal editorial reviser, Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions, UNCITRAL Working Group VI – Security Interests (United Nations Publication, Sales No. E.09.V.12) (x, 554 pages)

Refereed Papers:

“Was Duplessis Right?” (2010) McGill Law Journal 401-436.

“A Model Law on Secured Transactions. A Representation of Structure? An Object of Idealized Imitation? A Type, Template or Design?” (2010) 15 Revue du droit uniforme 419-446.

“Transnational Secured Transactions Reform” (2009) Zeitschrift fur Europaisches Privatrecht 745-782.

“Canada’s Third National Policy: the epiphenomenal or the real Constitution?” (2009) 59 University of Toronto Law Journal 469-523 (with Robert Wolfe)

“Three Metaphors of Norm Migration in International Context” (2009) 34 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 603-653.

« Fruit Salad » (2008) 38 Revue générale de droit 405-452

Book Chapters:

« Access to Civil Justice » in P. Cane & H. Kritzer, eds. Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal Research (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010) at 492-521.

« Rabbits, Ravens, Snakes, Turtles: Analyzing the Political Economy of Aboriginal Communities from the Inside Out » in P. Noreau, ed., Gouvernance Autochtone: reconfiguration d’un avenir collectif (Montreal: Thémis, 2010) 211-235 (with Tom McMorrow)

“L’accès à la justice et le consommateur: une “marque maison”? in P-C. Lafond, dir., L’accès des consommateurs à la justice (Montreal : Yvon Blais, 2010) 1-21.

“A Lamentation for Law Reform” in A. Dodek and D. Jutras, eds., The Sacred Fire: The Legacy of Antonio Lamer (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2009) 447-481.

“Exercising Judgement / La faculté de discernement” in Quel juge pour quelle société: Actes du Congrès de la magistrature 2008 (Quebec: Conseil de la magistrature 2009) 53-71.

“Myths of Miscegenation” in B. Iancu, ed. The Law-Politics Divide in Contemporary Public Law Adjudication (Utrecht: Eleven International Publishing, 2009) at 89-113 (with Thomas McMorrow)

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

“All law reform is local: Is meaningful law reform possible after NIMBY–DINKS (a.k.a. “special interest groups”) have had their say? (15 pages typescript) (Ontario Law Commission Conference, May 13, 2009).

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

“Brief to the Commission des institutions of the National Assembly on Anti-SLAPP laws”, November 12, 2009 (11 pages typescript)

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

“Une société vivante exige un droit vivant” (2010) 3 :1 Découvrir 60.

“Response to the consultation paper of the Task Force on the Canadian Common Law Degree of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada” (2009) Canadian Legal Education Review 151-168 (with Richard Devlin, Hester Lessard, Annie Rochette, Diana Majury)

“Human Rights and Identity – Human Identities and Rights” (2009) 3 Canadian Issues 60-64.

“Grotius, Gandhi and Governance: Views from a former president of the Law Commission of Canada” (2009) 3 Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law 47-54

“Review of W. Twining, General Jurisprudence: Understanding Law from a Global Perspective” (2009) 36 Journal of Law and Society 592-598.

“Review of M. Friedland, My Life in Crime and Other Academic Adventures” (2009) 78 University of Toronto Quarterly 449-451.

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Fall 2009 – teaching materials coursepack and revised web-site (5th ed) for Legal Education Seminar

Winter 2010 – teaching materials (4th ed) and revised web-site (3rd ed) for Secured Transactions


Edited Collections:

Mosaic: Essays on Levinas and Law; Palgrave Macmillan, London & New York: 2009. 270pp.

Refereed Papers:

“Hart-Fuller and the Ghosts of Legal Interpretation,” (2010) 26 Windsor Yearbook on Access to Justice.

“Shakespeare & Judgment: The Renewal of Law & Literature” (with Paul Yachnin), (2010) 15(2) European Legacy 195-213.

“Fission & Fusion: From improvisation to formalism in law and music,” (2010) 6 Critical Studies in Improvisation 1 – 10.

Book Chapters:

“Two Turns of the Screw”, in Peter Cane., ed., Hart Fuller Debate – 50 Years On (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2009) 197-217.

“Judgment”, in Austin Sarat, ed., Law and the Humanities (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) 499-517.

“Genesis,” in Desmond Manderson, ed., Essays on Levinas and Law – A Mosaic (New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) 3-17.

“Current legal maxims in which the word “neighbour” occurs’: Levinas and the law of torts,” in Desmond Manderson, ed., Essays on Levinas and Law – A Mosaic, (New York & London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) 111-27.

“Response,” in Desmond Manderson, ed., Essays on Levinas and Law – A Mosaic, (New York & London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) 212-6.

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Imagining the Child. 500 pp (McGill, with Leigh Yetter (History), Steven Huebner Music), Teresa Strong-Wilson (Education).


Refereed Papers:

“Informal Formality: Tenantries, Ejidos and Family Land”, (2008) 4:2 International Journal of Law in Context 135-148 (UK) [actually published 2009]

“Sibling Rivalry: The example of the Planning Act and the Clean Water Act in Ontario”, (2010) 34 Vermont Law Review 903-915 (USA)

Book Chapters:

“Mont-Tremblant, Quebec: Canadian Law and the Ecological Footprint of a Four-Season Resort”, a four-chapter case study, pp. 329-415 in Milne, Janet E., Julia LeMense & Ross A. Virginia, eds., Mountain Resorts: Ecology and the Law, Ecology and Law in Modern Society Series (Farnham, England: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2009)

“Mixed Jurisdictions in the Commonwealth Caribbean: Mixing, unmixing, remixing” pp. 78-108 in Örücü, Esin, ed., Mixed Legal Systems at New Frontiers, JCL Studies in Comparative Law (London: Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing, 2010)

[Also published in (2008) 3:1 Journal of Comparative Law 53-76 (UK)]

“GM Agriculture in Canada: A courtroom drama”, pp. 254-273 in Bodiguel, Luc & Michael Caldwell, eds., The Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms: Comparative Approaches (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010)

“Damage Caused by GMOs under Canadian Law”, pp. 663-714 in Koch, Bernard A., ed., Damage Caused by Genetically Modified Organisms: Comparative survey of redress options for harm to persons, property or the environment, Tort and Insurance Law, Vol. 27 (Berlin: de Gruyter Publishing, 2010)

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

Préface, to LeChasseur, Marc-André, Zonage et urbanisme en droit municipal québécois (Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur, 2009)

MEGRET, Frédéric

Refereed Papers:

“Beyond 'Fairness': Understanding the Determinants of International Criminal Procedure” (2010) 14 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs  37

“Justifying Compensation by the International Criminal Court’s Victims Trust Fund: Lessons from Domestic Compensation Schemes” 35:4 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 123

F. Mégret, “Civil Disobedience and International Law: Sketch for a Theoretical Argument” (2009) Canadian Yearbook of International Law  143

“Of Shrines, Memorials and Museums: Using the International Criminal Court's Victim Reparation and Assistance Regime to Promote Transitional Justice” (2010) Buffalo Human Rights Law Review 1

F. Mégret, “Grandeur et déclin de l'idée de résistance à l'occupation: à propos des 'insurgés'” (2010) Revue belge de droit international  

“Beyond the ‘Salvation Paradigm’: Responsibility to Protect (Others) v. the Power of Protecting Oneself” (2009) 40 Security Dialogue 575

“The International Criminal Court and the Failure to Mention Symbolic Reparations” (2009) 16:2 International Review of Victimology  

“La Convention des Nations Unies sur les droits des personnes handicapées: un espoir de progrès” (2009) 18 Développement humain, handicap et changement social

Book Chapters:

“In Search of the ‘Vertical’: An Exploration of What Makes International Criminal Tribunals Different (and Why)” in Future Perspectives on International Criminal Justice, Carsten Stahn & Larissa van den Herik, eds., TMC Asser/Cambridge University Press, 2010.

“The Nature of Human Rights Obligations” in Daniel Moeckli et al., ed, International Human Rights Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010.

“Too Much of a Good Thing? Implementation and the Uses of Complementarity” in Carsten Stahn & Mohamed El Zeidy, eds., The International Criminal Court and Complementarity: From Theory to Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

“The Declaration on the Prohibition of Military, Political or Economic Coercion in the Conclusion of Treaties” in Olivier Corten & Pierre Klein, eds, The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010.  

“La notion de crime d'Etat devant la Cour interaméricaine des droits de l'homme” in Ludovic Hennebel, ed., La cour interaméricaine des droits de l'homme: entre particularisme et universalisme, Paris, Pedone, 2009.

“The Liberation of Nelson Mandela: Anatomy of a "Happy Event" in International Law” in Sundhya Pahuja, Fleur Johns, & Richard Joyce, eds, Events: The Force of International Law, Routledge Cavendish, 2009.

“Causes Worth Fighting For: Is there a Non-State Jus Ad Bellum?” in The Diversity of International Law, Essays in Honor of Professor Kalliopi K. Koufa, ed., Den Haag, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009.

“Asi se Baila..." Codes des milongas porteñas et "droit du quotidien” in France Joyal, ed, Tango: corps à corps culturel, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2009.

“Le Canada à la pointe de la tolérance? L'accommodement raisonnable à l'aune du droit international des droits de la personne” in Jean-François Gaudreault-Desbiens, ed, La religion, le droit et le raisonnable: le fait religieux entre monisme étatique et pluralisme juridique, Montréal: Editions Thémis, 2009.

“Globalization” in Rüdiger Wolfrum, ed, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.

“A Cautionary Tale from the Crusades? War and Prisoners in Conditions of Incommensurability” in Sybille Scheipers, ed, Prisoners in War, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009)

“International Criminal Law” in Jennifer Beard & Andrew Mitchell, eds, International Law in Principle, Melbourne: Thomson Reuters, 2009.

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

“La diversification des acteurs impliqués dans les conflits armés: vers un dépassement de la "participation directe aux hostilités"” in Jean-Marc Sorel, ed, Le rôle des tiers aux conflits armés dans la protection des populations civiles, edPedone, 2010)  

“Handicap, droits humains et Canada: quels objectifs après la ratification de la Convention des Nations Unies?” in Tribunal des droits de la personne, Barreau du Québec, ed, Race, femme, enfant, handicap : les conventions internationales et le droit interne, edEditions Yvon Blais, 2010)

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

Human Dignity: Potential for the Most Vulnerable Persons, report for the Swiss government (as editor)

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Created a website for each course

MOYSE, Pierre-Emmanuel

Refereed Papers:

P.-E. Moyse, "L’anténorme" (2011) ---, text and research presented at the Faculty Seminar, January 21, 2011 (in process)

P.-E. Moyse, "Coupable par Defoe" (2010) 22 Cahiers de propriété intellectuelle 43.

P.-E. Moyse, "Kraft Canada c. Euro-Excellence : l’insoutenable légèreté du droit" (2009) 53 R.D. McGill 741

P.-E. Moyse, “Le Club des Cinq et les mystères du droit de la concurrence”, (2009) 21 Cahiers de propriété intellectuelle 487

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

P.-E. Moyse, "Colonial Redux : 1709 v. 1832" in Lionel Bently, Uma Suthersanen, Paul Torremans eds, Global Copyright, (London: Edward Elgar, 2010) at 144.

P.-E. Moyse, "Discrimination et identité en droit canadien: vers une érosion naturelle des droits subjectifs", in Huitième Journées René Savatier, Communautés, discriminations et identité, (Poitiers : Collection de la Faculté de Droit et des Sciences sociales de Poitiers, 2009) at 165

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

P.-E. Moyse, Intellectual Property - Casebook, 2010 – Vol. I & II.

M. Graham & P.-E. Moyse, Business Organizations – Casebook , B2009


Refereed Papers:

Víctor M. Muñiz-Fraticelli, “What justice entails” in Les Atéliers de L’Éthique 5(3)___ :___ (accepted)

[This paper was originally titled “When too much isn’t enough” and was scheduled for publication in Autumn 2010, but the issue was pushed back to May 2011]

Book Chapters:

Víctor M. Muñiz-Fraticelli, “The Problem of a Perpetual Constitution,” in Axel Gosseries & Lukas Meyer Gosseries and Lukas Meyer, eds, Theories of Intergenerational Justice (Oxford: Oxford University Press, May 2009) (Refereed).

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

Víctor M. Muñiz-Fraticelli, “A Nexus with Religion” in What is Religion? Defining Religion in Secular Society, (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, forthcoming) (Accepted for publication in volume, should have been published in 2010 but experiencing delays).

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

Víctor M. Muñiz-Fraticelli, “Jean Bodin” in Encyclopedia of Political Theory edited by Mark Bevir (Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2010).

NARAIN, Vrinda

Refereed Papers:

“Water as a Fundamental Right: A Perspective from India”, Vermont Law Review, 2010 Vol. 34 No. 4, pp. 917- 926.

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

Swiss Initiative to Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the UDHR Protecting Dignity: An Agenda for Human Rights RESEARCH PROJECT ON HUMAN DIGNITY: “Women in Religious Contexts”, in “Dignity: A Special Focus on Vulnerable Groups" by Frédéric Mégret, McGill University, Canada, Florian Hoffmann, LSE, UK et al. JUNE 2009

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

In-House teaching materials: Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;

Gender and the Constitution; Women and the State in India: Colonial and Postcolonial Perspectives, Feminist Legal Theory


Edited Collections:

T. Piper ‘A Common Law Prescription for a Medical Malaise’ in CW Ng, L Bently and G D’Agostino (eds) The common law of intellectual property : essays in honour of Professor David Vaver (Hart 2010)

Refereed Papers:

T. Piper, ‘The Tools and Levers of Access to Patented Health Related Genetic Invention in Canada’ (2009) 30 Wash U J L & Policy 43

T. Piper and D. Vaver ‘Ownership of Medical Images in e- Science Collaborations: Learning from the Diagnostic Mammography National Database’ in WH Dutton and PW Jeffreys (eds) World Wide Research Reshaping the Sciences and Humanities (MIT 2010)

WH Dutton and T Piper ‘The Politics of Privacy, Confidentiality, and Ethics : Opening Research Methods’ in WH Dutton and PW Jeffreys (eds) World Wide Research Reshaping the Sciences and Humanities (MIT 2010)

T. Piper ‘An “Independent” View of Bill C-32’s Copyright Reform’ in M. Geist (ed) ‘From "Radical Extremism" to "Balanced Copyright": Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda’’ (Irwin 2010)

T Piper ‘The Improvisational Flavour of Law, the Legal Taste of Improvisation’ (2010) 6(2) Critical Studies in Improvisation 1

V Marier and T Piper, ‘Early Twentieth-Century Canadian Medical Patent Law in Practice: James Bertram Collip and the Discovery of Emmenin’ (2010) 60(3) UTLJ 855

Book Chapters:

‘Watch What You Export: The History of Medical Exceptions from Patentability’ in D Castle (ed) The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology Innovation (Edward Elgar, 2009).

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

I completely revised my casebooks for Common Law Property, Intellectual Property Law and Canadian Legal History


Edited Collections:

Confronting Genocide (Springer Verlag, 2010) xx-374p. (with Payam Akhavan).

Refereed Papers:

“Constitutional Canaries and the Elusive Quest to Legitimize Security Detentions in Canada”, (2009) Case Western Journal of International Law 531-60 (with Maureen Duffy).

“Pluralismo jurídico y pluralismo cultural en la regulación de conflictos armados” (2009) 10 Elementos de juicio (Colombia) 97 (re-published from Jornadas de derecho internacional (Washington DC: Organisation of American States, 2008) 247).

Book Chapters:

“Moving From Repression to Prevention of Genocide”, in René Provost & Payam Akhavan eds., Confronting Genocide (Springer Verlag, 2010) 1-10 (with Payam Akhavan).

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

“Islam and the Cultural Pluralisation of International Humanitarian Law”, in Perspectives on International Humanitarian Law Between Universalism and Cultural Legitimacy (The Hague: TMC Asser Institut, 2010) 20-24

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

“Human Dignity and Sexual Identity”, in Florian Hoffman and Frédéric Mégret eds, Dignity – A Special Focus on Vulnerable Groups (2009) 73-79

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

“Principles to Enhance Compliance of non-State Armed Groups with International Humanitarian law”, On the Edges of Conflicts – Policy Papers (Ottawa; Canadian Red Cross and Lui Institute, 2010) 6-13

Book Review on Noëlle Quénivet and Roberta Arnolds, eds, International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law: Towards a New Merger in International Law (Leiden: Nijhoff, 2008), (2010) Canadian Yearbook of International Law 762-767

“Amicus Brief on Joint Criminal Entreprise in the case of Gaink Guek Eav ‘Duch’ Before the Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts of Cambodia”, (2009) 20(2) Criminal Law Forum (with P. Akhavan, F. Mégret, et al.).

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

International Humanitarian Law - Cases and Materials (McGill, 2009) 520pp.

Fondements du Droit - Textes et documents (Montréal: McGill, 2010) 353pp.

SAUMIER, Geneviève

Books & Monographs:

with M. Baer et al., Canadian Private International Law: Cases and Materials, 3rd ed. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2010); responsible for Chap. 17 – Marriage and Cohabitation, Chap. 18 – Dissolution of marriage and other unions and Chap. 20 – Children

Edited Collections:

“L’arbitrage de consommation équitable : option ou illusion ? ” in B. Moore & P.-C. Lafond, éd., L’équité au service du consommateur, Yvon Blais, 2010

with P.G. Jobin, Rapport national (Québec) in D.P. Arroyo, éd., Consumer Protection in International Private Relations (Asunción, Paraguay, 2010) 121

Refereed Papers:

“Consumer Arbitration in the Evolving Canadian Landscape” (2009) 113 Penn State L. Rev. 1203-1126 (cited in Griffin v. Dell Canada Inc., 2010 ONCA 29 at para. 31)

“Competing Class Actions across Canada: Still at the Starting Gate after Canada Post v. Lépine?” (2010) 48 Can. Bus. L.J. 462

Book Chapters:

“Transborder Litigation and Private International Law – The View from Canada” in F. Cafaggi & H.-W. Micklitz, eds, New Frontiers of Consumer Protection – the Interplay between Private and Public Enforcement (Antwerp: Intersentia, 2009) 361-78.

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

« Le droit international privé et le travail international » in Développements récents en droit des affaires internationales – le travail international, Yvon Blais, 2009, 197-220.

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

“Commentary on the Brazilian proposal to CIDIP VII”, Federal Justice Dept – International Private Law, February 2009

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Extra-contractual Obligations / Tort, Faculty of Law, McGill University, original edition 1999 (with D. Jutras, N. Kasirer, M.C. Prémont and S. Van Praagh); latest edition 2010-11 with Y. Emerich and G. Resta

Private International Law, electronic casebook, myCourses, 1st English edition, Winter 2010

Consumer Arbitration, new edition, summer 2010

Consumer Law, electronic casebook on myCourses, 1st English edition, Fall 2010


Books & Monographs:

Inclusive Equality: The Relational Dimensions of Systemic Discrimination in Canada (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010)

Book Chapters:

“Systemic Discrimination and Gender Inequality: A Life-cycle Approach to Girls' and Women's Rights” in Errol P. Mendes & Sakunthala Srighanthan, eds. Confronting Discrimination and Inequality in China (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2009) 232-243.

Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc:

Multiple Discrimination in the World of Work, Working Paper, International Labour Organization, Geneva: Prepared for the Global Report on Equality at Work (Fall 2010)

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

“Reducing Group-based Inequality in a Legally Plural World”, Working Paper, CRISE (Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity), Oxford University; published online, February 2010, at: .

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Discrimination and the Law Course Materials (2009) (2010) (Seminar Materials)

SMITH, Lionel

Books & Monographs:

Oosterhoff on Trusts: Text, Commentary and Materials, 7th edition; with Albert Oosterhoff, Robert Chambers, and Mitchell McInnes (Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2009). I was responsible for Chapters 1, 10 and 15.

Commercial Trusts in European Private Law; with Michele Graziadei and Ugo Mattei (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005; paperback edition, 2009). The three co-authors wrote together sections 1 and 2 in Part I, and Part III, and edited the book, to which there were 22 other contributors. I am the sole author of the sections on English law. This book was originally published in 2005 and was republished in a paperback edition in 2009.

Canadian Corporate Law: Cases, Notes and Materials, 4th edition; with Bruce Welling and Leonard Rotman (Toronto: LexisNexis/Butterworths Canada, 2010). In this edition, I was responsible for Chapters 5, 6, and 7.

Refereed Papers:

“Simplifying Claims to Traceable Proceeds” (2009), 125 Law Quarterly Review 338-348. This paper was presented to the Oxford Private Law Discussion Group, Oxford, 23 February 2009. Upon publication it was immediately cited by the New South Wales Court of Appeal in Heperu Pty Limited v Belle [2009] NSWCA 252 at [153].

“Trust and Patrimony” (2009), 28 Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal 332-354. This paper was presented at the Workshop on Terminology and Property Models in the 21st Century, McGill University, 21 September 2006, and the 2nd Congress of the World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction Jurists, University of Edinburgh, 30 June 2007. It was originally published at (2008), 38 Revue générale de droit 379-403 and was requested for republication by the editors of the Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal. It was awarded the Widdifield Award for 2010, for the best article published in the Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal during 2009. A Japanese translation is forthcoming in (2011), 25 Quarterly Review of Corporation Law and Society (Waseda University, Japan).

Book Chapters:

“Philosophical Foundations of Proprietary Remedies”, ch. 10 in R. Chambers, C. Mitchell and J. Penner, eds., Philosophical Foundations of Unjust Enrichment (Oxford: O.U.P., 2009) 281-305. This paper was presented at a conference on “Philosophical Foundations of Unjust Enrichment,” King’s College, London, 11-12 April 2008.

“The Measurement of Compensation Claims Against Trustees and Fiduciaries”, ch. 16 in E. Bant and M. Harding, eds., Exploring Private Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) 363-376.

“Unjust Enrichment, Property and Subsidiarity,” ch. 21 in D. Johnston and R. Zimmermann, eds., Unjustified Enrichment: Key Issues in Comparative Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002; paperback edition, 2010) 588-623. This book was originally published in 2002 and was republished in a paperback edition in 2010.

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Revised teaching materials for Advanced Common Law Obligations, published online, January 2010; further revised edition, August 2010.

SMITH, Stephen

Edited Collections:

‘Rights and Remedies: A Complex Relationship’ in Taking Rights Seriously (Ottawa: CIAJ, 2010) Kent Roach & Robert Sharpe, eds., 31-62

‘The Rights of Private Law’ in The Goals of Private Law (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2009) Andrew Robertson & Hang Wu, eds., 113-138

‘Unjust Enrichment: Nearer to Tort than Contract’ in The Philosophical Foundations of Unjust Enrichment Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009) Robert Chambers, Charles Mitchell, & James Penner, eds., 181-208

‘The Limits of Contract’ in Exploring Contract Law (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2009) Jason Neyers, Richard Bronaugh, & Stephen Pitel, eds. 1-24

Refereed Papers:

‘‘‘The Reasonable Expectations of the Parties’’: An Unhelpful Concept’ (2010) 48 Canadian Business Law Journal 366-388.


Refereed Papers:

“The Definition on the Education of Future Business and Political Leaders”, Global Brief – World Affairs in the 21st Century, Inaugural Issue May 2009, 68

“Scholars turn their minds to marriage” Review Essay on The Jurisprudence of Marriage and Other Intimate Relationships, Scott FitzGibbon, Lynn D. Wardle, and A. Scott Loveless (Eds.). Buffalo, NY: William S. Hein & Co., 2010. 330 pages.

Mercatornet, December 2, 2010,

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

“ Dying as the Last Great Act of Living Keeping Euthanasia Out to Keep Death and Dying in a Moral Context.” in Marc Cardinal Ouellet, Margaret Somerville, Richard Habner and Paula Diadori, “A Personal Matter:  Essays on the foundation and defense of human dignity in medicine and society”, Proceedings the 2nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Federation of Catholic Physicians’ Societies, (Justin Press; Ottawa, 2010), pp.134, 93-134

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

Please note: Almost all of these articles are published in multiple places both in print and on-line. For example, the articles published first in the Ottawa Citizen are republished in PostMedia (formerly CanWest) newspapers across the country.

“Facing up to the dangers of the intolerant university: Bird on an ethics wire”, in Ethics in the Academy, Academic Matters, May 2009, pp. 58-61

“Why Fertility Should Not Be Commercialized”, in Parallels: Taking a Stand in English, 2nd ed., by Brent Davis Reid, 2009, pp. 174-175.

“Divided Loyalty: When a Doctor’s & Patient’s Interests Conflict”, Globe and Mail, June 16, 2009, p. A-21

“Destroying life for science”, The Ottawa Citizen, June 22, 2009

“H1N1 Flu: A World of Competing Sorrows”, The Globe and Mail, July 16, 2009, p. A13

“We can always relieve pain”, The Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, July 25, 2009, p. B7

“Doctors should kill the pain, not the patient”, The [Montreal] Gazette, Tuesday, July 28, 2009, p. A13

“Words matter in euthanasia debate”, Letter to the Editor, The [Montreal] Gazette, Sunday, August 2, 2009, p. A12

“The flawed quest for perfection”, The Ottawa Citizen, Friday, August 7, 2009, p. A9

“Euthanasia Laws needed (II), Letter to the Editor, National Post, Tuesday, August 4, 2009, p. A9

“Euthanasia and the Law (II)”, Letter to the Editor, National Post, Friday, August 7, 2009, p. A11

“Consummate pro”, Letters to the Editor, The [Montreal] Gazette, Wednesday, August 12, 2009, p. A20

“Ethics, like law and science, evolves over time”, The [Montreal] Gazette, Friday, August 28, 2009, p. A15

“The rights of test tube babies”, The Ottawa Citizen, Tuesday, September 8, 2009, p. A11

“Why we’re debating euthanasia now”, The Ottawa Citizen, Friday, October 23, 2009, p. A15

“Doctors should never kill”, Letter to the Editor, National Post, Wednesday, November 4, 2009, p. A17

“Arthur Schafer, “The great Canadian euthanasia debate”, Letter to the Editor, The Globe & Mail, November 6, 2009,

“Euthanasia would hurt doctors”, The Ottawa Citizen, Friday, November 6, 2009, p. A15

“Free speech trumps harmony”, The [Montreal] Gazette, Friday, Nov. 20, 2009, p. A18

“Defining human dignity”, The [Montreal] Gazette, Sunday, Nov. 22, 2009, p. A17

“My Book of the Decade”, The Globe and Mail, Saturday, Dec. 26, 2009, p. F10

“Finding meaning in dying”, The Globe and Mail, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2010, p. A15

“We must protect humans’ special status”, The Ottawa Citizen, Friday, January 22, 2010, p. A13

“Abortion and the health pledge”, Letter to the Editor, The Globe and Mail, Friday, February 5, 2010, p. A12

“The dangers of false certainty”, The Ottawa Citizen, Tuesday, February 9, 2010,

p. A11

“Doctors get it wrong: Good facts are essential for good ethics”, The [Montreal] Gazette, February 21, 2010, p.A17

“Judge to decide fate of husband in wife’s suicide”, Letter to the Editor, The Globe and Mail, Wednesday February 24, 2010, p. A12

“The right not to die”, Letter to the Editor, The Globe and Mail, Thursday, February 25, 2010, p. A14

“When is euthanasia justified?”,The Globe and Mail, Monday, March 15, 2010,

p. A11

“Pro-choice is an ideology too”, The Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, March 25, 2010, p. A13

“Pulling the plug’ isn’t euthanasia”, The Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, March 20, 2010, p. B7. Also published as “There’s a big difference between euthanasia and pulling the plug”, The [Montreal] Gazette, Tuesday, April 6, 2010, p. A19

“Maternal health and paternalism”, The Ottawa Citizen, Friday, April 30, 2010, p. A11

“Religion in the public square”, The Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, May 15, 2010, p. B7. Also published “Religion in the public square” Christian Legal Journal, Summer 2010, p.17-19.

“Harper should get behind abortion bill”, Letter to the Editor, National Post, May 25, 2010, p. A13

“Busting the abortion myths”, The [Montreal] Gazette, Wednesday, June 2, 2010, p. A21

“Life’s essence bought and sold. What are children’s rights when it comes to their origins? The Globe and Mail, Saturday, July 10, 2010, p. A17

“Clifford Olson deserves to live…”, Letter to the Editor, National Post, Tuesday, July 13, 2010, p. A11

“Ethical acts” Letter to the Editor, National Post, Friday, July 16, 2010, p. A9

“Preserving humanity” The Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, August 19, 2010, p. A11

“Too many suffer in pain” The Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, September 4, 2010, p. B7

“Suicide workshops a ‘grey area’ in law”, Letter to the Editor, National Post, Friday, October 15, 2010, p. A13

“Natural death not at all rare”, Letter to the Editor, The [Montreal] Gazette, Tuesday, October 19, 2010, p. A22

“Closer than you know. The Movie Never Let Me Go holds a searing lesson in bioethics we must heed today” The Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, October 30, 2010, p. B7

“Doctors as gatekeepers” The [Montreal] Gazette, Thursday, November 2nd, 2010, p. A25


“A Simple Answer to Quebec’s Simple Adoption Question”, The Globe and Mail, Oct. 13, 2009,

“Children's human rights and assisted human reproduction”, BioNews, 17 November 2009,

October 2009 to January 2010

“Laughing, Dreaming and Sweating: The Olympic Games as a Global “Shared Ethics” Forum, Intellectual Muscle, University Dialogues for Vancouver 2010,

“Laughing, Dreaming and Sweating: Musing on the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games”, VANOC “Intellectual Muscle” project.

“Laughing, Dreaming and Sweating: The Olympic Games as a Global “Shared Ethics” Forum, ntellectual Muscle, University Dialogues for Vancouver 2010,

“Confusing the Maternal Health Debate”, The Mark, March 22, 2010,

“What will define 2010?: The Euthanasia Debate”, The Mark, August 10, 2010,

The World’s Most Dangerous Idea”, Mercatornet, 19 August 2010


“Confusing the Maternal Health Debate”, The Mark, March 22, 2010,

… “Should assisted suicide be legalized in Canada?”, Debate with Russel Ogden,

First Exchange, The Mark, November 22, 2010,

Second Exchange, The Mark, November 26, 2010

Third Exchange, The Mark, November 29, 2010

“Scary Science Could Cause Human Extinction?”, The Mark, November 24, 2010,

TETLEY, William

Books & Monographs:

Octobre 1970: Dans les coulisses de la crise, 1st Ed. (2010) Les Éditions Héritage


“The Rotterdam Rules and Piracy in the Middle East: Some Preliminary Comments”.

(Liber Amicorum for Maritime Law Professor and Practitioner Marc Huybrechts),

forthcoming, Spring 2011.

Refereed Papers:

“Some General Criticisms of the Rotterdam Rules” (2009) 14 Journal of

International Maritime Law (JIML) 625, Vol. 14, Issue 6, 2009.

“The Rotterdam Rules and Piracy in the Middle East: Some Preliminary

Comments” (Liber Amicorum for Professor Marc Huybrechts), 2010

Book Chapters:

“A summary of some general criticisms of the UNCITRAL Convention (the

Rotterdam Rules)”. In Serving the rule of international maritime law: essays in

honour of Professor David Joseph Attard. Norman A. Martínez Gutiérrez, ed.

London; New York, Routledge-Cavendish, 2010. p. 251-254.

“A Critique of and the Canadian Response to the Rotterdam Rules”, in D. Rhidian

Thomas, A New Convention for the Carriage of Goods by Sea – The Rotterdam

Rules (Devon: Lawtext Publishing, 2009).

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

March 18, 2011 (Forthcoming) – Conference organized by the Association of Canadian Studies:

“Looking Back at the Role of Minorities during the Quiet Revolution”.

May 20-21, 2011 (Forthcoming) – Conference in Honour of the late Charles Gonthier:

“The Rotterdam Rules and its Implications for Canada”.

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

My website contains a collection of some 14 short articles, under the rubrics “Antic Anecdotes” and “Nonsense Novels”, recalling some of my most memorable (and often amusing) experiences in the practice of law, in politics and in academe. Among these are pieces entitled "How to Become a Maritime Lawyer Without Even Trying", "How to Keep Clients Without Even Trying", "How to Be Sued for Professional Liability Without Even Trying", "How to Become an International Arbitrator Without Even Trying", "How to Join the Laurier Club Without Even Trying" and "How to Teach Law Without Even Trying", “Béliveau and Cardinal Léger”, “The Underside of Law Practice, Politics and Teaching”, “France’s Most Distinguished, Revered and difficult Law Professor” and “Emmanuel du Pontavice, Luigi Pavarotti and Me”. Many of these articles are posted in both English and French versions and are an attractive feature of my website. See .

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

My website contains the following Glossaries and Table which are updated regularly throughout the year. They are used as in-house teaching materials, but are also available to the general public. My casebooks course outlines articles and books which are used by Law Faculties and students around the world and in their casebooks and collections of essays:

Glossary of Maritime Law Terms, 2 Ed., 2004

(posted online at ).

(N.B.: This work has been published as a booklet in 2004, and has been translated into Chinese in 2005, but continues to be updated on the website.)

Glossary of International Conventions and National Laws of Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, France and the People's Republic of China on Maritime Law

(posted online at ).

Glossary of Conflict of Laws; (posted online at ).

Table of Package and Kilo Limitations of 146 countries

(posted online at ).

Thirty-four (34) chapters of the eventual fourth edition of my book, Marine Cargo Claims, expected to be published in 2008) are now posted on my website at . They are also used as teaching materials.

Course Outline for International Carriage of Goods by Sea (Course No. CMPL 515).

(also posted on-line at ).

Course Outline for Private International Law (in a Maritime Law Context) (Course No. LAWG 316- section 001). (also posted on-line at ).

My website also contains questions, previous examinations and notes for possible answers, as well as a “marine cargo claims scenario” and a variety of “standard lectures”.

(see and ).


Book Chapters:

« Magie, contes et sortilèges: Le droit à l'écoute de l'enfant » in B. Moore, C. Bideau-Cayre et V. Lemay (dir.), La représentation de l'enfant devant les tribunaux, Montréal : Éditions Thémis, 2009

« Troubles de voisinage: Droit, égalité et religion » in J-F Gaudreault-DesBiens (dir.), La religion, le droit et le "raisonnable", Montréal, Éditions Thémis, 2009

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

‘Sharing the Sidewalk’ (2010) Canadian Diversity 6 (Issue on Balancing Competing Human Rights - Ontario Human Rights Commission)

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

"Vista desde la Succah : Religion y Relaciones de Vecindad" (Deciembre 2010) 11 (2) Revista Argentina de Teoria Juridica (translation from English (“View from the Succah: Religion and Neighbourly Relations” in Richard Moon, ed., Law and Religious Pluralism in Canada (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008) 21-40 ) into Spanish; selected by the Review for a special issue on Law and Society)

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

Extra-Contractual Obligations/Torts (with Profs Emerich and Saumier)

Graduate Legal Methodology (with Karen Crawley, Pilarcyzk Fellow)

WALSH, Catherine

Books & Monographs:

Nicholas Rafferty (ed.): Joost Blom, Elizabeth Edinger, Stephen G.A. Pitel, Nicholas Rafferty, Geneviève Saumier, Janet Walker, Catherine Walsh, Private International Law in Common Law Canada: Cases, Text, and Materials, 3rd Edition (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2010) (Note: I wrote Chapter 4 (Public Policy), Chapter 5 (Personal Connecting Factors), Chapter 11 (Law of Procedure), and Chapter 15 (Movables))

Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:

Catherine Walsh, “The Uses and Abuses of Party Autonomy in International Contracts” (2010) 60 UNB LJ 12

(Note: while the UNB Law Journal is a refereed journal, this article was based on the 2010 Annual Ivan C Rand Memorial Lecture that I was invited to deliver at UNB. The Rand Lecturer’s article is traditionally published in the Journal without going through the refereeing process.)

In-house Teaching Materials, etc:

I develop my own edited set of readings and materials for Secured Transactions, Private International Law and International Business Law and update these annually. They are “published” on WebCT rather than on paper.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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