Colossus and the breaking of the wartime 'fish' codes

Colossus and the breaking of the wartime "fish" codes

Michie, Donald


ADDRESS: Medina Apartments, 63-65 St. Marks Road, Randwick, Sydney NSW 2031 AUSTRALIA.

ABSTRACT: One of the authors of the recently released "General Report on Tunny," here describes his three-year experience as a founder member of the "Testery" and "Newmanry" teams. Their combined use of innovative methods and machines led from the breaking of the German Lorenz military traffic to its large-scale daily decipherment.

KEYWORDS: Bletchley, Lorenz, Tunny, Fish, Heath Robinson, Colossus, Tiltman, Tutte, Turing, Tester, Newman, Flowers, high-speed electronic computing.


In late 1941, following my 18 th birthday, a normal next phase would have been two further terms at boarding school, with an option for scholarship holders to proceed to a shortened University degree course before joining up. But over that Christmas my teenage imagination was fired by a tale from my father concerning a mysterious establishment at Bedford. He had it on the authority of the then War Minister, Sir James Grigg, that as preparation for doing something unspecified but romantic behind enemy lines there were opportunities to sign up for a Japanese course starting in a couple of months' time. I duly journeyed to Bedford and presented myself at the address given.

Sorry, wrong info

My request to enroll elicited from the Intelligence Corps officer who saw me a somewhat puzzled reply: "Who told you that we have a Japanese course now? That particular exercise is planned for the Autumn." Noting my confusion he added: "But we have courses on code-breaking. There's a new intake just starting. Would that interest you instead? I'll have someone find you a billet nearby. Make sure to be back here at 9 a.m. Monday."

In World War II one did not mess about. Returning to the London suburbs just long enough to pack a suitcase, I was back and signed in to the School of Codes and Ciphers, Official Secrets Act and all, on the Monday morning. With the rest of the new class I was soon held in thrall by our instructor, a certain Captain Cheadle, and by the black arts of codes and ciphers.

With nothing to occupy my evenings, I arranged to have my own key to the building and classroom. My habit became to return after hours to the texts and exercises. The resulting accelerated learning curve made my selection inevitable when a Colonel Pritchard arrived from Bletchley. He was on a mission to recruit for the new section that was being formed by Ralph Tester to follow up John Tiltman's and William Tutte's successive coups. The hope was that breaking and reading Fish traffic could be placed on a regular basis. The Pritchard interview lasted no more than a few minutes. I was to present myself within 48 hours at the entrance to Bletchley Park with a sealed letter.

After admission and a visit to the billeting office, I was parked in the Mansion House. My first task was to memorise teleprinter code until I could fluently sight-read punched paper tape. Pending completion of the Hut assigned to Major Tester's new section I sat as an ugly duckling in a large room filled to capacity by members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force. What were they doing? Who knows? New arrivals were imprinted with a draconian DON'T ASK DON'T TELL principle in regard to anyone's immediate business but their own. I did, however, discover that those whose boy friends were on active service felt only contempt for an apparently fit young male in civilian attire. Some of them had lost boyfriends in the RAF, and many had boyfriends still alive but in daily peril.

Charm of a Second Lieutenant

The experience did nothing to ease my sense of disorientation in the new surroundings. Relief appeared in the person of a uniformed and exquisitely charming Intelligence Corps officer, Second Lieutenant Roy Jenkins. My task was to bring him up to my own recently acquired sight-reading skills. Roy's post-war career was to include Cabinet Minister and Chancellor of Oxford University. In my isolation, his company was rescue and balm. We departed to swell the ranks of Tester's new section, in my case via a most curious diversion.

Forty men and a teenager

On reporting to Ralph Tester I was immediately dispatched to take charge of a room like a small aircraft hangar. It was located at some distance from his new Hut. Within it there sat at tables several dozen uniformed men who remain in my memory as being all of the rank of Lance Corporal. What I can attest beyond error is that I quickly became convinced of the infeasibility of the operation which it was now my job to supervise.

As later explained, once the offset had been determined of two intercepts known to constitute a "depth" (the same message retransmitted with the same key, but with the plain-language message at a different offset with respect to that key) they were added so as to cancel out their common key. The resulting "depth-sum" text must logically then consist of the addition to itself at that offset, or "stagger", of a German plain language message. Given the text of such a depth, if one guessed that some character-sequence, say "GESELLSCHAFT" was likely to appear somewhere in the plaintext, then the experiment could be tried of adding that 12-character sequence (a "crib") to the depth's first 12 characters, inspecting the result, then to characters 2-13, 3-14, ... etc. in tedious progression through the text, a procedure known as "dragging". To keep track of what follows, the reader needs only to keep two things in mind: (1) that in international teleprint code "9" stands for "space" (as between words), and (2) that "add" refers to an operation known as "modulo-2 addition" which makes addition and subtraction indistinguishable. In consequence, if, say, HONES + OBDZE = NEST9 then NEST9 + OBDZE = HONES.

Let us return to the Lance Corporal dragging the crib GESELLSCHAFT step by step through the text of a depth-sum, pausing at each step to see what resulted from each successive trial addition. He stopped only if the result of his addition at any stage yielded, say, "SELLSCHAFT9U" (the symbol "9" denotes characterspace), at once concluding from such a local break that the offset was 2 and that the plaintext contained the sequence "GESELLSCHAFT9U". In the hands of a cryptanalyst the immediate next step would be to extend by two characters the "crib" that had been dragged, yielding, perhaps, "SELLSCHAFT9UNT", which would strongly suggest some further extension, say "GESELLSCHAFT9 UNTER", which might possibly be rewarded by "SELLSCHAFT9UNTER9A" and so forth.

Misplaced task-decomposition

So what was wrong with the reasonable-seeming thought that the task could be decomposed into a brute force (crib-dragging only) component and a skilled (extending the breaks) component? Why not first throw brute force at it and then pass the text on to the cryptanalysts with candidate breaks already found and flagged? Take a few dozen Intelligence Corps clerks each equipped with a list of cribs to be dragged, together with rule-sheets for the boolean addition of teleprint characters and for the recognition of common fragments of military German. Let them do the dragging, marking all local breaks found or suspected. Marked-up texts could then be sent on to the Testery proper, to receive the attention of cryptanalysts whose time would thus be conserved by prior delegation of the drag-work.

It sounded good. Experience soon convinced me otherwise. But my conviction had to be validated in the eyes of others. My only course was to drive the project along until its futility became evident, not to the band of massed Lance Corporals, but to the authors of the original proposal, whoever they were (this I never knew).

The flaw lay in the non-decomposability of a task once talent and much practice has melded it into a fluent unity. The cognitive psychologists speak of "automatization". To the eye of an observer from Mars, delivery of the serve at tennis might appear to be a sufficiently separate and stereotyped task to suggest a change of rules. The expert player might be allowed to employ a brute-force server (crib-dragging posse of Lance Corporals) who would on delivery of his service instantly quit the court, leaving the tactically highly skilled tennis professional (cryptanalyst) to continue the rally.

Trade-offs can be debated for each separate athletic or intellectual skill, but can only be quantified empirically, case by case. In tennis, as in depth-breaking, each opening move (the serve) flows smoothly and subliminally into the movesequence (the rally) that follows. The gains from continuity of the single-agent scheme probably outweigh in tennis the sacrifice of sheer serving speed. The same principles were eventually shown to dominate the depth-breaking case.

To the Testery

The dogged endeavours of my well-drilled force of crib-draggers in due course generated sufficient documentation for me to report that the "human wave" assault was unlikely to contribute effectively and was best disbanded. After this interlude, depressing for all concerned, I gained the long-sought shore of the Testery proper. I was turned over to a young graduate, now the internationally distinguished mathematician P. J. Hilton, for instruction in the earlier mentioned method known as "Turingery".

Peter knew all the Testery hand-procedures backward and forward, and played a massive part in perfecting them. My first and vivid memory was that, although only a year or two older than me, he smoked a pipe. My second was of his didactic strictures on my fetish of tidiness and aesthetics in paper-and-pencil work. I should say "my then fetish". With efficiency and speed at an unimaginable premium, not to mention justified awe of my new mentor, I was cured of this kind of perfectionism for life!

Other vivid images of my first encounter with the Testery are first and foremost of Major (later Colonel) Ralph Tester himself. I recall his mesmeric impact on female spectators in the lunch break as he leapt, daemonic and glowing about the tennis court with an animality that I had only ever envisaged as radiating from the great god Pan. Yet a year later when I was already in the Newmanry, engaged in a machine-based attack on the same Fish ciphers, the same man was ashen under his tan. He had had to summon me (presumably at Newman's request) to reprove my conduct. Why had I been canvassing the cryptographic staff of both Newmanry and Testery for signatures to a petition for the administrative merging of the two sections? With the naivety of a nineteen-year-old I was oblivious of such facts as that, even if a Foreign Office section and a War Office section could have been merged, one or other of Tester and Newman would have had to be dumped, and that it would not have been Newman. An ingenious administrative compromise resulted. A fictional "Mr. X" appeared on Newman's books whose fake identity four selected Testery staff assumed for periods in rotation, acting as a species of internal consultant. This gave good technical liaison, previously absent.

Tester had the sense of purpose and personal humility of an outstanding leader. At the time of Rommel's retreat to Tunisia, we suddenly found that some mysterious change in the system had locked us out of the Berlin-Tunis channel. A group of us offered to go flat out round the clock. Ralph's cryptographic skills were really too unpractised to be of material help, as he and we knew. But he sat among us, bolt upright as was normal for him, unflagging as the hours raced by. In the end the hours were not racing, and we young Turks were drooping and nodding. Ralph, focussed and refulgent as ever, saw this: "You know," he said tactfully, "it's easy for me. Most things go downhill with age. Stamina for some reason goes the other way. So you're no good at this sort of thing until you're at least forty. Another coffee, anyone?"

During the glory days of the American space programme, when the mean age of space vehicle commanders seemed to be getting more and more venerable, I recalled Tester's words.

Strange incident, best forgotten

The Testery's machine operators were ATS girls ("Auxiliary Territorial Service" I think). One of them, Helen Pollard (now Currie, see References) in her reminiscence of the Testery speaks not only of the thrill of it all but briefly hints at a romantic attachment. That attachment outlasted the war. If there is to be a dedication of this memoir then let it be to her.

For all the attractions of the new life, or perhaps because of them, I could not drop from my mind the initial "white feather" impact of that roomful of WAAF girls. While on leave visiting my home in Weybridge, I learned from my father of questions from his peers at the St. Georges Hill golf club about what his son was doing for the war effort. Apart from knowing that I was not after all learning Japanese, his mind was unavoidably blank on what I was now up to. It was out of the question to give information of any kind to any person outside the wire beyond "sort of clerical work" or the like. He asked me whether I had ever considered active service.

Back in BP I asked for an interview with Colonel Pritchard, and requested a transfer to the North African desert. Pritchard let me finish. Then he said: "Who's been getting at you?" Taken off guard, I waffled. "No-one?" he enquired politely, and let his question hang in the air.

Eventually I blurted out that my father had mentioned such a possibility, but had applied no pressure. Anyway, I maintained, it had nothing to do with my decision. There was another uncomfortable pause. Then: "I have to instruct you to return to duty. You see, Mr Michie, we have a war on our hands. Inconvenient, but unfortunately true. Unless you have further questions, you are free to return at once to your Section." Pause. "And by the way, I do not expect you to raise such matters again." Pause. "Either with me or with anyone else." Longer pause. "As for your father, I do not anticipate that he will raise them either."

I returned to the Testery and I confess I felt relieved. I don't believe I gave it a further thought. But many years later my mother told me that my father had received a visit at his place of work in the City of London from an army colonel, who presented himself as my superior officer. Did I know anything about it? I shook my head. For a decade or two after the war, to reveal anything whatsoever about Bletchley Park and its activities continued to be embargoed under the Official Secrets Act. Inevitably its subjective restraints weakened over long time. None the less, 25 years passed before any mention of British use in 1943-45 of electronic computers for a cryptanalytic purpose appeared in the open literature [7].

Chess, Turing, and "thinking machines"

It was through needing to consult the originator of Turingery on some point that I first met Turing. We soon discovered a common interest in chess, and also the fact that we were both sufficiently poor players to be able to give each other a level game. At BP a person was either a chess-master, having been recruited for that reason (similarly with winners of national crossword competitions) or he did not count chess among his interests. We formed the habit of meeting once a week for a game of chess in a pub in Wolverton. On the pervasive need-toknow principle we never discussed his work in the Naval section. When I was demobilized I still knew nothing about Enigma, except possibly its name. Our shared topics of interest were (a) the possible mechanization of chess-playing and (b) learning machines. These interests were inspired in me by him, and were shared with Jack Good, now internationally renowned in mathematical statistics. In the post-war years, "thinking machines" continued to occupy the three of us in occasional correspondence and meetings until Turing's death.

Good! Now for some backwards extension, the cryptanalyst would say. How about 9WISSENSCHAFT? ... 9GESELLSCHAFT? ...and so forth. If none of one's stock cliches leapt to mind either at plaintext or delta level, then one might ask the sole German-speaking worker in the Hut, Peter Ericsson. His linguistic gifts, matched with an even more fluent associative imagination would kick in. If his first verbal suggestion didn't hit the mark, he'd be over to your desk with pencil and eraser. In minutes he would have extended your small break in both directions in a lightning succession of trials, retractions and consolidations.

The mental style of another notable young colleague, Peter Benenson, was an almost unnerving contrast. Sheer concentrated doggedness was applied systematically, obsessively, hour after hour. That too, I noted, could garner miracles, less swiftly but perhaps more surely, sometimes reducing jobs that others had tossed onto the heap as intractable. After the war he went on to found Amnesty, culminating in a colourful exit with psychiatric overtones. I did not follow the details.

It was essentially by such generate-and-test cycles of conjecture that Brigadier Tiltman had got out the very first depth, intercepted on August 30, 1941. In his case, the displacement, or "stagger", was three characters rather than one. This is more adverse in terms of guessing candidate extensions, but partly compensated by a gain in the length of each individual successful extension.

Peter Ericsson and I shared digs for the last two years. He opened the world of visual arts to me, including everything, such as it is, that I know about filmmaking. He was also spellbinding on both the comical and the crazy aspects of urban cultures of many lands. After the war he and Lindsay Anderson, destined to become one of Britain's innovative film directors (remember "If launched an avant-garde film magazine Sequence. They worked on the floor of a virtually unfurnished London apartment. Occasionally I visited from Oxford and helped where I could.


A major statistical contribution which Turing had earlier developed for the Enigma work was of such generality that it was quickly taken up as a staple sup port for certain critical operations of our own work on Fish. After the war "Turing's sequential Bayes rule" became the foundation stone of an entire new branch of applied statistics. It was expounded with further extensions by I. J. Good in his 1950 book Probability and the Weighing of Evidence. When Jack Good joined me shortly after my recruitment by Newman to found the new machine section, he brought with him everything of Enigma methods which were generalizable. Good came straight from close collaboration with bring in C. H. O'D Alexander's Naval Enigma section, of which Turing had been the original nucleus and first Head.

A digression here will illustrate certain unique qualities of Turing himself and of the organization in which history had embedded him.

Turing style and BP style: both unusual

The Naval section had originally been founded to support Turing's great Enigma breakthrough. Hence it was natural that he be asked to head it. Unfortunately his uncanny intellectual gifts were tightly interwoven with an at least equally uncanny lack of what are ordinarily called "social skills". The predictable result was administrative chaos. Rapid ad hoc extemporizations came to the rescue from one of his brightest lieutenants, the one-time British Chess Champion Hugh Alexander. He had made his pre-wax living (there was in those days no money in chess) as an experienced and fast-thinking manager of the John Lewis London department store. So a little job like quietly and tactfully reorganizing Turing's bewildered section was to him an interesting challenge. In short order Alexander flowed into the de facto headship. Turing continued happily as de jure Head, no longer distracted by these matters.

One day bring arrived at the gate of the Park late for work. On such occasions one signed oneself into a book with ruled columns and headings that included "Name of Head of Section". Turing unexpectedly wrote "Mr. Alexander", and proceeded in to work. Nothing was said. But somewhere wheels turned silently. Records were updated. Alexander continued his miracles of inspired and often unorthodox deployment of human and material resources, but now as the official Head of Naval section.

I had this from a third party, and never asked Turing about it. I think he would have found my question uninteresting.

Post-war development

Jack Good was Alan Turing's close friend and colleague, and also mine. Postwar secrecy at the time of Good's publication, and for many years thereafter, constrained those who had worked at BP to eliminate from their writings any clue, however miniscule and indirect, that might lead to public discovery of the very existence of any such organization. Hence the true authorship of a new statistical methodology of that Turing developed for application to the Enigma work, and all other conceivably traceable links to its origin, had to be concealed. As far as I am aware, the present article constitutes the first disclosure on public record that the originator of what is today called sequential analysis (following Abraham Wald's coinage of this term in his post-war publication of a book under that name) was in fact A.M. Turing. His development of a Bayes-derived weights-of-evidence approach to rational belief-revision was more general and more far-reaching than Wald's non-Bayes contribution.

Asked in the 1975-76 taped interview to name Turing's greatest intellectual contribution during the war, Newman had this to say:

NEWMAN: The main ... the real contribution was the statistical theory of Turing which he didn't invent for us [the Newmanry] but for another problem which he was concerned with [Enigma] which afterwards became a very important advance in the statistical method.

EVANS: Could you say something about that?

NEWMAN: Well, it's not my field but it's... something called sequential analysis.

Miring used the dual formulation of probability of the Bayesian school, which gives two distinct interpretations according as we wish to speak of the probability, under some hypothesis (e. g. that "this shuffled pack contains only one of the red suits") of the outcome of an observation (e. g. "I drew a club"), or of the probability of the hypothesis itself.

The first is characterized as a limiting frequency (of an event E) and is often called "objective probability".

The second is characterized as a degree of rational belief (in a hypothesis H) and is often called "subjective probability"

The wartime problem to be solved was of the following type:

A hypothesis initially judged to be true with probability P(H) is subjected to sequential repetitions of a test with a view to deciding either to accept or to reject it. For example, we may wish to decide whether the above-stated hypothesis is true of a given shuffled pack.

We proceed to withdraw cards one at a time, note the colour, and then replace it at a randomly chosen place in the pack. We don't want to commit ourselves to accepting H if it is going to turn out false. Equally we don't want to reject H if it is going to turn out to be true. Each draw of a card costs us x dollars, so we also don't want to go on sampling for too long.

Before Turing, all statistical methods for calculating risks of error were based on fixed sample-size statistics. But can a stopping rule be devised that controls the risks of the two kinds of error to exactly the same extent as the best fixed sample-size procedure and at the cost of substantially fewer repetitions?


The German operators were, not surprisingly, forbidden to retransmit a message without changing the wheel settings. Someone doubtless had figured out the danger of generating a depth through disregarding this precaution. An analogous peace-time interdict is supposed to deter drivers from taking vehicles onto the road without fastening seat belts. Reflection suggests a safer expedient. Road vehicles could by law incorporate interlocks in their manufacture, enabling the ignition to fire when and only when the driver's seat-belt is fastened.

As we know, that is not the way that the minds of civil transport authorities work. Nor was it the way of war-time Germany's military authorities with the Lorenz machine. Rather than commission a re-design, they banned undesired operator behaviours. The curative effect proved patchy at best. By degrees the stable door was in the end closed. By then the horse had bolted. If German cryptanalysts had been given opportunity to vet the Lorenz for design flaws, then the British project to crack it could never have got off the ground. In Britain the code-makers were the Royal Corps of Signals. The code-breakers were the mixed-services signals intelligence organization built up at BP during World War II. Similar compartmentalization prevailed, so some of my colleagues ascertained, both in America and in Russia. Interlock, filtering, etc. precautions would of course at once occur to a codebreaker. In like manner, the only dependable way of protecting corporate and governmental computer networks today from the criminal trespasses of hackers is to hire from their top echelon on the principle of fighting fire with fire.

Generating depths was but the first and most extreme of many human foibles that introduced unwanted regularities into messages. The habit, for example, of hitting shift-up and shift-down keys twice in quick succession, just to make sure, could have been rendered harmless electromechanically. A simple logical filter placed between the stream of characters from the keyboard and the wireless transmitter, could have done the trick. Examples could be multiplied.

At all events, one thing is sure. The day that the world's nations break the hermetic seal between code-makers and code-breakers will see the end of the military cryptology game as we know it.


A common enterprise of comrades: many people of both sexes and of every rank and degree have spoken or written of their WW-II experiences, and of the exhilaration of "Each for all and all for each". At BP, friendship and mutual enjoyment continued in the more than half of each twenty-four hour cycle that was passed outside the wire, at dances with Wrens or ATS, sing-songs in the transport coaches, group expeditions to cinemas and pubs, daytime discussionwalks in the countryside on coming off a night shift.

Fax from being shouldered aside by the urgency of work-time preoccupations, in wartime Britain every kind of cultural interest, educational activity and entertainment blossomed. Twenti-first century leisure notions of dumbed down amusements, of mindless hanging out, ganging up or freaking out, would have seemed like bad news from another planet. Work-place politics, turf wars and petty spites lay in the future. Later, often much later, people of my generation came upon them for the first time and made belated adjustment. I am not alone in the impression that our new world seems sometimes locked in joyless pursuit of the transient, or of the unattainable. We and our juniors elbow each other under ever more unpredictable competitive conditions. Yet memory tells us that today's gathering ills do not necessarily spring predestinate from unalterable flaws. There are other modes of living and working together. We know. We were there.


On 29th September 2000, the 505-page "General Report on Tunny" was released to the Public Records Office by the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), Cheltenham. The document does not give the identities of its authors. They were I. J. Good, D. Michie and G. A. Timms.

The Report details how the "Colossus" high-speed electronic computers were used to break the German wartime enciphering by Lorenz machines of the traffic between Hitler's Berlin HQ and the various Army Groups in occupied Europe and North Africa, including collateral links such as Vienna-Athens. The first manual break in December 1941 of a 4000-characters message intercepted on one of these links was achieved by Brigadier John Tiltman at the secret code-breaking centre at Bletchley. The entire structure and intrinsic logic of the Lorenz machines was then reconstructed by William Tutte from the sample of 4000 characters of pure key obtained by Tiltman. By the late spring of 1942, Major (later Colonel) Tester formed a section able to exploit Tutte's feat so as in favourable cases to recover by hand both the wheel-patterns that defined the current intrinsic logic for a given month on a given link, and also the start positions, or "settings", of the 12 cipher wheels used to encipher each message. As earlier related, I joined the "Testery" soon after its creation.

In December 1942, the mathematician M. H. A. Newman was given the job of developing and testing his bold idea for mechanizing the discovery of cipher-wheel settings of Lorenz-generated messages. He at once commissioned an electronic machine, the "Heath Robinson" (American equivalent: Rube Goldberg), of which the main component was put together by the Post Office at Dollis Hill, and the output printer together with its interface by THE at Malvern.

Early in 1943 he formed his "Newmanry" section with one cryptanalyst (myself), two engineers and 16 Wrens. The prototype prefabricated parts of the the pilot Heath Robinson were delivered soon afterwards, on-site assembly and testing began, and by April 1943 the machine was operational. Wheel-setting trials were started, but ancillary use of the machine was needed for amassing statistics on German military plaintext before operational use could start in earnest. Meanwhile Newman had already followed up with conceptual specifications for the Colossus. He selected the Dollis Hill Post Office research engineer T. H. Flowers, originally recommended to him by Alan Turing, to convert his requirements into detailed implementations. As soon as initial trials using the somewhat temperamental pilot Heath Robinson had indicated feasibility of method, he was able to commission construction of the first of the Colossus machines.

The Colossus design possessed radically new properties. Once the data-tape containing the intercepted ciphertext of a message had been scanned in via the high-speed optical tape reader, the whole business of storing the data and of applying to it trial-and-error combinations of settings of simulated Lorenz-machine wheel-patterns was performed internally. In addition, hand-switches allowed the user to apply specified boolean constraints to the machine's search of the stored data for statistical regularities. Constraints could be varied in the light of intermediate results read from the on-line typewriter. Colossus 1 was assembled over Christmas 1943 and was successfully installed in late January 1944, when it passed its first test against a real enciphered message tape. Operation on a serious scale began in February.

Starting with monthly changes, by the closing stages of the war the Germans were changing the intrinsic logic, that is the wheel patterns, of the Lorenz cipher every day on every link. The German machines at each end of a link acted both in encipher-and-send mode and in receive-and-decipher modes. Provided that the operators at each end ensured that the same patterns and the same settings of the 12 wheels were used for a given transmission, the plaintext message input on punched paper tape at one end was output as plaintext at the other end, having made the journey over the airwaves as ciphertext.

To read the intercepted messages sent on a given link on a given day it was necessary both to break the day's new logic -(represented as patterns set up on the Lorenz machine's 12 wheels) and then, for each of the day's messages intercepted on that link, to discover the starting positions to which each of the 12 wheels had been set for that particular message-transmission. We named the intercepted traffic on the different links, Berlin-Paris, Berlin-Rome, Berlin-Tunis, etc. after different species of fish. The first of these to be broken was called Tunny, and it became a common practice to use "Tunny" as a generic label. This explains the title borne by the Good-Michie-Timms report.

By the end of the war the closely interlaced operations of Colonel Tester's hand-cryptanalysis section (the "Testery") and of Max Newman's machine section (the "Newmanry"), were breaking about 25 new sets of wheel patterns weekly and the complete settings of about 150 transmissions. On grounds of the relative cost-effectiveness of anticipated further effort, a rather larger number of intercepts were abandoned with some settings still not found. Under the coordinated control of 22 cryptographers and 273 Wrens on a 3-shift regime, nine Colossus machines, each weighing over a ton, were working continuously round the clock, with one still under completion. Peak monthly decryption reached in excess of 600 messages per month.

To convey a broad appreciation of the combinatorial magnitudes of the two tasks, of finding the patterns and finding the settings: the number of possible sets of 12 wheel patterns was of the order of 1012. The number of possible settings of the 12 wheels was (41 x 31 x 29 x 26 x 23) x (43 x 47 x 51 x 53 x 59) x (61 x 37), i.e. approximately 10120. The use of parentheses above designates the three kinds of wheels, namely five "chi" wheels corresponding to the five teleprinter channels of 5-hole punched paper tape, five "psi" wheels, and two "mu" wheels, or "motor" wheels. The words in quotation marks are the names of letters that were taken arbitrarily from the Greek alphabet. The mu wheels were of a different character from the others and exercised a control function. Their task was to govern step by step whether the psi wheels were to move on en bloc, in concert with the chi wheels, or whether they should stand still for the current step.

It is worth noting at this point that this further elaboration of the Lorenz machine design had the object of further complicating the task of would-be codebreakers. In actuality it had the opposite effect, introducing a subtle element of regularity. If the motor wheels had been omitted from the German designs, it is overwhelmingly probable that the Fish codes would never have been broken. Pure key, of which Brigadier Tiltman's initial 1941 break provided a sample of some 4000 successive characters, could readily have been so constructed as to destroy any practical possibility of reverse engineering to recover the logic that generated it. Admittedly, with just the 10 chi-wheels plus the 10 psi-wheels, the above combinatorics get knocked down to about 10' and 1017 respectively. But given reasonably prudent restrictions on the properties of the wheel patterns themselves, these reductions still guarantee a sufficient semblance of randomness in the generated chi + psi stream of characters. But as it was, the extra and gratuitous touch of having all psi wheels intermittently stutter in synchrony allowed entry of a serious and systematic departure from randomness, as will later be illustrated.

The 1500-valve Colossus 1 became fully operational in February 1944 with the job of substantively mechanizing the finding of wheel settings. Note that this could only be done for the tiny subset of all traffic for which the wheel patterns for the given link and day had already been broken by laborious, slow and chancy hand processes.

In April 1944, as briefly described by I. J. Good [8], I made a technical proposal which was simple enough to allow the two of us to validate its correctness in a couple of hours' experimentation. Using the machine in ways for which it had not been designed, we demonstrated the feasibility of going beyond the automated finding of wheel settings, to machine-aided breaking of the wheelpatterns themselves - the "intrinsic logic" referred to earlier. Technical aspects of this part of the story will form a main topic of my chapter in B. J. Copeland's forthcoming book [3].

A "crash programme" was immediately authorized at War Cabinet level, targeted on having a working Colossus of the new design in time for D-day on 6th June. This was achieved, with a few days to spare, by a team of Post Office research engineers led by T. H. Flowers' lieutenant A. W. M. Coombs. The task was achieved by equipping the 2500-valve Colossus 2, already under construction since January, with a "special attachment". The design, engineering and patching-in of this attachment was led by a team member, Harry Fensom.

The remaining eight new-design Colossi, each further enhanced over its predecessor, joined the others in rapid succession over the ensuing nine months. Colossus 10 was under completion at the end of hostilities, by which time more than 63 million characters of high grade German messages had been decrypted.

What follows is based on an invited talk delivered by me at the 24 th June (2000) meeting British Society for the History of Mathematics entitled "History of Cryptography."

The Newmanry Report

By good fortune I was able to announce at that meeting my receipt a few days earlier the following memorandum from the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ):




Date: 21 June 2000


This confirms that the two volumes of 'NEWMANRY' are to be released to the PRO. We expect them to be available for public scrutiny in the next few months.

I reproduce below the Table of Contents. The document as a whole is in preparation for publication on the Web by Whit Diffie, known to many as the originator of public-key encryption, now pervasive in commercial computing. A hard copy version will be published by MIT Press. Costs of conversion of the original typescript into suitable forms have been covered by grants to Mr Diffie's co-editor Dr. J. V. Field, the British historian of mathematics, made by the Royal Society of London, the London Mathematical Society and the Royal Statistical Society, with active facilitation from the Public Records Office.

The technical facts concerning the manual breaking of the Fish codes, starting with Tiltman's initial break in December 1941, can be put together in moderate detail from a variety of sources, some listed at the end of this paper. The release of the General Report on Tunny now allows the level of detail as regards machine procedures (Newman's section) to be successfully extended and refined.

The Testry report

Still to reach the public domain is a technical report on the work of Colonel Tester's section. On cessation of hostilities, I was assigned to prepare the latter document, and completed it in a couple of months before joining Good on the "Newmanry" report. Although the Testery report remains classified, I was recently enabled by special arrangement of the Director to visit the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) at Cheltenham and to refresh my memory of it. I also received guidance from GCHQ's Chief Mathematician as to which details in it cannot yet be disclosed.

A good deal of knowledge of these hand procedures is directly inferrable from such sources as those previously referenced, including the "Newmanry" Report. The full "Testery" Report amplifies this knowledge.

The Testery's changing roles

Before the establishment of the Newmanry, the finding of all wheel settings, and of virtually all wheel patterns, was done by hand in the Testery on samples of key, the raw gobbledegook with which the German enciphering machines operated upon the text, of plaintext messages to generate transmitted ciphertext, and even more impenetrable form of gobbledegook. On rare occasions, such as that which Tiltman had seized upon, samples of key could be reconstructed from careless mistakes made by the German operators ("depths", see later). On even rarer occasions a free present of pure key was made by the even more careless error of omitting properly to insert the plaintext message tape into the Lorenz machine's tape reader when starting the transmission. A message consisting of all blanks could result, or if the operator was inadvertently leaning on some arbitrary part of the keyboard, then of continual repetition of the same character.

After the successful launch of the Newmanry, but before the new machine methods were developed to full capability, the Testery retained sole responsibility for breaking wheel patterns. But settings of the chi wheels were now done at speed in the Newmanry from the ciphertext intercept without need of key. Machine methods for additionally breaking chi patterns were subsequently developed and made operational by an extension of Colossus design, the earlier mentioned "special attachment".

It would be a mistake to think that the Testery's role somehow lost its criticality when it proved possible by use of the Newmanry's Colossus machines to break both chi-wheel patterns and settings at rates unthinkable by hand methods. In actuality this development created a new and even more critical role for the Testery.

The Newmanry stage of the operation simply yielded a first intermediate product, in the form of the original intercepted message with the chi-wheel component of the total key stripped out. These partially solved texts from which the effects of the five chi wheels had been removed, were called "de-chi's". A further chain of cryptanalytic successes in the Testery had then to take place before an end-product could finally be mounted on the Testery's electromechanical "Tunny machine" and translated into plaintext. Each further step in the chain required separate elucidation from de-chi text (not key), whether in the form of pattern breaking, or of the much commoner task of finding the start-settings (a) of the five psi-wheels and (b) of the two motor- wheels.

On arrival from the Newmanry of the swelling flood of de-chi's, components (a) and (b) of the original obscuring key, thus remained to be manually broken and mechanically stripped out to yield plaintext. This task was possible, and to the war's end only possible, through the techniques, experience and ingenuity of the Testery's complement of cryptanalysts and ATS operators.

Post-war loss of log books

As was also necessary with the "Newmanry" report, declassification requires that a decision be taken in concert by GCHQ and the US National Security Agency. Eventual declassification of the "Testery report" can hardly be in doubt. In a different category is the irreparable loss of no fewer than 500 hand-written log books, including six exercise-books numbered R0 to R5, in which we recorded and initialled research ideas and points of discussion as they arose. Existence of an additional book labelled R41 is also mentioned in the Report. The GCHQ archivists have made painstaking searches at my request without result. It should be borne in mind that Bletchley Park's successor organization was twice physically uprooted after the war en route to its permanent home at Cheltenham. In such repeated house-cleaning it would not be too surprising if the much-thumbed, ragged and informal appearance of the documents caused them at some stage to be taken for junk, and thrown out.


The audience at my June 2000 talk to the British Society for the History of Mathematics covered so broad a spectrum of backgrounds that I concentrated solely on expounding some basics and telling a story.


Recapitulating the story so far in something like this spirit, I shall at the same time expand on selected aspects of the Colossus series of machines, then relate some extensions of their later scope, and finally comment on their wartime impact on military intelligence.

Three years before Colossus, the Fish story began with the breaking by hand of what was called a "depth". I earlier sketched an explanation of the phenomenon and of its exploitation in the Testery to recover complete lengths of pure key.

Treatment of depths involves a look at some cryptological basics, with special reference to certain properties of the Vernam teleprinter code on which the logic of the German Lorenz ciphers were based. These are exhibited, including an all-important property whereby the "differencing" of a string of teleprint code produces what we called its "delta" form, in which each successive repetition of any character in the undifferenced text is automatically flagged in the delta text as a "/".


Once William Tutte had disinterred the overall logical structure common to all Fish ciphers, Turingery could be applied, whenever pure key was available, to any sufficient long sample. With this method, recovery was possible both for the particular wheel-patterns employed to encipher all traffic transmitted over a particular link for the duration of that pattern set, and to discover the wheelsettings of just those rare messages intercepted on that link that formed a depth. A brief description of the method will be given. But powerful though it was, its domain of applicability was limited to comparatively rare gifts of fortune when German operators strayed from their prescribed path.

Newman's proposal

Newman's proposal for a mechanized attempt on wheel-setting comes next. His idea was to recover the wheel settings from ciphertext messages instead of just those where the underlying key had been handed over on a plate (as depths, see earlier) by insufficiently disciplined German operators. These rare free gifts, which were all that we could so far decipher, were rapidly becoming rarer. Clearly large-scale statistical processing, impossible by hand methods, offered the only chance for breaking and reading the overwhelming majority of intercepts.

Demonstration of feasibilty of machine wheel-setting

Demonstration of his concept in the newly formed Newmanry was obtained by Newman's complement of two cryptanalysts. Having been recruited from the Testery I was shortly joined by I. J. Good, from the Enigma Naval Section. Our capabilities-analysis and use of the custom-built "Heath Robinson", forerunner of Colossus, enabled Newman to commission the Colossus programme and to recruit a new influx of cryptanalysts. There followed a rising curve of collective innovation both cryptanalytic and organizational. Leading roles were played by David Rees and Shaun Wylie among others in effecting a headlong transformation of the reading of the German military traffic, eventually to a factory productionline scale as earlier outlined.

I have already described other material that had an impact on "Fish". The "weights of evidence" method, devised by A. M. Turing for his work on the German naval cipher Enigma, was later employed also both in the Testery and the Newmanry. The widespread notion that his war-time cryptanalytic contribution was limited to Enigma falls far short of the facts.

Incompleteness of coverage

From the topics covered, there are several conspicuous omissions. No description is given here of the "rectangling" procedure with which the breaking of chi wheel patterns was kicked off, and no technical account of how this and the subsequent steps of breaking the chi wheel patterns was turned into a Colossus-aided procedure by special extension of Colossus capabilities. Nor are the Testery's manual procedures described by which the psi-wheel and motor-wheel patterns and settings were obtained from the "de-chi's" which eventually streamed over from the Newmanry in bulk. In what is already a lengthy treatment, it did not seem reasonable to plunge into such depth and detail. Much of the material is already well expounded by Frank Carter [2] in technical reports available from the Bletchley Park Trust. Whatever of interest that is not to be found there will be treated in my chapter in B. J. Copeland's forthcoming book [3].


I interject here a return to the seemingly baffling question: how could it be that, with the means of an operationally unbreakable code at their command, so efficient an opponent could yet hand us on a plate the "depths" that permitted the initial breaks?

The major cause, I believe, is to be sought in a human tendency, common throughout all technology. We prefer to protect a device from misuse by prohibitions issued to its users, rather than to design the device so that it cannot be misused in this particular way. We issue dire penalties for omission of aircraft tire inspections. To administrators this is a quicker, and hence preferable, fix than installing worn-tread detectors that could automatically abort attempted take-off (subject to pilot-override). The trait is not peculiar to any particular time or place. Bureaucracies everywhere prefer immediately applicable measures to those requiring additional planning, particularly if the latter may entail budgetary outlays or new administrative arrangements. It follows that active arms-race, rather than mutually assured impenetrability, will be the continuing pattern of cryptology into the foreseeable future.


Given a length of key the first step is to difference it and to work with delta key. Then it becomes possible directly to exploit the following facts concerning raw undifferenced key.


CHI-STREAM = CHARACTER-STRING GENERATED BY ALLOWING THE CHI WHEELS, ONCE SET, EACH TO STEP ROUND ITS OWN PROPER CYCLE of 41, 31, 29, 26, and 23, repeating the stream only after every 41 x 31 x 29 x 26 x 23 steps. But note that when each of the five teleprinter channels is isolated, we can observe that channel 1 of the chi-stream repeats every 41 steps, channel 2 every 31 steps, and so on. It is therefore a trivial matter, given a length of chi-stream exceeding 41 in length to recover the patterns and settings of the five chi wheels. In the case that we have a similar length of delta chi-stream, exactly the same reasoning applies.


The placement of the pauses is determined by the occurrence of O's in a MOTOR STREAM of O's and l's in which the l's predominate. Its precise construction by the action of the two motor wheels will not concern us.

If we had a sufficient length of psi-stream, we could perform the same recovery trick as before illustrated for the chi-stream, except that in the case of undifferenced psi stream we must first delete all the character-repetitions, and in the case of delta psi-stream we must delete all the I's before proceeding. Of course occasionally a repetition or a / respectively may occur by random chance and not through the action of the motor stream. In that case checks will fail and the cryptanalyst must back off and reconstruct what has happened and exactly where. This he must do by processes of successive conjecture and refutation before continuing and completing the job.

But what we actually have is neither delta chi-stream nor delta psi-stream but their sum, i. e. delta key. Next, therefore, we need to apply some way of first extracting from this the delta chi. What follows is overly condensed and technical, but is included for the benefit of sufficiently interested professional cryptologists. Otherwise the reader is invited to skip to the next paragraph.

Channel by channel we do the following. Assume a value for a given bit in the delta chi wheel, either 0 or 1, and repeat this assumption at the appropriate chi period throughout the differenced key. From the agreement or disagreement of these assumptions with the values found at these periods, inferences are made as to whether the true value or its reverse occurs at that point, and by correlating the results of these inferences the delta chi patterns (and from these the chi patterns, and from these the psi and motor wheel patterns) are obtained.


The limitation on Turingery and on almost everything else done in the Testery was the requirement to have keytext to work on, obtainable only from a small and diminishing number of intercepted depths. Newman based his proposed on a frontal assault on the ciphertext itself, hoping for sufficient occurrence of nonrandom features of the enciphered plaintext.

A small example of regularity in the plaintext was given above, using the keystroke sequence that implements the full stop on a teleprinter. Operationally, it was not actually a "small" example. Military German was crammed with abbreviations, marked by full stops, or by other punctuation signs whose keystroke profiles showed similar statistical regularities. These were found to be most marked in plaintext when the first and second delta channels were combined by addition. By cancelling out to zeros this provided frequent "windows" for viewing snatches of underlying key. As for the delta key itself, a component of it (delta psi) was also sprinkled with blanks resulting from character-repetitions in the non-delta psi-stream. This provided a low but exploitable frequency of peep-holes through which to catch glimpses of delta-chi.

In exploitation of this behaviour, delta-ing the keytext in order to recover delta chi wheels was how Tutte got in in the first place. As we have seen, interception of rare depths made it possible to recover and work on pure key. The Testery used delta key for "Turingery", both to break wheel patterns in the first place, and then, less laboriously, the wheel settings of each individual message subsequently intercepted during the period (initially a month) for which that particular set of wheel patterns was operative for the given link. But as the practice of German operators became more disciplined, so the already sparse availability of pure key became sparser, - for lack of new depths.

Enter Heath Robinson, engineers, Wrens and Good

Funds for Newman's proposal were granted. Two rooms, comprising Hut 11, were provided. The first machine ("Heath Robinson") was conceptually specified, and then designed and built off-site. A few electronic engineers and some operators from the Wrens, plus one cryptanalyst (myself, transferred from the Testery) were assembled. A floorful of pre-fabricated parts was delivered and put under assembly-and-test by the engineers, and the Newmanry sprang into energetic if disjointed activity. I was one day sitting at my table in solitary wonderment when I saw in the further corner a smallish figure seemingly frozen in meditative yet enquiring reverie. He slowly approached with a deliberative step, right arm and hand in semi-extension. I rose and waited for the hand to come into range. At that point he stopped, and gazed composedly upon my bafflement. After what seemed a long while, he made an announcement in tones of quiet precision: "I am Good!"

In April 1987 an international symposium on the Foundations and Philosophy of Probability and Statistics was held to honour Good's 70th birthday. In prefacing my own contribution I remarked that my lifetime experience, (continued today), had confirmed that he was indeed Good then, and has been getting better ever since.


Exhaustive search of the combinations of all five chi-wheel settings at once was of course not remotely possible even for electronic machines. Therefore the strategy that Newman had proposed was, as mentioned above, to find combinations of channels in German plaintext messages that were so productive of statistical regularities that the rest could initially be disregarded without loss in the size of the statistical excesses over chance. In the event, the systematic studies that I helped Jack Good then to conduct, using the first electronic machine (the "Heath Robinson") as a statistician's slave, confirmed Newman's suspicion that adequate relative excesses ("proportional bulges" in our terminology) could be got even after disregarding channels 3, 4 and 5, leaving only 31 x 41 = 1271 combinations of possible settings of the chi-1 and chi-2 wheels to be tried. Once these two chi wheels were set, matters became more problematical. Tackling channels 4 and 5 in like manner sometimes found a marginally sufficient bulge, sometimes not. So more sophisticated statistical properties of plaintext had to be pressed into service. But first such properties had to be prospected for and discovered, perhaps properties that could be forced into the open by exploiting more complex relations between channels.

Advance statistical reconnaissance

The hope, therefore, was that by amassing such statistics, we might eventually operate on raw intercepts as input, without having to rely on depths. Depths were dwindling and were to become vanishingly rare. The heaven-sent gift to the Testery of pure key obtainable from depths can be appreciated when one realizes that key can be seen as key + plaintext in the special case that the plaintext consists of the message: 000000000000000000000000000000, etc. Clearly, here the character repetition frequency is 100%. In other words delta plaintext + delta key gives all zeroes, just as it would if the plaintext message were 11111111111111111, say, or GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, etc. Sometimes, by the way, it was, - at least for long stretches, even in the absence of a depth. My best guess was that the enciphering operator had either fallen asleep in mid key-stroke or had carelessly leaned with his elbow on the keyboard, thus keeping some key depressed. In that case the corresponding character could simply repeat in every machine cycle and be transmitted.

If however the plaintext takes the form of a message in military German, then only when this plaintext message has a repeated character can this act as a little window of "blank" in the delta ciphertext, through which a character of the underlying delta key can be seen. Of course, if the operator "leans on the keyboard" for any length of time, the delta text over the corresponding segment will have a correspondingly extended peephole.

Size and frequency of "peep-holes"

As earlier noted, it so happens that just as the sum of the first two channels gives all zeroes, so also does the sum of channels 4 and 5. On channels 1 and 2 this regularity was usually enough, along with other channel 1 and 2 features of delta German plaintext, to find by machine the settings of chi-1 and chi-2. The features of plaintext on channels 4 and 5 were not always so favourable as to allow the same trick to be applied. Use of the plug-board to cause the machine only to look at channels 4 and 5 at those points which satisfied some condition on 1 and 2 (e. g. that delta of 1 + 2 = 0) was found to increase the 4+5 bulge to a degree that sometimes more than compensated the loss in effective sample size. Other more sophisticated statistical interactions were required to cope with all channels in all cases. First, however, far-reaching knowledge of the intricate statistical characteristics of plaintext was required in order to discover what precisely these statistical interactions might be.

When the first Robinson became operational, Jack Good and I spent our day shift in frontal assault, with Max pacing around for positive results to announce. Although he agreed in theory with our argument that pure reconnaissance of the problem should be the first use of the newly operational machine, the need for credibility, with high ranking military and others dropping in to see what results were being got, pressed sorely on him. Once he had laid it down, Max Newman was not someone that a person in his senses would continue to oppose. From nine to six each day Jack and I accordingly went through the motions.


But many evenings were spent in a clandestine ghost shift, with one or two volunteer Wrens and an engineer. Our purpose was to use the new instrument to gather massive delta plaintext statistics, including in particular the frequencies of zeroes (i.e. repetitions in the original plaintext) in the boolean sum of selected pairs of channels, conditional on what was happening on other channels.

I say above "conditional on what was happening . . . " This was all-important after the first two chi wheels had been got, yielding knowledge of the first two channels of delta-psi + delta-plain. To get knowledge of further, and possibly more recalcitrant, chi wheel settings, we needed somehow to sharpen the statistical "bulges" characterizing other channels of delta plaintext. On the Heath Robinson we could only screen out channels unwanted in a given run by concocting tapes in which the unwanted channels were left all blank. In the Colossus, this conditionalizing was later done at the flick of a set of hand-switches, together with plug-board programming for forming arbitrary boolean combinations of selected channels.

With the aid of Heath Robinson and our volunteer assistants we systematically extracted from Testery decrypts batteries of general rules governing the statistico-logical structure of military German, with and without delta-psi streams superadded. Owing to the action on the psi's of the motor stream, this latter component was guaranteed to supply a stream of extra zero's.

Armed with these tabulations, statistical summaries and empirical rules we were now in a position to make frontal assaults in earnest. This yielded sufficient operational success for Max Newman to announce feasibility. I doubt if he ever knew of the clandestine operation. If he had, his forward-pressing propensity, and preference for focussing on the next big thing, would I believe have led him to smile and dismiss it from mind.

The next big thing, of course, was Colossus.


In the BBC television programme "Station X", subsequently published in book form, Michael Smith remarked:

Colossus was the first practical application of a large-scale programcontrolled computer and as such the forerunner of the post-war digital computer.

Note that it was not a stored-program machine, and hence not a generalpurpose computer. In this sense its logic was more primitive than Charles BaD bage's nineteenth-century designs for his uncompleted Analytical Engine. The world's first general-purpose digital computer became operational in June 1948, when the Manchester "Baby" ran its first non-trivial program. Kilburn and Williams who led the team had been appointed by Max Newman at the end of the war, using money from the Royal Society specifically for the purpose of developing such a machine.

In the light of Newman's wartime part in conceptual design and practical use, the forerunner role of the Colossus machines was rooted not only in their logical affinities to the post-war digital computer but also in the qualities and consequences of a great mathematician and an extraordinary man, my wartime boss from early 1943 until the summer of 1945, Max Newman.

Ten years earlier, in 1935, as a young Cambridge undergraduate Alan Turing had attended Newman's lectures on the logical foundations of mathematics. The experience led him directly to formulate in a now famous paper a weirdseeming mathematical construction known today as the Universal Turing Machine (UTM). We no longer see it as weird. It formed the theoretical base from which not only Newman at Manchester, but also Womersley at the UK's National Physical Laboratory and von Neumann in the USA, launched their immediate post-war machine-building initiatives. Today's multiplying varieties of computing machine, from the smallest hand-helds to the largest supercomputers, are still formally describable as engineering approximations to a single invariant abstract specification, the UTM of 1936. As earlier stated, the Colossus machines were not general-purpose, hence not UTM's. The Colossus 1, however, marked a small step in that direction, and the later Colossi marked a further step in programmability.

The Colossus 2, 3,..., 9 crash programme

Colossus 1 had facilities for plug-board programming. By manipulation of connections and hand-switches, up to 100 boolean functions of selected channels of a running tape could be simultaneously evaluated on the fly. Hard-wired branching was also possible, for example, to effect conditional printing, conditional, that is, on current values of intermediate computed results. As earlier mentioned, I. J. Good [8] helped me to test a proposal for an unorthodox use of the machine which conferred an extension of functionality far beyond that of Colossus 1. The resulting engineering crash programme leading to the Colossus 2, 3, ..., 9 machines nudged the design further in the direction of "programmability" in the modern sense. In a taped interview with Christopher Evans (undated) in the mid-1970's Newman speaks in guarded language (some elements of wartime secrecy were still in force) about

... new problems for, I suppose, reasons perhaps I shouldn't mention, but which had to be dealt with by doing something new with the Colossus itself and it was a great tribute to Flowers' design of this thing that he made it a bit more general than we had asked him to [in Colossus 11 in such a way that when we had these new problems we often found that it could be done on the machine without any modification of it, just as it is. This involved a lot of work by various people. By Good and Michie particularly and all of us ... but it was very satisfactory to find that this machine could do this and this is perhaps ... one of the things which makes it justifiable to say that it is really at least a forerunner and perhaps the first germ of a computing machine; a general purpose computing machine.

In partial corroboration of this, as a "fun" project after the German surrender on May 8th 1945 Geoffrey Timms programmed one of the later Colossi to multiply whole numbers. In practice, only very elementary multiplications could be done; otherwise the machine cycle interrupted the process before the calculation had completed. None the less, Timms thus demonstrated the in-principle applicability of the later Colossi to problem domains far beyond the original.


Among enhancements to later machines a design extension was originated by I. J. Good called "spanning". It enabled the user to screen off selected segments of the data tape from the machine's current inspection, e. g. if suspicion arose during processing that sections of a transmitted message might be offset with respect to other sections. This could occur as a result of losses during interception of individual characters, or of interpolations of spurious characters. Spanning allowed statistical computations to be repeatedly performed on different selected subsets of a given intercepted message suspected of having been corrupted in one or another of these ways. Practical usefulness of spanning for exploratory analysis was very great.

Comparison with ENIAC

The Colossi, then, were special-purpose in practice, but in principle not entirely. They were probably roughly comparable in functionality to the US post-war electronic computer ENIAC, operational in 1946. As sheer performance greyhounds, however, there is no comparison. The later Colossi, for example, could read 5channel paper tape at the astonishing rate of 25,000 characters per second, and were fully operational, round the clock, a full two years before ENIAC's debut.

* This paper was one of several presented at the "History of Cryptography Conference" which took place at Cambridge University, 24 June 2000. The sponsor of the conference was the British Society for the History of Mathematics.


1. Carter, Frank. 1996. Codebreaking with the Colossus Computer, Report No. 1, The Bletchley Park Trust Reports. Milton Keynes: BP Trust.

2. Carter, Frank. 1997. , Codebreaking with the Colossus Computer: Finding the K- Wheel Patterns by Frank Carter, Report No. 4 June 1997, The Bletchley Park Trust Reports. Milton Keynes: BP Trust.

3. Copeland, B. J. (In preparation.) Colossus: The First Electronic Computer. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press.

4. Currie, Helen, (Undated.) An ATS girl's memories of Bletchley Park at war and after. Apply to Tony Sale, c/o BP Trust, The Mansion, Bletchley Park, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK3 6EF UK.

5. Evans, Christopher. (Undated: internal evidence indicates approximately 1976). Pioneers of Computing number 15. Interview in an oral history of computing compiled with the support of the Science Museum in London and the National Physical Laboratory at Teddington, UK.

6. Fensom, Harry. Nov. 1999. Mathematics of Codebreaking (Cryptanalysis) with Colossus or What did Colossus Really Do? Apply to Mr Tim Burslem, Editor, RSS Newsletter, Honeysuckle Cottage, School Road, Waldringfield, Woodbridge IP12 4QR UK.

7. Good, I. J. 1970. Some future social repercussions of computers. Intern. J. Environmental Studies. 1: 67-79.

8. Good, I. J. 1994. Enigma and Fish, Chapter 19 in Codebreakers: the inside story of Bletchley Park. (Eds. F. H. Hinsley and Alan Stripp). Oxford UK: Oxford University Press.

9. Good, I. J. 1980. Pioneering work in computers at Bletchley, Chapter 4 of A History of Computing in the Twentieth Century. (Eds. N. Metropolis, J. Howlett, and Gian-Carlo Rota). New York: Academic Press.

10. Randell, Brian. 1980. The COLOSSUS, Chapter 5 in A History of Computing in the Twentieth Century. (Eds. N. Metropolis, J. Howlett, and GianCarlo Rota). New York: Academic Press.

11. Sale, Tony. (Undated typescript.) Lorenz and Colossus. Apply to Tony Sale, c/o BP Trust, The Mansion, Bletchley Park, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK3 6EF UK.

12. Tutte, William. (Undated.) FISH and I. Apply to Professor William Tutte, 15 Manderston Road, Newmarket Suffolk CB8 0NS UK.

Donald Michie^

^ Professor Emeritus of Machine Intelligence, University of Edinburgh UNITED KINGDOM, and Adjunct Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales AUSTRALIA.


Donald Michie, MA, DPhil, DSc, is Professor Emeritus of Machine Intelligence at Edinburgh University. Born in 1923 and educated at Rugby School and Balliol College Oxford, he served at the Foreign Office in 1942-1945. From 1952 he held research posts in genetics at London University before moving in 1958 to Edinburgh as Senior Lecturer and Reader in Surgical Science. During 1962-1965 he founded and built at Edinburgh the first European centre for Artificial Intelligence research and teaching, and received a Personal Chair in 1967. Leaving Edinburgh in 1984, he founded the Turing Institute in Glasgow and was its Chief Scientist until 1992. He held a number of visiting posts, including at the University of New South Wales, where he is currently Adjunct Professor of Computer Science and engineering. Professor Michie is the author of about 170 papers and five books in experimental biology, cognition, and computing

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