Dominick Norwood

|Dominick Norwood |

|157 Norman Ave. |

|Brooklyn, NY 11222 |

|(618) 560-0562 |

|dominickenorwood@ |

|Programming and design skills |

| |HTML4 / HTML5 |Flash / Flex |OOP / Modular Javascript |

| |CSS2 / CSS3 / Bootstrap |Actionscript |Drupal / Wordpress / Joomla |

| |SASS / Stylus |XML |MongoDB / SQL |

| |Flex Box / CSS Grid |Photoshop |Node / Express / Mongoose |

| |Javascript ES5/ES6/ES7 |Illustrator |PHP / / RoR |

| |Angular 5+ / React / Redux |Premiere Pro |MVC / REST API / |

| |JQuery / Ajax / Typescript |After Effects |GIT / NPM / Webpack 2 |

|Employment history |

| |April 2014 - Present |Haymarket Media Inc. |New York, NY |

| |Senior User Experience Engineer |

| |Hand-Code HTML, CSS, and Javascript for over twenty branded websites based on PSD and Illustrator layouts developed by the |

| |lead designer. Websites use MVC for their framework, Visual Studio as the team IDE, and GIT as the version control |

| |system. |

| |Lead creation and implementation of code architecture for all major redesigns of branded sites and manage team members on |

| |best practices to build upon or enhance that code architecture. |

| |Produce streamlined browser apps that utilize AngularJS and MongoDB. |

| |Make sure all sites and their features are responsive for mobile devices. |

| |Responsible for majority of front-end development concerning the advancement of Advertisement Operations using Google |

| |Publisher Tag (GPT) API. |

| |Test sites and their features across all major browsers, their versions, operation systems, and mobile devices. |

| |Develop flash creatives and handle any special projects that fall out of scope of the departments normal work flow. |

| |Work in two week sprints with a team of fifteen developers and participate in daily SCRUM meetings. |

| |Communicate with project managers, editors, and supervisors on the progress and inner workings of projects and their issues. |

| |Attend all necessary meetings and give opinion on new features and ideas to advance overall structure of sites and |

| |advertisement. |

| |Manage time and tickets using JIRA. |

| |April 2011 - October 2014 |Lelander |St. Louis, MO |

| |Interface Engineer, Multimedia Developer, Web & Mobile Designer |

| |Hand-Code HTML, CSS, and Javascript for websites based on PSD, PNG, and Illustrator layouts. Websites use Coldfusion for |

| |their back-end. |

| |Work alongside and lead teams of developers to create websites and applications for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. The |

| |best practices of MVC, SVN, and GIT are used for larger group projects. |

| |Produce online apps and websites using full Javascript stack including AngularJS, BackboneJS, MongoDB, ExpressJS, and Node. |

| |Design UI for mobile applications, responsive CSS sites, and desktop websites. |

| |Integrate third party API and libraries into websites and applications. |

| |Create flash banners, animations, and applications using Actionscript. |

| |Test sites across all major browsers, their versions, operation systems, and mobile devices. |

| |Research and implement Organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO). |

| |Handle video requests including editing, effects, and encoding. |

| |March 2011 - September 2011 |FloodLight Design |Chicago, IL |

| |Interface Engineer |

| |Hand-Code HTML, CSS, and Javascript for websites based on PSD layouts. Websites use Wordpress or Joomla for their back-end. |

| |Test sites across all major browsers, their versions, and operation systems. |

| |May 2010 - June 2011 |Imagery Marketing Group |St. Louis, MO |

| |Interface Engineer & Multimedia Developer |

| |Hand-Code HTML, CSS, and Javascript for all websites based on PSD layouts. Websites use a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) |

| |stack for their back-end. |

| |Research and implement Organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click and Adwords. |

| |Create Rich Internet Applications (RIA) using Flash or JQuery. |

| |Keep current with the latest web design and development trends. |

| |Incorporate third party tools for social media, email marketing, and Google Analytics. |

| |Test sites across all major browsers, their versions, and operation systems. |

| |Build HTML and simple text email campaigns. |

| |Handle video requests including editing, effects, and encoding. |

| |Maintain and update current client sites. |

| |December 2006 – May 2010 |Insite Advice |St. Louis, MO |

| |Interface Engineer & Multimedia Developer |

| |Hand-Code HTML, CSS, and Javascript for all websites based on PNG layouts. Majority of websites used Ruby on Rails as their |

| |back-end while others used PHP or ASP. |

| |Create flash animations or flash applications requiring Actionscript programming. |

| |Test sites across all major browsers, their versions, operation systems, and mobile devices. |

| |Handle all video requests including editing, effects, and encoding. |

| |Research and implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click and Adwords. |

| |Style sites to incorporate Insite's copyrighted CMS as well as third party CMS such as Joomla and Wordpress. |

| |Work with clients and manage projects to ensure sites launch on time and on budget. |

| |Perform maintenance and updates for current live sites. |

|Education |

| |Savannah College of Art and Design |2002 |

| |Savannah, Georgia |

| |B.F.A., Video/Film |


| |Portfolio: , GitHub : |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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