How to Create an Empty String in Kotlin? - Tutorial Kart

How to Create an Empty String in Kotlin?

Kotlin ? Create Empty String

To create an empty String in Kotlin, assign the variable with empty double quotes "" , or with String class constructor String() .

The syntax to create an empty String using double quotes is

myStr = ""

The syntax to create an empty String using String constructor is

myStr = String()


In the following program, we will create an empty String using double quotes. To check if the string is empty or not, we will print String.isEmpty().


fun main(args: Array) { var myStr = "" println("Is the String empty : ${myStr.isEmpty()}")



Is the String empty : true

In the following program, we will create an empty String using String constructor.


fun main(args: Array) { var myStr = String() println("Is the String empty : ${myStr.isEmpty()}")




Is the String empty : true


In this Kotlin Tutorial, we learned how to create an empty String using double quotes or String constructor, with the help of examples.

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