
What to do Before, During, and After the College VisitBefore Your College Visit:Call to schedule a formal tour and information session.Identify the name of the admissions counselor responsible for Montgomery County and schedule 5 minutes to say “hello” and ask questions you may have about the particular school and its admissions process.If interested in sitting in a class, ask the admissions rep to set this up.Research the school by using college guide books and websites.Give yourself enough time to explore the campus, eat a meal, and visit special interest places that you might be interested in seeing.During Your College Visit:Introduce yourself to the admissions rep for Montgomery County regardless if you have set up a meeting or not.Review any academic departments and offerings that interest you. (i.e. If you are interested in Athletic Training as a career, find out everything the department offers in terms of academics, research, and internship opportunities. This is the perfect time to get detailed and specific!)Ask Questions:Questions to ask Students and Campus Tour Guides: Why do students choose this college? What’s the best thing about your school? What is the glue that binds social life? Outdoors? Greek life? Athletics? Intellectual discussions? How active is the social life here? What happens on weekends on campus? How would you evaluate the balance between spending time on academics and spending time on personal and social things? What do students complain about most? Do you have any student traditions on campus? How active is the college in helping students with academic and career planning?How comfortable will I feel walking through campus at night? How safe is your campus? Do students know one or two professors well enough to ask them for a work or graduate school recommendation? What help will I get? When did you last meet with a professor? How are roommates chosen? How much time do students on average spend on homework each week? How often are things learned in class discussed outside class? Questions to ask admissions officers/professors: What are typical course requirements—how many exams, papers, etc. Who teaches intro courses—professors or grad students? What arrangements are made for advising and tutorial help? What opportunities exist for study abroad or independent study? Do most students study abroad? Are internships or independent study opportunities common? After graduation, what do students do? Grad school? Get a job? What is a typical freshman-year program like? Why is this a good college for me to study my selected major? What if I don’t know my major? What kind of feedback do students get on coursework and how often do they get it? Is this a good place to explore? How much freedom will I have to choose freshman courses? Will any of my high school courses (Honors or AP) count for college credit? Wander around campus to see what students are doing outside of the classroom. Do they have the types of activities you are interested in pursuing?Eat a meal on campus!Visit a dorm room or other living environment.Write down names and contact information of any teachers or admissions staff that you meet.Jot down notes to remember your thoughts on each school.After Your College Visit:Write thank you emails to anyone you met on the faculty or admissions staff.File your notes in a place that you can go back and review.Ask if you can see yourself attending this school. A gut feel is what you are looking for.Have Fun and Enjoy the Process! ................

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